The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 470

"Quiet, quiet." The half-dragon worker hurriedly stopped the Red Guard worker to continue. Three Talos hunters came to the side of the pier. These arrogant Somos were caught everywhere under the control of the imperial army, relying on the platinum agreement. People, a few days ago, they also took a worker from the dock. As for why, no one knows, Somo will not explain, only telling everyone that they are capturing the heresy of Talos.

"Uh, okay, I..." The Red Guard worker's face paled. "Well, about the vampire, I heard that the most powerful warrior among the Dawn Guardians, the hunter who killed the vampire lord himself was heading to Mo Thrall leads, investigating the rumors of a vampire attack. I heard that someone saw him at the logging yard the other day."

"Wait, you! Yes, that's you!" At this moment, a Somo soldier suddenly pointed at the Red Guard and shouted, "Repeat what you just said!"

Another Mage Somo and a soldier also walked over. Seeing this, the few remaining workers on the dock immediately avoided, not wanting to be drawn into Somo's troubles.

"I, I just said..." The Yalong noticed that his fellow Red Guardian's face was a little pale, although it was hard to notice with the dark red skin of the Red Guardian. But it thinks this is a frightened performance "The most powerful hunter of the Dawn Guard, passing by the logging yard in Solitary City a few days ago, went to Mosal City to investigate vampires..."

Before the workers finished speaking, Master Somo took out a portrait.

"This person?"

"Uh...yes, it's him."

Upon hearing the workers say this, the three high elves looked at each other and immediately walked to a horse parked near the dock. A soldier drew out a sword and cut off the reins trapped on the stake. The High Elf mage immediately turned on his horse, mounted his horse and ran towards the Somo Embassy.

Until the sun went down completely, a team of heavily armed Talos hunters, led by a combat mage, followed the road to the Lumberyard in Solitary City, which was the passage that Hafingar led to the city of Mosal. The last glimmer of the sun gradually disappeared on the other side of the mountain. On Dolema, the chief Talos hunter under Somo Ambassador Alanwen finally glanced at the shadowy Solitary City, waved his hand, and the subordinates marching on the side accelerated their speed and entered the Yar Frontier in Mosal City as soon as possible.

Among the blinking snow squirrels in Solitary City, Zelin tightened his belt with potions and bombs. The room without candles fell into darkness with the sunset, and his eyes were particularly conspicuous in the dim room.

"Ambassador Alanwen did not host any banquets during this time." Valerica brought a lot of valuable information to Zelin. She can stealth magic, as well as the spiritual spells used by the vampire group to capture and control slaves. This is a method used by master vampires. When fighting against Hakon, Zelin encountered these invisible enemies. Both Hakon and Valerica can use magic well to cover their bodies in the dark and dim places. Over time, Serana can also learn this spell. "They know you are in Havengar, and there are Talos hunters everywhere on the road."

Ambassador Alanwen must have received the news that Zelin appeared in Hafingal, it should be at Dragon Bridge, when the Somo soldiers who searched the Talos believers noticed Zelin who was talking to the sharp-eyed eagle. But time was on the side of the Demon Hunter, So Mo's wanted order was one step late. If Zelin had just arrived in Solitary City, they could still catch the Demon Hunter by surprise, but now, Zelin was already prepared.

After two days of rest, Zelin had already made a lot of preparations. Dozens of crossbow arrows affixed with Yanan's paper talisman, the prepared bombs and the prepared potions were all securely placed on the belt loops on the waist and chest.

"Have you told them the news?" Zelin asked Valerica. The vampire looked at the demon hunter with interest, such as his preparations and the alchemy that was completely different from Skyrim. It’s just that the way in which the alchemy of Skyrim develops medicinal materials makes Zelin disagree. Valerica once took a taste of the buckthorn grass Zelin put on the table, then spit it out and used a whole bottle of Alto wine. Come rinse your mouth. But the alchemist of Skyrim's spirit of daring to experiment with himself for alchemy is worthy of admiration.

"Yes, Ondolma has already part of the Talos hunters heading to the Lumberyard in Solitary City." Valerica sat on the wooden chair, pressing her left leg on her right leg, and changed her posture. "Even if he takes half of the people away." , You have to deal with half of the guards and Talos hunters, I hope you reconsider my proposal, accept my first embrace for you, so that you can get the blood of Varchiha. The blood of Varchiha can greatly enhance you Power and vitality, and eternal life."

"Don't worry, I am not going to attack the embassy head-on, nor will I break into Somo's soldiers like a fool." Zelin sighed. This is the third time Valerica proposed to him and accepted. Valhac’s blood, but the demon hunter politely declined Valerica’s kindness every time, "This is not a trouble for me. I have done similar things many times."

Compared with the terrifying monsters of Yanan and the orc army of Middle-earth, a Somo squad protecting the embassy and some Talos hunters are not regarded as powerful enemies that will discourage demon hunters. Perhaps Somo, a combat squad composed of heavily armed fighters and combat mages, can exert a powerful combat effectiveness when cooperating in combat, but Zelin will not give those Somo such an opportunity.

"My proposal has always worked." Valerica smiled slightly. "When will we leave?"

"You go and tell the sword-wielding lady Judith that we will meet at Ketra Farm outside the city."

Chapter 876 The Past and Memories

Kaitra Farm not only provides food for Solitary City, but also serves as a stable for Solitary City.

"Look at that windmill." Valerica stood on the edge of the farm, looking at the towering windmill on the cliff of Solitary City in the distance. "When Serana was young, I gave her a book related to the geography of the sky After reading it, she often lay on the tower of the castle, wanting to see what the windmills in Solitary City looked like in the book."

Zelin walked to Valerica and looked at the windmills of Solitary City, which was shrouded in moonlight in the distance.

"I can't imagine that Selana will have this side."

"The longer you spend with her, the more you will find that she has more incredible aspects to you." Valerica blinked. "But she is unwilling to take the initiative to say, always waiting there. Others will invite her. Silly daughter, she doesn’t know that this will only make her miss more. Don’t mind the careless attitude she may show. If you have any banquet, dance or adventure, remember to invite her."

"Thank you for being able to help." Zelin looked at the windmill in the distance, but he didn't know whether he was looking at the windmill or the sea with silver ripples in the distance. "This is very important."

"I only hope that when my daughter is in trouble, you can help the dragonborn like you do now, help her, and treat her as if you were a dragonborn." The night wind carrying the smell of sea water gently stroked her. , The horses of Ketra Farm trod their hooves. The sound of rolling wheels on the road not far away was gradually approaching the farm. It was Judith, and Zelin had to be fully prepared, including the retreat route. The attack on the embassy would definitely attract the nearby imperial legions, and Zelin did not plan to retreat on two legs.

Not to mention, they are likely to need to save people. People with weak physique are not suitable for riding horses. Horse-drawn carriages are a good means of transportation.

"You don't need to worry about this, Valerica. If Serana is in such trouble, I will do everything possible to help her. I planned to invite Serana to visit my castle. Of course, I also welcome you to visit at any time."

Valerica put on her hood and turned to the windmill on the farm. "Let's get ready for action. Others are here."

This sounds crazy. A few people, or maybe four people to be exact, stayed at the farm at the foot of the hill where the embassy is located one night, discussing how to attack the Somo Embassy, ​​the building that represents the power of the ancestor Shenzhou in the sky, and It's not just that I just want to go in and do little things like stealing. Zelin must at least let Somo in Skyrim fall into chaos, without time for him, and lose the power to participate in the conspiracy against the dragonborn.

Judith drove the carriage and parked on the outskirts of the farm. She nodded to Valerica and the Demon Hunter, and they boarded the carriage. Afterwards, the carriage turned around and headed towards the halfway of the Hafingal Mountains.

Somo seemed to be worried that what they did in Skyrim would be retaliated by other Nords, so the embassy was built on this steep mountainside. The carriage did not move directly in the direction of the embassy, ​​but After entering the mountainside, he turned to the cave mentioned by the court mage Hibilli Stadt. Somo patrol soldiers were everywhere on the mountain road in front of the embassy. Zelin can be sure that these Somo soldiers resist at most some Nords who have gathered to try to attack the embassy, ​​but if the Stormcloak comes to Havengar, these well-dressed Somo soldiers will escape in the first place.

"Please be sure to rescue Baron Brylin." Judith parked the carriage close to things. According to the plan, she would stay here. "Swear by my sword, as long as I'm alive, there won't be any Ming Somo approached here."

"Put your own safety first, Judith, these Somos are not worth your life."

After explaining to Judith, Zelin pulled out the ebony blade and walked towards the hidden cave mentioned by the palace mage holding the blade.

This cave can’t really be said to be so hidden, but because it’s close to the Somo Embassy, ​​it’s a barren hill with little people. There are many weeds and hanging vines at the entrance of the cave, which looks like nature is in there. A curtain was placed on the entrance of this cave.

On the first step into the cave, Zelin heard a crisp sound from under his boots. With the help of the moonlight flowing in from the hole behind, the demon hunter noticed that the ground of things was covered with a layer of broken bones. The ooze-like cobwebs glued these broken bones together. Some bones have been a few years old and turned yellow and dull, while some bones still have a little dark red remaining, indicating the time when the owner of this bone died. Not long yet. There are many hard-to-ignore bite marks on these bones. Reminiscent of a spider web, Zelin suddenly thought of someone's annoying monster.

"Frost spider. Somo is raising a frost spider?"

The more you go into the cave, the more spider webs you have. There are many milky white spider eggs on the rocks at the corners of the cave, and the spider eggs that have not hatched are tightly wrapped in spider webs.

"This must be used to clean up the corpse, by the way, to prevent someone from sneaking into the embassy from the cave."

Valerica looked at the cave covered with bones indifferently. "They must have caught a lot of people in the past six months." This is not as good as the sewer of Hakon Castle, but the bones in the sewer have been accumulated for thousands of years. The embassy has only been established for a few years now. "Look here, the skeleton of a snow troll." Valerica bent down and pulled out a complete troll skull from the spider web. "They passed by. The snow troll should have been raised, but the troll was killed-looking at the perfect sword wound on the third eye on his forehead-so Somo chose to raise another monster as a scavenger."

Zelin raised his hand without saying a word, and the Igni Fayin-flame stream burst out of his hand. The sticky and pale cobweb quickly twisted and shrank when it touched the flame, as if it had touched a place illuminated by the sun. , The shadow will naturally retreat as the light advances. A few frost spiders jumped out from the corner of the cave and tried to attack the demon hunter. Zelin turned a little sideways, and when the spider passed by, he slammed his sword, and the passing spider slammed into the other side. On the rocks, dark green blood splashed all over the ground.

Finally, deep in the cave, they found a movable wooden door embedded in the top of the cave.

"I'll go up first."

"No, let the spider go up first." Valerica stretched out a finger, and the corpse of a killed frost spider was wrapped in bright blue magic. Then, it got up again, using only the remaining five Limped his leg and climbed up the wooden door.

Chapter 877

"What is this?!"

As soon as the spider controlled by the necromantic magic climbed up, Zelin heard the voice of Somo coming from above.

"It's the spider below, how did it climb up? Hurry up and get it off." Another Somo casually said, "We have thrown down so many corpses for these spiders to climb up? This door is locked. Come on, how could the spider crash?"

"It may be that the lock is broken. Hurry up and close the wooden door, and don't let more spiders climb up." Zelin heard the sound of the paper turning, Zelin could imagine in his mind that the second speaking Somo should be right. Sitting at the wooden table in the upper room, writing a report or reading a book, "Interrogation continues, hurry up, Ambassador Alanwen will see the new report tomorrow!"

The board opened and Zelin heard the voice of interrogation in the cell.

"Tell me, the hunter you know, where does he come from? Who else in Solitary City knows him? What family and friends does he have?"

"I don't know anything, and even if I know it, I won't tell you!" This is the voice of Baron Brylin. Zelin can still recognize it, although the weakness and exhaustion cannot be concealed in the voice. "You have no right to catch me! You... …Uh!"

"You'd better tell everything you know as soon as possible. According to the platinum agreement, we have the right to arrest you." This seems to be the person who is recording. Don't plan to say it yet? Change another one and continue."

The Frost Spider stood at the door of the wooden plank, Zelin stood below, holding his breath, listening to the footsteps coming from above, and the sound of leather whipping on his body. The thumping sound of iron boots stepping on the wooden floor also concealed the thumping sound that did not echo in the dungeon. The shimmer of the room above was reflected through the hole into the bone-covered thing below, and then a shadow blocked the candlelight. Soldier Mo came over, stretched out his hand with iron gloves to catch the spider, and threw down the spider that had accidentally climbed up in his eyes.

A hand suddenly stretched out from the hole, grabbed the soldier's hand to catch the spider, and then pulled hard, the soldier screamed, and plunged head down into the hole where they threw their bodies. Zelin jumped out and landed firmly on the wooden floor of the dungeon.

The cry of the fallen soldier stopped abruptly in a burst of rapid fractures. Zelin raised his head and just saw the other side sitting at the long table with his back facing the hole, turning his hood. There were still confusion and doubts in the lower eyes, but this confusion was immediately replaced by surprise.

"This is..."