The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 524

"Sir, how can you recognize them?" Jarl climbed up to the tower and bent down panting. "You are like their old friend."

"Because I graduated from the military academy." Julia said casually, as if it was just indifferent knowledge. "I am a professional officer. Okay, boy, let's get back to the battlefield!"

"The Nilfgard are here, and we have stopped their detour." On the mountain ridge called the gallows by later generations, Marshal Natalis waved his hand after listening to the scout's report, beckoning them to go down first. Rest. The staff officers placed the flag representing Nilfgard on the south side of the map in front of the Marshal for reference.

On the hillside where the commanding tent was visible to anyone, not only the banner of the coalition marshal was erected, but also the white lily banner of King Foltest was also erected there.

"I believe in your abilities, Lord Marshal." Foltest, who had just led his troops from Mayena Fortress, sat on a chair beside the camp and said to Natalis, "These are all good soldiers, the most in the north. Excellent men and women, command them well and lead them to victory."

Natalis didn't say much, he just bowed to the king and immediately began his deployment.

The Brugge, Rydania, Temalia, and Mahakam Volunteers were placed at the forefront. The Freedom Corps and the PFI Infantry Regiment were placed in the back as reserves. At the same time, eight light cavalry squadrons and ten heavy cavalry were placed in the front. Arranged behind the infantry, ready to silhouette at any time. The Chote River protects their right flank, and the towering hillside protects their left flank, ensuring that the Nilfgard cavalry can hardly turn around from both sides.

But what is really important is the 10,000 coalition cavalry led by Earl Bruncott, deployed behind the hillside of the left wing.

To the south of the Brenner area, Nilfgard's scouts also spotted the northern coalition forces at the forefront of the marching route, ready to respond to the enemy.

"Marshal, we are waiting for your order." All the front-line combat officers gathered in the camp of Marshal Kochlen, and waited for Menor Kochlen's order, "When will we launch an offensive?"

Colonel Keith Van Lowe looked a little nervous. This was the first time he was transferred to the frontline commander, although his troops were not placed on the front line. The other officers who had to go to the front to command the troops in person seemed very relaxed, even a little boring. Colonel Tib Aegbrage of Alba Heavy yawned and his eyes wandered on the distant horizon, while Colonel Muir Moss of Dessert was looking at the collection of poems in his pocket. He often reads his favorite verses aloud in the army. As for another promising young officer, Colonel Ramon Tillconnell of the Ad Fein Division pulled his collar to make himself more comfortable.

"When will the attack be launched?" The marshal raised his gaze from the topographic map sent by the scouts in front of him. How many people are there? Let all the scout cavalry set off at once. I want to know if there are other enemy troops in ambush nearby, as well as the exact deployment and number of enemy troops! Especially in the mountains to the north, I must know whether there are still ambushes behind the mountains. To the other troops."

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ps: This is the prototype of the poor infantry in the Gwent card

Chapter 979 The Battle of Brunner

When night fell, the temporary hospital had completed its construction. A clean and tidy camp that can accommodate dozens of wounded at the same time is filled with the smell of magical potions such as iodine, ammonia, and alcohol. A metal iron bed is placed in the most conspicuous part of the camp. The operating table and other instruments are as white as snow. They disinfected these things with alcohol to ensure that the wounded would not be infected by bacteria during the operation.

Rasti looked at where he was going to fight next. He had three assistants, two girls and a woman, an old, young and beautiful woman. They may face a lot of trouble next, but Rasti believes that they can handle it. Xia Ni is Osenfurt's doctor and his student. He understands Xia Ni and her knowledge. Little Elora is a priest. She looks very young, but Rasti knows that she will not lose her mind and become overwhelmed by seeing terrible wounds and wailing injuries. The nuns of these churches will not collapse when they are nervous, they will think of their religion, and the mysterious gods and beliefs. This usually allows them to calm down in times of extreme chaos.

As for Marty, she is an experienced healer. Her magic usually has unexpected effects, and is usually the most important thing-hemostasis and sutures.

There are also several medical staff who act as helpers, sitting outside the tent, enjoying the cool night breeze. Most of them have not been real doctors, but they have been generally taught how to transport the wounded and will not show up in Rasti. When he needs hemostatic forceps, bring him a hand saw. A local blacksmith is preparing his own tools by the tent to rescue the wounded who are stuck in twisted helmets and armor.

"In a while, in a place not far from us, thousands of people will try their best to kill each other." Rasty simply gave a speech to these doctors and medical staff. "Here, We do not have a complete hospital, dozens of doctors and nurses, and not enough medicine reserves. It is impossible for us to save all the people who were sent here, but even the wounded who were sent here are nothing but A very small part of all the wounded. Maybe not many people expect us to save them, but we must do our best to ensure that the wounded survive, because this is why we exist, to help those in need."

His audience was silent.

"We may not be doing well enough, but we will do our best, and I believe we can do it."

Under the eastern foothills, a scout cavalry team was moving fast. They were assigned to investigate whether there were soldiers from the Northern Allied Forces nearby. They had been almost an hour before leaving the camp, and had penetrated more than eight kilometers into the enemy's territory. Lamar Frouth felt her stomach twist together, as if a live eel was burrowing inside.

The north was different from the south. They walked among the fir forests. As night fell, a thin white mist filled the woodland. They stood under the open canopy of a tall tree, looking at the misty valley not far away.

"I didn't see anyone," Flott said. "Damn, there must be ghosts here, just like other places. The north is full of monsters and demon spirits. We have gone far enough."

"Is it far enough?" The sergeant rolled his head. "We are walking like a tortoise with legs."

"We should go to the hillside over there and have enough vision to allow us to see the surrounding situation clearly."

Flott pricked his ears, and he seemed to hear the sound of horse hooves. He couldn't help but look around, they were surrounded? Or has someone already discovered them?

He looked at his colleagues, and they all thought of something. They encountered many problems after they set foot in the north. Monsters in streams, monsters in forests and swamps, and even ghost dogs and ghosts that suddenly appeared on both sides of the road. The north is like another world, at least in the south, they won't see so many monsters and demon spirits where humans live. Many soldiers have disappeared during the evening patrol, and even the dead bodies are not found. Only some blood stains and clothing remains indicate what kind of disaster they have encountered.

"I seem to have heard something..." he said to his fellow scouts.

"There is the sound of horseshoes." The sergeant raised his head nervously.

"Prophet Rebioda guided us." A soldier said nervously.

When the cavalry was about to move on, they saw the source of the hoof.

Flot felt his heart lifted to his throat. In front of them, a skeleton horse exuding blue flames was pacing through a valley filled with white mist. The horse's steps were very light, as if floating in the mist. They can clearly see the bones, skulls, and eye sockets of the ghost horse, just like a skeleton walking out of the fog and ghost fire. The horse was strolling in the valley. Suddenly, it raised its head, seeming to notice the Nilfgaard soldiers who broke into this place, and immediately rushed towards them.

The scouts subconsciously drew out their swords. But their horses were frightened, became uncontrollable, and fled in all directions. These riders fully control their mounts, but they can only prevent the horses from breaking into the enemy's camp in a panic. Flott grasped the reins tightly so that he would not be thrown off by the running horses. The surrounding scenery kept spinning, and there seemed to be more ghosts waiting for them in the mist. He didn't know if it was his own illusion, the soul in this mist seemed to be constantly reaching out from the ground to pull him off the horse.

He didn't know how long he ran. When he recovered, they had already left the valley, and the horse ran back to the south with them again. Flott sat upright and looked around. Several of his colleagues were also there. Someone's helmet was turned upside down during the rush, but fortunately no one had hidden the injury.

"Let's go back." He said again. The others are meaningless. Even the sergeant has no objections. They are sweating and panting. "Let's stop wasting time. There is nothing behind this mountain. , There are only ghosts and monsters. We must go back and give our report to the commander. Let's go back!"

Looking at the group of evacuated Nilfgard scout cavalry, the figure of the ghost horse was hidden into the fog, a figure walked out of the fog, and he led another horse. Zelin narrowed his eyes slightly. After confirming that the group of scouts would not return, he mounted his horse and headed south. Zelin received a message from the south for the second time. A huge snowstorm filled the territory of Martina. This was definitely not a normal snowstorm. Some things were getting worse.

So, in the early morning of the next day, just as the sun rose from below the horizon, Marshal Menor Kochlen received this report.

Invincible love behind the mountain.

The marshal lifted his gaze from the map and looked at the officers who were ready and the soldiers who had already lined up outside the barracks.

"Raise the flag!" He issued a brief but firm order "Mr. Aegbraj, Mr. Milla, the Alba Division begins to attack!"

"Long live the emperor!" yelled Colonel Tib Aegbraj and Lieutenant Deverin Ep Milla, putting on their own helmets.

"Raise the flag." Marshal Kochlen repeated, "May the glory of the sun **** shine on you!"

On the Gallows Hill, the movements of Nifogard's army were seen in the eyes of Marshal Nathalis.

"They started to move." The marshal clenched his sweaty palms. "The Nilfgard came to us, gentlemen."

King Foltest tightened the reins of the white horse, and the white horse was decorated with white lily armor. "We must give them some proper welcome, give them an order, your marshal."

The marshal raised his head and said to the other officers standing outside the camp, "Let's bring death to the man in black." The Adenian, Kodwin, Rydanian, and Tamorian were all standing here. , They are all northerners "God protects us and raises the flag!"

The drums of war rang, the flags hunted in the cold morning wind, and the earth trembled under the hooves of thousands of horses.

Chapter 980: The Haze under War

"The Central Army has begun to attack, Your Excellency the Duke."

In the fortress in Verdon, Duke Joachim de Witte received information from the messenger. Kochlen's army has begun to attack the main force of the northern coalition forces.

"I see." The Duke nodded to his subordinates. "You can go now."

A look of confusion flashed in the eyes of the Duke's subordinates, but Duke Werther didn't care about it. He doesn't need to explain anything. In Nilfgard, the commander's command is the command. As long as he did not order an action, no soldier could leave his camp, otherwise he would be treated as a deserter. Nor will anyone question the command of the chief. In Nilfgard, who pays attention to identity and class, it is undoubtedly a crime for subordinates to openly question their superiors.

This castle used to belong to a nobleman of Verdon, but that nobleman may have run away, or he may have died. There was no one here when they came. For Duke Werther, a huge castle is better than a narrow barracks, and it is easier for him to plan and communicate.

Some kind of magical props can make their fellow party members who are thousands of miles away hear each other's voices. They can even use this thing for a simple meeting. Duke Witte picked up a small metal box in his own private room in the castle. If the person who provides this magic item is more credible, he will be more willing to use it instead of carefully locking the magic item in a small box.

"Kohlen has already begun to attack."

He knew someone was listening on the other side of the box. When he first got this kind of communication box, he thought there was an elf hiding in it, and other people got this kind of props from Wigwarts, and they were no better than him when they heard the sound coming from it. Better performance.

"You won't help him, right, this is part of the plan." A sharp voice came from the other side of the box. This is Levaden, an important member of the Merchants Association.

"Of course, dear Leivaden, this is going to be a terrible war." Duke Witte squeezed his beard. "Coheren wants to face the main force of the northern coalition by himself. To be honest, I hate selfish interests. We do it for the empire." This decision was made. Enhill had to step down, and the army loyal to him would die on the northern battlefield. Any lowly-blooded bastard, a spoiled dandy offends the throne, a disabled, inferior royal descendant against the empire It is a great crime and hurt. The de Witte family will not stand by."

An emperor who rejected many ancient families of the empire and went to canonize a Sintra princess as a queen, maybe one day he would go to canonize the Zerekan and Serekania.