The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 528

But behind the Jinchi Lake battlefield, where the coalition forces were about to be defeated, there was a clear sign that represented the location of the battlefield hospital.

"Hi, you are from the north, demon hunter, do you know how the war is going?"

Driving on the wind and snow roaring sea, this ship is traveling to the south not far from the coastline. The captain also hid in the passenger cabin, avoiding the wind and snow outside. Fortunately, they were able to see the uneven coastline of Sintra so that they would not lose their way in the wind and snow.

"You are not from the north?"

"I'm from Etorian. When we come to the north, the empire will exempt us from taxes for five years." The captain stood by the porthole. The cold weather in the north made him very uncomfortable. "In order to make a living, we can only Come here."

"It turns out that the north is more difficult?"

"Fortunately, it's not much more difficult than in the south. As long as you don't have to pay so many taxes, especially the war tax, it looks good from other places." He sneezed. "Except for this **** ghost weather." By the way, what happened to the war? Some people say that business in the Ponta River further north is much better than that in the Yaruja River."

"I didn't participate in the war." Zelin polished his silver sword. "I have a few friends who go to be doctors in the field, but I don't think the war will last long."

"Yes, it won't be too long." The captain nodded in agreement. "But your friend shouldn't be a doctor. When the Imperial Army wins, slave traders like to bring mercenaries to catch and write professional knowledge. Man, in the slave market of the empire, this can be sold at a very high price, much more expensive than slaves who can only mine and move stones."

Seeing that Zelin didn't follow, the captain rubbed his nose and changed the subject.

"Can you people who use swords make a lot of money in the north?"

"No, it's just luck sometimes." Zelin looked at the sword in his hand. "There are some professional specialties."

"For example?"

"We don't have to pay taxes."

"Ha! No wonder you have so much money in your hands." The captain patted his hands suddenly, "This makes sense."

Chapter 986 Dark Moon Guardian

A soldier ran past the camp in the field hospital.

"Run, doctor! Run! The Nilfgard have broken through our defenses, and they are coming to kill us all! We have failed!"

"Clamp it, hurry up, Xia Ni, use the hemostatic forceps!" Lasti did not look up, blood was spraying out of the wounded soldier's veins. "Clamp here, Marty, use your magical magic to find a way!" "

Screams came from outside the tent, and an arrow dashed through the air, tearing the camp tent, whizzing past, and piercing the canvas on the other side. Fortunately, most of the wounded soldiers were lying on the ground. This arrow shot very high and did not threaten them. But the range of an arrow is less than 100 meters, which also means that the enemy who shoots the arrow is not far from here.

"Doctor, can't you hear!? Run, Nilfgard is here!"

After hemostasis was successful, Rasti took over the needle and thread to prepare for the suture. The wounded man was in a coma, but the doctor can be sure that he is still alive and his heart is still beating.

"I don't want to die here." A wounded soldier who was still awake yelled, and he struggled to move towards the entrance of the camp. The Nilfgaards once slaughtered the city in Sintra. Six months ago they slaughtered 6,000 inhabitants of the city in Vangeburg. They also sent light cavalry to intercept and kill the fleeing farmers and arrest them as slaves. , Let them become the cheapest labor in the imperial mine. No one wants to fall into the hands of the Nilfgard, which is why the northerners have come to the front line to support the battle. At least they have a chance to survive if they are defeated, and there will be nothing if they are defeated.

The wounded soldier moved to the front of the camp. Suddenly, he fell to the ground and blood spurted from his chest. Little Airola tried to support him, but the figure that appeared in front of the door made her movements froze.

There was a disturbing silence in the camp.

The silver badge of the Villihead brigade gleamed in the sun. It is the infamous Velihead brigade, they are made up of the most extreme group of elves, and they never leave anything alive.

Nilfgard's army broke through the front line of defense, and now they are in the rear hospital.

"These people are receiving treatment." A Villihead Brigade soldier looks around the camp. "So many people are receiving treatment?"

Everyone was silent.

"What does this mean?" Another soldier drew a scimitar. "The wounded soldiers should lie on the battlefield and bleed to death. They should not receive any treatment."

He swung his knife and struck the wounded soldier closest to the door. The second soldier passed over the wounded who had passed out in front of him, raised his sword and stabbed the wounded man lying on the stretcher in the back. One wounded soldier was still awake. He raised his bandaged hand and tried to use it as the enemy's sword, but in vain, the sword pierced his arm and body together.

Xia Ni let out a scream, and Little Elora rushed to a wounded person, using her body to protect the unconscious wounded person who was close to the soldier. The wind mixed with blood picked up the corner of the camp, and Marty in the corner saw more Nilfgard soldiers and Velihead elves broke into the medical camp. They broke into the camp to treat the wounded. , Soon, those camps were sprinkled with blood.

"Are you not a soldier?" The elf's eyes narrowed. "Get away! Otherwise I will pierce you together!"

Little Ayrola's face was as white as paper, but she still lay on the wounded, motionless.

Rasti jumped between the little Elora and the soldiers, "Get away! Get out of my hospital, murderer! You can't kill people here!"

The elf lowered his head and looked at the halfling with contempt. "BlordePher’ian? Disappeared in front of me, human slave!"

"This is not your battlefield!" The halfling's teeth trembled, but his voice was powerful.

There was a urging sound from the Nilfgard officer outside.

"Hurry up! Enemy reinforcements are likely to appear, and we must advance to the north as soon as possible!"

An elf waved a spear and hit the halfling with the handle of the spear, causing him to kneel to the ground. The tall elves raised the long sword dripping with blood and pierced it at Little Ayrola. The girl from the temple closed her eyes tightly.

A swept epee flew the stabbed long sword. The elf didn't react yet, his body was hit, and then his head flew out and fell into the bucket containing the surgical tools.

The soldier holding the spear saw the attacker, and he raised the spear and pierced towards the opponent. The assailant threw the giant sword straight over and nailed the soldier to the ground together with a Nilfgard who broke in behind. The third elf soldier swung his sword and slashed at the assailant, but a slender stinging sword appeared in the hand of the assailant. The stinging sword stabbed three times quickly and accurately like a serpent. The elf soldier fell to the ground with extra body. Three holes of blood have been removed, and blood is constantly bleeding outwards.

I saw in the camp, I don’t know when a female knight in silver armor appeared. The silver gauze decoration on her made her look like a Serekania. Only the desert people would decorate herself with tulle. Armor, but her skin is too white, unlike the complexion of a desert nation.

Two Nilfgard soldiers rushed in after hearing the sound. The female knight took out the sword very quickly. Before the first soldier came to see the situation clearly, she was pierced with a sword in her throat. The second soldier swung his sword and slashed at the female knight’s helmet with all his strength. The female knight’s stabbing sword tapped on the blade and bounced off the soldier’s long sword, and then another sword followed the armor. The gap pierced his neck.

After killing a few soldiers, the knight retracted the sword and looked at the doctor and soldiers who were stunned in the camp without emotion, then turned and left the camp.

Before long, there was the sound of horses hoofs of reinforcements from Temola from outside the camp. A cavalry unit of Temola and mercenary cavalry of the Freedom Corps rushed into the camp and started fighting with the Nilfgard army who had broken into this place. Not long after, the enemy army that had broken into the medical camp was driven out.

The silence in the camp lasted for a while before someone asked slowly

"Who is she?"

"She must be a noble rebel."

"No, she must be the saint Arondara!" A wounded soldier from Vizima suddenly exclaimed with excitement. "She is a knight of the egret and a believer in the fairy of the lake! As the legend says, a great The female knight! The fairy in the lake sent her to save us, she..."

Before he finished speaking, the wounded soldier covered his wounds that he had been rubbed because of excitement and wailed. Marty, the female physician on the side, had her lips trembling. She was just about to prepare a spell, although she didn't know how much magic that could kill people. She had seen the female knight in the demon hunter's castle, but she swallowed what she was about to say.

"Whether she is a saint or not." Rasti raised his head wearily, a bruise on the doctor's face. "Let's continue."

The 987th chapter counterattack horn

"We can't sit here and wait to die!"

Colonel Ayres looked at the Nilfgard who came up like a tide. The dwarf's position was like a reef in the waves, bearing the shock again and again. Their phalanx stood on the spot, unmoving, but Ayres has been unable to count how many times the waves nearly submerged the reef.

"If we don't close to the central defense line, the Nilfgard people will pass through the gap between us!"

A Nilfgard knight without a helmet smashed through the shield, and the sword in his hand struck a dwarf who was not protected by the shield, and then he backhanded off the head of the second dwarf. Colonel Ayres screamed and rushed towards the knight. He dodged the blade across his head and broke the horse's leg with a hammer. The horse neighed, and the knight fell to the ground with the horse. The dwarf jumped up and hit the Nilfgard's head severely.

"Do you have any suggestions?" Lieutenant Aubrey comforted the pacing warhorse. "If we leave the shore of Jinchi Lake, we will be surrounded and wiped out immediately!"

The dwarf cursed, took off his helmet and threw it on the ground, revealing the crazily blood-red eyes below. Aubrey was taken aback by his gaze.

"Let Alpin Zieglin and Sheldon Skager come to see me! Hurry up!"