The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 700

But Zelin also thought of something beneficial to him.

Compared with a Templar knight, the Ottoman Empire's Forbidden Army leader or the Empire's second prince obviously has access to more secrets. Maybe Zelin could directly tell from them why the Templars had snatched the statue, or where they transported the statue. Perhaps for ordinary people, these two people are unattainable power holders, but Zelin comes from a different world, and it is impossible for the Ottoman Empire to post the wanted warrant to the dwarf city of Mahakam.

"Zelin, what are you thinking about?" Yusuf's yelling recalled his thoughts. "The first thing we have to consider is to protect Prince Suleiman, and then find a way to investigate the partners of the Templars. We must be cautious."

"Don't worry, Youssef, I've never been a rash person." Zelin coughed lightly. "I will find a way to sneak in tomorrow. We can't all pretend to be musicians. You pretend to be musicians in the venue. I am cooperating near Topkapi Palace. I am worried that the Templars may have a backup plan."

For Zelin's pertinent suggestion, Yousef accepted without hesitation.

"We will gather outside Topkapi Palace tomorrow afternoon. This time we must succeed. I can't imagine the terrible impact of Prince Suleiman's assassination."

The first thousand two hundred and seventy-four chapters lead the snake out of the cave

There are some things Zelin needs to discuss with others.

"What's wrong, it's still dark."

Hearing Francesca's sleepy voice, the demon hunter couldn't help sighing in his heart. According to his understanding, the elves don't like to be woken up while sleeping. Zelin can only hope that she has been in a good mood recently and can forget the repeated awakening of her in the middle of the night before he goes back. But Francesca still keeps the telescope in her ears at all times. She can tell what is the most important thing, but sometimes she always tells things so clearly that Zelin sometimes can't figure out whether she is happy. Still angry.

"Enid, I found two targets who may know where the stolen items are located."

"Ah...I see, is there anything else?" The elf yawned, and he heard the sound of pulling the sheet. "This kind of thing is not so difficult for you."

"Of course, but I might need a little help... Can you use the medium to cast teleport spells, can you cast mind-reading spells to interrogate the inhabitants of this world?"

The elf yawned again. "Impossible. Mind reading is an extremely sophisticated spell. Before I read my mind, the brains of these residents who have not been exposed to chaotic energy will be burned into dried fruits."

Francesca murmured in an ancient language for a while. Her speech was so fast that Zelin couldn't hear what she was talking about.


"I'm here. What goal did you find, it must be very valuable?"

"The crown prince of an empire in this world, and the commander of the imperial army in the palace."

Hearing Zelin's answer, Francesca snorted softly, "Interesting, when to act."

The time difference between the two worlds made Zelin hard to say about the time. He thought about it for a while. There should be twenty-eight hours before Yousef's meeting time.

"Twenty-eight hours later, do you have time?" If the elf could use magic to help, Zelin's actions would be much simpler. He didn't want to act with the Brotherhood, nor did he want to tell them about it. He does not need to involve the Brotherhood. Once this incident is exposed, there is not much risk for him, but it is undoubtedly a major blow to the Brotherhood.

"Can I have no time? I will get in touch with you in twenty-eight hours."

Zelin sighed lightly. "Good night, Enid."

"Good night, we will settle the account when we come back."

Telescope was immediately hung up.

Zelin pursed his mouth, looking at the tarnished glass in the palm of his hand.

Tonight, he returned to the Brotherhood headquarters later than usual. After enjoying a strange bowl of macaroni, he walked on the street for a long time. He didn't realize it until the stone houses on both sides were replaced by wooden houses. He has already reached the south of the city. Compared with Galatia, which is mostly inhabited by immigrants, this area is even more dilapidated. The low houses made of wooden planks crookedly lean on the roadside, as if only someone needs to push hard, the whole street The houses on the roof will fall down suddenly. This is a gathering place for thieves, mercenaries and gypsies, a home for urban wanderers and marginal farmers. It is the most popular place for the Brotherhood.

But he does have something to come here.

"Rome, it's not a gypsy."

A black-haired woman who was sitting by the bonfire and taking off her performance earrings corrected Zelin's name. The assassin's badge can play an unexpected role here. He originally thought he was going to deal with a few thieves who were stealing in the alleys at night, but found that he had met the brotherhood's allies in the city. And the reason they were going to steal Zelin was also very simple. Sabre, wearing armor, either Ottoman or Byzantine. Indeed, he did not look like an assassin at all.

The Gypsies’ stronghold is in a courtyard, hidden in a chaotic building complex. If it weren’t for someone to lead the way, it’s hard to imagine that such an inconspicuous yard is actually related to the gypsies scattered throughout the city.

"Sorry, Ms. Roma, I want to inquire about some news."

"Salazar." She turned around, her back to the campfire, and she didn't know where to take out a crystal ball. "Want to learn about your future destiny?"

"I'm here to inquire about the news, not to tell the fortune." Zelin waved his hand firmly, he didn't need this. "I want to know any unusual actions by the Byzantines recently?"

Today the Brotherhood gave the Knights Templar a heavy blow, and now the Assassins are moving around the city, preparing to attack other Byzantine strongholds. If the Templars really acted quickly and efficiently as Yousef said, they would definitely begin to prepare to transfer the important items kept in the city, and the statue must be on the list of important items. What he has to do now is to collect the movements of the Templars while the Brotherhood continues to exert pressure on the Byzantines.

When the monster is unwilling to show up from the hiding place, he tries to make trouble for him and force it to come out of the lair that is beneficial to him.

"Abnormal? Continue to show off and bully people without weapons, come here every day to pay us fines, go to the store to enshrine taxes. The only anomaly is that they didn't come today."

"Salazar, they probably won't be here in these few days."

"You are teaching them the heavy smoke in the city today, right? Several girls I know said that thanks to your actions, the tavern near the racetrack was temporarily closed for two days, and they lost several performance jobs."

"Please allow me to be sorry again."

"No, I don't have to be sorry for this, the Byzantines don't come to trouble us, the money saved is enough for a few performances." Salazar covered the glass ball with a piece of tulle. "Go ahead, what do you want to inquire about?"

The flames burning in the cup, glass **** and artistic scarfs fill the Gypsies' habitation with an indescribable sense of mystery. Had it not been for Ezio and Zelin to talk about the divination here, he might have thought it was the gathering place for magicians in this world.

"I hope someone can pay attention to the city gate and the pier. If the Templars show any signs of moving items, please come to the Galata Tower to find me."

"It's just that? It's not difficult. As long as you pay some employment fees, our girl is happy to perform at the gate of the city and the place you specify."

Zelin was stunned for a moment, and then he understood that the performance in her mouth was surveillance. Not many people think that people performing or begging on the roadside will be eyeliners. There are many beggars in this city, and most of them are other gypsies. Even the person who entangled Zelin to pray for alms this morning was one of them.

"No problem, I will mark the location. Tomorrow I may be away for a day. If there is something urgent, there is a girl named Aziz under the Galata Tower and leave the news with her."

The first thousand two hundred and seventy-five chapters more dangerous goals

For a whole day, Zelin didn't leave the Assassin headquarters in Galatia for half a step.

Ezio wrote to Claudia in Rome in his room. When there is something to do, time will always pass quickly, but when there is nothing to do, time will become as slow as flowing sand. It is impossible for him to monitor the entire city alone. The Brotherhood must focus its energy on fighting the Byzantines. Only when they exert strong enough pressure on the Templars can they expose the flaws of this group of poisonous snakes dormant in the city.

"Zelin, I have finished reading your letter."

When Zelin held his forehead with one hand and was sitting at the table reading a book, Ezio's voice came from behind. Zelin turned his head and just saw the Assassin Instructor walk in holding the letter he found in the Templar stronghold.

He stood up, "How is it? What's written on it?"

"It's the Templar trade list, but it's written in Greek. You don't know Greek?"

"No one stipulates that everyone must learn Greek." Zelin shrugged, and he was surprised by the many types of languages ​​in this world. He didn't understand how the people here could tolerate the existence of so many different languages ​​at the same time. For Zelin, one lingua franca and one ancient language are enough. But compared with these things, he cares more about what is written on the letter.

Transaction list? He hoped that these Templars would not sell all the things they had stolen in order to raise funds.

"What did they trade?"


Ezio flicked the letter paper, his eyes a little solemn. "We used to know the leader of the Templars. Manuel is a rich man. Now it seems we underestimate how rich he is. This is a weapon order. Manuel wants to buy from someone in Constantinople. Musketeers." His words paused, as if to emphasize how many musketeers there are. "One thousand musketeers, this can arm an army!"

Zelin concealed a trace of disappointment in his eyes. He took the letter paper, glanced at it, and let go, letting it fall to the table. "A thousand muskets? Who can sell them all at once in Constantinople? So many muskets? And who can transport the muskets out of the city under everyone's eyes? They will be checked out in the Golden Horn, where at least seven Ottoman warships and two gun towers are docked. Could it be said that this His Excellency Manuel can buy an armed fleet with his money?"

"I don't know, I have to warn Yusef, they don't know the changes to the Templars at all. Maybe they didn't even want to ship the rifle out."