The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 434

"You stay here?"

After a few steps, Zelin turned and asked the Fisherman King.


The demon hunter shrugged, and he understood it as if he understood it. The King Fisherman will stay here, waiting for him to leave Black Seagull Island.

The island was also covered with thick white mist, Zelin walked slowly, and he looked around. Although it was an invitation, he would not take it lightly. This island is a paradise for pterodactyls. In a large-scale pterodactyl colony, there are such difficult enemies as the royal pterodactyl. He didn’t know if these pterodactyls would stay in their lair during the heavy fog. He heard that a nearby druid settlement was trying to domesticate pterodactyls and wolves. Zelin hoped that they would succeed and make these difficult. The wrapped monster became less threatening.

He raised his head, the moonlight was looming in the mist, and the bright silver wire looked more illusory against the mist. He heard the sound of water, the sound of someone walking in the water. The demon hunter continued to walk a few steps forward, and then he saw a crescent-shaped water pool in front of the island, with water plants and lotus leaves floating on the water.

The clattering sound got closer, and the water plants and lotus leaves separated to both sides with the sound, giving way to a path.

"You can come by the appointment, I'm very happy." The pale green beauty stood in the knee-length water pool. Her appearance was no different from that of a human. In fact, Zelin almost thought he had seen a tree spirit. The dark green hair fell down to the ankles, and the split ends were wrapped around the body like waterweeds, like a simple but unique underwear. Let this pale green beauty look quite flavorful. "We had a chance to meet in the past, but your footsteps are faster than the wind. Only destiny can entangle you, but I am not."

"Sorry." Zelin nodded slightly. "I think if I had a chance to meet a beautiful person like you in the past, my brain would make me remember every minute and every second of meeting you."

Lady of the lake.

Or the goddess of the lake.

Zelin finally found out the legendary story about her in his own memory. The last time he heard the story about the goddess of the lake was almost thirty years ago. At that time, there were knights looking for the Holy Grail in the name of the goddess on the mainland. At that time, they called themselves the Holy Grail knights, hoping to get the legendary Holy Grail in various remote wonderlands or after a thrilling adventure. . Zelin has seen some holy grail knights, these fanatical knights often become troubles for the local gangs, and they are more than the ranger knights of Towson.

At that time, these knights also started a discussion among mainland scholars about the existence of the Holy Grail, and formed three different schools of doctrine, but as these knights died or disappeared, more and more knights After becoming a noble vassal and keen on war and power, the legend of the Holy Grail finally disappeared, and the legend of the goddess of the lake gradually faded out of people's sight.

"I thought you would start to praise from my eyes." The goddess of the lake walked out of the pool and stood on the beach. "Tawsonte, where there is virtue, there will be me."

"It seems that your faith is in jeopardy." Zelin opened his hands. These years, virtues are becoming less and less valuable, and interests and power are replacing virtues and becoming the foundation of people's lives. Contempt for the age, the age of the sword and the axe, war not only destroys order, but also destroys the bottom line of man. Zelin is not a pessimist, nor an idealist, he just believes what he sees and hears.

"In the dark night sky, there will also be a bright moon and a dazzling star." A lady strolled on the beach without leaving any footprints, as if she could walk on the water. "Dark times will also have virtues." , I have been watching what you did in Towsonte. People don’t need to know my existence or chant my name silently. Virtue will empower good people in this era."

"Thank you for your help, ma'am." Zelin took a deep breath. "Is there anything you want me to do?" He didn't believe that the goddess of the lake found him, just to chat with himself, "I am happy to help you."

The goddess of the lake did not say anything directly, but walked up to the demon hunter, her light blue eyes like a pool of water looked directly at Zelin's pupils, "Do you believe in fate, demon hunter?"

"Perhaps you should find someone who became a demon hunter because of accident rate. He must believe in fate more than me. I am not the product of accident rate. Fate, I may or may not believe it. I haven't considered this aspect. , After all, destiny hasn’t shown me anything yet."

He had promised an accident rate in the past, but the accident rate gave him a joke. As we all know, there are no women in the demon hunters, because the female body cannot withstand the mutations brought about by the trial of the grass. Not to mention a local king, Zelin is a reasonable person, maybe it is precisely because of this that fate will give him such a bad joke, which is not funny at all. Zelin no longer wants to use the accident rate, and now he no longer needs the accident rate to find a reward for himself that he needs but didn't expect.

"You should believe, Demon Hunter, I have seen destiny and the future, but I am not destiny itself, and I can't tell you more." The goddess of the lake walked behind the Demon Hunter, her figure in the fog looked a little vague. "But There is a place, a place drifting in time, where you can find the answer."

Chapter 805: Fairy in the Lake

"Sorry, but I don't have any questions yet, what answer do I need?"

If you are a confused person, it would be very happy to get the guidance of the goddess of the lake. But unfortunately, Zelin didn't feel confused, he had a clear purpose and was working hard for it. The career of the Demon Hunter is getting better and better. Next, he will go to Skyrim and have a lot to do. It is estimated that he will not be idle for the entire first half of 1268.

"You became an orphan during the Foca Rebellion, and you were found by a demon hunter, so you became a new demon hunter." The goddess of the lake slowly said, "Your tutor went to the south fifty years ago, and you have been Wandering north."

Zelin shrugged, noncommittal. He is unwilling to recall the past, because these things have no meaning. Hundreds of years have passed. Now, he is a demon hunter, assuming that nothing else has any effect, because if he is not called a demon hunter , Then he must be dead now.

"Destiny will show many different roads. This is a difficult road with infinite surprises. I have seen many roads, but this is the most different one. The world is facing changes and choices." The eyes of the goddess of the lake are as deep as the ocean, unpredictable "Go and catch it, demon hunter, you will realize what destiny is and...the way you must go. I am not destiny, but I hope you I can peer into it and find her."

"Madam, do you know where my mentor is?"

Zelin asked suddenly. The goddess of the lake knew many things, which didn't surprise him at all, but she mentioned one thing that made Zelin very concerned. Since separating from his mentor in the past, he only knows that the mentor has gone to the south, but he has not heard new news for many years. If the goddess of the lake knows it, then his visit to Black Seagull Island this time is definitely worth the money.

"I said, you will find the answer. Go to Ebbing, go to Eisengede, go to Yonek, go to Tarn Mira Lake, Thor Ejivel..." The goddess of the lake stretched out a finger. Lightly tapped on the forehead of the Demon Hunter, "I wish you can find what you want."

"For example, the Holy Grail?" Zelin raised his eyebrows.

"I don't want the knights to pursue the Holy Grail. I have seen the disaster in their fate, but I can't stop it." The fairy in the lake retreated slowly, step by step into the pool. The water in the pool is very shallow, but it seems very deep. The water gradually covers the lady’s ankles, knees and thighs. "When the legend is over, you will find out what you have found. If you don’t understand, go to the nearby wilderness Look for a hermit and he will tell you what the Holy Grail is."

As she said, the water covered the lady's forehead, she disappeared into the pool, and the surroundings returned to silence again.

A cold wind blew by, and the mist that filled the neighborhood rolled over, like a crappy cake maker spreading too much cream on the bread. The whistle of a pterodactyl sounded in his ears, and the demon hunter fought a cold war, like a person waking up on a hot night, he took a long breath and slowed down his beating heart. Finally, he sighed and returned along the same path

Zelin didn't intend to disturb the pterodactyl colony living on Black Seagull Island. He left the island in the fisherman king's canoe and went to the nearby wilderness to visit the hermit mentioned by the goddess of the lake. The hermit lives on the edge of the wasteland, at the foot of a mountain. There are many tombs there. The hermit has served the fairy in the lake for a long time. Now he is old and can only stay here to guard the tomb of the follower of the fairy in the lake.

They talked all night, and until the next morning, Zelin returned to the shore of the lake, found a ferryman's canoe, and returned to Vizima.

"Hey, you must have seen the reflection of the city last night. It is indeed spectacular, even more spectacular than Vizima today. It is definitely not a city that humans can build."

"Uh, uh, yeah..."

The ferrymen talked to Zelin endlessly about the sunken city. If the murlocs had not settled in it, it is estimated that more people would try to enter the city to find treasures. However, Zelin's attention had already drifted to other places. The hermit serving the fairies in the lake knows many things, many things he did not expect. Today, the hermit's words still echo in the ears of the demon hunter.

In my dream, I saw her wearing white clothes and walking through the field in the morning dew. She gently slid across the dewy turf with her bare feet. Sometimes she would ride a white unicorn through the forest shrouded in morning light, quietly watching the people coming and going outside the forest. I believe that the goddess does not belong to this world, but her power affects this area, protects the residents here, and allows everyone to get a good harvest in difficult times. Everyone respects the goddess. In the past, glorious knights often came to the altar and vowed to fight for the goddess, and the goddess would give them blessed swords.

The hermit introduced the lady like this.

No one knows the origin of the goddess of the lake, and no one knows when her faith began. This belief has been prosperous for a while, but now, it has long been a legend, and the holy grail knights of the goddess have also died abroad for looking for the holy grail or fighting against powerful monsters.

Only one knight remained, and he vowed that he would never speak to anyone again and only serve the lady with his actions. Zelin guessed a lot of people, those holy grail knights who left their names in the legend. If this knight serving the goddess lived to this day, he would be at least two hundred years old.

The hermit told him the name of the knight.

The fisherman king, the old man who lived by the lake and pegged the ladies’ guests, was the only holy grail knight who lived to this day. As for the hermit, he didn't tell Zelin his name, just like the Fisherman King, it was not his name, but when he decided to serve the goddess, the name was no longer important. Since the old hermit didn't want to say it, Zelin naturally didn't ask much.

"There is a village nearby that worships those half-murlocs and calls them the King of Water, but I heard that a new belief has emerged in the half-murlocs recently, called the blood **** Dagang. It's really strange. Now everything is Can it become faith?"

Until the bow of the ship touched the bank of the embankment, the ferryman stopped his nagging.

"When you come next time, you must remember to go to that hotel."

Zelin nodded casually and responded. People come and go on the embankment, most of them are non-human races, they want to go to the old town of Vizima on the other side, which is now a non-human race residential area. Zelin took out his telescope while walking. He is going to the South, without a doubt, even if it is possible to find news of his mentor.

Chapter 806: Traces of Traitors

Dixcher, the spy leader of Redania, was walking out of the wagon with his beer belly. The stench in the air made him frown. It stands to reason that he does not need to be present in person, but if it weren't for this is the task that Philippa Ahart personally handed over to the spies, and he was uneasy about the ability of his subordinates to do things. , He would not go to this remote, deserted castle with little people. The residents here have already come out to welcome him. The buzzing mosquitoes and flies, the spies and agents who come here to do things all cover their noses and mouths with things, because these flying insects are very smart and know that they go to their nostrils and mouths. Drilling inside can also bring infectious diseases.

He walked off the carriage, the sharp pain in his leg almost made him unable to stand. Dixcher gritted his teeth, not knowing how many times he cursed the **** demon hunter. His leg was broken in the coup d’état on Sinide Island, and the broken bones were connected to magic and herbal juice, but that didn’t mean it. Therefore, he can avoid rheumatism and nerve pain.

The spy chief patted the light green patterned jacket on his body to cover up his mistake. Alvin, a young assistant accompanied him. He didn't come over to help cover up his mistakes in the first time. Dixcher wrote in his heart that a young man who doesn't know how to look and feel is not suitable for the work of spies and agents, at least not to be sent to contact people with important information. .

The ruins of the castle were filled with thick smoke, mixed with the stench of charred corpses, Dixcher couldn't help but looked at the person in charge here unhappy. This is not the result he wants. The flame will destroy many key evidences. He can only hope that these idiots will not finally decide to set fire and attack because they are helpless.

Otherwise, it will take him a while to reorganize the entire department.

"My lord, this castle started burning before our agents arrived."

Seemingly seeing the displeasure between Dixcher’s eyebrows, the local person in charge reported to him, "Our people have put out the flames, but there is no living person in the castle."

There must be some leaks.

Dixcher began to think quickly, but instead of stopping, he walked towards the blackened ruins of the castle with his hands behind his back.

Since the coup in Sinide, Redania's spies have been searching for the whereabouts of Wigwarts. They have found several suspicious places, but most of them are empty. This time Dixcher personally directed them, but they didn't expect to find Wigwarts or the mages who served for Wigwarts. Someone was whistling to them, or someone in his spy department was bought by the empire just like the Warlock Order before the coup.