The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 541

The first thousand and seventh chapters double cross summoning technique

"Wigwarts possesses many extremely dangerous spells, and Hilly has asked me to warn you that you must go to the top of the tower to stop him."

After they eliminated the enemies on the second floor, Regis appeared in front of everyone. There were still violent vibrations from time to time outside the castle. The outer wall of the castle was severely damaged. The cold wind dissipated the warmth in the castle. Statues near the walls were overturned to the ground, and precious artworks and paintings were cut apart by splashing gravel. The fire element is attracted by the newly emerged stone giants, who can be seen through the broken walls still fighting around the castle.

"Where is Hilli? I thought you would bring her over."

"She requested that. She is going to find Yenafa." Regis replied. Let me inform you."

"Maybe it's a hostage?"

This is more like something Skellen would do. Zellin doesn’t know what they think, but they’d better prevent the enemy from doing these things. In the room, we can attack upstairs, approach Wigwarts, and separate a team to look for Yenapha."

The badge of the Demon Hunter shook violently again.

"Be careful!"

With a deafening roar, the walls collapsed, and a fist of burning flames punched into the castle. Splashing sparks fell on the statues and decorations, the high temperature caused the exquisite hanging paintings to burn, and the nearby mercenary corpses gave off a disgusting stench. Zelin hit his back against a nearby wall, and a statue of a woman fell from the side and smashed to pieces less than two meters away from him.

"It's going to collapse here!"

"Hurry up!"

The corridor of the ancient castle cracked at a speed visible to the naked eye, and piles of rocks fell apart, as if someone had slashed the ground with a knife. Zelin was close to the wall, and the fire element punched in the ruins of the corridor. There are many charcoal pieces that are still burning.


"I'm here." Longyi grabbed the edge of the gap with both hands, and she almost fell when the corridor collapsed. The hall on the first floor of the castle has been plunged into a sea of ​​flames. Bookshelves fell down and books were scattered on the ground. The high temperature made these flammable paper pages scorched and burned quickly.

Zelin possessed himself on the edge of the corridor, grabbed Gnaiya's hand, and yanked her up.

"Milva has fallen!"

Cahill shouted at them, and this huge crack just cut them off. The archer fell on the first floor of the castle. She slammed her head against a fallen bookshelf and fainted. The blood was staying along Milva’s forehead. The bookcase ignited.

"Cahill, Geralt! Go and save Mirva and Yenafa." There was another noise outside, and the fist of the fire element was missed. The stone giant blocked it, and it hit the side of the corridor. The room, in an instant, the whole house was turned into a burning ruin. "Gnaia and I continue to move forward. We can't stay here! Regis, I need your aerial reconnaissance. Tell me where Wigwarts is. , We can’t look for it from room to room like headless flies.”

Zelin could see that the power of the Golem was not as good as the fire element driven by Wigwarts. He didn't know how much time the Golem could buy for them, and they had to move forward as soon as possible.

"Dodge, the monster is here again!"

Several gargoyles rushed in through the gap in the corridor with screaming noises. Zelin stuck back on the wall and avoided the gargoyle's claws. Gnaiya seized the opportunity and threw a sword at a gargoyle. The long sword just pierced the monster's chest, nailing it to the cracked wall.

"Let's go! Quick!"

This is a chaotic creature that can be summoned. Zelin has seen it in the houses of other wizards. They are like giant bats. Sometimes wizards use them to fight, but the hunter saw it for the first time. There will be such a number of gargoyles appearing at the same time.

Geralt and Cahill disappeared on the stone steps leading to the first floor in the blink of an eye. Regis disappeared like a wisp of wind, and groups of crows broke through the crack in the wall and hovered around the castle. A gargoyle found the target, it rushed, but failed to rush to the demon hunter, but hit a door panel. Zelin slammed the door to the outside of the stairs on the third floor, blocked the door with a wooden bolt, and blocked the gargoyle from the outside.

"I should have asked Virginia to come here. This mage is stronger than the last time we saw him." Gnaiya wiped her smoky hands on her leather pants. "But she will definitely regret herself. Missed such a good opportunity. Why are there so many monsters?"

Zelin thought for a while and shook his head, "I'm afraid only Wigwarts knows."

"How many monsters did Wigwarts summon?!"

The elven warlock raised his hand and shot down the gargoyle swooping down in midair with a single blow. The gargoyle fell on the ground and slid out a few meters in the snow, and finally hit the wood pile in the corner of the wall and blinked. Was submerged by falling wood.

"Alzu Double Cross Summoning." Francesca looked solemnly at the top of the castle, and the entire castle was wrapped in a strong chaotic magic. Tishaya's wand kept flashing, and some defensive spells were constantly trying to break through her barrier blockade. "Remember the Maribo disaster? Tishaya?"

"Of course I remember."

Alzu’s double cross summoning is the magic created by Alzu, the most famous summoning mage in history. The initial version of this spell is powerful and uncontrollable. Some monsters summoned from the void are still wandering around. Among them, there are orders. The fearsome giant centipede. The body length is hundreds of meters, and the front body can be raised to make it 50 meters high. It killed the mage who created it, and destroyed half of Maribo, then fled into the gloomy and deep forest of Riverdale. Until the Warlock Order wiped it out.

"We have improved the summoning technique to ensure that the magic does not summon overly powerful monsters. How did Wigwarts summon so many monsters and advanced fire elements?"

The disaster gave the warlock cult a warning, and they imposed restrictions on many summoning techniques to prevent reckless wizards from causing disaster in the research of summoning techniques. Sometimes, laboratory explosions will only kill a few people, but the loss of control of the summoning technique is likely to cause an area to be destroyed, especially when the full moon is full of magic power.

"There is only one explanation." Francesca narrowed her eyes slightly. "Wegwarts has the original version of Alzu's Double Cross Summoning, the most terrifying spell."

Chapter One Thousand and Eighth: Facing the Devil and Fear

A huge boom echoed in the corridors, halls and rooms of the castle. The walls vibrated and the rafters creaked. With a loud noise, a portrait in a gilded frame fell from the wall.

The mercenaries are like headless flies. In their eyes, this is unspeakable fear, with explosions, flames and murderous monsters everywhere. Mutants, mages, and monsters are fighting. Someone saw Cahill, the son of Chirac, the palace manager of the Nilfgarde Empire, but everyone said before that Cahill is dead. Now his ghost appears. To kill with a long sword. There are also various monsters. The castle seems to become a monster’s nest in the blink of an eye, as well as the terrible laboratory of the wizard.

Stephen Skellen calmed them with a threatening glare, commanding them with a stern look and voice. They escaped from behind, and the castle had become a hell, with flames and corpses everywhere.

"What's going on? Report it to me!"

"Mr. Coroner, it's the devil! They are all demons from the hell!" One of the mercenaries snorted painfully. Control, and those **** monsters... that mage, the monster that the mage summons will also kill us..."

With a bang, the castle began to tremble violently again.

"Be careful!"

A shrill shout reminded them that they were not out of danger. The battle between the two elemental giants almost destroyed most of the castle courtyard, as well as an entire section of the city wall. These soldiers were pale, with dust and debris all over their bodies. They can deal with the army that raid the castle, even if there are more than them, the imperial legion will not make them so easily defeated, but in the face of unknown and powerful magic, mysterious and violent monsters, these ordinary people form a mercenary group There is no ability to resist.

They know nothing about the strength of the enemy.

"We can't go on like this. How can our swords fight monsters and magic? We can't hurt them, but they can tear us apart easily."

"None of them are humans, they are all demons." A mercenary complained, "What are we fighting against? What forces can oppose them?"

The castle was full of monsters, melee and killing. Mercenaries were scattered all over the castle. Skellen couldn't pass the order to him. He could only gather the number one hundred and ten in front of him as much as possible. He can only hope that the mercenaries in other parts of the castle will kill the invaders, or actually follow his orders to bring Ye Naifah out. In any case, he must control Ye Naifah, and he needs to provide an assassin to get a place in the imperial government after Enhir's death.

"Then let them kill each other!" Skellen crossed his hands on his chest. "We don't need to intervene in the conflict between the demons, let them fight on their own. We have to wait here quietly for the result of the battle... Ship Are you ready?"


A wooden boat docked in the fjord below the castle.

"We go outside the castle and leave the castle. No matter who wins, we will know the result!" Skellen pointed to the painting on the wall. "Take them. We need to make a fire."

"These artworks?" A mercenary showed a confused expression. "Are we going to use these artworks to make a fire?"

"Why not?" Skellen asked back, "Art is dead! Hurry up, we can't freeze to death outside!"

The exquisite portrait was torn apart, the frame with delicate patterns was broken, the dry wood and canvas were quickly engulfed by flames.

On the top floor of the castle, Wigwarts stood in the double-cross circle, half-closed his eyes, and the magical blue light covered him.

"Remember our contract conditions."

Gunter Odim stood outside the circle, his face always seemed to carry a lingering smile on his face. "If you survive, you must complete three things unconditionally for me, if you die , Your soul is mine."

"I will remember the contract, devil."

The devil will fulfill your wishes verbatim, but this is often the problem. Every meaning of every word will be included in the devil's contract, whether it is what you want or not.