The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 542

"Enjoy your power."

Did Gunter Odim disappear at the top of the tower in the blink of an eye, as if Tisya arranged around the castle, and the magic enchantment enough to trap Wigwarts did not exist.

Wigwarts closed his eyes. He has the most powerful magic power that humans in this world can achieve, but whether it is the order or the collection of books he finds, he can only find the most common spells, some of which have been modified and limited in size. And the spell of might. Now, he can use the powerful spells created by the first batch of human magic masters without any scruples. It is said that Jan Becker once stood in front of the evil omen **** by his own magic power. He is also a human being. I think I will be worse than any human being. Not only does he have to become the most powerful spellcaster among mankind, he also has to touch a higher level.

The magic gathered around Wigwarts into different images, and a total of five influences appeared in front of him. A group of crows were trying to break through the gargoyle and wind and snow in the sky; Cahill carried the unconscious Milva on his back. He and Geralt found Yenafa, and several mercenaries escorting Yenafa fell on the ground. Has turned into a corpse, the female warlock is kneeling on the ground, using magic to stop the wounded huntress from bleeding; two female warlocks are standing in the courtyard, while fighting the powerful monsters summoned by him, while blocking the castle to stop him or anything The monsters that emerged from the summoning circle escaped here; Zelin was attacking the castle with the woman who could use the power of time, surrounded by the corpses of many monsters and killed mercenaries.

"Go ahead."

Wigwarts shook both hands imaginarily, and the overflowing magical energy gathered in his hands. Under the action of the summoning circle, the space of the castle became extremely weak, with cracks appearing from time to time, sometimes just one or two ordinary monsters appeared, and sometimes powerful and strange chaotic creatures. A grotesque monster pulled its huge body out of the crack in space with its crab-claw-like arms, and on the other side, a few evil spirits jumped out screaming, they seemed to feel the power of a huge monster, their hands and feet And flee to the tunnel leading to the lower part of the castle.

The mage looked at the dreader in front of him.

"Go, let them see what fear is."

The monster stayed in place for a while, and then disappeared in the shadow in front of the wizard.

Wigwarts retracted his gaze and looked at the image presented in front of him. His attention was on Hiri who was running away from the castle.

He needs the blood of this girl, to be precise, the power of the blood of the elder.

Only Swift can pass through the fog of the world and reach the other shore. Time and space, this will be his last step to reach a higher level.

The first thousand and nine chapters of twisted fantasy

This is a fierce battle.

The castle shook under their feet, and terrified mercenaries ran around. The arches in the corridor began to collapse, blocking many houses and passages, and even the stone steps leading to the upper floors began to crack. Zelin didn’t know that the castle was still there. How long can it last, but one thing he can confirm is that this battle will completely turn this ancient castle into ruins.

He swung his sword off the sword of the mercenary in front of him, and then swung another sword, causing the mercenary to scream like a wounded dog. He didn't know what kind of orders these mercenaries received, whether they were under Skellen or Wigwarts. But this is no longer that important, no matter who it is, they must have not given them an order to throw away the weapon and surrender. The demon hunter backhand grabbed a mercenary who was trying to attack one side, grabbed his helmet and hit the side wall. When he let go, the mercenary fell to the ground, blood flowing from his helmet.

"Come here, this staircase is going to collapse!"

A mercenary wailed and rolled down the stairs and fell to the ground with his limbs spread out, motionless.

Zelin raised his hand with an Alderfa seal, and the three mercenaries who came by were pushed away by the impact and hit the wall. The bust on the display cabinet just fell off and hit a mercenary in the head. The demon hunter jumped up in two steps, Gnaiya's footsteps was still lying with a charred gargoyle corpse, and the flames from her dragon roar made the mercenaries retreat. Only a wizard can do such a thing, and the power of a wizard is far from what they can resist.

The castle shook again. This time, the falling stones from the ceiling hit the stairs, which collapsed in a large piece, and the splashing debris cut Zelin's side of the face. Several arrows shot out from behind the raised dust, all of them hit the wall far away from the demon hunter.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, let's continue! Oh, damn!"

Another stone fell, smashing the stairs in front of them. The glass on the windows has long since turned into shards, and sometimes it is the howling cold wind that flows in, and sometimes it is an aggressive heat wave. The battle of elemental creatures is more terrifying and more spectacular than the battle between giants. It's a pity that there are no spectators here, and no one is in the mood to see this scene that ordinary people may not see for a lifetime.

Zelin and Gnaiya stepped back, speeding through the gap. The body of the fire element flashed by the window, followed by the stone giants. The friction of their fighting was deafening. The sound of collision, shouting and wailing were mixed in everything, and the falling stones added a new tone to the concerto. .

Two lantern demon spirits flew out from the rooms on both sides of the corridor, one on the left and the other on the right. On the other side, the archway leading to the higher stairs collapsed, and the broken beams and gravel that fell from it were stuck on the stone steps.

"Don't use your steel sword, you can only hurt them with silver weapons!"

Seeing Gnaiya holding her weapon, the demon hunter shouted to her, "Give them to me. You go to solve the blocked stones, and I will follow you as soon as I solve the demon spirit."

"Hurry up, I will be able to solve that side soon."

Zelin greeted the two demon spirits. He bent over to avoid the attack of the first demon spirit. Before the second demon spirit swung his sword, the silver sword of the demon hunter hit its head like lightning. The speed was very fast. Before the demon spirit became imaginary, the sword struck directly across the body of the demon spirit, from the head to the hem of the pale white dress.

Immediately, he jumped forward, and the ashes that had been turned into by the hit demon spirit when he died were scattered on his body. Ashes are meaningless. This time he rolled to avoid the attack of the demon spirit behind. When the demon spirit followed up again, the lilac gleam covered the body of the demon spirit. The moment the demon hunter rolled over, he planted the trap of the Fahrenheit of Arden on the ground. This is a technique he has practised himself. Although it is not a big technique, it is always very useful.

He turned around, and once again avoided the demon spirit's offensive in a forward spin. He walked around and hit the demon spirit's body bound by the magic seal. The silver sword fell like rain. Before the effect of the magic seal was about to disappear, he Aim at the monster's body and swing a full and heavy semicircle. The monster uttered a hollow scream, which quickly turned into a pile of ashes.

The badge of the Demon Hunter still reminds him that the danger has not yet gone.

Zelin narrowed his eyes slightly and looked around. He raised his hand to show the rune of the Kunen's seal, and pressed it to the ground with one hand. The semicircle formed by the seal was buckled on the ground, wrapping the demon hunter in it.

The broken statue was lifted by invisible power and smashed from all directions. The fragments of the statue hit the French seal, causing waves on the surface of the French seal. The demon hunter raised his hand, and an Alderfa seal hit the direction of the statue's flying, and the shadow—some kind of humanoid monster that could hide in the shadow—was cast out in the corner by the impact of the magic seal. A black fuzzy figure was revealed.

Zelin slid and swung his sword before the monster escaped back into the shadows. He slashed the monster’s leg. The moment he stood up, he made another roundabout. The blizzard potion made him go faster than normal, and the monster fell down. Before going down, the silver sword hit it in the neck. The shadow quietly turned into a pool of scorched black powder, sprinkled on the ground.

The badge stopped shaking.

After a long sigh, Zelin retracted the silver sword and looked at the place where Gnaiya should be standing on the other side.

For a moment, he felt extremely surprised.

The surrounding scenery changed in an instant. In the blink of an eye, the surrounding noise and fighting noise faded away, as if they didn't exist at all. The surrounding area was covered with mist, and the shadows of dead trees were looming in the light mist. He turned around, and the sound of running water under his feet made him lower his head. At this moment, he realized that he was in a silent swamp covered in mist, not in a fiercely fighting castle.

"Where is this?"

The demon hunter narrowed his eyes slightly, and the badge lay quietly on his chest. Generally speaking, there are only two situations. The magic trap is too weak or even ineffective to be able to respond to the badge. Or too powerful, and the situation in front of it clearly belongs to the latter. If this is an illusion, it would be too real, cold air, cool mist and sticky swamp.

A breeze blew by, wrinkling the swamp that flooded the knees. The mist floating on the surface of the swamp was blown away, and the reflection of the demon hunter appeared in front of him.

This is a dry, skeleton-like figure, carrying a broken rusty sword, under the water, doing the same action as Zelin, looking at the demon hunter standing outside the water.

There is no doubt that he is in trouble.

The first thousand and ten chapters of **** history

The woodland of the misty swamp was filled with lingering mist.

The floating ashes appeared in the mist, and disappeared into the quagmire under the feet. The fly ash was drifting away in the wind, covering the entire swamp, and the air was filled with a greasy smell. The burning smell made his stomach tumble. If it were an ordinary person, he might have begun to vomit. Zelin knew this smell. This smell would appear when a plague broke out in a place, or when the battlefield was cleaned up at the end of the war, when people piled the corpses together and burned it.

Vague outlines haunted among the scorched shadows of the trees. There were bursts of low and sad howls and heart-piercing howls in his ears. This sound penetrated everything and hit his soul directly. The demon hunter stood in place, and the scorched shadow under him stood in place, motionless like him.

Someone is crying.

And someone is dying.

Zelin raised his boots and took the first step. The swamp of stagnant water rattled with his movements.

The swamp was densely covered with dry charred branches, and there were still sporadic flames remaining on some charred branches. The demon hunter saw many wandering figures wandering in the swamp unconsciously, or standing blankly in place.

The badge of the demon hunter was still lying quietly on his chest.

He didn't know exactly where it was. Whenever he approached, the gray shadow would disappear in front of them, as if avoiding it, and when he left, these shadows would reappear. Repeating meaningless actions, whispering something.

"Where is this?"

The demon hunter narrowed his eyes slightly, the white mist enveloped the sky, and the ashes fell like snowflakes. He didn't know where it was, he felt a little familiar, but he didn't have any impression. He heard the crackling noise when the fire was burning. Except for the sound of the water pool when he walked, it was the only sound in this silent swamp. He walked over looking for the sound and pushed away the dead branches that were drooping down to block him. Soon, he saw a scene in this unowned swamp that looked out of place compared to the swamp.

"Kill them, hang them on the tree!"

This is a castle, but the style of the castle is still different from today, which is almost a hundred years ago. Only on this castle, Zelin did not see any flags or coats of arms that marked the family emblem. The broken striped flag was thrown on the ground and trampled underfoot. Ragged people reveled in the castle, hanging the corpses of the killed men and women from the courtyard and city gates.

Suddenly, Zelin realized what the scene was playing before his eyes.

In the **** Foka rebellion, the rebels led by Foka once bloodbathed the entire northern kingdom. At first, the armed rebellion was just the eldest daughter rebelling against the Kevier, Rydania, and related dignitaries for her inheritance rights, but it quickly evolved into a large-scale peasant uprising. The king was killed, many warlocks were killed, priests were killed, then nobles, rich men, and lords were killed, and finally all those who were alive and unwilling to participate in the rebellion were killed.