The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 617

"But if it involves a fight for the throne, everyone will become crazy." Blackwall's voice was low and melancholic. "I heard that there are a group of rebels claiming to be freedmen in the High Plains, and they will attack anyone. There is some craziness. The rumor said that the dead body stood up again under the influence of magic and attacked everywhere."

"That must be blood magic." Aidan bit his lower lip. "Only things related to demons can do this."

Oles, one of the two most powerful human empires in Saidas, is now in a **** civil war. Empress Celini and her brother, the Grand Duke of Gaspar, are fighting for the imperial throne. In the Imperial City of Vaal, the civil war did not have any effect there. Zelin could not feel the atmosphere of the civil war, but in the wilderness of Oles, destroyed war tools and abandoned positions and trenches were everywhere. Destroyed houses along the road, abandoned farmhouses, Zelin has seen a civil war, but compared with the civil war in Oles, the civil war in Skyrim Province still looks a little flat. Sometimes on the side of the road, they can even see piles of corpses that have not had time to completely burnt down. The war was so fierce that people didn't have time to clean up the corpses.

Blackwall understands the situation in Oles from all aspects, and he must have traveled in Oles for a long time. Following the path he pointed out, the grey-robed guardians and the demon hunters bypassed the Civil War army's position without incident. They crossed the plains, through the densely wooded hills, and headed south along the Empire Avenue. On the road, they also occasionally caught a glimpse of a moving Dashley tribe. Eventually, the road would turn to the west or hide its end in the desert.

"The map says how do we go next?"

Looking at the strange rocky desert in front of him, Zelin sat on horseback and unfolded Warrick's map. He looked at the map, then raised his head to look at the distant desert. After careful comparison, the demon hunter frowned slightly.

"It should be here as indicated on the map."

The hot wind blew the sand, which blocked a lot of sight, and his ears were full of howling sounds when the wind blew the strange stones. But here, he didn't see any hiding places, the caves in the desert were as hidden as ever.

"Look there." Suddenly, Aidan raised his hand and pointed to a place not far to the left. "I saw it as if someone was walking towards us."

"Really?" Zelin narrowed his eyes slightly, and soon he sighed softly. "Yes, the map is correct, we have arrived."

A familiar figure walked out of the wind and sand, Hawke glanced at the person sitting on the horse, and beckoned.

"You guys are too late, come here."

Chapter 1129: Guardian Stroud

Hawke’s stronghold is in a cave with only a simple temporary wooden door to block the wind and sand outside. The entrance is very narrow, they can only choose to put the horses outside the cave. Zelin pushed **** the wooden door, and the wind and sand rattled the wooden board.

"Are you hiding here? I heard Warrick say that you have found the traces of other gray-robed guardians?" Zelin patted his hair and collar, and cleared the sand on it. He took off his cloak and shook it vigorously. The grains of sand fell to the ground like fleas that had been thrown out. The others were no better. The sand was getting stronger and stronger. If this continued, they estimated that they would have to wait. After the wind and sand stop, you can continue to travel.

"This is not the place I picked." Marianne bent down and rubbed her hair vigorously. Fortunately, she has short hair. If she has long hair, it may be difficult to clean off the sand without washing it with water. "You really picked a good time to come here."

She stood up, pinched her waist with both hands, took a deep breath, and yawned.

"Did you bring a friend here? Very good, I am worried that this time may not be solved by me alone."

"This is the guardian from Ferrellden, Aidan and Blackwall." Zelin introduced Hawke. "This is Marian Hawke, the guardian of Kirkwall."

"It's nice to meet you." Aidan stretched out his hand and held his thick brown leather gloves with Hawke's water chestnut steel guard. "We are here from Ferrellden, hoping to solve the trouble here. Blackwall is with us. , We all acted alone, and only now discovered that we have lost contact with the Guardian organization."

Blackwall nodded slightly.

"It's nice to meet you." Marianne shook her arm. "Come with me, Stroud is waiting for you here. He is a high-level gray-robed guardian from Freedom, and he knows what the summoning order is about. "

Zelin and Aidan looked at each other and followed Hawke into the cave. The cave looks very solid, and many stones are piled together. It is a hidden place that naturally forms after some time. According to Marianne, Stroud has been here for a while, with torches hung on both sides of the winding cave, and the gust of wind blew through the gap and made a whistling sound. After they walked about ten meters, they saw a wooden board separating the corridor from the oval space inside. There is also a skull logo on the board.

"Stroud, here they are."

Hawke pushed the door directly and walked in. A man in the armor of the high-level guardian was standing inside. Hearing Hawke's voice, the man turned his head, with a beard on the corners of his lips and a face with a smooth chin. The blue cotton coat was wrapped with a simple breastplate and handguards. He was almost forty years old, and his gray eyes showed a little fatigue.

"Welcome, Hawk told me about you." Stroud and Zellin shook hands, and looked at Aidan and Blackward. They are blindly obeying Commander Creel's orders."

"Commander Clarell?"

"She is the gray-robed guardian commander of the Oles area. Just three months ago, she issued a summoning order to Oles, Ferrellton, and the guardians of Freedom. Because of the call."

"What is a summoning ceremony?" Ze Lin took the opportunity to ask. He had always wanted to know what exactly was the summoning mentioned by Alistair when he was talking with Aidan.

"Summoning ceremony represents the death of the gray-robed guardian. The recruits of the gray-robed guardian must accept the ritual to join the organization. The ritual will strengthen a person's strength, physical strength, agility and perception, and at the same time allow us to obtain the dark descendant of perception. Ability exists, but the price is that the life span of the gray guardian is very short, probably only more than ten years. When our life is about to reach the end, we can hear a certain call in our brain, we call it Calling ceremony. When the calling ceremony appears, the guardian of the gray robe will enter the deep pit mine alone, and enter the army of the dark descendants until he is killed in battle."

Stroud didn't mean anything. Before Zelin could ask him, he began to tell them what had happened inside the Guardian during this time.

Three months ago, all the gray-robed guardians in the entire Oles felt the summoning at the same time, which caused the guardians to panic. If the gray guardians all over the world die at the same time, when the next dry tide comes, who will stop the Darkborn army and who can kill the great devil? So Creel, the gray-robed commander of Oles, called all the gray-robed guardians to a meeting to discuss this matter. At the meeting, a mage from Derfant made a suggestion.

"He said, we can use blood magic to summon an army of demons, and then the guardian of the gray robes and the army of demons will smash into the ground together, because every time a dry tide appears, the sleeping ancient dragon **** is corrupted and turned into a great demon. There are a total of seven ancient dragon gods, and Saidas has experienced five dry tides. The gray guardian has killed five great demons. If the remaining two ancient dragon gods have not been corrupted by the dark descendants, they will become Before the Great Devil, kill them, then we can end the dry tide."

Dervant. The demon hunter frowned slightly. It's a Devant again. The guardians of the gray robe do not belong to any country or church, and when they recruit staff, they don't care what country they come from. It stands to reason that Zelin hasn't been in this world for a long time, and he has learned so much about various countries, but after experiencing these things, he instinctively feels uncomfortable with the three words Defanter.

"Commander Creel and the other high-level guardians decided to accept this plan." Marianne said from the side. She stood at the table and poured herself a glass of water. "Behaved like a child who never knew the harm of blood magic. . Stroud opposed their decision, so he was declared guilty and expelled. The last time I found him was in Cresswood, and some guardians were searching for him as a traitor. They may be good people, but they are all here. Follow the wrong order."

"Because they are very scared. If all the gray-robed guardians die at the same time, what shall we use to fight against the dark descendants? Only the gray-robed guardians can kill the big demon. If the gray-robed guardians are dead, who will kill Great devil, end the dry tide?" Stroud defended his colleagues, "They don't really want to use blood magic, but they can't find a second way."

"Have you heard the call, Stroud?" Zelin looked at the gray guardians present. "Are you all?"

"Unfortunately, yes, like a pack of wolves hiding in the shadows of a campfire." Stroud was a little sad. "All guardians in the south, no exceptions."

"I'm not afraid of that call." Blackwall touched his forehead. "Worries will only increase its power. No matter what the forces of darkness do, it will only strengthen my determination to defeat it."

"Judging from past history, this is the first time such a situation has occurred. All the guardians sensed the call at the same time." Aidan's brow furrowed, and he touched his slightly stubborn chin. "This is very abnormal. The commander of Oles has decided to do this?"

"Clarell is preparing to do this. She hasn't acted yet. But now, no high-level guardian opposes her decision." Stroud shook his head. "I don't know what to do, we want to stop them. In doing so. They must sacrifice other guardians if they want to perform the blood magic ritual. This thing is very weird from any point of view. I want to investigate what is going on, but first, they must be prevented from doing so. I I heard the news that in this arid land, there is an abandoned Gudfant ritual tower, where they are going to perform a blood magic ritual."

Stroud took out a map, opened it and placed it on the table in front of it. This is a special guardian map, in which many places are marked where the path to the abyss can be entered, as well as the exact locations of the guardian fortresses everywhere. Many places where magic rituals can be held are also marked on this map.

"The magic tower is just south of the desert. It is crazy to offer sacrifices to the gray-robed guardians to perform blood magic rituals to summon demons."

"What's even crazier is that none of you are opposed to this decision." Zelin walked between Marian and Stroud, Aidan and Blackwall also walked over to fetch them. They surrounded the stone table and looked at this. A map "I suspect that there is something wrong with that Devant."

He has no evidence, but his experience tells him that at this time there is an error in any place, and there are traces of the Devant, it must be a problem with the Defan. Now he somewhat understood why the humans in the South were so hostile and wary of the Devants. After a group of uncontrolled mages have done many bad things, it is difficult for anyone to show goodwill to them anymore. There must be good people among the Dervants, like Dorian and Phoenix, but unfortunately, these are only a handful of them.

"We can start with that Derfant." Zelin recounted the recent events in Red Cliff in general, emphasizing the role of the Derfant in it. The Ancients and Venadori, they are preparing to subvert the world. "As long as we can prove that the Devants who advised Commander Claire are related to the Ancients and Venador, we can persuade the Guardians to stop. Those crazy plans now."

"We can give it a try." Marianne raised her head and looked at the others. The candle on the stone table reflected half of her face. "The guardian sensed the existence of the summoning at the same time. It may be related to the ancients and the Vinadori who followed it. I have seen too many blood magics, and we never did. I know how terrible the blood magic can cause."

Aidan, who was on Marian's right, raised his head and asked Stroud on the opposite side, "Where is this Derfant mage staying now?"

"Let's go to the Ritual Tower." Stroud clicked on the map. "The guardian mage who presided over the blood magic ceremony must know the whereabouts of Erimond."

"We can set off now." Blackwall on the other side of Stroud suggested. "Time is tight. If we can, we can reach the ancient ceremonial tower early and make an ambush before they arrive."

"No, believe me, Blackwall." Zelin stood up straight, turned his head, looked through the cracks in the cave wall, and looked at the wind and sand outside. "They won't enter the dry land at this time. We have time."

A violent sandstorm is gathering.

The first thousand one hundred and thirty chapters on the other side

"This **** sand."

On the side of the trestle bridge outside the floating port, two luxuriously dressed women stepped off the boat. One of them looked at the muddy and dirty ground covered with dead leaves under the steps of the trestle bridge with an expression of disgust without concealment. Lift your skirt to prevent this skirt made of the most expensive silk from being stained by the sand on the ground. "It's here? Unbelievable, how do they live in this tropical rainforest?"

"I remember telling you, Kayla, you should wear clothes that are suitable for action." Another woman in a black cotton skirt with a horn-like headdress walked past Kayla and walked off the trestle. When the soft cotton boots touched the softer mud, her brows slightly frowned, and then she went out without hesitation and walked towards the trading post not far away.

"I thought the people here had already transformed the environment to be suitable for human habitation." Keira Metz made a dying look, and walked down the trestle bridge with his nose. "Also, when did you tell me that? If that's the case, Schill?"

Shir Tansaviye did not answer, but said to himself.

"After we leave here, we'd better prepare a report. Don't forget why we are here. Mahakam’s portal is dangerous. This danger is greater than any negotiation or battle, regardless of the other side of the portal. What may happen, we must be prepared to deal with unexpected monsters."