The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 534

Hilly asked the unicorn beside him. The unicorn neighed, and she understood what the pony meant.

It was extremely dry and the temperature was high, and the blink of an eye made her sweat all over her body. An extremely hot sun hung in the sky, which made her feel thirsty and intolerable. This is a very dense forest. In Xili’s memory, there is such a dense woodland. The only place where there is such a dense woodland is the Brockleron Forest. She hopes that she has come here, which means that she is not far from the place she is familiar with. . Brockleron is on the border of Temoria, and it only takes a few days for her to reach the Mahakam Mountains, and then get in touch with Geralt.

They wandered in the forest for a while and did not see any traces of dryads, elves or little earth spirits. It was getting dark, and Hilly suddenly realized that he had made a mistake.

There are two moons in the sky.

This is not her world.

Suddenly, the unicorn let out a warning beep.

The birds in the surrounding woodland flapped their wings and flew, and suddenly feathers fell on the ground. Several cracks appeared out of thin air in the nearby clearing, the airflow began to rotate, and two red knights gushed from the cracks. Before Xili drew out the sword, the space on the other side also appeared distorted ripples, and the red knights rode their mounts to rush out, vaguely forming a fan-shaped surrounding her.

Xili wanted to cross again, but she was horrified to find that she was blocked, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't produce any effect.

The unicorn neighed, lowered his head and slammed into the nearest red knight. Hilly heard the voice from the unicorn in his head.

"You have to protect yourself and get out!"

The red knight dodges the shock. Sheri remembers Avalak's words that the damage caused by the unicorn's horn is not only fatal, but also incurable. She used to think it was just Avalak's exaggeration to keep Xili away from the unicorn, but now it seems that the elf sage is not lying.

At the moment the Red Knight dodged sideways, a gap was exposed in their encirclement, and Xili rushed toward the gap on his horseback. She swung the sword, not knowing who had slashed the blade. The speed of the Kelpie was very fast, and he broke out of the encirclement in the blink of an eye. Xili didn't look back. She drove the dark horse to run non-stop, followed by the shouts of the pursuers and the clatter of horseshoes. Several red knights stayed to deal with the unicorn, and the rest continued to hunt Xili.

She ran without stopping, and the red knight behind was chasing her. She began to be grateful that she could get a good horse like Kelpie. She lowered her head, and the dense branches slashed above her head. A red knight wanted to catch her, but the speed of Kelpie was too fast for them. Shorten the distance with Xili.

They are chanting.

Hilly turned his head and looked at the Red Knight behind his eyes. She concentrated on trying to cross. This time, she didn't feel the existence of the encirclement, but there was nothing but emptiness in her mind. The power of the blood of the elders comes from the Elvite tribe of Ayn El, and they must have a way to limit the power of the blood of the elders.

She thought of what Mrs. Ye Naifah had taught herself in the past. Spells generally have a certain distance, and you need to keep your eyes on the target or have some substitute before you can cast a spell on the target.

She must escape.

"Kelpie, hurry up! Hurry up!"

The black mare straightened its neck and galloped like a wind. Hilli pressed tightly to her neck to reduce air resistance as much as possible.

At a certain moment, she suddenly found that the obstacle in her mind had disappeared. She immediately closed her eyes, and a flash of light flashed across the dense and dark woodland, and then the woodland returned to darkness, leaving only a few angry curses from the Red Knights.

This time, she appeared on an island where the wind was howling. The wind blew a slight tingling pain on his face, and the surrounding turbid sea kept tumbling, slapping this uninhabited island.

"Little Ma, are you there?"

This time, the unicorn did not follow. Xili waited for a long time on the island. She hoped that the next moment, a white light would shine in the nearby air, and the unicorn would reappear, telling her where she was lost again. It took a long time before she had to admit that she was alone again. Like a tramp, a swimmer wandering in the endless ocean, but she wanders between time and space.

The wind was so strong that it quickly dried her tears.

The wind howled and whispered in his ears.

Her tears dried up.

Unquenchable sleepiness and exhaustion rushed to her heart, and Xili lay on this little island that no one cares about, lying among weeds and gravel, amidst the waves and wind, she gradually fell asleep.

She didn't know what world it was, or what sea area it was located in, let alone whether there was civilization on this planet. She didn't want to know this either, she just wanted to sleep, rest once in the continuous shuttle and escape for an unknown length of time. The unicorn is right, she still has a lot of way to go, and more importantly, she has no idea how far she is from her destination, maybe the next world, maybe after countless worlds.

Soon, in the concerto of sea breeze and waves, darkness gradually covered her consciousness.


"What's the matter with you, Geralt? You look uncomfortable?"

After bypassing the wind and snow in the northern part of Martina, in a group of people heading south along Sintra, Regis took a few glances at Geralt, and then suddenly asked, "Your breathing is fast, I can get from you The heartache can be seen in his eyes. What did you think of? You are absent-minded."

The others in the group, Cahill, Angola, and Milva took the reins one after another, stopped, looked back at Geralt, and looked at him with caring eyes.

"Hiri," Geralt whispered. "I feel Xili is lost and helpless, but I can't do anything."

Several people looked at each other, and finally Regis came to a conclusion.

"Wonderful destiny, Geralt, wonderful destiny."

Chapter 996: The Pushing Hand of Destiny

In the largest newspaper, the sensational adventure of Mr. Malcolm Gusery of Bremore has made him notorious. A little bit about this incident was reported in the column. Because we know that only a small percentage of subscribers will read the press release issued by Tived South, we will review the incident described here.

On March 10 this year, Mr. Malcolm Gusery took a fishing rod to Rock Glaskanok. There, Mr. Guthrie saw a girl with scars on her face (sic) appearing (sic) among the fog and illusion (sic) on the lake, riding a black mare (sic) . The girl approached Mr. Guseri, who was dumbfounded, and spoke to Mr. Guseri in a certain language. Here, he quoted Mr. Guseri's original words in describing this language, "I think it may be French or other mainland dialects." .

However, since Mr. Guseri does not speak French or any dialects on other continents, he cannot talk to the girl. The girl disappeared, and Mr. Guthrie’s original words are quoted here again, "like a golden dream."

Editor's comment: The color of Mr. Guthrie’s dream is like the golden color of malt whisky. We learned from reliable sources that he often drank this wine, which fully explained his seeing dark horses, girls and monsters on the lake in Scotland. Vision. But the main question we want to ask Mr. Guthrie is: Four days after the ban on fishing was issued, what did you do with your fishing rod on the shore of Rock Glaskanok?

-—-"Inverness Weekly", March 18, 1906

Xili didn't know how far he went, how long, and how much time passed.

She arrived in countless places, and some of them seemed very unfriendly. Xili saw a dark rocky road with an unnatural smell of ashes, and there was a fire in the artificial tower. The black smoke in the back seemed to choke her to death. The air was filled with a pungent smell, and the sky under the setting sun seemed to be stained with a layer of gray. On the horizon in the distance, more black smoke seemed to burst into the sky. It rises like a stone pillar and reaches the sky.

Once, she appeared in front of a team of archers led by a knight. The knight waved the banner of the black cross on a white background, shouting the names of the Virgin Mary and St. George and rushed towards her. She didn't know what it was, maybe it was a local belief. These knights apparently regarded Xili who appeared suddenly as a devil, so she left as soon as possible, and jumped into another world before the charging lance hit her.

Some worlds are almost the same as hers. She saw people tying a woman to a cross and piling up wood around them. A man with a cross yelled something on the side and raised the torch in his hand, accepting The onlookers cheered. Women begged for mercy, but people were cheering.

Sometimes crossing is a very dangerous behavior. She appeared in front of a giant lizard in a different world. It was a dangerous battle. Two giant lizards seemed to be fighting for something. Xili didn't stop to watch the massive battle—because she was in the middle of the two lizards. The moment she disappeared, the two lizards collided from where she was standing.

There are also places that are as dangerous as falling on the battlefield of giant beasts in another world. A city built of metal pipes and neat stones is full of dead people and corpses. Rats screamed and fled from the smelly garbage dump nearby. The city was burning, and the stone-stacked houses turned into broken walls. People fight each other and kill each other with some kind of metal weapons that can emit flames.

Plague, some worlds are experiencing a terrible plague. The ragged, half-naked people were as thin as a ghoul, with two bloodshot eyes on their sunken cheeks. When Xili appeared, they crawled through the mud, screaming in words she didn't understand, Stretch out their thin arms, covered with terrible **** pustules. Xili did not stay, even for a second.

But there are also certain worlds that make her feel relaxed. The blue sky, the emerald green countryside, the herdsmen driving cattle and sheep and the friendly townspeople in and out of the small town taverns are rare opportunities for her to relax. But in a certain world, after she was almost chopped off by the cannibals who were entertaining her while she was sleeping, she had to be more wary. Not all humanoid creatures have the same logic of thinking, and not all of them have the same logic of thinking. The humanoid, short-eared creatures are all humans.

She has experienced more and more worlds, and she has gone from being surprised at first to feeling numb now. She had no idea how many things could arouse her surprise. Sometimes she appears on unknown coasts, valleys, cliffs and grasslands, sometimes she finds herself in an empty world, and sometimes she appears directly in other people’s homes, camping tents, and university students. Under the library or the observatory, there was even one time when two men and women were pleasing to each other's bedside. She apologized to them and left as soon as possible, can only hope that this will not scare them.

This often brings some commotion, but there are also some fool-like guys who are at a loss for her appearance, or may be frightened by the girl who suddenly appears, and don't know what to say.

Sometimes, she feels that every time she sees a person, she has to ask what kind of world it is, or throw out a bunch of strange place names to test the reaction of others, making her look more like an inexplicable fool.

In the end, on an island above the lake, she saw two people who were completely different from the others, two women, who seemed to be outside of time. There was a thick mist floating on the sea around the island, and the Kyle snorted anxiously. An elderly man pulling a fishing net looked at the sudden appearance of Xili in surprise, and made a deep grunt in his mouth.

She saw that on the balcony on the second floor of the island tower, the two women immediately waved their arms excitedly and greeted her when they saw themselves appearing.

"Hey, Hilly? Hillyah? Is that you?"

A girl who looked less than twenty years old covered her mouth in excitement, her eyes widened in disbelief, "Yes, you are here!"

Hilly looked at them with a little bewilderment, at the excited girl "Have we met before?"

"You have met my ancestors." The girl took a few deep breaths and calmed her emotions. "My name is Condevilamus Tilly, and my ancestor is Kelin Tilly, Novigrad’s dream Master, you have seen her, haven't you?"

Xili's face still showed a confused look.