The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 690

"Tell me the time, the time between our two sides is not equal."

"About three hours later."

"It's noon problem, I leave some of the rest to Kenna to do, but you found a good helper for me."

Time flies quickly.

As the setting sun went down, when the light red afterglow was spreading on Constantinople again, Zelin glanced at the paper in his hand, and after writing down the things on it, snapped his fingers, and the flames emitted the paper Burned out. Looking at the falling ashes, Zelin walked towards the predetermined location.

I don't know what Frid is doing recently?

This thought suddenly appeared, but then he shook his head and temporarily threw it aside.

The city wall is high, but this time, Zelin doesn't need to climb. Standing on the roof opposite to the wall, he closed his eyes after making sure that there were no guards on that section of the wall. First, there was a strong traction, and then he felt as if he was being stuffed into an invisible but incredibly hard box. Time passed quickly, but he couldn't feel any signs of movement. He didn't open his eyes again until the pressure around him eased.

He was already standing on the wall.

"Real use."

Looking left and right, there are still guards on the nearby sentry towers, and even soldiers holding bows and arrows on several roofs of the palace are guarding them. After a while, patrols will pass by here. The demon hunter didn't stop, he grabbed the edge of the city wall, carefully and quickly fell from the city wall, and hid under the flowerbed grass on the side of the road. There were so many palaces in the imperial city that he couldn't find them one by one.

"Can you determine the general direction of the previously detected location?"

"Go west, I still remember the general position."

Zelin raised his head and looked at the palace on the other side. "Very good, then let us fix it."

Chapter 1255: Success and Old Friends

The lights in the king's city are bright, but it is very gloomy.

This was the first time Zelin had sneaked into such a place, but it was not the first time. In a sense, Yanorlund is also a royal city, but that is not what Gwendelin mentioned. The city where his father Gewenshang was still, compared with the empty city, this palace is more Much more heavily guarded. But Zelin wasn't so worried, because the guards in this royal city were just some well-trained ordinary people, not the silver knights he couldn't handle at all. His pressure is much less, and he can find a way to get out even if he is in danger, not to mention, this time he has the assistance of an elf warlock.

Seeing a group of patrolmen walking past, Zelin slowly walked out of the shadows.

"This is the third team, and the people living here probably feel very insecure in their hearts."

His guess is correct. The number of soldiers patrolling in the royal city must be more than what can be seen outside. Zellin had known about the guards of King Foltest's castle, and the number was only a few dozen, but the number here was far more than the castles he had visited before. He has avoided several groups of soldiers on patrol in a row. Fortunately, the eyes of the demon hunter can allow him to see in the dark, otherwise he is likely to be noticed by the hidden sentry.

"The emperor expanded his guards some time ago, and rebuilt the Alba Division, appointing Fries as his general." The emperor Francesca would refer to naturally refers to Enhill. "Hensett seemed to be taken aback by this military coup. He sent the entire brown flag battalion to the south to confront Aden. I guess he will take the opportunity to form a new army. In this, not many people are safe. Sense."

While listening to the elf's words, Zelin bent over and touched a door in the corridor. He was always paying attention to the nearby figures and movements, but Francesca didn't say much. She knew that Zelin needed to listen carefully to the nearby footsteps at this time. Holding his breath, his ears were on the door. He did not hear any breathing or footsteps behind the door. Afterwards, he gently pushed open the door panel. Accompanied by a creak, this house of about 100 square meters appeared in front of him. Inside, there are some hanging paintings and intricately carved seats, and a set of pale green carpets are spread in the middle. Zelin carefully avoided the carpet, not to leave any traces of himself on it.

"I guess the layout here is much better than your palace."

The elf saw the other side. "It must be very rich here, and it's a good thing that the land is wide."

With that, Zelin took out his badge and circled the room. Like the previous few times, the badge was still lying quietly in his palm, without movement. The characters in the wall painting seemed to be watching here, which made Zelin feel a little uncomfortable. He didn't like the place full of figure paintings, especially after encountering a monster hiding in the painting in the past. He knows that there are no magic and monsters in this world, but the psychological habits for decades are not so easy to change.

"Not here."

"Continue to..."

Zelin suddenly made a silent gesture. He knew that Francesca could not see, but could hear his voice. The elf closed his mouth immediately, and soon there was a heavy footstep in his ear.

Looking left and right, Zelin opened a nearby vertical cabinet and hid in. The smell of agarwood from the closet immediately lingered on the tip of his nose. After a few seconds, the door was pushed open again, Zelin couldn't see people clearly, he could only hear the footsteps coming in. Their voices are heavy, accompanied by heavy gasps, which means that the two people who come in are carrying heavy things. Similarly, the demon hunter can infer that the two servants who came in should be carrying things.

The two servants talked in a language that Zelin could not understand from time to time, but fortunately, they did not walk to the side of the cabinet, but in vaguely, the demon hunter still heard the name Suleiman. It sounded like two servants were cleaning up the house, waiting for someone to enter the palace.

After the servant door carried the things inside the house, he seemed to rest for a while before going out. Hearing the sound of them opening the door, after a silent count for ten seconds, Zelin pushed open the door of the vertical cabinet. At this time, his hand was ready with the gesture of Aksi Fayin, but no one in the room wanted to experience the magic of another world-the servant had already left, but the door was half-hidden, and the demon hunter glanced at it. You can see the reason.

They will be back soon.

"Let's go, let's go to the next..." Before Zelin could say anything, he felt something was wrong.

His badge is shaking slightly!

"It looks like my badge wants to tell me something."

There is no need to search more. He didn't find anything in the house just now, but after the servants came, the badge began to vibrate slightly. The problem was obviously in the things they brought in.

Zelin glanced outside the door and made sure that there were no footsteps nearby, and immediately ran to the debris brought in by the two servants in small steps. Although it is miscellaneous, if it is placed in the Grand Bazaar, it is also a good thing that can sell a lot of money. He rummaged a bit from inside, and finally, a half-man statue as white as white jade appeared in the hands of the demon hunter. The material of this sculpture is very strange, Zelin felt it, but couldn't figure out what material it was made of. This statue has been around for a few years, and the traces of the carving have been smoothed out, leaving only the general appearance of the figure.

The statue was about the size of his forearm. He turned over the statue and found a small circle of inscriptions on the chassis. Compared with the jerky and incomprehensible language spoken by the servants, these inscriptions made him shine. The font and usage of the inscription have some similarities with the ancient words of his world.

"This is it?"

"Maybe..." Zelin took out the telescope so that Francesca could also see clearly. The elf's voice sounded a little uncertain, after all, she had never seen such a thing with her own eyes. "The badge responds to it? Bring it. When I get back, I will work out a way with Ada to figure out what it does."

Before Zelin could reply, there was another footstep outside. But this time Zelin didn't hide. He had found what he wanted, not to mention that they didn't carry heavy things and listened to the footsteps. Now it's too late to hide.

The first servant had just walked to the door, and his eyes instantly became distracted. Before the second servant recovered his senses, Aksi Fayin of the demon hunter pointed to his eyes. After that, he put his hands away and immediately left the house sideways. He quickly stepped on the edge of the flowerbed and disappeared behind the roof in the corridor.

After confirming that no alarm was caused, not only Zelin, but Francesca also breathed a sigh of relief. This action went smoother than she had expected, but if it weren't for the fact that the Sultan and his army in the palace were not present, it is estimated that Zelin would have to spend more effort. "Your Fayin power is getting better and better, are you interested in learning magic knowledge from me?"

"Forget it, Enid, those magic formulas and theories of yours are no different to me from the heavenly books. Get me out. The soldiers on the wall have changed shifts. It is not convenient for me to go out now." There are many torches on the outer wall of the Royal City in the distance. It is difficult to leave without causing any alarm. Every guard responds to each other, and it is difficult to stun a few and hide them unconsciously.

"Leave it to me, the location is the roof of a private house outside the city wall."

Zelin took a deep breath and closed his eyes. With an uncomfortable feeling of pressure and nausea, it took a while before he realized that he had been teleported out.

But at the same time, I realized that there was a deviation in the transmission.

He waited until the demon hunter crawled out of the water of Golden Horn Bay wet, before he let out a long sigh. "Enid, this is a bit too far off."

Fortunately, it is about a few meters above the sea, not under the wall or the ground.

"Maybe... the statue had an effect..." It sounded that France was not sure at first, but the teleportation technique went wrong the second time, making her a little embarrassed.

"Then I'd better store the statue in the fraternity first. I hope that I won't make a mistake when I go back to Rome and go through the portal." Zelin shook his arm and wiped off the water that was constantly flowing toward his eyes from his forehead. Walk along the pier leading to Galatia.

When he returned to the headquarters of the Brotherhood of Assassins under the Galata Tower, a piece of good news made Zelin temporarily let go of his concerns about the impact of the statue.

Ezio is here.

The first thousand two hundred and fifty-six chapters meet Ezio again

"When Yousef said that you sent the letter, I still didn’t believe it. I thought it was Claudia who asked other people to send the letter, which made Yousef confess the wrong person. After five years, you still look like So young."

"I don't have a Pokia family or a Knights Templar to have a headache. Traveling everywhere makes life easy and there is no change." Zelin spread his hands and said to Ezio with a smile. Ezio was dressed in gray and black, many parts of which had become pale white due to wear and tear, and a few throwing knives were tied to the metal waistband around his waist. Because of the multi-day journey, it looked like a dusty and dusty chin, and a lot of beards appeared on the unmaintained chin. Moreover, in the previous battle in Masyaf, Ezio's wrists and armor had a lot of wear and tear.

Compared to five years ago, he is obviously older, perhaps because the burden of the Brotherhood has fallen on his shoulders. Managing an organization spread across many countries and regions is not an easy task, nor is it a worry-free job.

"Your life is really free, how is Claudia? I have been out for ten months."

"Don't worry, everything is fine in Rome. I stayed there for two days before I came over with a letter."

When Zelin returned to the assassin's stronghold in Galatia, Yousef and the other assassins here were hosting a banquet for Ezio to cleanse the dust. As far as Zelin knows, Ezio arrived in Constantinople close to the afternoon. Yousef took him to get to know the city and Galatia in the afternoon, and with him in the assassin's fighting skills. Have some exchanges. And on the first day he came, Ezio fought once with the Knights Templar, known as the Byzantines.