The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 532

"It's all over!"

Xili unceremoniously threw away the boat pole, drew out her sword, and stood at the other end of the canoe to confront Erudin, "Everything is over, and I must leave!"

"I feel suspicious." Eredin narrowed his eyes slightly. "Where did you learn this? How do you know that this river can break through the magic barrier? How did you figure it out or was someone told you?"

"It's not important." Xili's eyes passed over Eredin's shoulders calmly, and the canoe was slowly moving forward under the water.

"This is very important, but it doesn't matter if you say it or not." Eredin took a step forward and raised the sword. "But we will use our own channels to figure out how this line leaked out."

With the help of lightning, she could see his weapon clearly. This weapon is a single-sided sword with a slight arc, the end is polished very brightly and everything is extremely sharp. The hilt of the sword is very long and is equipped with a circular protective cover to protect the hand.

When the lightning disappeared, Eredin's sword pierced out like a poisonous snake in the dark, and Xili made a block posture next time. At the moment when the blades crossed, the canoe was swaying non-stop, and Xili made a maneuver to force Eridin back, and then steadily fell to the stern. The sky was overcast, and Eredin always took advantage of the darkness to attack. Xili had to open his eyes wide to determine what angle the opponent would choose to shoot the sword.

"The farce can end, go back, Javier. Oberon will be waiting for you in the palace. I promise he will be happy to let you give birth to a child tonight."

"I feel skeptical." Xili imitated Eredin's tone just now. "What kind of mentality do you have to give him a stimulant that is beyond the body's tolerance? What do you think about adding fascination to the stimulant? Phantom medicine? Did you accidentally or intentionally want him to die tonight? Or die after doing what you think should be done?"

Hilly asked about the smell of psychedelic drugs from the medicine bottle in Oberon's hands. It was anesthetic powder, a dangerous hallucinogen from her world. She didn't know how the elves of this world got this medicine. They couldn't possibly kidnap a chemist just to make up anesthetic powder for them to enjoy.

"What did you say?" Eredin's face showed uncontrollable surprise for the first time.

"Oberron is dead." Lightning flashed across the night sky frequently, wandering in the dark clouds like an electric snake. "Your alder king is dead. He died under the potion you specially formulated."

Erudin's surprise quickly disappeared from her face. This surprised Xili, Eredin's shock disappeared so quickly that she thought she was wrong.

"But even so you can't leave." Eredin raised his sword. "You are very important to Ain El. I will never let you go. I won't kill you, Javier. But I think it’s good for you to lie in bed with a bandage for a few weeks."

"Okay." Xili suddenly put down the sword. "But before that, I must tell you a secret first."

"What sad secret can you tell?" Eredin laughed.

"You are too tall."

With a bang, Eredin's head hit the stone bridge across the stream. This made him lose his balance, and Xili jumped up and pierced Eridin with a sword. This sword didn't kill him, but pierced his thigh, causing Eredin to plunge into the river, which quickly flooded him. Then Xili bent down and passed safely under the stone bridge.

Hilly turned around, and with the help of lightning, she saw Eredin was dragging her injured leg to the bank of the river. But in any case, he couldn't come to hunt her again in a short time.

"Tie on a bandage and stay in bed for a few weeks. It's good for you."

This is the third stone bridge. Xili retracted his sword, picked up the boat rod on the canoe, and controlled the canoe to another tributary according to the path said by the unicorn. The stream became turbulent, and after passing through a layer of bubbles, Ternaria's building quickly disappeared behind him.

There are dense and ancient forests on both sides of the stream. This world is completely different from the world Xili knows. There are unknown dangers everywhere. Huge phosphorescent eyes appeared under the water from time to time, and the canoe sometimes collided with some unknown huge living creature. Fortunately, the canoe was very stable and she controlled it well enough to prevent the canoe from overturning.

At the end of the stream was a fjord, and several islands appeared on the sea in the distance. Just at the mouth of the fjord, she saw a few unicorns and stayed there as agreed.

"I am here!"

She waved to the unicorns, and the unicorns responded to her shout with a neigh. These unicorns can talk to her directly through their spirits. Although they look like horses, Xili would not think that they are any different from true higher intelligent creatures.

"You are here, Star Eye." The unicorns gave Xili a name that belonged to them, Star Eye.

"Are you here to help me return to my world?"

"Yes, Star Eye." The unicorn at the front rubbed Xili's shoulder. "But before that, the elders have ordered that we have to show you something."

Hilly agreed. Avalak said that she had the power to travel through the world in her body, but she didn't know how to use it. She could only hope that these unicorns knew the blood of the elders as well as the Elves.

She rode on the Kelpie, through the steppe outside the forest, and then the deep valleys and gorges with overgrown vegetation. Thunder and lightning flashed in the sky. The storm was approaching, and the wind screamed. In the end, the unicorn led Xili to a basin that looked like a desert.

"It's here."

"What's in here?" Xili asked curiously, the sky was very dark, and she couldn't see what was on the desert basin. She is trained as a demon hunter, but she is a female and cannot accept mutations, so in the dark, her eyes are no different from ordinary people.

"Let's go down and take a look." A trace of sadness was mixed in the unicorn's voice.

Hilly rolled over and got off the horse, but when she had just stepped on the ground, she heard a crisp sound, like the sound of a broken bone. At this time, a flash of lightning flashed, and Xili gasped.

This desert is not made of gravel, but of boundless bones. Now she is standing among the bones like mountains and seas, these bones are reflecting the chilling whiteness under the light of lightning.

Chapter 993 The Gate of All Realms

"This, what is this..."

There was another flash of lightning, and Xili realized that he couldn't see the end of this skeletal desert. She bent down and picked up a skull with a fatal sword mark on it, almost smashing the Tianling Cap. After seeing the remaining teeth on the bones, Xili couldn't help but froze. The owner of this skull has canine teeth, but the elf does not. There is no doubt that the bones in this bone desert are dead human beings.

What is this? One hundred thousand? Million? How many people were slaughtered here to create such a terrifying scene.

"This is the once master of this world." The unicorn slowly said, "Ain El's fleet descended from the sky. The black ship fleet headed by the Najirfa destroyed all the civilizations in this world, and they killed them all. Of the humans and Red Yang tribe on this planet, only a handful of humans survived and were driven by them as slaves."

"...All the intelligent races in this world?"

"When the black ship fleet carried Ain El’s sages throughout the world, there were only corpses and bones left in this world." There was a strange emotion in the unicorn’s voice. "This was not originally Belonging to their world, they came here, conquered this place, walked to death, summoned meteorites from the sky to destroy cities and fortresses, and rebuilt their cities and towers on the slaughtered planet."

Xili suddenly realized what was going on with the large sunken basin she had seen on the road before. She once read about the long sword made of meteorite by the demon hunter in Kyle Morhan’s book. It is from meteorites, those stars that fell from the sky.

"We once made a mistake. When Ain El elves tried to open the gates of the world, they used our power. Now, they squeezed out our value, and they began to try to use you to open new The gates of all worlds. They will do the same thing to your world. We help you because we hope that the same tragedy will not be staged again."

"There are armies and wizards in my world, they..."

"They are like campfires and erupting volcanoes in front of the sages of Ayn El elves." The unicorn interrupted Xili's words. , There is a fleet, but they are a complete failure. Your world has no stronger power than this world."

Xili took a deep breath, thunder rumbling in the sky, the wind was blowing, and the entire skeletal desert creaked in the hurricane.

"What is the gate of all worlds?"

"That is a spell that allows Ain El Elves to freely travel through the realms, and even allows the entire race to migrate to other worlds." The unicorns dig their hooves restlessly. "They will choose the world they can conquer. Then they sent the powerful army and fleet through the gates of the worlds under the leadership of the sages. But four thousand years ago, during the most recent opening of the gates of the worlds, they lost the power to restart this door, so They need you and need your strength to assist them and reopen the gates of all realms."

"Who has the ability to open the door of all worlds?"


Hilly knew who the fox in the unicorn mouth was referring to, and this was talking about Avalak.

"...And Sparrowhawk."

"Eredin?" Xili was a little surprised. "He also has the blood of the elders?"

"Four thousand years ago, the fox and the sparrow eagle worked together to open the new door of the world. It is the opening of the door of the world this time that their power has declined." The unicorn shook his head and said on his forehead. The horn exudes a reassuring white light. "The fox can only travel through a few worlds now, and although the sparrow eagle can reach the time vortex, he can only descend into the world through the situation of wandering souls. Both of them, any one of them can get you, All can reopen the gates of all worlds."

There was a deafening thunder in the sky, and the unicorn suddenly snorted to warn him, and Xili immediately understood its meaning.

She jumped on the Kelpie's saddle and followed the unicorn in the other direction. It didn't take long for the two red knights to appear where they stood.

"Tell me, how can I return to my own world?"

"Space expands behind you and collapses in front of you. This is traversal." The unicorn advances Kyle to send a position to "find the right position, use this force to jump up, enter another time, enter another A space."

Hilly didn't understand the meaning of this sentence, but still struggled to do it. She tried her best to understand. She tried to concentrate. Whispers and blood poured into her ears together. She wanted to concentrate to mobilize the power in her body, although she didn't even know what was going on with this power.