The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 675

"Who is Carmelo acting as an agent now?" Arthur went out. There must be someone in the castle to take care of things on her behalf. The demon hunter asked Bediwell. "Merlin?"

"No, Mr. Merlin went out with your Majesty. It is the Knights of Mordred who is taking care of your majesty's duties. Ms. Morgan is also in the castle. If you have any magical things, you can talk to her."

Zelin thought about the way Mordred read the book the last time he came here, and then imagined her handling of official duties. Shrugged "Thank you, Bediwell, then I will go to the castle first."

"Please, I won't send you there."

Bediwell smiled apologetically, Zelin nodded to him, and walked along the road in his memory to Carmelo's castle. The streets at night are very deserted. Although Merlin is not there, Morgan should be able to help him. I just don’t know if Morgan’s ban on foot in the castle is still there in the past six months. This is not an urgent matter. If the ban is still there. He still prefers to wait for a few more days if it is not relieved. Zelin didn't want to make Arthur's knights feel separated from her because of his help.

After all, on the surface Morgan was imprisoned in the castle on charges.

Arriving at the castle, the castle's guards put down the suspension bridge for the demon hunters. After paying tribute to the soldiers on duty, the demon hunter followed the corridor covered with the crimson carpet to the inside of the castle. He still remembers the room that Arthur arranged for him when he was staying in Carmelo. Arthur said that the room was not occupied by anyone else, and that it was vacant in the castle and could be reserved for guests at any time.

Before entering that house, one must pass through the hall with round tables. When Zelin walked in, he found that he was not the only person in the round table hall, but there were others in it so late. The person sitting at the innermost is holding a piece of paper, which is blocking the other's face. The demon hunter stepped lightly, bent down slightly, and approached the person sitting on the chair.

The person on the chair did not notice him, until the demon hunter approached less than two steps, he suddenly heard a voice.

Zelin lightly tucked the sheet of paper. The face of Mordred who had fallen asleep appeared behind the book. She was only wearing a loose shirt and short leather pants. She was still leaning on the chair, but she had a slight snort.

"It's not a good habit to sleep here."

Just as Zelin was thinking about whether to wake her up, or if he still remembered Mordred's room, at this moment, he heard a sound of footsteps nearby and another sound.

"You are...! Oh, it's you? Arthur didn't tell me that someone would come these days." Morgan appeared on the stairs at the back of the hall. The moment she saw Zelin, she showed a momentary alert. After seeing the appearance of the incoming person, she put her raised hand back.

"Sorry, I wasted some time on the road today. I wanted to come in the afternoon." Zelin explained to Morgan. "I met Bediwell, and he was out watching the night, so I came directly. Mordred, I think she'd better not sleep here, this is not a good place to sleep."

Although the weather is hot in summer, this is the time when it is easy to get wind and chill. It's hot, so people can't notice the sudden cold wind at night.

"Yeah, she is still a little too reluctant to herself." Morgan walked to Mordred, bent down and picked her up. Mordred muttered a few words in a dream. In terms of age at birth, Mordred is much younger than her appearance, and this kind of responsibility may indeed be a bit heavy for her. But as long as she is willing to learn and change, sooner or later she will be able to inherit this country that has persisted in Britain during foreign invasions.

"Excuse me, I will send her there first."

"Don't mind, this is not such an important thing. I think there shouldn't be anyone else in the room Arthur left for me?"

"Yes, please."

Morgan held Mordred in his arms and led her up the spiral staircase. The shadow cast on the wall quickly disappeared in front of the demon hunter. Zelin sighed lightly, and the tiredness from passing through the portal and the journey quickly took over. He didn't think much about it, and along the road he still remembered, he quickly arrived in this castle. The room where people will come is located in the attic near the guard tower.

A shooting star crossed the dark night sky.

The first thousand two hundred and twenty-six chapters of a snow

"Ahhh, why did you come here without saying a word? You can't tell what mess will happen when you come."

When he got up in the morning, Mordred, who had just washed his face with cold water, whispered to the demon hunter while shaking the water on his hands. "The first time was a monster from hell, the second time..." She seemed to look around, and after making sure that Morgan was not eavesdropping nearby, she waved her hand. "...A magical accident, a loss that has never been seen on the battlefield. Now it is the third time. I always feel that as long as you show up, there must be no good things."

"I'm like a comet from your tone." Camelot is much colder here than other places. According to other knights from the northern region, you can see floating on the water on the northern side of the British Isles all day long. Ice floes. Zelin yawned, and a cloud of white mist formed in front of him. Just like what Francesca said, after completing a big goal, before finding a new goal that must be struggling, people tend to become lazy. Zelin found that he seemed to be in the period defined by the elves as the period of laziness, but he hoped that he would never encounter the same things as when he encountered Saidas continent again.

"Is there any difference? The first time I came to Camelot, the northerners began to invade, and the second time I came to Camelot, the pirates of North landed from the beach in the south. Snee!" De stretched, rubbed the tip of his nose, and sneezed. "Why are you here this time? Ah, yes, you have a good relationship with Merlin and your father, right? You should know what to do if they encounter something. Give me some advice?"

Zelin narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Mordred carefully. Then he shook his head, this tone was so familiar to him, especially after the battle with Wigwarts, the illusion reminded him of some things in his past.

People in different places can always adapt to the local climate. Mordred was only surrounded by a thin piece of clothing, but just like the others here, Zelin was accustomed to the somewhat cold weather for them. According to them, only those on the southern continent can't stand such ordinary temperatures.

"I suggest you better be honest and complete the task assigned to you by Merlin by yourself. You should try to get used to this kind of life. Being a king is not easy. If you do this for a while, you will Can understand how much work your king has to bear. If you want her to recognize you, you must at least prove that you are capable of handling the things at hand."

Sometimes you can switch positions to know how hard the other person is.

Mordred scratched his short hair, which was messy. But unlike other knights, she doesn't seem to care much about her appearance and appearance. "Ahhh, this is not fair. Every time my father makes a decision, Merlin will be by the side to make suggestions, but I can only be alone all day. Considering so many things. Morgan is reluctant to help me now, ah, she would definitely satisfy me in the past for all her requirements."

"Sooner or later, you will encounter a time when you have to make a decision alone, and this decision may be related to the survival of your country."

"...Your tone sounds exactly the same as the father's last."

"Because it is correct."

Mordred grunted like an upset wild cat in his throat, then sighed. "Okay, okay, I'll just learn it slowly. Well, what are you going to do here? If you have something to ask your father, I can send someone to notify me, ah, damn, I'm like a torch Those messy things are all burned, so everything will bother me."

Mordred complained and complained, but personally, she worked very hard.

"Don't worry, I'm just passing here and staying for a day by the way." Zelin moved his shoulders, his joints squeaked comfortably. "I don't need to trouble you, I just want to borrow it from your mother."


After some extra explanations, Mordred understood that Zelin meant that he needed Morgan's help to enter Avalon. Apple Tree Island, the most mysterious place in this land.

"Are you going to Avalon to seek the holy sword? But as far as I know, those elves will only give the holy sword to the best knights. Do you want to be a knight?"

"No, no, it has nothing to do with me, I am now a part-time postman." Zelin spread his hand. "By the way, assist others in some simple experiments."

"Will you do such a simple job?" Mordred frowned. "My father said that your deeds are comparable to any noble knight, but I don't know that noble knight will do this kind of ordinary work."

"No one can come up to carry on great adventures, your swordsmanship is not innate Ranger knight, a wise and upright king. The greatest adventurer in the world may be killing chickens the first time he learned to swing a knife."

This is like an experiment. Francesca didn't know how many experiments he had done behind his back to turn the unstable portal into its current appearance. During the period, I don’t know how many failures I have encountered. Although judging from the unlucky carriage, this new improvement experiment may also fail. Although the elf is very confident in her experiment and magic, he saw a complete one with his own eyes. After the carriage became torn apart in front of him, Zelin was always a little bit worried.

So he planned to get a better carriage in Camelot, and he believed that the remaining wreckage would definitely fall apart on the bumpy hills of Wales.

Morgan agreed to the demon hunter's request without thinking about it. For her, entering Avalon was not so difficult, and it didn't take long. Of course, this is not a difficult job in itself. Zelin regards this as a vacation, and by the way, he visits his acquaintances. Camelot's portal is considered the closest to the city, unlike the sky, he has to travel from Helgen to Winterhold College or Solitary City, which takes a week. As for Yanan, it takes almost a day to walk from Yanan City to Maria’s castle, unless there is a special carriage to carry people there.

Mordred lowered his head and thought for a while.

"You were like Morgan now, and now you are like Merlin again."

"Wait one day, you will become like this."

"I don't like this kind of boring politics, but I still have to learn it." Mordred slumped his shoulders weakly, like a student who was forced to study at the table. She walked to the stone, picked up her sword, and said to Zelin. "Come on, let's compete with swordsmanship. I haven't had a good fight with people for two months. I am entertaining guests. My father will definitely not have any objection to my strike today."

"Well, give me a sword, we can..." Zelin raised his head and glanced at the sun in the sky "until noon."

Suddenly, the demon hunter's voice paused, and he frowned in confusion, and gently wiped the things falling on his forehead with his fingers.

The leather gloves are a little wet.

It's snowing.

Chapter 1227: Return to Apple Tree Island

It's snowing.

This is not uncommon in Camelot's winter.

But unfortunately, it is summer.

"What's the matter?"

Zelin frowned slightly, the sky became gloomy, and the cold wind was blowing from the north. The snow was not big, and it didn't last long. It was just a short while, and the scattered snow stopped. If it were not for the wet ground and seeing it with your own eyes, it would be hard to believe that it was snowing instead of raining. Mordred rubbed his arms, looked up at the sky, and sighed softly. "Wait, isn't this the last time the **** monster we encountered is about to appear again?"