The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 688

"Ezio estimates that he will arrive here soon. His sister hopes that the brotherhood here will meet him when he arrives. He should come by boat. The city is big enough. If there is a tour guide, he must be It will be easier to understand the situation here than one person."

Zelin was talking to Yousef while looking at the assassins training nearby. Most of them seemed to be in their twenties and they were probably recruited newcomers. The development of the Brotherhood here is much better than that of Rome. Just in the open space outside the stronghold where he is, there are more than a dozen assassins undergoing simple basic training. By analogy, there are definitely a lot of assassins in this city of 300,000 people.

"Ah, Master Ezio, I remember that his full name is Ezio Auditore...Uh..." Yusuf said, as if he had eaten bitter almonds.

Zelin was very witty and helped him make up a passage that he hadn't read out, "Da Florence."

"Oh, yes! Ezio Auditore da Firenze! Brother, you really brought us great news!" He raised his hands and made an open gesture. "We all know the deeds of Master Ezio defeating the Pogia family in Rome a few years ago. His reputation is widely circulated here in Constantinople. Don't worry, I will be at the dock every day for the next few days. , As soon as Master Ezio arrives, I will welcome him here immediately. Degan, come here."

Yousef called on the assassin who was training, and an assassin who was supposed to be twenty-five years old came over. His skin was light brown and he was wearing a hood. The demon hunter couldn't see his exact appearance. The assassin known as Degan bent over to caress Yusef, and Yusef patted him on the shoulder. "Arrange a place for our brother from Rome, and when Master Ezio arrives, let us hold a welcome ceremony together."

"Thank you."

Zelin didn't say much, he had already sent the letter, and it was undoubtedly a good thing for him to know the assassin here. Whether it is familiar with the local situation, or for the next search for what he is looking for.

Degan made a please gesture to the Demon Hunter, "Please follow me, brother."

"Thank you."

Zelin thought that the stronghold of the Brotherhood here should be similar to Rome, in a small remote and inconspicuous place, but soon, the assassins here showed him a different side. Their stronghold is under this high tower in Galatia, not only a small remote corner, but also a small yard enclosed by a high wall.

"The life of the assassins here looks good?"

A doorman girl named Azzi opened the door for them. The inside of the stronghold was very wide. There were not many seats here. Most of them were cushions and carpets. In the middle is a slender and wide corridor, leading directly to the hall at the end, and the rooms on both sides are divided by sections of walls. There were two or three assassins chatting inside. They glanced at Zelin, who had walked in with Degan, and then refocused on their topic. A slightly fragrant smoke wafted from the stronghold, and the emblem of the iconic Assassin was embroidered on the hanging flags hanging above the head. No matter where you look at it, the living environment here can be said to be comfortable. To be precise, it is much better than the place where ordinary people live.

"This situation is not common. When we were still in Rome, we were arrested everywhere, but now we can walk with our heads upright on the street. If it weren't for the increasing number of Knights Templar, life here would be Even better. Five years ago, there were only a few people who dreamed of the restoration of Byzantium, and now they are everywhere. But don’t worry, they will fail in Rome and they will fail again in Constantinople."

Degan introduced Zelin with confidence. "This is your room. If there is any discomfort, please feel free to come to me."

Chapter 1251 Byzantines

Things here are done unexpectedly and smoothly.

Early the next morning, when Zelin just woke up, Yusuf, the person in charge here, was fully prepared and went to the dock to wait for Ezio's arrival. Of course, he also brought Claudia's letter. Although the different parts of the Brotherhood know each other and know who is in charge of each place and their general appearance, this time it will be much easier to meet by faith.

After greeted Azzi, the guard, Zelin left the stronghold. He still remembered his true purpose of coming here, looking for something that he didn't know where it was hiding.

The demon hunter woke up very early, but Francesca seemed to be delayed because of other things, so he could only search the city on his own for the time being. Without the guidance of the wizard's magic ritual, all he can rely on now is the badge on his chest that should be able to function. Since Zhuolan’s Curse was not discovered by the badge, he is now a little worried about whether this badge is still as useful as before, or that he should go to the ring of elements to re-emerge the badge. After all, he is now in many places. There is no chaotic energy.

But it happened that he could take this opportunity to get a good understanding of the city.

The Brotherhood has several strongholds in the city, in addition to the Galata Tower, there is also a Grand Bazaar stronghold. At first, Zelin didn’t know what the Grand Bazaar was, and the assassins here didn’t explain to him, until he walked along the direction to the Grand Bazaar, he realized that this is the biggest one in Constantinople. Market.

The whole market is made of stone, and the different shops are divided by walls. The floor of the market is not only paved with neat slate, but even the top of the market is padded with neatly cut stones. No matter what the weather, it is very good. It is difficult to affect the operation of this huge market, and in the market, a skylight that opens every ten steps just compensates for the dim problem.

Although there are many people here, it is not messy and everything seems to be in order.

Walking into the intricate Grand Bazaar, there are all kinds of shops in the alleys like cobwebs. All kinds of goods, from wool to elaborately woven blankets, expensive spices and fragrant perfumes, beautiful fir furniture and gleaming swords, or carved teapots and silver tableware, or many strange items from other places Exotic products. The demon hunter stopped by the mysterious stone slab that was said to be from Egypt, but he checked it carefully, but he still could not see from the above that there was anything worth the price he paid the vendor’s price. There might be a historian. Interested in it, but not him.

"...Do you turn on the telescope in the morning, just to wake me up? It's messy on your side, where are you?"

There was a lazy voice in his ear. Since the last time he discovered this method of concealed communication in Cedars, he began to think of ways to improve it, whether it is fixed near the collar or using a bracket. Fix it to your ear, which is much more convenient than putting it in your pocket and taking it out by hand at any time.

"In the market, ah, you just woke up?" At this moment, Zelin was holding a bottle of perfume and looking at it carefully. A man with a floral turban was bending over and was about to walk over to the hunter. The magic hunter sells his products. But Zelin waved his hand and motioned that he would take another look. There should be some interesting things in this market that can be taken back as gifts. It happens that there is a stronghold of the Brotherhood of Assassins, and he has time to choose and store it in the stronghold. Ordinary perfume should not be attractive to Francesca, but the other world should make her feel novel.

"Something happened yesterday. Kodwin is mobilizing the army. Hunsett seems to want to start marching towards Aden after this winter has passed." Now his world is autumn, which is not the time to march, Zelin can't. He was worried about something going wrong in the north before the next year, but he didn't expect anything to involve Francesca.

"Are you in trouble?"

"It's not too big, you know, if Hensett takes the Upper Aden area, Kodwin will border the Valley of Flowers. I must send someone to keep an eye on there. He can gather a team of five thousand people. After taking down Upper Aden, our army can also march towards Hundred Flowers Valley. If they go to war, I must also assemble my manpower and be prepared for defense."

"It sounds like you are not optimistic that Aden can win?"

"De Mavin should be able to resist for a while, but I don't think he can win."

Without Francis Cumming, Zelin can also think that if Kodwin goes to war with Aden, it is definitely not just two countries that will be implicated in it. It is estimated that she will make a decision and negotiate with other people. Lots of things.

"Forget it, let's not talk about it. It was all about last night. I really don't want to think about these things today." Zelin could hear the sound of the teacup being picked up on the other side of the telescope. He could imagine that the elf was lying sideways on the bed, yawning and holding up a teacup like "Have you been to that city?"

"Yes, it's already here, and I got in touch with some local friends."

"It looks like it's just waiting for me? Oh, how many years, I have almost forgotten the days when I got up at the urging of others."

Then there was a rustle of dressing. Zelin took out the coins that the first officer returned to him yesterday afternoon, and after buying what he wanted, he walked towards the outside of the Grand Bazaar. His eyes seemed a bit too conspicuous in the darker market, and he didn't want to stay here for too long at one time.

He had just walked out of the Grand Bazaar when a group of heavily armed soldiers raged past him. Different from the Ottoman soldiers who came to patrol the market, the clothes of this group were obviously more European style. Under the metal plate armor were dark purple shirts. Behind the hunter, the atmosphere in the market suddenly became a little different. The faces of several merchants near the entrance of the market changed a lot. The vendors of the carpet shop opened their mouths and almost forgot to continue to sell their goods to customers. They didn't seem to want this group of people to enter the Grand Bazar at all.

"...Zelin? Are you listening?"

"Yes, I'm listening." Zelin coughed lightly and continued to walk out.

Purple clothes, these people are probably the Byzantines Yusuf told him.

"I'm going to start preparing for the magic ritual. I hope we can find things out within these two days. It is estimated that in a few days, my magic ritual will be useless."

"No problem." Zelin sighed and moved his shoulders. "Let's get started."

Chapter 1252 Dangerous Destination

"Go left, yes, continue to the left."

"Go straight ahead, go on, you haven't made it yet."

"Keep this in mind, go to the right and try it first... No, go back and go to the left."

"Go ahead, hey? I didn't let you go right, you went wrong."

"Because I'm going to make a detour, and there is a church right in front of me." Zelin rubbed his forehead and looked at this huge church, Hagia Sophia, as he walked around. Yusuf mentioned it to him on the way. This place, close to it, seems that this church is indeed a landmark of this huge city. When you go around here, you can just get a glimpse of its landscape.

The church door was closed, only a few people dressed as priests stood near the door, and some tourists from other places stopped and watched, but most of them were still busy with their own affairs. No matter how magnificent a building, it will inevitably lose its freshness if accompanied all day long.

It was past noon. Francesca’s detection magic is not as effective as before. The too weak magic power reflects that it is difficult for her to detect the position. Fortunately, this world does not have any chaotic energy, but it does her a favor, so she doesn’t have to worry about extras. Interference. According to her, the biggest source of interference is the Demon Hunter himself.

But this also made Zelin decide to find the thing as soon as possible. Otherwise, in two days, Francesca’s magic ritual might not find the exact location of the thing. But now the situation in the north has changed a little, and it is estimated that the elves can hardly escape to another world to deal with this matter. Francesca thinks this thing is likely to help in terms of teleportation technology, and thinks of the attacks launched by the elves and several female warlocks with the help of magical instruments during the battle against Corifias in the continent of Saidarth. The blow is enough to destroy a fortress, and if they can make better use of the powerful power brought by the chaotic energy tide, this will be a huge help.

"Keep going east...stop first, the spar's magic is exhausted."

"Resume, Enid." Zelin persuaded the sorcerer. "You have maintained the magic ritual for the whole morning, and you have to come back at least after lunch." He doesn't feel any tiredness. In fact, the demon hunters can track the monsters without eating any food for several days and nights. The stamina and energy are far beyond ordinary people, but warlocks and wizards are different. Although they use Chaos magic, their body is not much different from ordinary people, unless they can do a few years before becoming a wizard like Wigwarts. Soldiers and druids. As far as Zelin knew, the female warlocks had no interest in exercising, and Francesca was no exception.

"...Okay, but you have to remember the location this time, and we will continue in the afternoon. Also, you may not know, it's not eleven o'clock on my side, and you have to wake me up at five o'clock today. Find a good reason. You have to explain to me what's going on. I'll go to sleep for a while."

With that, the wizard warlock disconnected the telescope link.

He raised his head and looked at the sun, his visual observation here is almost two o'clock in the afternoon. This is not the first time Zelin has encountered such a situation. It was also when he was in Gushan. He thought it was night, but it was only noon in his world. However, in the world of demon hunters, whether it is from the Dragon Mountains in the far north or the desert in the south, such a situation has never occurred.

He shook his head, and threw all the questions in his mind behind his head.

In the crowd passing by, he heard a voice that made him slightly interested.