The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 689

"Those **** Byzantines, I don’t understand why the Sultan acquiesced to the Byzantines to show off in the city, look at them, and set up a restricted area in the square to the north, as if this is not an Ottoman place, or their Greek emperor ruled. Period. My uncle opened a blanket shop in the Grand Bazaar, and they asked my uncle to pay them. Do they think this is collecting taxes?"

"Be quiet, Sultan Bayezette is not in the city. It has not been seen for a long time. If the guards in the city don't want to stop them, let's not talk nonsense. What place do the Byzantines control?"

"It's near the racecourse. Don't go there these two days. They're celebrating there, stay away."

The two locals quickly walked away. Zelin looked around. It sounded that the power of the Knights Templar here was much more serious than Yousef said. Outside the Galatians, he had seen three groups of Byzantine soldiers walking down the street. Past. They obviously do not belong to the army of the Ottoman Empire, but they can appear in the capital of the empire fully armed, and there are a lot of them. In just one morning, there are almost fifty people. Although not as large as the number of patrols in Constantinople, it is not a small trouble. And now it sounds like these Templars also have their own strongholds in Constantinople.

He can only hope that this time his actions will not encounter trouble from the Templars.

When the sun was westward, Zelin, who was bored sitting on the flowerbed by the roadside, received a message from Francesca.

"I hope you are still there, my treasure hunter."

"How dare I take a step without the queen's order."

Zelin also responded jokingly. On the other side of the telescope, Enid chuckled twice. "I have prepared a new spar, let us determine the final position today."

The next thing went smoothly. Under the guidance of the elves, the demon hunter gradually walked closer to the west of the city. According to Francesca, the detected fluctuations were very strong, and the distance from the ground should be somewhere in the west of the city.

"Keep going, just go ahead. I thought I should be outside the city. It would be a lot easier for you to take out things outside the city."

"Yes, it would be nice if I could be outside the city." Zelin walked, but slowly slowed down. This could not hide the attention of the Elf Warlock, to be precise, it was her somewhat mysterious magic ritual.

"We haven't reached the place yet, continue walking, and I will search again when we reach the end."

"No, I don't think I can go any further now." After observing the surrounding environment, he quickly found out where he was.

"What's the matter? I met the church again? There are too many churches in your city, right?"

"No, it's not the church." Zelin frowned slightly. If he remembers correctly, Yusuf described this place to him yesterday-Topkapi Palace, the most important place in Constantinople, in other words-

"It's the palace."

The first thousand two hundred and fifty-three chapters of the beginning of the night

"The palace?!"

Hearing this news, Francesca's voice was rarely surprised. She asserted that the distractor shouldn't be a huge thing, it should be a tool that can transmit the magic of chaos, similar to the tool she prepared when dealing with Corifias. But the world is so big and the things you are looking for are so small, but it happened to appear in an imperial palace. With such a probability, Francesca asked Zelin several times in a row before she was sure that she had misheard or the demon hunter had admitted the wrong place.

It is difficult for him to recognize the wrong place, especially the high arched gate directly in front of him and the murderous Ottoman guards. There was no pedestrian in the square in front of the gate. Zelin stopped about two hundred meters away and looked over there.

"Yes, your magic ritual led me to a good place."

"Don't take risks, Zelin." Francesca said suddenly and seriously. "That thing is not a necessity for us. If you are sure of getting it, try to do it, but if you are not sure enough, don't take risks. Also, remember to notify me before you do it. If you are in trouble, I The teleportation spell can help you."

The idea of ​​the elf was to teleport the demon hunter from a dangerous place, while Zelin wanted to let her teleport away the enemy she encountered, and it was estimated that the enemy would die if it landed. This is indeed a very useful help when he sneaks in, and it saves him the process of Tibetans.

"No problem, I won't take risks at will."

Looking at the darkening sky, Zelin and the elves bid farewell to each other, put away the telescope, and prepared to return to the stronghold of the Assassin Brotherhood in the Galata Tower before night fell. Invading the palace is not a random thing, he must carefully consider and make a perfect plan. Moreover, this time it was not without gain. He knew that the thing he was looking for was in the palace in the west of the city.

Even at night, the pedestrians in Constantinople did not decrease. With the sound of the river waves beating against the ferry, Zelin stepped onto the land of Galatia again. It is said that Constantinople was not a city across the river in the past, but later the Roman Emperor Constantine I built a new city on the other side of the Golden Horn in order to imitate the layout of the Roman city across the Tiber. This is the Galatian region where he is now. But a pity, apart from this river, Zelin really can't see how many places imitating the city of Rome now.

Like last time, Azzi, the guardian, opened the door of the headquarters for him. Inside the Assassin's headquarters, Yousef was talking with several assassins. Zelin walked directly to his room, but was stopped by Yousef halfway.

"Hey, brother in Rome, where did you go today? I originally wanted other people to take you to get to know the city. Didn't you meet those Byzantines? They look very restless these days."

"Yes, but they don't know what I do." Zelin shrugged. He saw that the assassins had already received the order and walked toward the headquarters gate to leave. It seems that Yousef has finished. His work. "I went out and took a walk around the city today. This city is magnificent. It is in many places. It would be better if there weren't those Templars carrying weapons like patrolling the territory. Ezio didn't arrive today?"

"No, I stayed at the pier all day today. No ship ashore can hide from my eyes, but there is no Master Ezio among the guests who disembark." Yousef pulled Zelin's sleeve enthusiastically. Walking into the hall, a letter was scattered beside the cushions in the hall. The head of the assassin bent down to pick up the letter, smiled and handed it to Zelin.

"The assassin I sent to Masyaf the other day sent me good news. Master Ezio taught the Templars a bit in Masyaf and liberated the area near Masyaf Castle. There are several villages. It is estimated that the master should be on the way to Constantinople now, and we will be able to meet him in two days."

Zelin took the letter and scanned it with ten lines. There is not much written on it, and it mentioned the news that the assassin spies had inquired from the local villagers. It stands to reason that Ezio should be over fifty years old, but now it seems that his abilities and skills have not regressed in the slightest, and those Templar knights are still not his opponents. When the assassin arrived, two days had passed since the incident, that is to say, maybe one or two days later, Ezio would arrive in Constantinople.

"Altaïr's library, I really don't know what the master can find there. There are more and more Templar knights, and they reached out to Masyaf Castle. No one of us found it. Compared with five years ago , There are too many Templar knights here. When the master arrives, we have to find a way to deal with them."

The book Bartolomeo gave to Zelin mentions Masyaf, the former headquarters of the Brotherhood of Assassins, where Altaïr, the last master Assassin, was there during the Western Expedition in Mongolia. But relative to these things, Zelin is more interested in the activities of the Knights Templar.

"The ruler of this city doesn't seem to want to manage these Templars? Or is he related to the Knights Templar?"

The palace, he intends to inquire about the palace.

Hearing Zelin's question, Yousef waved his hand and lowered his eyebrows. "Sultan Bayezet is now busy dealing with his two sons. Everyone knows that the sultan will not live for many days. Both princes are staring at this position. The sultan and his eldest son Selim The prince is at odds. Some time ago, they fought a dozen or so miles away from the city, and then they never appeared again. Now the sultan’s second son, Prince Ahmed, is left in the city, but the sultan The pro-army did not support Ahmed, which made his position in the court very unstable. So you see, everyone is busy fighting for what they want, naturally no one will care about this group of constantly sewing from stones. The poisonous snake crawling out of it."

"In other words, there is no one in the palace right now? Is it the palace in the west of the city?"

"That's it. As for no one? No, of course there are people. Tariq, the leader of the Sudanese army, and his soldiers have sealed off the palace for a long time, and now he is maintaining the order in Constantinople. But it's okay. , He doesn’t like those Byzantines, which is a good thing for us."

"Well, let these politics go away from us." Ze Lin spread his hands. "I can smell roast beef? Do you have any extra cutlery here?"

"Of course, of course." Yousef clapped his hands and said with a smile. "You happen to be here. Come and see if the food we prepare meets Italian tastes. Go here."

Determine the goal, now is the time to start preparing.

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ps: The stronghold of the Brotherhood of Assassins in the game is under this tower

Chapter 1254 Planning

For several days in a row, Zelin was scouting near the imperial palace, understanding the environment there and the position of the guards that could be seen in the outer city, and groping for the rules of the patrol. He couldn't be too obvious. Listening to Yousef's introduction, during this time the Ottoman Empire was in the turmoil of two princes fighting for the seat of the sultan. The prince even faced the old sultan with swordsmen. He just wanted to take away things that didn't belong to this world, instead of being suspected of being a spy sent by a certain force.

Yousef still waited on the dock every day, but Zelin was very relieved about Ezio's affairs. These Templars could not yet threaten the master assassin. At most, when encountering wind and waves at sea, the ship may arrive in Hong Kong two days late.

"There will be a patrol handover at about 1pm. The sentry on the guard tower of the city wall will probably relax at this time. It looks like there will be another one at 7pm, but... the time is too short."

While surrounding the periphery of the palace, the demon hunter used a pen to write and draw at random on a piece of paper. There are several Italian painters sitting on the lawn not far away painting. No one doubts whether Zelin is recording the scenery or the periphery of the palace. This palace is very different from the king’s residence he has seen in the past. It is a city within a city, with guards patrolling everywhere. It is estimated that the Imperial Palace of the Nilfgaard Empire can have such a scale. It is not easy to sneak in without disturbing anyone. Francesca was right, he must be prepared.

Zelin didn't want to drag on. The elf told him that the magic ritual had not detected any fluctuations, that is to say, the residual energy was fading quickly, and if a period of time passed, even his badge might not be able to detect any traces. Therefore, in the past few days, he has been groping for the situation in the palace and its vicinity. He not only has to consider how to get in, but also how to evacuate once he is discovered. Just like when he was hunting monsters, scout the lair, think about countermeasures, and make backup plans when the battle changes. In the first ten years of becoming a demon hunter, he learned the importance of planning from the scars on his body.

He did not tell Yousef about this. The Seljuk assassin was obviously more willing to put himself in the position of the Ottomans, and was unwilling to take the initiative to involve the Brotherhood in complicated court battles. Besides, this is Zelin's own business, and he doesn't want to involve other people.

As he recorded and drew the map, the sound of footsteps on the street not far away attracted the attention of the demon hunter. Not far from the palace is the racecourse, which was built by the Roman emperor in the past imitating the Colosseum in the Roman city. However, its scale and momentum are hard to compare with the buildings of the Roman city. It is because the Ottoman Empire occupied Constantine sixty years ago. Fort, so the racecourse has not been abandoned, but there are more weeds, there are still many people here to chat. But now, the demon hunter noticed that a group of people walking past the racecourse were obviously not here for sightseeing.

Zelin glanced at a group of Byzantines. There were probably more than twenty people. But what attracted his attention was that at the front were four warriors in heavy armor and full armor. See how they walked. The Demon Hunter estimated that the heavy armor was definitely not a simple dress, which reminded him that when he was in Rome in the past, the heavy armored soldiers trained by the Pogia family had always been the biggest trouble.

After watching these Templars walk into a reciprocal building near the racetrack, Zelin lowered his head and noted this place on the drawing. This is likely to be the stronghold of the Templars here. He can go back and tell Yousef , Should be able to help the Brotherhood. Although he is not a member of the Brotherhood, he is happy to help his friends.

"Noon... is not a good time. Evening is better."

According to his observations over the past few days, he was able to find a way to sneak in, only taking advantage of noon, but the sun at noon was not conducive to sneaking in. He preferred to move at night. With the help of Fayin, as long as he didn't hit a group of patrols head-on, Or being seen by more than three people at the same time, there shouldn't be any problems. Moreover, the eyes of the demon hunter give him a great advantage in night operations.

Not everyone can cast the seal, or have the assistance of a female warlock. At least in this world, he doesn't have to worry about any anti-magic measures or mage guarding in this palace. If he is in his world, he must be careful of the influence of the mage.

"Are you going to do it?"

Francesca's voice came from his ears, and Zelin was not surprised. He consulted with the elves from time to time about the countermeasures and cooperation needed in various situations.

"Tonight, do you see that section of the city wall? It is close to the cliff on the side of the city, and the light is dim. I plan to go in from there."