The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 401

The dragon is dead, gold is close at hand, and they can rebuild everything. The survivors are entitled to all of this. They have paid so much to defeat the dragon. They have lost their homes twice because of Smaug.

When they crossed the hillside, at the other end of the wasteland in front of them, facing the direction of the lonely mountain, a huge ruined city stood on the plain. Many ancient houses, tall buildings and city walls still show their remaining scale. The mere ruins are enough to imagine how majestic the river valley city was in the past. Changhu Town can accommodate close to 1,000 residents, but the scale of River Valley City is just a ruin enough to provide housing for five times the number of residents in Changhu Town, not to mention that traces of the city can be found near Changhu .

They traveled all the way through the wasteland. The walls of River Valley City were well preserved. The most severely damaged places were sentry towers and arrow towers, or the towers on the city wall. This is because Ji Ruian summoned archers to shoot monsters when the dragon attacked, so the places in these cities suitable for counter-attack were taken care of by Smaug. Fortunately, most of the houses built with stones in residential areas are intact, and people can shelter them from the wind and cold.

When Bud returned to Long Lake Town, he was immediately surrounded by cheering and excited crowds. Everyone, everyone who stayed in Long Lake Town to fight the dragon was surrounded by cheers and gratitude. The survivors welcome the return of the hero who defeated the dragon and liberated the area. Everyone saw the tragedy of Long Lake Town on the city wall. They were very fortunate to be able to evacuate in an orderly manner before the dragon attack, otherwise they would be caught off guard by the dragon attack. Among them, they don’t know how many people Yaao died in the sea of ​​flames. Don't say how many supplies can be found to help those who survive the winter.

They took out the food and water, and the archers immediately began to eat and drink. The battle with the dragon almost exhausted their stamina, and more people gathered around Bud, asking him to tell people about the process of killing the dragon. Bud turned his gaze to the place where Zelin had been before, but found that the demon hunter had disappeared among them in the blink of an eye when the enthusiastic crowd came around.

Perhaps in the future there will be a story of archers and wizards joining forces to fight against evil dragons, but now, Zelin needs to take a break, clean up the stuck crossbow, and count the remaining materials and supplies. Of course, the most important thing is to prepare for the next plan. . When he went to Gushan, he was going to see with his own eyes how many of the legendary Gushan treasures were. Take the share that belongs to you by the way.

Although since I came to this world, I have experienced a series of dangerous things, but the result is still good. The dragon is dead, the people are liberated, and the demon hunters will get their own rewards, a perfect story. If he could, he would wait until all the dust settled, and return to Long Lake, trying to see if he could find something valuable from Smaug's corpse with the help of the killer whale. The scales of the dragon can be made into armor that is impenetrable, and the claws and teeth can easily cut through metal, just like a hot knife cuts butter.

He would not abandon such a treasure.

The lonely mountain in the distance is still silent, but after the death of the dragon Smaug, no one will be afraid of the lonely mountain. Today, it is just an empty dwarf fortress.

Along the way, Zelin heard people talking about the Gushan treasure everywhere, guessing the size and number of the treasure, and began to fantasize about how magnificent River Valley City could be rebuilt after they got the treasure. Although some people think that they can use all the treasures in it, but the new king of the valley, Bud, who has been recommended by the people, insists that they can only take away part of themselves, and don’t take any of the extra treasure, which belongs to the dwarves. Things, even if Thorin and the others are killed because of this, there will be other dwarves who are eligible to inherit the Lonely Mountain Iruba.

And there are just a few such dwarves in River Valley City.

"Where are you going, Bofer, Kili?"

The dwarves who were left in Longhu Town were packing their bags. They helped the townspeople move their continued food and blankets into River Valley City along the way. The ruins were cold and there were no people for a long time. Before the houses were cleaned up again, people had to rely on blankets and bonfires to keep warm. The dwarves also received blankets.

"We are going back to the Lonely Mountain. No matter what happened to Thorin and the others, the Lonely Mountain was the fortress where our ancestors lived. We have to go back, at least, to put an end to this journey." The dwarves stretched out their hands. The Kilifili brothers, Beauver, and Bomber, they reached out to the demon hunter.

"Thank you, wizard. The hall will be cleaned up when we go back, and you are always welcome to Iruba."

Zelin stretched out a hand in response.

"I can't ask for it."

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Chapter 739: Heavy Snow

Next, there was a snowfall in the wasteland.

It has not been snowing for a long time here, and it seems that this wasteland has been completely abandoned by nature since Smaug occupied the lone mountain. The snow is not heavy, but it is an eager reminder to people that winter is approaching and they must solve the problem of the ruins of the city before them as soon as possible. After a larger-scale snowfall appears, it will be difficult for them to survive with only the existing houses and food. Although the evacuation from Changhu Town brought a lot of food, they couldn't stay among the ruins all winter, leaning against the campfire, clutching the food and shivering.

"Come here to help your hand and move these stones out!"

"We need wooden boards to make a new door and repair the roof to prevent rain and snow from leaking in."

Stepping on the snow-filled streets and being able to walk on the hard streets again made Zelin feel good. The water city style of Long Lake Town feels novel, but after a long time, the feeling of listening to the sound of the water all day and shaking on the canoe every day is still unacceptable to the demon hunter, perhaps a Skelly from the archipelago. Will be more adaptable, but not Zelin.

"Do you need help?" Zelin walked to a chamber-style building and asked the people who were repairing the building and clearing the ruins and debris inside. People are enthusiastic, as if a happy life is right in front of them.

Indeed, as long as they survive this winter, when the news of the death of the dragon arrives in spring, merchants and travelers will return here. The gold of Gushan is enough to allow everyone to live a prosperous life. They are paving the way for a better life at their fingertips in the future.

"Oh, wizard." The town residents saw Zelin coming with a surprised look on their faces. "Of course, of course, if you can, please help. We need to remove the huge stones inside. Those stones It just blocked the road leading to the inner room."

"Then leave it to me."

The scale of the city is not small. Some people on the streets with blankets and bamboo baskets are distributing food. People light bonfires on the streets and on the city walls, or light flames in the well-preserved braziers in River Valley City. When hundreds of residents entered the city, it was rare to gain popularity in the ruins.

By the way, Zelin also saw Bud among the people repairing the ruins of the chamber. He was also here, commanding and assisting people in clearing out the various passages of the hall. Unlike the others, Bud is familiar with this hall.

"Why are you rushing to clean up this place? Is there anything important in it?"

It is not difficult to clean up these stones, although Zelin mostly uses Alderfayin to solve the problem when he encounters the gravel pile in front of him. But this was cleaning up the stones, not about blasting the gravel pile together with the nearby wall into a hole, he still chose to help move the stones out one by one like a normal person.

"A warm underground hall, and the ancient warehouses of River Valley." Bud's ancestor was the lord here, and no one here knows the ruins of this city better than him. "The flames of Smaug cannot burn through the ground, I think There should be some old things that can be used inside. The space inside is large enough to allow all the elderly and children who can't stand the cold to go inside. If we are lucky, we can find something special." Bud clapped his hands. Slap off the dust on your body while moving the rocks. He looked around, walked out of the hall, and motioned the demon hunter to talk with him elsewhere.

The fine white snow left a trail, and the snow on the city wall was the most, making the city wall made of pale white stones appear brighter. There still remains the scorched blackness left by the flames of the dragon. In the past, people stood here to fight the dragon. Now, they walked to the city wall, and the wasteland below was unobstructed.

"Special things?" Zelin put his hand on the battlements of the city wall. "Let me guess. The special things that can be used after nearly a hundred years are armor and weapons? Or maps? Or something related. Books? I don’t expect any food and water to be covered in dust and cobwebs."

"It's weapons and equipment." Bud squinted slightly, looking at the snowy white wasteland in front of him. "Below the chamber is the armory of River Valley City. Of course, that space is large enough that most people can hide in it to avoid the cold. , The premise is that we clean it out first."

"Are you worried about war?" Zelin raised his eyebrows.

"In the past, the valley city was rich and powerful, not to mention the dwarven alliance of Iruba. People would praise this place, and the evil in the north would not dare to approach the solitary mountain. But now the dragon is dead, and there are only a few dwarves in the solitary mountain. There are only a group of refugees under Longyan in River Valley City, and there will be unruly people who will look at Gushan for the treasures in it. A strategic location is needed."

A few dark clouds drifted in the sky, and it seemed that there was another heavy snow gathering in the sky.

"What news did you hear?"

"Elves, Legolas, he warned me that when the dragon dies, bad things may happen." Bud shook his head. "But even if there are no other people, we are in a bad situation. In Long Lake Town. At that time, we could still rely on fishing to solve the problem of food shortages, but now, our food is limited, and food must be distributed, otherwise the remaining food may not be enough to sustain it."

A bonfire was lit at the gate of Gushan on the opposite side, but people weren’t in a hurry to go to the Gushan to take the gold. Survival now is the most important thing. Alfred actually successfully transported the mayor's gold, and now the gold is packed in the urn and stacked in the courtyard in front of the chamber. Now the flattery started wanting to play for Bud again. It seemed that Bud was a broad-minded person, and he did not bear any grudges against Alfred for making things difficult for him when the mayor was still in the past. Although Zelin doubted Alfred's ability to do things.

"Do you need me to investigate on the other side of the wasteland? Give me a horse and fill my water bag with water. I can go to the other side of the wasteland to take a look." Zelin asked Bud, "If there is one If an army is coming from the other side, I can warn you in advance."

"No, at least until tomorrow." Bud sullied his mouth and looked at the sky. "It may be snowing again. Let's go back and clear out the chamber as soon as possible. The underground building should be well preserved, much warmer than outside."

"How long can the food last?" Standing on the wall, when Bud walked down the stairs, Zelin suddenly asked, "Tell me the truth."

Bud took a deep breath.

"The food consumption of more than 700 people is not a minority. It may last ten days. Unless we can find a new source of food."

The 740th chapter black cloud crushes the city

Dark clouds drifted slowly across the deserted plain, casting patches of haze on the yellow-brown ground.

A black team is advancing on the wasteland, like a group of terrible black monsters, wriggling all the way forward, preparing to swallow any creatures that stand in front of them. Black armor covers every orc soldier, weapons and shields, and the pack of wolves that follow between the teams. The evil bats hovered over the head of the orc army, as if echoing with them, trying to swallow the sky when the orcs flooded the earth.

The orcs who attacked Long Lake Town were less than one-tenth of this army of orcs. Not to mention that they are well-equipped and well-trained. These orcs are arranged in several arrays, with each hundred orcs as a square array, led by an orc whose armor is obviously different from other soldiers. Behind the huge ogres are siege equipment, and the trebuchets and orcs' unique siege weapons have no sense of inconsistency in these giant beasts. At the forefront of the orc army, a pale orc riding a white wolf was looking seriously at the uneven hills on both sides.

The pale orc’s right arm was chopped off. Normally, the right hand being chopped off is equivalent to cutting off a warrior’s next combat career, but this orc is different. In the place where his right hand should have been, he made a sharp bend. The blade was replaced, and the lower end of the blade was inserted into the orc's broken arm. The blade has no hilt, the blade is the lost right hand of the orc.

Corresponding to this legion, an orc riding a wolf ran to meet them.

"It's the elves of the woodland kingdom!"

This was the only orc Zelin knew, Polger, who commanded the attack on Long Lake Town, the "elf prince, and a female elf. They followed us to Long Lake Town. The dwarf escaped into the Lonely Mountain, and Smaug died. "

The pale orc raised the blade of his right hand, and the orc army that was advancing behind immediately stopped and waited for orders. If Legolas was nearby, he would definitely find out who was leading this army, and then return to River Valley City and Woodland Kingdom as soon as possible to warn others.

The pale orc, Azog the Blasphemer, the king of orcs in the north, it was he who cut off the head of the dwarf king Thor in the mines of Moria. Now, he is leading this army, heading towards Gushan.

"Did you kill them?" The white wolf that Azog sat down circled around Polger, narrowing his small bright yellow eyes. "Have you cut off their heads?"

"They ran away." Polger lowered his head, then added, "Like a coward!"