The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 405

"I can't guarantee, but I will try my best." Zelin looked at the corridor on the other side, turned and walked into the interior of Iruba.

The 746th chapter is in the lonely mountain

Thorin does have a back hand, the dwarven legion of the Iron Hills. Although Zelin doesn't know how many soldiers they have, the number is definitely not much worse than that of the elves. When the time comes, the two sides will fight on the plains. It is difficult to say who wins and who loses, but one thing is certain. Once a war starts, both sides will pay a lot of price.

"Where is Thorin?"

Walking into Iruba, this dwarf city still has its past glory. It is large in scale, visually large enough to accommodate tens of thousands of dwarves. Intuitively speaking, it is like moving all of Novigrad to the mountain. If you count the pits that unearthed Arkenberg diamonds and countless gold, then the scale may have to be more than doubled.

"He went to the place where the treasure was piled up."

Kili is guarding the armory, and these dwarves have put on the latest armor and weapons. There are still many weapons and armors in the Gushan Armory, which are covered in dust and cobwebs. Nearby is a huge furnace that was reignited with flames. There are many destroyed stone pillars and statues near the furnace. Judging from the gaps in the statues, these damages were recent, and the huge claw prints on the walls clearly tell the hunter. Hunters, dwarves have fought Smaug here. Just don't know why, Smaug rushed out of Gushan and attacked Long Lake Town without killing the invaders.

"Are you preparing to fight the elves?" Zelin asked Kili casually.

"I, I don't want to be like this." Kili shook his head "I am willing to protect Gushan and give everything, but this is not the battle I expected."

"It's really sad. Our days are better than we are now." Groyin said this. The red-haired dwarf is looking at the gold pocket watch in his hand. There are two photos in it. It’s his family. "I really wish my son Jinpi would know that his father has arrived in the lone mountain, in the hall of the ancestors, drinking and eating meat around the bonfire, waiting for other dwarves to visit our results, not I tossed over and over in the icy gold pile full of dragons to find something. I didn’t want to speak ill of Thorin secretly—may his beard never fall—this time he behaved better than any dwarf I have ever seen. Stubborn."

"Witcher, can you use magic to help Thorin find that gem? Maybe he will agree to concession when he finds the gem?" Kiliy suggested. "After the Lone Mountain was attacked by Smaug, it was Thorin who led the Turin tribe. Settling in the blue mountains in the south, he led us to flourish in the blue mountains. I was born there. I remember what Thorin looked like before planning the expedition. He was a humble and sensible person. Maybe, it was the gem. The reason for this. I have never seen the Arken Diamond, I only heard of it in the story, saying that it can give strength to wear, maybe it can help him."

"Do you really think that Arkembo can restore Thorin to his past?" Zelin asked back, "I don't think so. You can ask Bahrain how the dragon disease started."

"When this gemstone appeared, everything started to go wrong." Groyin muttered, "I was ten years old when the gemstone was discovered, but I still remember a lot of things. Let me tell you, Lead Thorin. For the people of Turin for so long, his record in Moria and the merits in the Blue Mountains are enough to prove that he is most qualified to be championed by all the dwarf families. We have Irubi, have gold, and Smaug has died. No, we don’t need to find another gem to set on the throne."

"I will take a look at Thorin, and if I can, I will try to make him change his mind."

Saying goodbye to the dwarves, Zelin walked into the stairs leading to the lair below. Smaug had been entrenched here, and there was a lingering smell in it. It was obvious that the other dwarves were reluctant to stay here, but Thorin was here.

The space below is large and bright.

The light from the fire shining on the gold coins brightened the hall. Zelin had expected the treasure of Gushan and how much gold there would be, but when he really saw the treasure of Gushan, he discovered My imagination is still not enough. All the legendary treasures he had heard were not as good as the treasures of Gushan. To put it bluntly, there are so many treasures here that you can use gold to build a city and use it as sand. Rao was a demon hunter who thought he had seen a lot of things, and he was a little dazed in front of the mountain of gold.


The voice of a demon hunter echoed among the hills of gold.

No one responded.

Zelin walked up to the highest gold hill nearby, and countless gold coins clashed with his stepping, like a hill of sand, falling down. It seems that here, gold is the least valuable thing. The light here is not too dark. When the Demon Hunter stopped, he saw Thorin Oak Shield looking for something in the gold pile not far away. Countless expensive gold bars and gemstone jewelry were thrown around, and gold coins and pure gold decorations were stepped on their feet like useless rubbish. Thorin kept searching in the pile of gold. Obviously, and Compared with the Arkenberg, the gold in front of him is worthless.


"Don't talk to me, wizard. I won't accept your enchantment. I didn't let people throw you out. It doesn't mean that I allow you to speak up here. You are not a dwarf. You don't understand what Arken Diamond means to me! "Thorin carefully searched every corner, enough to buy an unknown number of cities, and even the entire principality or kingdom. The gold was kicked or thrown away as a hindrance by him. Among the gold piles, there is only one road surrounded by gold bricks that can pass.

"Very well, it seems you still remember that I am a wizard."

Zelin walked to Thorin, "Perhaps you haven't forgotten, I can use magic?"

Thorin ignored him, but continued to search for the trace of the heart of the mountain in the gold pile.

"Such as explosions, such as flashing lights, such as flying, such as finding objects..."

Thorin's movements suddenly stopped, and he raised his head abruptly.

"You can use magic to find objects!?"

"Of course, and the success rate is very high, in fact, in the past two decades, I have never failed." Ze Lin said without changing his face.

Thorin was a stubborn dwarf and a clever man. The first thing he thought of seeking assistance from nearby dwarf families after returning to Irubo. Even if Bud and Thrandil get the Arken Diamond, they may not be able to force him to submit. However, Zelin got an inspiration from the chat with Qi Li.

Thorin suddenly ran in front of the demon hunter.

"Can you find anything with magic?!"

Chapter 747 Another Wizard

"Can you use magic to find the Arken Stone?!"

Thorin asked excitedly.

"Maybe it can, as long as the size of this gemstone is not more than one person." Zelin thought of the appearance of the Arken Diamond in his mind. By the way, the success rate of finding things that glow 1 is easier than those that are dim or dark objects, especially in this environment. You should understand that the darker the place, the easier it is to find things that glow. Of course, I am Refers to magic."

Fortunately, people in this world know almost nothing about magic, and Zelin can describe the effects of magic casually. If they often see wizards, and even bring a spellcaster in their team, then the demon hunter may really not be able to trick Thorin.

"Then use your magic to find the Arken Stone!"

Zelin crossed his chest and looked at the oak shield, raising his eyebrows slightly.

"What reason do I have to help you? Of course, Arken Diamond, you are not mine, I naturally have no reason to find him. Casting spells wastes my energy, why should I cast spells for something that has nothing to do with me? "

"I can pay you. There is a lot of gold here. If you find an Arkham diamond for me, I can give you a part." Thorin opened his arms. "Gold, jewelry, diamonds, help me find a diamond. You can Choose from among them!"

Zelin was waiting for these words.

"In a desperate situation, we can only use the gold that belongs to us in exchange for help. At that time, we had no choice! Sacrificing the future in exchange for the freedom of the present is not a fair deal. What reason do I have to fulfill under which conditions? A promise? When did people extend a helping hand to me not for a generous reward." The demon hunter imitated what Thorin had said to him just now at the gate of Irub, without losing every word. Every time he uttered a word, Thorin's face stiffened.

"I have to admit, Thorin, I agree with what you said now. You are too right. When did people extend a helping hand for a handsome reward?" Zelin turned his back to Thorin "and sacrificed the future." In exchange for the freedom of the moment, it is not a fair transaction. This transaction and promise are false, and even if it is guaranteed, it is meaningless."

"I am the king of the mountain, this is our treasure, of course I have the right to choose how to deal with it!" Thorin retorted loudly. Several dwarves heard the voice and wanted to go to the treasure house to see what happened, but at the door they asked Bahrain and Kili to stop them.

"The wizard is talking to Thorin inside. We better not disturb him."

Bahrain didn't explain too much, and the dwarves didn't ask anything. Go to the armory or furnace to deal with your own affairs.

"But when I was in Changhu Town, I remember a dwarf said that he pledged in the name of the King of the Mountain to share the treasure of the Lone Mountain with the people in Changhu Town." Zelin rolled his eyes and pretended to be suddenly facing the neighborhood. The building structure of the roof and the stone pillars that support the hall became interested. "But those townspeople who believe in the guarantee of the King of the Mountain are now hungry and cold in the ruins of the city, becoming beggars and homeless people. Sorry, as far as I am concerned, the King of the Mountain The title does not have any guarantee capabilities."

Thorin took a deep breath.

"Tell me, how can you help me?"

"I help reputable people." Zelin walked down Jinshan and walked to the stairs leading up. "Because reputable people won't regret not paying me after I finish my work. You have to know that if you don't have money, there will be no bread. I don’t want to be busy for so long and I can’t even afford a piece of bread. Unless you can prove your credibility, Thorin, I won’t believe everything you say."

Finally, the demon hunter stood at the end of the steps and said to Thorin, who was in the gold room below, "Gold or Arkenstein, which one do you choose?"

The moment Thorin raised his head, Zelin's eyes lit up slightly.

"There is not much time, Thorin, I will wait for your answer before the sun goes down."

After all, Zelin turned and walked out of the treasure house.

In the valley city, Bud couldn't help squinting his eyes slightly while looking at the sun that was dipping into the horizon.

"Has he not finished his negotiations with Thorin? It doesn't make sense anymore."

In the city, people who have been busy preparing for the battle have put their weapons nearby and began to surround the bonfire to enjoy the aid food sent by the elves. However, no one showed concern about the war, because they all knew that there were only a dozen dwarves in Lonely Mountain, and there were almost two thousand humans and elves together. Someone has begun to imagine how many treasures there are in the Lonely Mountain, thinking about how they can use the money to rebuild their homes.

Many yellow tents were erected on the ruins of River Valley City, scattered like autumn leaves in the ruins of the city. The elves are preparing to station here. The remaining houses in River Valley can accommodate the refugees in Long Lake Town, but they can no longer accommodate the elven army, which is more than the number of refugees.