The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 40

"What, what?" On the side, Yusevka was ready for blood therapy, and looked at Zelin curiously. She seemed to have recovered from the blow brought by her sister, or pretended to recover. "If not For other things, I want to start blood therapy for her. You are right, we don’t have much time, and her condition is getting worse all the time."

"No, wait... Yes, you must wait"

Zelin waved his hand to stop Yusevka's next movement, and took out the skinning knife hidden in his waist. The knife pierced the female doctor’s sister's arm before, and there was some blood stains on the tip of the knife, but it was harmless. The demon hunter held the handle of the knife with his backhand, and the tip of the knife was placed on a black bruise in Amelia, feeling the agitation inside, and then looking for a chance to gently stroke


Like the sound of a balloon being punctured, the dark red liquid spewed out in a flash, splashing on Zelin’s fingers and Yusevka’s skirt, but it was not the expected clot of blood, but another terrible one. Stuff

"A terrible thing..." Gascoigne was sitting next to a fallen tombstone. This is a cemetery. The former neat tombstone fell to the ground, and the tombstone beside the priest just fell to a nearby old locust tree. On the tree, a perfect inclination is formed just to allow people to sit on it and rest. "What have you found, Henrik, my old friend"

The priest muttered to himself. He raised his head and looked at the iron gate behind the cemetery. There was the route to the church. Henrik didn’t know what he had found. He suddenly said he was going to the church, so that Gascoigne must be there. Waiting for him here. Although staying in one place on the night of the hunt is very dangerous, Henrik must have his reasons for letting him do this. Gascoigne believes in his companions and chooses to continue to wait. If Henri takes a long time He didn’t come back, so he opened the door and went to the church to find the horrible things that his companions and Henrik had found.

With a sigh, the priest shook the blood-stained hand axe and the hem of the windbreaker. This weapon has killed many townspeople since dusk until now. The blood sticks to it like mud, and the stench is lingering. Scoyne rubbed his waist, which had become sore from the long battle.

Getting old...

The hunter’s combat skills are as exquisite as he was when he was young. Blood therapy does have the effect of prolonging life, but Gascoigne rarely goes to church town to receive blood therapy from a blood therapist. He prefers to stay at home with his wife and daughters. . The daughter is very well-behaved and often sings to his father, and so does the wife, who is always so gentle and considerate. Every time I think of protecting my well-behaved daughter and gentle wife, even on the night of hunting, staying in the cemetery in the cold wind is no longer an unbearable thing.

Gascoigne reached out to his waist. There was a music box at home. It was a gift from his daughters. Whenever he was in trouble, it has become a priest's habit to listen to the music box to relax. Now, he wants to take out the music box and think about his family, so that his mind can throw away the killing scenes, the disgusting blood spraying everywhere.

However, his hand could not find anything-the music box is still at home, he forgot to bring it

However, what Gascoigne did not notice was not only the music box at home, but also the complicated gaze under the beak mask on the higher platform not far away.

PS: Thanks again! I really didn't expect to have so many readers who are willing to subscribe. Today, I will update the second time temporarily, and continue to add updates tomorrow depending on the situation. Thank you again. Continue to push the reader group: 342439730. Griffin School of Demon Hunting and Hunting Academy_(:зゝ∠)_. If you have any comments, please tell me in the reader group and book review area. I need a mirror to ensure that the quality will not be reduced due to the addition. Otherwise, I am sorry to get a bunch of chapters out of the water. These subscriptions

Chapter 90 A Salted Fish

How does it feel to have bugs in the blood?

Zelin never thought about this kind of problem. Although the issue of symbiosis is not without scholars in his world, no one has ever studied the symbiosis of blood. Symbiosis is usually the pseudo-rats crawling in the basement. The water ghosts entrenched in the sewers, the Zhuowugler hiding in the garbage dump, the dirty moats are covered with flatworms, and even the Tayammo can be seen everywhere in the pond of the mill. This is a symbiosis, so to speak. It is a parasite, such as a ghoul in the cemetery who started to dig the corpse to eat the next day after the funeral, or a tomb witch who scooped up bones to make soup and drink

But blood is blood. Zelin has seen all kinds of blood, humans, dwarves, elves, and all kinds of monsters. Some of them flowed out after being killed by him, and some died in front of him. Sometimes in order to follow clues, he would carefully study the remaining blood stains or corpses. There are other opinions, but what is certain is that they will not say that the blood they use for the carnival is actually symbiotic with dense insects.

"What is this, Yusevka?"

Zelin pursed his mouth and looked at the blood on his palm and about half a knuckle length inside. There were about ten string-like bugs, of which only one or two were slightly twisted, and the others were motionless—it should have been Killed, Zelin doesn’t doubt whether the toxicity of white honey can kill a few bugs, but he doesn’t know if the human body here is different from what Zelin understands because of different reasons in the world, but Yusevka’s reaction shows This is definitely not what humans should have

"I...I don't know." The female doctor looked at the thing in Zelin's hand in surprise, "I don't know, but if I want blood therapy, killing these parasites is not a problem."

"I don't think so..."

Zelin squinted at Amelia. She is the bishop of the Healing Church. She once received blood therapy, and her blood is no longer the same as ordinary people. Along the way, the silver-haired bishop kept mumbling that she was a fool, a fool who was cheated, and Yusevka believed that blood therapy was the best thing, and all of this came from the healing church, so the healing church...

Thinking of this, Zelin couldn't help feeling dizzy. The dizziness he had just passed through the portal reappeared. He bent over and covered his forehead and sighed. It is not his specialty to make non-professional inferences. He knows what kind of traces will be left by what kind of monster attacks, he knows that gorefiends **** blood and evil spirits can eat people, and he knows what kind of monsters are leaving traces on the scene of the attack. But if someone asked him to be a detective, he would recommend someone to Orsonford Town to find Kurdin Finn. The two of them are well-known detectives in the north, except for the monsters before killing people. Zelin is the opposite

"You don't look good, let's drink something"

"Well, thank you"

Zelin took the glass handed by Yusefka, and a slightly pungent blood cocktail echoed in it

"Don't you have anything that has nothing to do with blood?"

"Sorry" Yusevka smiled apologetically, and held his left arm with his right hand. "There is not much blood left. If you want to drink, um...I don't mind."

With a sigh, Zelin put the blood cocktail on the side table and waved to indicate that he really didn't want to drink blood. He walked to the package he had thrown aside before. The cloth bag had collapsed a lot compared to when he first arrived, but there was still some necessary food and clean water in it. It can be supported for a period of time. Although this night is indeed a bit too long, it is like that long and somewhat outrageous afternoon. If necessary, he would like to visit the Orton Chapel. He is more and more uneasy. The time concept and Whether the concepts he is familiar with are the same

A bottle of water, a salted fish, and fruits prepared in advance... Zelin frowned

The look of the fruit is not right. These things are not like salted fish. The salted fish was just a salted fish for as long as it was left. The salted fish half a year ago is still salted today. He originally planned to eat the fruit within a few days after he came to the new world. After all, you can eat fruit while on the way, but you can’t eat bacon while on the way. At one day's time, but these fruits looked like they had been thrown in the bag for at least ten days, and a thin white layer appeared on them.

Shaking his head, he reached out and took out all the spoiled fruits inside, otherwise it would be a pity that the precious meats were stained with the rotten smell of fruits. After clearing the backpack, the demon hunter's sight finally stayed on the misplaced white honey, which should have been placed on the other side.

Suddenly, Zelin thought of one thing, a very important thing



"Is the blood in the wine the same as the blood used in blood therapy?"

"Well... the essence is the same. If you want to learn about blood therapy, I can tell you about it, but I suggest blood therapy as soon as possible." Yusevka stood beside Amelia doing something, back To Zelin, "Her situation is still stable for the time being, but if you drag it down...hey, what are you doing?"

Zelin held the potion bottle and walked to the wooden table and held up the wine glass again, but instead of drinking it, he poured a part of the white honey potion into the glass.

Yusevka just showed a look of regret, and was immediately replaced by shock. The blood in the glass seems to boil, but it is not the result of the potion heating the cocktail, but it reacts with something in the wine, to be precise, it is a parasite mixed in the blood of the cocktail. When the potion touched the blood, these bugs rolled violently. They couldn't resist the potion's toxicity, as if they would also be crushed under the feet, but when they were stimulated by the poison, they could not be seen by the naked eye. To them, so the wine glass seemed to be heated and boiled. Soon, the liquid in the glass calmed down, and there were corpses of insects floating on the surface.

"This is indeed a problem. You can't use these things for blood therapy." Zelin noticed that Yusevka's face was not very good. Although I don't know why these bugs appeared in the blood, no matter how you think about it, this is not a good thing. There was a general inference in his mind. There are parasites in Amelia’s blood, as well as in these daily drinking products. Just like the pollution of a city’s water source may lead to plagues, then will Yanan’s blood be contaminated? Caused a strange plague

This is only Zelin's speculation. So, will it be safe to find some clean blood for blood therapy? "I remember you just said that some of the blood used for blood therapy was left by past patients. Does the Yanan Center have any? People you know, those who haven't been to the church town for blood therapy... Yusevka? Yusevka?"

"Ah, oh, I'm listening, uh, what did you just say" The female doctor looked like the nun in the temple was distracted by the priest when she was studying, she raised her head quickly

Zelin narrated her words again. Yusevka was a little absent-minded, as if there was something on her mind, she didn't even notice that her left hand clutching the skirt was about to tore the poor clothes. After thinking about it, the female doctor replied, "Remember the Father Gascoyne I thought you mentioned. Oh yes, you have met him. If anyone I know at the Yanan Center has never received blood It’s only for the two daughters of the priest, right. Are you going out? Um... can you leave the medicine in your hand, yes, that’s it, please."

Yusevka clenched his left arm again, and under the thin sleeves, blood was still leaking from the wound left by preparing a cocktail for Zelin to draw blood. Although the female doctor is staying in the clinic at this time, she feels as cold as she is standing in a cold wind

Daughter, they should stay at home obediently...

Tightening the scarf around his neck, Viola had a cold fight in the cold wind. She now finally understood how dangerous the night her husband was fighting. More than once, she saw the veterinarian patients, killing ordinary townspeople who did not hide at night, and drinking their blood. She didn’t know why the townspeople didn’t hide in their homes. It was possible that all other people in the family were infected with the veterinary disease plague, or it was because they had developed the veterinary disease plague and were driven out by other people in the house. In their hands, I am afraid that the end will not be any better than others

As for the possibility of her daughter and husband contracting the veterinary plague, Viola didn’t know, and she didn’t want to think about it, but she knew one thing. In any case, she would not leave her daughter and husband behind.

Gascoigne, he's fighting such a monster... Looking at the veterinarian on the road, Viola couldn't help feeling heartache. Every time her husband came back, he showed a happy appearance, never Tell his family what a dangerous job he calls "simple execution". Although everyone knows what hunters' jobs are about, when his wife understands her husband's job so clearly, Viola The worry in my heart is even worse

Adjusting the position of the scarf again, Viola cautiously stepped on the tiles under her feet. In order not to make the footsteps that attract the attention of the veterinarian, she took off her soft boots and held it in her hand. The road is full of malicious people. Viola found a wooden ladder to climb to the roof to avoid the beastized townspeople wandering back and forth on the street.

She finds her husband back, takes him back home with her, stays with her daughters, don't care about church work, let other hunters do these things, don't let Gascoigne face them. Viola knew that he was very selfish in thinking this way, but it was the selfishness of a wife, the selfishness of a wife who cared about her husband and daughter.

After looking around and making sure that no one was coming in this direction, Viola climbed down the ladder and ran to the side of the road quickly. She can’t let anyone see herself. The road leads to the cemetery on the edge of Yanan’s center. Gascoigne mentioned that cemetery when he talked about his friend Henrik at home. Finding a place for her husband, then there is only one cemetery. As for whether we can see it there, Viola is not sure, but a targeted action is better than walking around in a dangerous night like a headless fly.

We will all be safe...

PS: Thank you for subscribing to Zizi. If there are no surprises, there will be a second watch tonight

Chapter 91 The Little Girl’s Entrustment

Yusevka's arm holding the white honey potion couldn't stop shaking

Zelin left the clinic not long ago. Father Gascoigne’s home is not far from here. It is not expected that there will be too many battles, so he left the cloth bag in the clinic with only Foehn bombs and Thunder, and Two swords and a crossbow, you probably won’t encounter a situation similar to fighting Amelia, so instead of carrying a lot of things, it’s better to start lightly, which is more convenient along the way.

The only dangerous person in the clinic is Yusefka’s sister. She was knocked out and **** with twine to form zongzi. Before Zelin left, she woke up once, yelling nonsense about sublimation and the universe, so As the oldest person in the clinic, the demon hunter decided to tell him a little bit of life experience---if you are **** by someone, you must be calm, so that the kidnappers will not detect your attempt to escape. If you are about to be hanged, go and ask for a glass of water. No one knows what will happen before the water is delivered, and you have not met the above conditions, and you keep saying things that other people don’t like to hear. Then Zelin had to let her realize the fate of speaking without thinking

She was gagged and thrown into the bedroom on the third floor. Yusevka has been avoiding questions about her sister during this period, but Zelin can see that the relationship between the female doctor and her sister can never be summed up in one or two sentences. He will not treat this sane sister. Do it, because this is Yusevka’s family affair, only Yusevka has the right to decide, not a demon hunter who has just been here for a long time

The female doctor held the blood collection bottle in the other hand, and the rolled up sleeve of her right hand revealed the skin pierced by the blood collection bottle needle. Yusefka seemed very nervous during the blood collection, which completely did not meet her doctor's level. Her arm was blue and purple, but she didn't care about it, but stared at the blood in the blood collection bottle, to be precise, staring at the white honey potion that was about to flow into the blood collection bottle.

"It's a lie..."