The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 539

"Let's break through them!"

Of the two giant golems in front of the door, one of them has been transformed back into a pile of rubble under the magic of Tishaya. Geralt cut off one of the stone statue’s legs. After a while, this golem will be Will fall. The mercenaries fled into the castle one after another, closing the castle gate.

At this time, Zelin noticed that there was a man among the mercenaries who looked familiar.

"Don't kill me! I know what you are looking for!"

"I remember you." Zelin retracted the sword, and the man in front of him threw away the weapon, his leg was injured. "On the ice, you are Skellen's subordinate."

"Boris, Boris Moon!" The man nodded. "You are here to find that girl, right? I know where he is?"

"How do I know if you will deceive us for Skellen?"

"Skellen betrayed the empire. I won't go to the gallows with him." Boris's face was pale. "That girl, she spared me one on the ice. I'll help you, and then I'm about to run away. "

"Tell me, where is she." Geralt, who had solved the golem, walked over and asked Boris, "And Ye Naifah? A woman in black clothes? Where is she?!"

"The laboratory at the top of the castle, the other one should be in the dungeon."

Zelin raised his head and looked at the top of the castle. The castle was very tall and large in scale. He didn't understand why it was abandoned. Perhaps Wigwarts was already there during the Battle of Sutton Hill four years ago. Prepare your own plan, maybe earlier.

"Come on, Boris, better not let us see you again."

The man with his leg got up and staggered towards the gate of the city. Several people who had already settled the enemies in the castle courtyard gathered in front of the castle gate.

"I can use ball lightning to destroy this door." Tishaya suggested. "Or use magic to close the space here. We can't let Wigwarts take Sheri and use teleportation to escape, if he escapes to Hackland Meadows. Or in the desert of Serekania, we will never find him again. We must be fast!"

"Use your magic to close the space, Warlock, leave this door to me." The Dragonborn grinned and moved his shoulders. She walked to the door and took a deep breath.


The gate collapsed, and the splashing dust blocked the view, but they could hear the sound of the sound behind the dust and the screams of the mercenaries who stood behind the gate, praying that the door could block the intruder.

Angola raised the shovel he didn't know where he found, and screamed happily.

"You are so handsome, Auntie!"

Longyi's expression froze. She looked at Tisya who was inserting her staff into the ground and preparing to cast a spell to block the space. "Principal, have you brought the pointer?"

"If you need it, I'm very happy to change it. But now I have to save my magic to cast spells." Tisya sighed, and after thinking about it for a few seconds, she began to whisper a long spell. The crystal ball at the top of the staff emits a dazzling white light, which is whiter than the surrounding snow, and the snow and the ground have long been stained with blood. When the spell progressed to a certain extent, a translucent shield appeared in the sky covering the entire castle.

"I will maintain the barrier, grab Wigwarts as soon as possible, and end his crazy plan!"

Chapter One Thousand and Four Prey and Trap

The mercenaries in the corridor in front of the door were defeated in the blink of an eye.

They couldn't resist at all, and the monster-like appearance of high-level vampires had already scared them to throw away their weapons. They know how to face enemies with swords, but they can do nothing when facing terrible monsters. They don't even have a real understanding of vampires, except for the various terrible rumors about vampires that they can often hear.

At the end of the corridor is a large room, and the walls around the room are full of statues. There were several servants here, and they fled immediately when they saw them.

"Our sorceress blocked the space, but I am worried that Wigwarts may move from other places. Just like the **** behind the cliff you found before, as long as there is a boat, they can get from the sea under the cliff. Run away." Regis suggested, "I will conduct a flying reconnaissance, maybe I can find the whereabouts of Ciri and Yenafa before you."

"Be careful, Regis." Zelin nodded to the high vampire. "Don't forget, Wigwarts can also fly."

He still remembers the battle in the sky between Wigwarts and another archmage of the council, Ang Jetimtis, during the coup on Sinide Island. Wigwarts is not only proficient in how to use the staff to fight, but also knows how to cast spells while keeping the spell flying.

"That way, I have one more reason to go to the sky to investigate."

The vampire disappeared in the blink of an eye, as if the wind had taken it away. But the people here are not surprised, not to mention Geralt and his party who have traveled with Regis for more than half a year. As for Gnaiya, there are more vampires in Skyrim than in this world.

A door in the hall was kicked open, and a group of mercenaries who appeared to support the courtyard battle ran out. They were surprised to see the intruder appeared in front of them. But unlike their feelings, the invaders were not surprised at all. There are mercenaries everywhere in this castle, and Wigwarts' gold allows him to hire an army of thousands of people to defend this huge castle. If you want to defeat Wigwarts, you will encounter more than dozens of people in the courtyard and city walls.

The mercenaries raised their bows and arrows to prepare to shoot, but Mirva, the archer among them, had a faster shooting speed. Before the enemy put the arrow on the bowstring, Mirva shot two arrows at the same time and hit them separately. Two different enemies in front. When Mirva pulled the bowstring again, an archer released his sword and shot it at the huntress.

Milva remained motionless, and the arrow swept past her ears.

The archer fell on the ground as if he had been electrocuted, clutching his abdomen, and quickly formed a pool of blood on the ground. Cahill, Geralt and Angola waved the weapons in their hands and slammed into the team of lightly armed archers. Milva adjusted the guard on his forearm, raised the bow, separated his legs, and quickly tightened the bowstring against his cheeks. Once again, an assailant who emerged from the second floor of the hall was shot by an arrow and screamed and fell from the fence.

"Look at these!"

The Dragonborn swung the sword and cut off the leg of the nearby knight's armor. She shouted at Zelin, "Look at the other statues! They are coming back to life!"

The knight armor placed on the nearby wall seemed to be possessed by a demon spirit. Accompanied by the harsh squeaking sound, these armors came down from the base one after another, holding a shield, a long sword, a mace and a two-handed axe. , Surrounded them.

"It's just some magic." The sword in Zelin's hand was replaced with an ebony blade, and the knight's armor in front of him was chopped off the helmet, and then it was cut across the middle. This kind of heavy armor is difficult to deal with with ordinary swords, and it is impossible for them to destroy the enemy by killing the air in the armor. The demon hunter grabbed a bomb on his waist and threw it out.

The bomb fell to the ground, rolled on the ground twice, and exploded suddenly at the feet of several knights' armor. The pale green dust of anti-magic metal floated in the hall, and several things in knight armor became sluggish, and even started to wander around. Zelin raised his hand, and an Alderfa Seal broke the armor in front of him.

Gnaiya slid to avoid the split axe and swung the sword to cut off the leg of the knight's armor. She slid to the other side, raised her hand and threw the other sword in her hand, and hit the chandelier above the hall. The chandelier hit the other two moving armors. The armor that can't move but is still waving his hands and feet like walking is like a spider crushed on the ground.

"Your habit of shooting hasn't changed."

"Personal habit." Gnaiya walked over and retrieved her sword again. On the other side, Geralt and the others had already dealt with the team of mercenaries who rushed up, and a few archers in the back fled to other places, seeing that the situation was not good.

"Don't chase! We have more important things to do!" Cahill, the former officer of Nilfgard, pulled Angola, and the mace in the girl's hand was stained with blood. Cahill looked at Mirva who was returning the arrow on the bowstring back into the quiver. "You are too dangerous like that."

He was worthy of the fact that when the archer on the opposite side was preparing to shoot, Mirva not only didn't look for cover, but instead stood head-on in front of the enemy.

"No, they couldn't shoot me. I was not focused enough, and my body trembled when I was drawing the bow. When I was standing on the right, I put the arrow on the left side of the bow string. That looks beautiful, right?" Mirva He strums the bowstring. "But it's over. He has no chance to learn archery anymore."

"Let's continue." Geralt swung his sword. "I hope Wigwarts can still wait for us on it."

"Drink something first." Zelin casually threw a bottle of potion to Geralt.

The swallow potion was emitting an amber-like gleam in Geralt's hand.

"Good idea."

Geralt raised his head and drank the potion in the bottle. Suddenly, Zelin saw Angulan walk to the other side of the wall. She glanced at a bookcase and suddenly turned around and waved to them.

"Look here!" She held up a book and yelled to them, "The cover of this book has a diary written on it, as well as Xili's name. We should be able to look from here..."

The badge of the Demon Hunter began to vibrate.

"Put down the book! Angola, get out of there!"

"...Find Ciri's clue. Huh?"

Angulan raised her head unexpectedly, looked at the demon hunter in confusion, her finger just turned the first page. In an instant, the letters on the book seemed to come alive, climbing on Angolan's skin like a tarsal maggot. The golden letters made her look like she was glowing. Angulan exclaimed, and threw away the book subconsciously, but the moment the book got out of her fingers, the characters on her body formed a net, just like fishing, pulling her whole body into the book at once.

The first thousand and five chapters of the element of restlessness


Milva, who had always been calm and composed, screamed. She rushed over and was about to grab the magician, but then Geralt held her arm.

"Calm down, Milva!" Zelin walked over and picked up the book carefully. This is obviously a trap of Wigwarts. Write the experiment diary and Xili’s name on the cover of the book. It is estimated that anyone who wants to save Xili will inevitably open this diary and see what is written in it. What.