The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 530

The cavalry of the men in black got in more and more, Jarl could almost smell iron and blood, and the knights wielded their swords like demons.

"For the motherland!"

This group of young people faced the sharpest knight in black and uttered a harsh roar!

Jarl saw the knight and the horse rushing, and he saw the black armor on the horse reflecting the light of the sun. He saw the Governor facing the charge of the man in black, disappearing into the wave of the man in black in the blink of an eye, followed by the first row, and then the second row where he was.

Jarl grabbed his spear and closed his eyes.

When Jarre opened his eyes again, he found that he was lying on a stretcher in the battlefield hospital, his body seemed to be broken, and there were bursts of tearing pain from all over his body. He saw a doctor standing beside him holding a scalpel, his left hand no longer looked like the past, as if something had broken all the bones on his arm.

"Doctor, doctor..." He is very weak, his head is dizzy, and his eyelids are as heavy as lead pouring. "Who, who wins."

"Don't move, your arm is broken, I will help you stop the bleeding. Hold on, the battle is over, we won, boy. But you can't die here! Die after the war! Ayrala, come and help, Don’t cry!” Rasti shouted to Airorah, “My child, your necklace saved your life, otherwise you will die on the spot.”

Jarl saw a broken arrow on his brass heart-shaped necklace, which had become a pile of fragments. He also saw his classmate Ailola in the church school, his lips were swollen, and he wanted to squeeze out a smile as much as possible.

"Ayrora... how are you?"

"What's this stupid question!" While wiping her tears, Ayrora stopped the bleeding from the wound in his abdomen. "Why are you here?! Mother Nanika will give you a whip and look at you. Goddess, you are bleeding all over!"

Jarre wanted to say something more, when the hand saw was pressed against the bone under his shoulder, the pain caused him to pass out again.

Chapter 989: Dragonborn Support

The result of the Battle of Brunner blew across the land like the wind.

The Northern Allied Forces won. They paid an extremely heavy price. Thousands of soldiers were wounded or killed. Most of the Allied Forces commanders died on the front line. The water of Jinchi Lake was stained with blood. The imperial offensive came to an abrupt end after this battle. In the subsequent strategic actions, Natalis and his noble officers made good use of the tactics learned from the battlefield and from the imperial hands, roundabout and cavalry. Long-distance attacks, light attacks, and high-mobility marches. Before the imperial army realized that their Central Army had failed, a large number of cavalry forces quickly defeated the Nilfgaard infantry who were still marching in the southern part of Temalia. .

More than 40,000 Nilfgard soldiers were killed or captured. Basically all the frontline officers died in battle. The whereabouts of Marshal Menor Cochrane is unknown. Some people say that he escaped and went to live in seclusion in the forest of Brocleon. Some people say that he was killed in the battle, but more. It is believed that he fled when the battle was about to fail, and later returned to the battlefield. Because he could not accept his defeat, he chose to hang himself on the battlefield, and his ghost has been reverberating on the battlefield. It is said that some people can still listen to it on the battlefield. Go to Marshal Coheren shouting "Return my legion".

The northern coalition forces also suffered heavy losses, with more than 10,000 deaths and more injuries. Almost all front-line aristocratic commanders including Count Cobbs de Ite and Governor-General of Bronnibe were killed. Among the troops that resisted Marshal Menor Kochlen’s last counterattack, the young volunteers of the PFI Corps, more than three-quarters of the people died on the battlefield. They suffered extremely serious casualties and blows, but did not retreat. One step, until the forces that defeated Nilfgard's flanks copied from the two breads, and annihilated the Nausica Division and Delaney's brigade.

Later, when Verden’s Imperial Army received the news of the defeat of the Central Army, Natali’s army had divided them and surrounded them in Verden’s many fortresses, and completely liberated Brugg and pushed the central front. Back to the Yarlunga River-where the war began. Before being surrounded and annihilated, Duke Joachim de Witte threw down his army and fled back to Sintra. Before long, he was secretly arrested by agents of the Imperial Intelligence Agency.

As a result, the Eastern Empire Army under the command of Duke Adal Ep Darcy also had to retreat when facing the siege of John Natalis' army on the back. Retreat all the way to Edsberg before stopping and establishing a new line of defense.

There is no doubt that at the sacrifice of countless people, the North is gradually gaining battlefield advantage. Perhaps it was the past policies of the Nilfgaards that caused them to suffer. The slaughter in Sintra, the slaughter in Verdon, the slaughter in Van Geborg, the slave trapping team that captured slaves in the countryside, followed the army, and took the prisoners of war. Put the captured farmers into cages and sell them in the slave market. When the southerners thought that victory was at their fingertips and began to search without scruple, the fiasco of the Battle of Brenner slapped them severely. The rapidly defeating army can make them too late to retreat, and the rapid attack of the northern army, such as Nilfgard's elite army, caught them by surprise. Natalis' light cavalry began to attack everywhere. Many slave traps left the village with a convoy of cages full of slaves, and were wiped out in the fields outside the village by the light cavalry.

The news of the victory made the people in the north soar, while the Nilfgard kept retreating. There were even rumors that Nilfgard was going to abandon Sintra and retreat to the border line before the First Battle of the North. . The result of this battle caused many southerners to panic. Even on Sutton Hill, the imperial army had never suffered such a heavy defeat.

"Temoria’s army is pursuing it." George, standing at the top of the castle, looked at the fortress of Haji in the distance, and the coalition forces of Cordwin and Temoria were filed out of the fortress. “I don’t think we don’t need it. Dealing with the trouble caused by the empire, Aiden, how long do you plan to stay in the academy?"

"Let's stay one day." The cat school demon hunter on the side lowered his head and smoked a hookah. "It's not because the commission you sent to me last time was too rushed. As a result, I didn't have time to tell her, and she was very angry." He took a deep breath. Sigh, breathe out smoke slowly, "Wait a moment I will go up to the floating port and buy two suitable clothes. She likes nice clothes."

"You have worked so hard." George shrugged. Suddenly, he heard a strange noise from the courtyard below, and the badges on the chests of the two demon hunters trembled slightly. George walked to the edge of the tower and looked down while holding on to the battlements. He saw a blonde woman standing in the courtyard and looking around, as if he was surprised to find that there was no one in the courtyard.

"What's the matter?" Aiden put down the cigarette and asked George.

"It's nothing, one of Zelin's friends is here, I'll go down."

"Okay, I'll continue to blow the wind here for a while." Aiden moved his shoulders, and Gede, who came to visit the castle, was taking some children to exercise on the trial trail. The doctor in the clinic took her sister. Said to go home for the time being to deal with the little things over there, so there is no one in the castle.

Seeing George walking down from the castle and looking around the castle, even Gnaiya, who was still putting his hand on the hilt of the sword, heaved a sigh of relief. She knew George "What's the matter with this castle? I thought it was haunted."

"They went out to train and haven't come back." George explained. "Your room key should still be in the clinic. Zelin should be happy to know that you are back." George knows some friends of Zelin, he knows What was the truth about that dangerous portal? Of course, he was like the few others who knew the truth tightly about it.

"Wait, he's not there?" Gnaiya keenly heard something wrong from George's words. "Where is he? I thought he should be here waiting for me, don't tell me he... is out on a trip again? "

"He went to the South, it should be something related to Wigwarts." George shrugged. "These mages are very troublesome... uh, what are you going to do?"

Gnaiya strode to the side of the stable and pulled out a horse. "I think I might be here for a while. Tell me, where is that mage?"

"Are you going to find him? He told me before he left that he was going to Stiga Castle in Martina."

Gnaiya was silent for a moment.

"...Give me a map."

"Wait a minute." George walked towards the castle hall. "But I suggest you take a boat. The captain we know, the water rat is docked by the floating port these days. If you can pay, he should be willing. Drive you to the Sintra coast near Martina."

"Thank you for your suggestion." Gnaiya looked in the direction of the floating port and grinned. "But I will persuade him to drive me over."


"My childhood friends, they all participated in the war. People wrote down this incident, and didn't know how much my world had changed until I went back."

The breeze caressed the shore of the lake, the sunset was west, and the lake was covered with mist. Galahad quietly listened to Hiri's account, without knowing how long time had passed.

"And my relatives and friends, they are all heading to Stiga Castle. They think I might be locked there. They are going to rescue me and prevent an evil mage from becoming a god. You should understand that your world There is also an evil mage in there, right?" Xili subconsciously touched the scar on her face. She looked at the reflection on the lake and adjusted her hair on one side. "But in fact, I wasn't in Stiga Castle at all at that time... I was placed under house arrest by the elves in their royal city."

"Evil mages... Merlin and Morgan, as I know them, are not that evil. Morgan sometimes makes people feel very uncomfortable." Galahad scratched his head. "Can you tell me how you escaped." ?"

"Of course! I'm about to say this..." Xili swallowed the last piece of bacon in his hand and licked his index finger. "Do you still have bread? I've been hungry for a day. What kind of eyes are you? I know I should control my body. , But it’s not too much to eat at my age, right?"

Chapter 990, Xili's Plan

Snow falls on the dreamy hills.

Drifting across the shining surface of Ternaria.

Quietly and slowly.

Into nothingness.

Xili didn't know how many times he heard it. Some elves recite verses praising them in this beautiful city of Tirnariya. She rode a horse on the streets with neat marble floors, not caring whether she would frighten the elven residents on the streets and bridges. When seeing the noble elves showing their panic when facing a human, Xili couldn't help but feel a sense of inexplicable refreshment.

This fairy king city is indeed a beautiful, a dreamlike city. This is by no means a magnificent city that can be completed by human craftsmen with their hands. Magic must have been used in the construction of the city. There are tree-high spires and marble houses everywhere. The city is built on a huge lake, but it blends perfectly with the lake and the nearby woodland. But no matter how beautiful and elegant Tirna Liya is, to her, it is no different from an ordinary prison.

"Good horsemanship."

A cold voice caught Xili’s attention. Eredin appeared on the other side of the street and blocked her way. He did not wear that skeleton-like armor, but a normal dark red jacket. "But you are the most Don’t show it here. There is no audience or applause. The racecourse is on the other side."

"Avalak said that I can move around in any corner of Tirnaria." Xili raised his chin tit-for-tat.

"A proud guest, huh?" Eredin grinned. "But I suggest you accept our proposal. This is a good thing for you and for us."

"Then every time your king calls me into his palace, he puts me aside and looks in the mirror for himself?" She doesn't like this kind of imposing request, but this kind of being ignored The feeling makes no one feel comfortable. "Oberron, Oberon, what the **** are you thinking?" Hilly imitated a sharp voice, "Do you need me to find him a magic mirror?"

Oberon, the king of the elves, is like a calm but decayed old man, although his appearance is still the same as that of a human in his thirties. Avalak said Oberon rejected any magic that could prolong life or even immortality. He was only six hundred and fifty years old, but he felt older than any elves. For Oberon, Hillary didn't feel too much ill feeling. But most of the time, he just ignored the existence of Xili and played chess on his own. Sometimes he would let Xili sit by his side and watch the sky with him, and sometimes talk about some worlds and prophecies in a learned tone. Or invite her to dinner.

But it's just that.

"You are infected with many human evils." Eredin scowled. "Your remarks are too radical. Your blood has not lived in our world for a long time. Are you planning to leave? You can go to Your Majesty the King tonight. His palace, he will approve you to leave. Otherwise, Avalak will keep you here until the end of the world."

Xili squinted slightly, "What do you mean? He promised me that it won't be like this."