The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 525

"Don't talk about these long talks, De Witte!" A low and loud voice replaced Lewaden's sharp sound. The Duke knew who this voice belonged to. Duke Adal Ep Darcy, the commander of the Eastern Army. "We We have reached the edge, the war has begun, and our war will begin. Don’t forget that the implementation of all plans is based on Enhill’s death. He must die, otherwise everything will be ignored.”

"That's why I contacted you. Are the assassins ready? How is the contact with Prince Fries?"

Another royal family in the empire, the Fries family is obviously more qualified than Enhill to ascend the imperial throne.

"Prince Fries is difficult to deal with, but he has a young son, Morfan Fries. As long as we can succeed, we can push Morfan to the throne..."

"Constitutional monarchy," said a sneezing man. "This is a good time to implement constitutional monarchy. This is a progressive system. Then there is democracy..."

"...But Morfan is still too young, and the Regent Council will be in charge of the empire." Duke Adal Ep Darcy directly ignored the voice of Skellen. The duke will become the field marshal, and you, Skellen, the minister of foreign affairs, on the premise that you must give up the idea of ​​adding officials to the farmer."

"Kohlen's army will be hit hard in this war. A cruel war, or even failure, will mobilize the people's anti-war sentiment." Leevaden said skillfully what would happen next. "When the time comes, Enhill who supports the battlefield will become the target of public criticism, and we will become heroes who end the war and overthrow the tyrant. The aristocracy will stand on our side, and as long as sufficient subsidies are given, the surviving officers will not oppose us. As for the people. ..."

"They are easy to manipulate." After sneezing, Skellen said the following words in place of Leivaden. Long live."

Levaden was silent for a while before re-speaking, "Skellen, I now understand why you screamed at the new regime all day long."

"Well, I have to interrupt your tirades." Duke De Witte couldn't help but said, "Where is the assassin? Your prospects are based entirely on an assassin who has a legitimate reason for assassination! The empire will not accept a conspiracy assassination. The government of the emperor, the noble class and the officers will not. We must not only ensure the success of the assassination, but also make the assassination seem in line with justice on the surface! The assassin should be packaged as a hero, and a hero should be a better one. People, a fiery warrior, an avenger..."

"My ally, Master Wigwarts, caught a female warlock." Skellen sneezed. "It's the female warlock Ye Naifah. She was given magic and illusion. She would perform an assassination like a walking corpse. Then she sneezed. She will commit suicide. People will know that Enhill not only failed to govern the empire, but also persecuted and murdered children. Ye Naifa’s daughter died in the hands of a tyrant, so the tyrant was eventually killed by an avenger with magical powers."

"Awesome!" cried the weird Earl Broney. "Perfect plan. Enhill's guards are unlikely to find a powerful magician who has been subjected to illusions. We only need to find a way to keep the battle in the palace. The mage left at a suitable time."

"The battle has already begun, let Wigwarts send his assassins out, we can't wait any longer!"

"If Kochlen's army defeats the northerners easily, what should we do? If he achieves a major victory, Enhill will still be supported by the army."

"No, this war must end, no matter how it is ended. As long as Enhill dies as a tyrant and we stand up and say the word peace, people who are overwhelmed by heavy taxes and war will support it. We, even the army."

Duke de Witt pinched his beard and raised his head. The mirror in front of him reflected the scenery outside the window behind him. In this sunlight, the imperial army was fighting a decisive battle with the northern coalition forces in the Brenner area.

Chapter 1981 Blood Flows into a River

"Alba, attack!"

The Alba heavy equipment division was like a fist, smashing into the northern coalition defense line fiercely. The Temorian infantry phalanx in front of it was smashed into a depression. The infantry’s spear pierced the heavy cavalry in the first row, but the cavalry behind followed, the spear was broken, and they shattered all the armor, spears and shields that could protect the Tamorian infantry. The line of defense disappeared into the black wave in the blink of an eye.

They are like a wedge, inserted into the defense line of the northern coalition forces. It was like a dagger pierced into a person's body, blood splattered, Brenner’s land was instantly stained red with blood, broken arms, corpses, pierced, trampled, the infantry threw down the black cavalry, and the dagger Keep piercing into the gap in the armor of the cavalry. But every cavalry fell, the Northern Allied Forces had to pay the lives of several soldiers. The Alba Heavy Equipment Division kept advancing forward, and for a moment, some people might even think that they could break through the coalition defense line and tear a hole in the defense line.

But gradually, the Alba Division’s forward speed slowed down. The dagger pierced into the body of the Northern Allied Forces, but it failed to pierce the heart or other important organs. This blow failed to kill the enemy, but instead Stuck in the bones, the men in black were trapped in the hordes of infantry, advancing as fast as thick pitch is flowing.

"Alba!" Colonel Tiber Egbraj's shouts were mixed with the sound of intertwined weapons, horses neighing and dying screams, "Alba go forward! For the emperor!"

The heavy equipment division continued to advance, they kept hacking and stabbing. The surrounding northern soldiers fell continuously, and there was the sound of torn armor and bodies everywhere, and the sound of fighting seemed to be covered by wailing. But these soldiers from the north did not retreat. Instead, they rushed forward more fiercely.

"For the north, for Temalia! Kill the man in black!"

Swords and axes continued to rise and fall. The cavalry who had lost their speed was pulled down, and the coalition soldiers who were angry at the invaders rushed up fiercely, doing everything possible to kill the man in black in front of them. Facing the black knight rushing over, none of the infantry retreated.

The spear pierced the gap in Colonel Egbraj's armor and pierced his body. The colonel trembled, and before his assistant came to help him, he fell from his horse, fell to the ground, and was then crushed by the fallen infantry corpse.

Alba’s banner fell, and Lieutenant Deverin Ep Mila, the deputy of Colonel Aegbraj, immediately filled the vacancy. He raised the fallen battle flag and continued to lead the Alba Division and Tamoli Asian troops fight. But soon, the lieutenant's horse was chopped off by a soldier and fell to the ground with a neigh. Just as the lieutenant fell to the ground, his spear pierced him from all directions.

The eyes of the colonel who fell to the ground gradually diminished. Excessive blood loss made his head difficult to think. In the home book, his old mother said that he would make his favorite apple pie when he was a child to greet him when he came home. He really wants to sit at home and sit at home. Next to the mother, not lying in the pile of corpses.

Wait, apple pie? What's that?

He would never remember what it smelled like, blood rushed to his throat, and the cold mist enveloped his consciousness.

The man in black rushed to the coalition defense line like a wave, and pierced into the defense line with a dagger, but the tenacious soldier blocked the first wave of charge of the man in black with his spear and his body. The defense line seemed to be torn at any time. Broken, but when the men in black fought with the coalition soldiers, the line of defense was still as tough as the beginning.

When the Albanian division began to attack the central defense line of the northern coalition forces, the Magne division and the Fenendal division launched a fierce attack on the Redanian regiment deployed on the left flank of the coalition force at almost the same time. They were led by Major General Marcus Brebant himself, and they collided with Redania's elite Royal Army. But this was not the main offensive and defensive line of Marshal Menor Kochlen. The Royal Army was the most powerful unit in the Northern Allied Forces, so the Marshal placed the main attack on the right flank of the Allied Forces, which consisted of the Brugg Army and Mahakam Volunteers.

The left wing of the Nifogaard coalition was composed of Deswen Division and Ad Fein Division. They formed the iron fist of Marshal Kochlen and punched the coalition defense line near Jinchi Lake. As a veteran, Marshal Kochlen accurately found the weakest part of the northern coalition defense line. Brugg and Mahakam’s troops were tightly defending by the Jinchi Lake, but they did not have sophisticated weapons and armors, almost in the blink of an eye. , The two front flags fell down. A baron of Brugg and another commander of the Liberty Corps fell under the sword of the man in black,

Not long after the war started, the temporary field hospital in Rasti was crowded with wounded. Many of the wounded were dragged down from the front by their comrades-in-arms and taken to the hospital. But this is only a small part. Most of the wounded were not rescued, and even died on the way to the hospital due to excessive bleeding.

"His thigh bone was crushed." The blacksmith squeezed the twisted armor, revealing his **** legs. Blood was pouring out continuously, causing the operating table to be washed with blood again. "Quick! Ayrora, get the hemostatic bandage, Xia Ni, hand me the scalpel... No, I want the bigger one."

Marty chanted a spell, and there was no longer so much blood on her legs. Xia Ni squeezed the wounded's hand, and the pain made the wounded's eyes widen and his emotions were very tense.

"I must amputate your limbs and stop the bleeding." Rasty took the scalpel and pressed it on the wounded soldier's leg. "Otherwise you will bleed to death."

"No! I don't want to amputate!" The wounded soldier struggled and almost hit Xia Ni's forehead. "Let go of me!"

"You must amputate or you will die!"

"I would rather die..." Under the influence of magic, the wounded soldier's movements became slow. This kind of magic can alleviate the pain of the wounded. It was invented in an ancient magical battle to create a group of soldiers who would not feel pain. However, the wizard who invented this magic failed in the war and was taught. The regiment was sentenced to death, but the magic was preserved by the mages who studied medical treatment.

The wounded soldier looked at the scalpel on his leg and cried out, "I would rather die than be disabled... Let me die, please..."

"No, I am a doctor, I must let you survive."

The scalpel cut into the crushed leg and began to saw the bone. The wounded soldier uttered an inhuman scream, but it seemed insignificant in the battlefield hospital filled with blood and wailing.

Chapter 982: The Decision of Fate

The sound of horseshoes echoed by the Jinchi Lake. When the Bruggers’ defense line was about to collapse, the cavalry of the Free Mercenary Corps shot up from the flanks to cover these. Under the attack of the black knights and crossbowmen, the phalanx became broken. Unbearable Brugg soldier.

The old mercenary Latimore rode on a horse. He lowered his body, almost hanging himself on the side of the horse. The machete wielded by the Nilfgard cavalry slashed above him, while the old mercenary slashed the leg of the man in black with a knife. He knew what to do at this time, and it looked glorious to face the enemy's cavalry, but the glory and excitement could not save a person's life. He heard the neighing of horses behind him and the sound of heavy armored soldiers falling to the ground. Instead of turning his head back, he continued to rush forward.

The battle at Jinchi Lake was extremely fierce, and the Nifogaards pressed forward with all their strength, and Marshal Kochlen seized the opportunity to exert full pressure on the right wing of the coalition forces. As long as the line of defense on one side collapses, his cavalry unit can break through the line of defense, go to the back of the coalition, and attack the center and left wing of the coalition back and forth. The corpses even dyed the water of Jinchi Lake red. Ownerless horses ran into the river. On the pebbled lake bank, the lake water constantly slapped the corpses piled up by the lake.

Seventeen-year-old Aubrey is a messenger. In the past, he only ran between towns, but this time, he realized that delivering orders on the battlefield is completely different from sending letters between towns and villages. He crawled on his horse, and arrows flew past his head constantly, and there was chaos everywhere. Where is he? Where is the enemy? Who is attacking us? Little Aubrey couldn't tell all of this. He tightly hugged the order from Marshal Natalia. He knew that the order must be sent to the hands of the Mahakam Volunteers.

"Hi! Boy over there! Are you crazy!"

The old mercenary's body was already covered with blood, the knife in his hand cut a gap, and the blood was dripping from it. "Who are you and what are you doing?!"

"Trumpet Aubrey, a lieutenant under Marshal Nathalis." Little Aubrey pulled on the reins tightly, and the horses were pacing back and forth. "I want to take the marshal's orders to Mahakam. In the hands of the volunteers!"

"You're going to find the dwarf? Come on, hurry up! I'll take you there." The old mercenary urged the horse to run in the other direction, and Lieutenant Aubrey followed him. At this time, Little Aubrey realized that he had just gone in the wrong direction. The old mercenary guarded the messenger while retreating. However, the horses of the Nilfgard were obviously better than the horses of the Liberty Army. The clothed cavalry caught up to them.

"Keep going east, boy, go!"

The old mercenary turned his horse's head and turned around to kill the Nilfgard cavalry who was catching up. Aubrey was lying on his horse, an arrow flew past his ear, he must send the order as soon as possible. Soon, only the sound of fighting was left behind.

They soon met Julia the little cat who was leading a cavalry squad fighting with the Nilfgaards, as well as Colonel Adam Pangrat of the Freedom Corps known as ‘Yadiu’. The dwarf legion formed a square formation of shields and spears on the plain. The gaps in these squares were filled with the bodies of the Nilfgard cavalry. They soon found Barclay Ayres through the banner. The phalanx where the colonel is located. The shield opened a passage in front of them, and the stout Colonel Ayers' short helmet was decorated with red feathers. He was sitting on the body of a dead Nilfgard horse.

"Colonel Ayres?"

The dwarf nodded, and he looked at the young messenger.

"Little messenger Aubrey? The son of Baron Anselm Aubrey?" Ayres took off the pipe he had lit between the battle.

"It's the eldest son, sir."

"Ha! I know your father." Ayres patted Lieutenant Aubrey on the shoulder. "Tell me, what have you brought us from Natalis and Foltest?"