The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 550

"There are always exceptions in everything." The emperor held the girl's hand. "Let's go for a while. I will leave for Sintra when I am young to participate in the celebration of peace."

Her hands are small and cold.

"What's your name? Don't tell me, Silia Fiona."

"Silia Fiona."

"I should punish you, girl." Enhill said solemnly

"I know, Your Majesty, this is what I should bear. But I...but I must be Hiliya Fiona." She let go of her hands with a little fear. "Your Majesty is kind to me. But I'm just a liar. One. The imitator, a fake, a person who is not worthy of having anything..."

"You are a brave girl, you remind me of someone, mine..."

He stopped suddenly.

His daughter.

Enhill looked at the girl walking with him. Mrs. Stella taught her well, but through her eyes, Enhill understood that she was still a diamond without scratches.

"Give me your hand."

He held the girl's hand again, cold hand, but this time he didn't tremble.

Empire interests.

Enhill could imagine what some people would do for so-called imperial interests.

No, I won't let Lee Daokes kill this girl. Sintra, for the benefit of the empire. But there is another solution.

"Do you want a crown?" he asked softly, pretending not to see her shaking his head vigorously. "Praise? Salute? Luxury?"

Has been shaking his head.

"Did you know? Little moth, you are facing a white flame."

"I know, Your Majesty."

They were silent for a long time. The breath of spring suddenly swirled on their heads. Intoxicating.

"Queen is not an easy position." He saw a teardrop on her cheek. Just like at that time in Stiga Castle, he felt like his heart was stuck with a pile of glass **** "You must stay in the palace, I don't know if I can love you."

The girl nodded, indicating that she knew.

She should have been an ordinary girl, an ordinary life. Stay away from political disputes and conspiracies, this has nothing to do with her. As a result, fate made a joke.

"My poor child," Enhill hugged the girl and said in an unnatural voice, "my poor national interest."

At the celebration of the armistice after the war, it was discovered that the Emperor Nilfgaard and the princess of Sintra, now the Queen of Sintra, attended the celebration together. People are celebrating peace and talking about the upcoming wedding of the empire. As for what the truth is, as for the history books of the empire, the truth is like this. The emperor married the Queen of Sintra, and Sintra was peacefully incorporated into the empire.

But no matter how the inhabitants of the empire viewed this matter, northerners viewed it more often with conspiracy theories. But no one knows what the real Princess of Sintra looks like, and the years of war have made it difficult for many people to distinguish between true and false. This dispute that lasted for four years has finally come to an end.

The southerners held a peace celebration in Sintra, while the northerners held a grand victory parade in Novigrad to celebrate their victory over the Nilfgaard Empire. This is different from the victory of Sutton Mountain. It was a great strategic victory. They regained their land and completely drove the Nilfgard back to the south of the Yaruja River.

But anyway, for others, it doesn't matter who the imperial emperor marries, nor does the victory parade. They are marching towards the quiet and beautiful Valley of Flowers under the cover of night.

The first thousand and twenty-one chapters: the battle of Hundred Flowers Valley

"It's really cold here, those cursed non-humans live here?"

The tenth officer Digo rubbed his hands, and the exhaled air turned into a cloud of white mist before his mouth. The muddy place seemed to swallow their boots. There were mud and bushes everywhere, and only a few places could see the stone road.

"Only cursed freaks can survive here." Archer Birdlau rubbed the tip of his red nose, took out the leather water bag pinned to his waist and shook it, and felt relieved when he heard the sound of water inside. Put the bag away again. "Why don't we take the stone road over there? What did our commander say? Do you want to find the place where the elves live now?"

"Wait." The captain sneezed. "Give me something to drink first. This **** place is too cold. Don't tell me it doesn't. I can smell the wine inside through a layer of skin. I'm still Know where he is, don’t fool me with the other side, the one you just put back."

The archer cursed in a low voice and handed over his wine bag. The captain and a few other soldiers immediately took turns to drink.

"Ah, it feels so good." The ten chief hiccuped in satisfaction. "Listen well, when we cross the border, remember to put on new clothes. Don't make a mistake. It does not represent Aden and The king's coat of arms. Remember, now we are not soldiers of Adenian. We are a group of humans who are dissatisfied with the crimes committed by the elves in the war. We have to make these elves pay the price. Remember! Don't say that we are soldiers of Adenian! "

"My wine is almost gone." The archer complained.

"Don't worry about your wine, there is a lot of gold waiting for us in front." The ten chief patted the archer's head.

"I heard that those elves got the treasure." A soldier said suddenly, his eyes flashing. "These elves suddenly became rich. Some people say it was the treasure they had buried in the Valley of Hundred Flowers before. After they left, they took out the treasure."

"Whether he is a treasure or not, we will know when the time comes." The captain took out a small bag with powder in it. "Take them all. If you see that they have a fish pond, they will sprinkle all the poison into it." After we get in, take away everything that can be taken away, and burn everything that cannot be taken away. Remember, tonight, only take the most valuable."


"I heard it was a gem."

"We want gold and gems." The ten chief lowered his voice. "This time we can allocate at least one-third of the money. The king's tax collector will come and exchange the spoils we got into coins. We at least It can be divided into one-third."

"Then let's hurry up and grab it? Why can these **** elves eat bread every meal and stay warm in a house with a fireplace?"

"Let's set another fire and burn everything! Let these elves roll back to the forest to eat dirt!"

"Remember, we are not here to rob, we are here to punish this group of elves, because there are elves on the side of the empire during the war." The captain waved his hand, "We are here to judge them, not thugs... laugh What a laugh, Staler? The king has said many times that the elves killed so many of us in the war. We are here to collect fines and make up for it! We all change our clothes. No one is allowed to wear the clothes of Adenian soldiers. Just cross the border, this is her mother's order!"

Crowds of Adenian soldiers began to cross the border of Baihua Valley, taking advantage of the night to march towards the elven settlement in Baihua Valley.

"They are here."

The psionicist Kenna put down the single-scope in his hand, rubbed a somewhat sore shoulder, and said to Francesca who was standing behind. The elf walked by Kenna, stood on the edge of the stone tower, and looked at the densely forested Hundred Flowers Valley. At the edge of the forest in the distance, some fire lights can be seen looming under the canopy.

"They have crossed the border."

The elf stared coldly at the fire below, "Kenna, go tell them, it's time to start."

Before the war began, Baihua Valley, as the dominion of the elves, had to accept the management of Governor Aden and pay heavy non-human taxes to Van Geborg. This time, Demavin will definitely not give up this large source of taxation, especially as the situation in Hundred Flowers Valley is getting better and better, it would be unusual for Demavin to remain indifferent to this.

The psionicist thought of the huge domesticated monsters he had seen in Hundred Flowers Valley, looked at the fires that appeared in the forest with pitiful eyes, and after raising his hand in salute to the elf queen, he turned and walked behind him to the lower level of the stone tower. Ladder. She remembered that she was taken aback when she saw the huge three-eyed monster for the first time. The elf explained to her that it was a monster from the east of the Blue Mountains, and they had a special way to tame it. There are indeed many strange monsters in the Hackland Prairie, which is not surprising.

The fire light shone on all corners of the forest. Not long after Kenna left, there were bursts of harsh roars in the forest. The roar echoed in the woodland, and the moving firelight paused, as if to make sure that they had heard it correctly.

"What is this sound?" An Adenian soldier looked around. "Isn't this the place where the elves live?"

In a clearing in the forest, they saw a stone sculpture with an elf style and several unmanned wooden houses.

"Where are the elves?" A soldier smashed some ceramic pots stacked in front of the house with a spear. "There is only **** dust in it. Where is the gold?"

"These tatters, who would want these?" Another soldier sipped, "Let's burn this place quickly, this forest makes me feel uncomfortable."

Suddenly, a scream in the distance interrupted their conversation.

"What's her mother..."

The soldier who walked over to check hadn't finished saying a word, a huge body jumped out of the forest, waving his arm and slapped him to the ground. The war troll from Skyrim let out a deafening roar and rushed towards the other soldiers who hadn't reacted yet. Soon, these Adenian soldiers could only make simple screams just like those colleagues before them, just like little girls who were frightened.