The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 441

After Zelin assured that he had nothing to do with the gang, it was also possible that the golden light reflected by the coin was more convincing than empty words-the gang would not give a coin for inquiring about the news or breaking into the house, most of the time they would only draw it out Own sword---this person began to narrate in detail what happened in Gillesi Village at that time.

A bounty hunter, skinny like a ghoul that can stand on two legs, or a skinny skeleton, he wears a short leather jacket, deerskin gloves, and a two-handed sword. When Berhart came to the village, he contracted the inn in the village that was basically unpopulated, but he did not pay, and no one dared to let him pay. After Berhart had been in the village for a few days, the rat gang members came.


"No, it was six... but then it was seven." The man said hesitantly.

"How many?"

"At first there were only six."

Six members of the rat gang came to Gilexi Village. They surrounded the inn, and Burhart walked out while eating breakfast. The bounty hunter and the rat gang members taunted each other for a while, and then they went to war. Six people besieged one person, and the battle did not last long. The villagers all hid behind the wall under the window, listening to the sound of swords colliding outside, but before they recovered, they looked up and took a look outside. In the battle, the sound of fighting stopped.

In the blink of an eye, he killed six people.

Afterwards, the seventh man rode a black horse into the village, and the white-haired Falka attacked Berhart, but she failed to avenge her other companions, and Berhart quickly defeated her.


"Bounty hunter... he asked us for a wooden barrel and salt water. He tied the white-haired girl with a chain, and then cut off her companion's heads one by one in front of her and put them in the salt water bucket."

Tell how Burhart saw the heads of the members of the Rat Gang in front of Falka's eyes, and how he tore off the gold earrings on the heads, as casually as taking off the raisins on a cake, and being **** How did Falka vomit to death when he was on the horse post.

After the battle, Berhart stayed in the village until the next day. The good news was that he did not kill Falka, but took Falka and left the village. At that time, people thought that he would execute the last rat gang member in front of everyone like a trophy, but Berhart announced to everyone that he was willing to give a man a good horse and five fronds as a reward. , And then, the son of the coffin carpenter, Nirac of Gillesy volunteered to take over Berhart's task.

The washerwoman couldn't tell where Berhart went after leaving the valley, because everyone had to walk the same way to leave the valley, and after leaving it was a wasteland that could lead to any place. And no one dared to follow Berhart, just to satisfy a little curiosity. But the washerwoman knew where Nerak, who volunteered to play for Berhart, had gone.

"He's a big mouth, and he often brags in the tavern." The washerwoman held the Franc coin tightly in her hand. "He said he went to Clement City and entered Master Hovennagel's castle. , And saw the adult with his own eyes. He must have received a lot of rewards from that adult, allowing him to stay in the tavern with nothing to do for several days and brag about his experience all day long."

Clement City, the headquarters of the Merchants’ Union in the Province of Abing. As for the Hovennagel, he is a very famous and very wealthy businessman in the local area. He has contracted five stone mills and three large logging yards in the province, as well as two livestock farms and the huge city of Ebbing. Part of the estate was rebuilt. The war destroyed everything in the past, drove away the local nobles, hanged the Duke of Aibin, and then the merchants' union took the money to rebuild the ruins into the appearance they wanted, and bought the new governor. Now Zelin understood where the idea of ​​the Aibin businessman he was cooperating with came from.

A counter-insurgency war can bring huge benefits and corresponding rights to the trade unions of merchants.

"I don't think you will be like that coffinmaker's son..."

"No, I won't talk nonsense, I... I picked up this coin from the place where the rat gang died." The washerwoman assured. Although Zelin didn't think that even if someone said it would have any impact, he would not stay in the south for too long, and many people were looking for rat gangs for the amount of reward on the wanted order. Even if she said it, it wouldn't hurt him. If the real Xili heard that a demon hunter was looking for her, she should take the initiative to get in touch with Zelin.

"Do you know where Baron Kassadin's castle is?"

"Yes, I know."

After getting all the information he wanted, he walked out of the house as he had promised, snapped his fingers, and the burning oil lamp went out with a whirr. Shutting the door easily, Ze Lin looked around, and the village was as peaceful as ever. Everyone hid in the house, as if there were no corpses in the village, no fighting, and no subsequent intruders.

The demon hunter inquired about the place where Baron Kassadin lived. Since this is a wanted order issued by the baron, generally speaking, bounty hunters will definitely take the loot to receive the reward. If they cannot be exchanged for coins, they will be chopped off. His head is meaningless. The demon hunter didn't understand why Berhart would do that, and he kept Falka on purpose. Although this was good news for him, there must be a greater benefit than a hundred Franconian coins that drove him to do this.

Zelin mounted his horse, and the horse trot out of the valley, leaving the jealous village, and heading in the direction of Clement.

Why is the Rat Gang so important? To be precise, why is Falka in the Rat Gang so important? There was only the call sign of the ghost in the wilderness, responding to the question in Zelin's heart.

Clement is not too far from here, only one day away. When the sun circled in the sky and returned to the West Mountain again, under the dim sunlight, Clemente's city wall destroyed in the war was caged with a brown coat.

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ps: Regarding the transliteration of the name, Leo Burhart is also called Leo Bonnet. In short, this is a person.

Chapter 820 Spirit Medium

This city used to be the capital of the Duchy of Ebin. The castle of the Duke of Ebin was on a high **** near the city. You can see the towering spire of the castle from far away, and hunting in the cold wind. The ringing flag. As usual, flocks of blackbirds flew south in the sunset, and running horseshoes splashed dust on the wilderness. After sunset, Zelin arrived at Clement's gate.

After the trade union obtains the right to operate the city, the city’s gates will not be closed at night, shutting out business travelers who urgently need to enter the city. The whole city, even the large tract of land standing on the wall and looking out to the horizon, all belonged to the merchants' union, to be precise, to the agent of the merchants' union in Ebin --- Hovennagel. Including the castle on the hillside, the castle that was preserved when Ebin was an independent kingdom, and even a part of the tower that continued the Southern Elf style of the year, is being scrambled on the auction house by a group of people brandishing gold certificates. .

In the tavern there are noisy people, and there are vagrants and immigrants called gold diggers everywhere. People are talking about the nearby mountains and lakes, about the mines and quarries, about the immigrant towns, about the war in the north and the new ones that follow. Land division. The war caused many people to die and lose everything, and the war also left many people with wealth and wealth overnight.

However, Zelin also heard all the locals talking about a thrilling battle, a blood-bathing massacre. Gladiator, a unique activity of southerners, sometimes it is two people, sometimes it is a person and a monster, and sometimes it is a melee. In Towsonte, the knights will show their bravery or knighthood in the arena, but in these places, chaos, blood, and madness are everything in the arena, making the audience fascinated.

In the tavern, a guy who should be a salesman in the arena is telling people aloud about the wonderful battle that took place in the arena a few days ago and selling their membership coupons. The tavern is like a huge honeycomb. The conversations of countless people are mixed and turned into a harsh hum. The sound of wine glasses colliding and disputes add a little more ups and downs to this noisy music score.

There is nothing wrong with this propagandist's approach, and thanks to his propaganda, Zelin heard a very interesting news. The local Hovennagar provided a white-haired young female swordsman for the arena. She killed three gladiators in a single battle. The exciting battle was enough to become the one in the next three months. Clement residents talk after dinner.

"What's the name of that heroic female gladiator?"

The salesman stood on a high platform made up of wooden crates. Zelin squeezed over the crowd and asked him, "A good swordsman and a beautiful girl. I think I have no reason to miss her name." ."

"You have missed an exciting battle because you did not purchase tickets to the arena in advance." The salesman opened his hands. "You should apply for membership, so that when there is such an exciting battle next time, we will notify you immediately. Come and watch."

"I care more about that young female swordsman."

"She will not perform for a while."

"Is she still Clemente?"

"Sorry, sir, I'm just a salesman." Seeing that Zelin didn't mean to pay any money, the salesman's attitude immediately became colder. "And you should ask the manager, I just work on time."

Zelin shrugged.

But then, his movements paused slightly. After that, he immediately turned his head and searched the crowd with half-squinted eyes.

"It's not a good habit to invade other people's minds at will, girl."

It was a woman in a lavender riding outfit, about twenty-three years old. A hint of surprise flashed in her eyes after being noticed by Zelin. She is a beautiful southern girl with black hair and black eyes, but Zelin's attention is more on the fingers of her right hand, which has a ring with a black sun printed on it. This means that she is officially registered. These people are more organized than those adventurers in the north. Among them, the stronger ones will be recruited to perform some tasks when needed by the imperial authorities. In normal times, they are ordinary. Adventurers, looking everywhere for commissions, many of these commissions serve the army.

In order to increase the number of troops and gain the support of more people in the empire, the previous emperor Nilfgard issued a decree confirming that women and men are completely equal in the royal army. According to the law, this equality must be reflected in all places and at any time, whether it is recruitment, training, even accommodation or even being in prison, and after retiring from the army, they also enjoy equal rights in all aspects of society. Of course, obligations are also essential.

She immediately stood up and pushed away from the nearby crowd. Some people who were pushed cursedly looked for who pushed him, and then started arguing with people nearby.

Zelin immediately followed out.

This is a psionicist.

Or psychic.

The magic power from the desert in the south of the empire, but the spirit can summon flames or lightning, nor can it ignite the enemy with a beam of light, but it can read the mind and directly attack a person's brain. About twenty years ago, this power entered the sight of spellcasters in the north, but no one cared about it, because this thing can only be used by ordinary people who don’t know magic. Anyone who understands magic and mysterious power can protect themselves. The spirit even counterattacked in the same way.

The empire also understands its shortcomings, so psionicists are mostly used to interrogate prisoners, or gather intelligence and screen out spies, instead of fighting on the battlefield like the mages and female warlocks accompanying the army.

After the target broke out of the tavern, he turned into the dark alley of Clement. Zelin drew out the ebony blade behind him and followed it. In a moment of spiritual contact, he received a very valuable message. This woman was obviously collecting information, and she spread psionic energy throughout the tavern, which gave Zelin a chance to take advantage of it. He caught one of the words, Berhart, and the psionicist was also looking for Berhart's trace.

There were several people in the alley. It should be a drunkard who came out of the tavern, or a poor drunk who was thrown out by the waiter, and a homeless man, who was wrapping himself in a blanket, looking at the two running from the alley in surprise. Silhouettes of the past. The shabby houses built by shantymen and wooden boards squeezed the width of the alleys to a great extent, and rapid footsteps echoed in the alleys.

It didn't take long for one footstep to stop, and then the second footstep also stopped, replaced by the dense sound of leather boots appearing in the alley. Zelin looked around at more than a dozen people who appeared from other directions in the alley, and clenched the hilt of the ebony blade in his hand.

"What a passionate South."

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ps: ordinary push book

"I am an assassin" 400,000 words plus, daily update 6000+ often 12,000. Update the weekly list and monthly list regulars will not fall into the top ten.

Chapter 821 Royal Coroner