The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 476

"Suddenly think about it, are we stealing?"

The wagon wheel walked on the wet and muddy road, leaving two ruts behind. Serrana turned her head and looked at the back of the carriage. Several money urns filled with Septin gold coins asked Francesca.

"We didn't steal, Serrana." Francesca sat in the driver's seat with a triumphant smile. "Did you know? When the guard catches a killer or a thief, they can confiscate their stolen money. This is ours." Trophy, nothing more. You don't know this, do you?"

"Oh, I'm just waiting for you to say it." Serrana rolled her head and said, "How could I not know."

Chapter VIII Wind Blade

There are obviously not as many people on this ship as the sharp-eyed eagle liaison officer said.

Zelin saw only about fifteen guards from the Senate in the periphery. Perhaps for the sake of concealment, it is impossible for the people in the Senate to send private recruits into the sky like in Inisted. After all, this is Solitary City. An imperial legion is stationed in a city not far away from the edge of the cliff. They do not have the strength to confront the emperor's power, so they can only rely on assassinations to deal with Titus II. World.

Dragging the unconscious guard to a place similar to a dining room in the cabin, hiding behind the dining room counter, Zelin raised his head and looked up the stairs on the side of the dining room, where the emperor's residence was up there. No matter who hijacked the emperor, they must be on it.

The sound of footsteps came from the top of the stairs, and the boots made creaking noises when they stepped on the wide steps formed by the long planks.

"Oh! Damn, where did everyone go!?" A man with short brown hair came down the stairs, stood at the top of the stairs, pinched his waist and stood where the soldiers of the Senate stood just now. "You better not let me catch you guys being lazy! Come and gather immediately, hurry up!"

He yelled loudly into the cabin, but naturally no soldiers would hear his voice. These soldiers are now sleeping in every corner of the ship. The man yelled in the cabin for a while, but suddenly, he closed his mouth. After discovering that the boat suddenly became extremely quiet, and people in other places had disappeared inexplicably except where they were, even a stupid person could realize that something went wrong.

Not to mention that these people are not so stupid.

But this period of time was enough for Zelin to feel it.

The man seemed to realize that someone was approaching him. He grabbed the ladder on the side and threw it behind him. The bench had just taken off, and then he was caught by the demon hunter in mid-air. Zelin grabbed one of the wooden legs of the bench. It made a round hard and hit the man's light brown hair fiercely. The man fell to the ground, and his light-colored hair was soon darkened by the bleeding blood.

Throwing away the wooden stool in his hand, Zelin drew out the ebony blade. No matter who the hijacker is, they should have heard the sound from below. The demon hunter rushed up the steps, and the door of the emperor’s room was locked tightly. The liaison officer of the sharp-eyed eagle said that this door was made by the best locksmith in Cyrodir, and basically it cannot be pried open, let alone the room. The emperor's things inside may be stolen by thieves.

However, it is a pity that Zelin is not an assassin who needs to hide his figure, and he is not a thief who is worried that the sound will cause an alarm. If it were not for the fear that the people inside might hijack the emperor to escape from the ship from other places after the invasion, or kill the emperor directly, he would have attacked the ship from the front, or directly sunk the ship with a bomb.

The demon hunter raised his hand, and the wooden door equipped with a master-class iron cable flew in backwards under the impact of Alderfayin, and the entire door panel fell off the door shaft directly.

Someone was already waiting for him inside.

This was an extremely ordinary attack. The assassin in the room jumped up, using the force of inertia to slash the sword at the demon hunter. The jumping action made him full of flaws, but the speed of swinging the knife made up for this, because his speed is so fast, Zelin may be cut by the blade of the killer before piercing him like a bacon. Before knowing the enemy's weapons and power, it is undoubtedly a foolish act to rashly attempt to use the Quinn Seal to resist an attack that will cause fatal damage.

So Zelin chose a half arc, ready to deflect the enemy's power with the blade, bounce off the killer's weapon, and then attack the opponent's flaw.

However, at the moment the blade collided, Zelin immediately realized what was wrong. A strong force was transmitted to him along the blade. Not only did the assassin's blade not bounce off, but the force on it staggered Zelin. He felt like he was resisting the claws of a deer head monster. The same. However, he had encountered such a situation when dealing with monsters before. He did not panic, and his body made subconscious actions based on past experience-he bends his knees, rolled backwards, and distanced himself from the enemy to adjust himself. The opportunity of the body shape, while removing the strength from the blade.

The killer was holding a weapon shaped like a desert machete. The assassin's body was thin and weak, which gave him dexterous steps and body shape. The crimson pupils and gray skin indicated that he was a dark elf. But in the same way, he shouldn't burst out with power that is so inconsistent with his body, unless he can have some buff magic to strengthen his body, or the weapon has a problem.

The killer caught up closely. Zelin didn't choose to continue head-on with him. Instead, he cleverly avoided the opponent's attack with a cat-like pace and used a side spin to cover the bottom-up diagonal attack. He aimed at the killer's. Lower back. The killer held the knife with his backhand to block the blow. Zelin used the strength of his waist to press it up with all his strength. This made the killer's figure sway, and he diverged to stabilize himself. This blow allowed the demon hunter to be sure that the killer's strength was not derived from him, but from his weird weapon.

After colliding with the ebony blade twice, there was no scimitar with any gap or crack.

While the killer took a step back to readjust his pace, Zelin did not choose to pursue, but took a few steps back. The killer's eyes showed a trace of confusion. He didn't understand why Zelin gave up the best chance of chasing. The killer seemed to be thinking about it. , Whether the demon hunter has prepared any traps, is using unpredictable actions to lure him to the bait.

But when the killer saw Zelin raise his hand, he realized what the demon hunter was going to do.

No one stipulates that a person who uses a sword can only wield a sword, not cast spells, just like no one requires a wizard to wear a robe instead of plate armor.

The killer rushed over and wanted to launch an attack after Zelin's magic seal movement was completed. He didn't know what spell Zelin was using, but he was sure that it was definitely not turned into a flash of light to add to the excitement. The speed of the killer was very fast, and he rushed in front of Zelin almost in the blink of an eye. But as a demon hunter of the Griffin School, he is already familiar with the fingers that draw the seal. The rune of Yaxifahin appeared in front of his fingers, and the sound of glass shattering sounded in the air. The killer took the second step, leaped high, and waved the machete in his hand to slash at the head of the demon hunter.

But the moment he left the ground with his hind feet, his eyes suddenly disappeared. This is just a moment’s effort, but it’s enough for the Demon Hunter

Zelin held the ebony blade in one hand, passing by with a round and kill. After their shoulders were staggered, the demon hunter took a step forward and stood firmly on the ground, while the assassin did not stand firmly when he landed, fell to the ground, slid forward a few meters, and the machete in his hand turned along the ground. After a few laps, it finally stopped when it hit the wall on the side of the room.

Chapter VIII Titus Maid II

The killer shrank on the ground, and the place he lay quickly turned into a pool of blood.

The demon hunter slowly walked over, guarding against a sudden attack by the enemy. However, after he approached, he was sure that the killer was really dead, and that sword just cut his chest. Zelin bent down and took off the assassin's mask, revealing a standard dark elf face.

It's the dark elf again.

After sighing, Ze Lin looked around and carefully looked at the wooden cabinet or table in the room and no other assassins were hiding under the table. He retracted his sword and looked at the bald old man sitting behind the wooden table in the study. He is almost seventy years old, and his white beard has been drooping to his chest, but his thin body and the dark skin caused by the wind and sun for many years make it difficult to see the feeling of twilight in him, long robe The plush on the shoulders not only keeps warm, but the gold chain decorations and delicate patterns sewn with silk threads can be seen everywhere on the robe, all of which indicate that this old man is the owner of this study.

"A wonderful battle." The old man said while sitting on a wooden chair. It seemed that he was not a victim who was about to be killed by a killer. On the contrary, he was like a spectator entering the arena to watch the battle. After the battle, he praised the winner. "Soon. Sword."

"So, you are the emperor?" Zelin looked at the calm old man in front of him, "Isn't a stand-in?"

"I have never met someone so similar to me again. I feel sad about his death, although he was ready to die in the hands of an assassin when he became my stand-in. I proved to Marlow that he was a fool. I told him that you can’t stop the Dark Brotherhood. No one can do it. He is a good commander. May Akai take care of his soul.” The old man put his hands across his chest. He sighed, "Yes, I am the emperor, and my subjects call me Titus Maid II."

"As a person to be assassinated, you acted too calmly." Zelin walked to the killed assassin and picked up his desert scimitar that fell on the ground. "I thought you would take advantage of me and the others. Fleeing during the battle, not far away is Solitary City, and there are guards who are still loyal to you."

"When I faced the countless ancestor Shenzhou army in the imperial capital, I did not escape from Cyrodir. If my fate must make me die here, I am willing to accept this appointment." The emperor looked at the demon hunter "that weapon" It’s called the Wind Blade. It used to be on my ship. I was going to give it to a guard who was worthy of this weapon. Now, it’s your trophy."

"Can't you still find a trustworthy personal guard?" Zelin said half-jokingly. He put away the blade. This weapon is not suitable for him. It is too short by the standard of one hand and half sword. . But for one-handed weapons, this wind blade is just right, and the magic attached to it can make up for the shortcomings of one-handed weapons' lack of power.

This weapon was very light, Zelin waved it twice, and with the help of the candlelight on the side, the blade of the wind blade shone coldly. There should be some kind of magic attached to it, so that the person hit by this weapon feels as if a boulder is pressed down. Maybe he can give this weapon to Virginia to study it. No matter how far away the enchantment can be figured out, this weapon is a good harvest.

"Many people are looking forward to my death. Somo, Empires, Nords, and some people have successfully implemented this idea." The emperor's sight followed Zelin's movement and stopped across the desk. "I thought I would be there. You see ambition in your eyes, but it’s not important anymore. I hope you can do me a favor. I don’t know who betrayed me. He has to pay for this betrayal. Once you get the reward for killing me , I ask you to kill the master behind the scenes, can you help me with this?"

"As a person to be assassinated, your request is very strange." Zelin has seen many dying people, but this is the first time he has seen someone who is so calm and can speak such words to the killer. "Talk about you again." Before the commission, I hope you can answer me a question."

"What can an old man tell you?"

"What do you think of Dragonborn?" Zelin narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the emperor.

"Dragonborn is the hero of this continent, whether it is the dragonborn who has put down the sky dragon disaster today, or the last dragonborn emperor Martin of the Septim Dynasty. Without Emperor Martin, our current continent may have been destroyed by annihilation crisis. Without the current dragonborn, there will still be fire-breathing dragons flying above our heads. I don't think there is anything to question about this." The emperor said naturally.

"I heard someone say that you are trying to rely on the blood of the dragonborn to make your dynasty, like the Alesia, Lehman, and Septim dynasties in the past, become a dynasty that continues the era?" Zelin still remembers himself. When he got here, Professor Toldif advised him that he could not be sure that the news everyone got was correct, but he would try his best to make sure that the news was correct.

"My ancestors used their talents and the army in their hands to conquer provinces, defeat other warlords, and build new empires. They are not relying on blood. I defeated the ancestors of the Shenzhou army in the Red Ring campaign. It was also not relying on blood." Mai De II shook his head. "As a killer, your face is not killing intent or chill. I don't know what you have gone through, but it's not that important. Are you reluctant to agree? Well, thank you for listening to an old man's nagging ."

Titus Maid II relaxed his shoulders and sighed, "Come on, don't stand stupid, you haven't gotten there yet. Since this is the arrangement of fate, just like the emperor and the assassin, do it." Right."

"Because I thought, I might not need to get there either." Zelin pulled a chair and reached the opposite side of the emperor. He interlaced his fingers and put his hands together on the table in front of him. He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the emperor in front of him. "Maybe you will die in the hands of the assassin sooner or later, whether it is the Dark Brotherhood or someone else, as you said, the emperor and the assassin, but I think the fate may be missed. Now, she has something to do, so the appointment with you will be postponed for a while. Well, I stopped her, I hope she won’t be angry about it."

The emperor did not speak, he was waiting for Zelin to continue speaking.

"I'm not a killer. On the contrary, there is a clever liaison in your sharp-eyed hawk. He found something wrong with this ship, so he hired me here."

"Is this a joke peculiar to the Dark Brotherhood?" the emperor asked rhetorically.

Zelin rubbed his forehead, "I don't like joking at this time."

Chapter 890 Thanks to Meade

After telling the emperor what was going on, Mead II quickly accepted this fact. Perhaps for an emperor who has lived to seventy years old, and even commanded the Imperial Legion and the ancestor Shenzhou's high elven army to fight a world war, he has seen too many things, and this kind of assassination has been difficult to cause him. Surprise or great emotional fluctuations.

"Almond's Mortiere family, I think I know it." The emperor looked at the small wooden sculptures placed on the ground by the demon hunters. The family in southern Uzbekistan has always hoped to sign more peace and trade treaties with the ancestor Shenzhou. Maybe they think my actions will destroy the empire. But they are too stupid to think that Somo really intends to get along with them."

"Now, the army of the Senate is on the west side of Rift Valley City. They surrounded the Hogarth Peak. There is news that they are wearing the uniforms of the Imperial Legion. This has angered many Nords, and more and more people are fighting. Flock to Windhelm City and join the Stormcloak rebels." Of course, the situation is not that serious, but how can we use the emperor's power to solve the plan to do the Senate against the Dragonborn, why not do it.

Standing on the deck, the rain outside was still falling, and the Lonely City on the cliff in the distance was shrouded in hazy rain and fog. Zelin didn't care about the water droplets on his forehead. The emperor didn't seem to care about it. He just watched Zelin put the small wooden sculpture on the deck with lots of water, then took out a small bottle of strange potion and dripped it on the wooden sculpture. On.