The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 715

Ahmed almost fell to the ground. He staggered forward a few steps, holding on to the wall on the side of the road. He just wanted to stop and catch his breath, but the rush of chasing behind made him have to continue running. He ran around the corner and Ezio chased him, but suddenly a sword cut out almost hit Ezio in the chest. A Templar hiding behind the corner saw the miss, and immediately took a step forward and swung another sword. Ezio shook his wrist and ejected the Hidden Blade, while parrying him, he hit the enemy's abdomen with a scimitar. The Templar screamed, and he wanted to retreat, but Ezio grabbed his arm backhand and swung the knife again. Blood immediately poured out from the enemy's throat, Ezio let go, and the Templar knelt to the ground, but the Assassin Master did not hear the pok of the corpse falling to the ground, but the neigh of the horses.

"Celebrate your trivial victory, bastard! I'll be back again!" Ahmed yelled, desperately beating the horses pulling the carriage. The Templars prepared a carriage for evacuation here. Perhaps Ahmed had planned to set off for Masyaf immediately after seizing the key to the library, but now this carriage has become a tool for his escape. Ezio looked around, and he noticed that there was a stable not far away, where the horses were sold, but it was closed because it was night. Ezio said apologetic in his heart, and ran over quickly, raised his leg less than one meter away from the door, and kicked the wooden door fiercely.

The door was kicked open with a knock, and there were only two horses inside. Ezio swung a knife to cut off the reins of a horse tied to a stake, and rolled over and rode on. He slapped the horse's **** fiercely, the horse neighed and raised his front legs, Ezio clamped his legs so that he would not fall off. Afterwards, the horse rushed out of the stable, and Ezio controlled the direction and chased after Ahmed disappeared.

The ferry crossing of the Golden Horn was blocked, and Ahmed could only flee towards the south gate. It didn't take too long before Ezio saw the escaped target on the road. Ahmed also noticed him, and the carriage drove by, almost knocking down a few unknown Ottoman guards on the street.

"Stop him! He tried to murder your prince!"

Before these soldiers could react, Ezio's horse rushed past them again.

"What's the matter?!" A guard straightened the crooked helmet, and looked at the two people who were further and further away in their eyes with wide eyes in confusion. "What did that person say?"

"I guess he meant someone was going to kidnap him?" Another guard wiped his crossbow.

"Ha, then it's not our control. Didn't Prince Ahmed order that all kidnapping, extortion, and extortion cases in the city are not ours?" The third soldier sipped to the ground. "Otherwise I would have long wanted to chop off a few Byzantine heads." He held up the crossbow and gestured. Ezio hadn't left the range yet, but he still put down his weapon. "Some of us were punished by Prince Ahmed for taking care of Byzantine mercenaries. It is better to do less than to do more. Let’s go. Didn’t our leader still order that we are not allowed to approach the shore? It’s just a holiday, today. Who is the turn of the treat?"

The two who were chasing didn't know what the guards behind were saying, and Ezio's horse was gradually shortening the distance between it and the carriage. Ahmed's carriage was a bit heavy and swayed back and forth on the complicated streets, and he could only drive on the spacious streets. Several times he tried to throw Ezio away, but only to knock over the stand on the side of the road.

"Your determination is really irritating, Ezio!"

"Your cowardice is really sympathetic, Ahmed!"

They broke into a night market, and all kinds of goods on the stall were knocked into the sky. Ezio lay on his horse back, avoiding the flying apples, pears and live fish like a cold arrow on the battlefield. A tomato hit his shoulder with a slap, making him look as if he was painted. The assassin instructor squinted his eyes and quickly realized that another carriage appeared in front of him. He quickly changed direction to avoid it, but bumped into a flagpole. So the banner that crossed the block in the front hulled down, covering a group of angry passers-by underneath.

Suddenly, five horsemen rushed out of the alley on the left side of the street, and the Byzantines rushed to protect Ahmed on horseback.

"Haha! Do you think I don't have any support, Ezio?!" Ahmed laughed triumphantly. "Kill him! Kill him for me!"

Three horsemen guarded by the carriage. Two horsemen rushed towards Ezio with their sabers. Ezio drew his pistol. He was very glad that the bullet was still in the barrel. He tried to stabilize himself on the bumpy horseback. He aimed at the front rider, took a deep breath, and pulled the trigger.

The rider suddenly dropped his weapon and his horse lost control and ran into another horse. A rider was thrown out of the horse together, rolled on the ground several times and then lay on the ground with his limbs spread out, the muzzle on his chest was still bleeding. The other rider was very unlucky. His boots were stuck in the stirrups and he could not completely fall off the horse's back. As a result, crazy horses dragged him to run, and soon he disappeared into the city with the horse's figure and screams. In the night.

A long black shadow appeared in the distance, which was the city wall of Constantinople. Ezio panicked a little, but then dropped that worry. No matter where Ahmed is going to flee, he will catch up. He will never let the tiger go back to the mountain, let alone stop using the city wall as the boundary.

The city wall is getting closer and closer, the market has been left behind by them, and an empty city gate square is in front of them. Ahmed squeezed his whip fiercely, and there was a harsh sound echoing in the empty square. Ahmed rushed towards the gate of the city.

The next moment, his carriage slammed into the iron gate that was suddenly lowered. The carriage was smashed in the blink of an eye. Two horses neighed, but the riders behind had no time to stop, and one by one, they slammed straight into it. , While crushing his companions, he also made himself fall off his horse. The cursing of soldiers, the wailing of war horses, and the rising dust enveloped the entire city gate for a time. Only Ezio, who was a certain distance away from them, pulled the reins and stopped the horses about five meters away from the city gate.

Ezio looked at the messy doorway in confusion, but soon he understood.


On the city gate, Zelin stood by the city wall and waved to him.

Chapter 1301: King Car Translocation

Ezio rolled over and got off his horse. An injured horse stood up and ran away. The Assassin Instructor let the way, his gaze was kept in the doorway of several corpses lying down and down. On the steps next to the city gate, Ze Lin was walking down step by step, and another person followed behind him.

The fragments of the carriage moved a little, a hand stretched out from it, and then pushed aside the broken plank on his body, Ahmed crawled out from below with a look of embarrassment. His face was covered with a large amount of blood, and he seemed to be a little confused. He stood up and swayed for two steps, then sat back on the ground with a puff. He looked around, and finally his gaze stayed on Ezio.

"Is this your plan too, Ezio?!"

This incident also exceeded Ezio's expectations, but his heart suddenly wanted to retaliate against Ahmed, especially after he almost killed Sofia. So Ezio nodded. "Yes, this is my plan. There are only two gates in this city. You can't get to the north gate, you can only go to the south gate."

A gunshot rang out from the city wall. This was the Templars outside the city who were preparing to meet Ahmed. They were quite large in number, but they were blocked by a closed gate. Perhaps the former Ottoman guards here were bought and opened the gates in the middle of the night to let the Byzantines in, but now, the Templars outside are helpless facing the strong gates and towering walls. The gunfire stopped for a while, and the Templars outside retreated.

Ahmed didn't speak, he clutched his leg, the broken wooden board pierced into his thigh, and he couldn't move at all now. Ezio looked at Zelin who came over. This was what he noticed. It was Piri Reis, the retired admiral of the Ottoman Empire, who came with Zelin.

"We are still thinking, can we stop him before you." Zelin moved his shoulders, and several Sudanese soldiers ran down from the city tower, subdued the Byzantines and Ahmed who were still alive, and used a rope to pull They are tied up. Someone struggled, and then he was hit by the hilt of the sword on his head. "It seems that we are not too late."

Below the city wall, there are two carriages parked.

"How did you get here?"

"I have to ask the old friends of the Brotherhood." Zelin chuckled and pointed to Old Pili, which made Ezio's mood relaxed a lot. Since the Demon Hunter appeared here, his expression was still so relaxed. The result of the battle on the ferry is obvious. "I think we all underestimated Prince Suleiman."

Piri Reis snorted, but this does not mean that he was angry. In fact, the old admiral had an indifferent attitude towards everyone. "I'm going to take these traitors back. Ahmed's temple fantasies will ruin everyone. Fortunately, someone can stop him. Also, Ezio, Prince Suleiman asked me to tell you, and he will give it to you. The ship to Cardopasia is ready, and I can take you there tomorrow. He hopes that after you find the ancient library, you can make good use of the secrets in it, not like these crazy Knights Templar ."

Ezio nodded. "I understand and thank His Royal Highness Prince Suleiman for providing us with such important help."

Piri Reis didn't say anything, he walked over and directed the other soldiers to take the **** traitor into the wagon. But before leaving, he left a word.

"I may not continue to help the Brotherhood. I have left all the technical drawings of the bomb in my studio, and that studio will give it to you."

Zellin and Ezio glanced at each other, but Piri Reis had already directed the carriage to set off. Amid the call of the carriage driver, the convoy carrying Ahmed and the Byzantine prisoners drove towards the Topkapi Palace. Direction.

"How did you find it? How was the battle?"

There was not much suspense in the battle on the pier after Ahmed escaped. Under the attack of the three parties, the Templars and the Byzantine soldiers were quickly defeated. At first they could organize defenses or try to break through and retreat to other urban areas. In fact, they almost succeeded from the direction of the Ottoman guards, but most of the mercenaries didn’t know anything about the streets of the city, and there were a small number of them. The man escaped, but was quickly wiped out by the assassins and guards who were familiar with this place. Most of the rest were wiped out, and a few surrendered.

"At first we didn't know where you went after Ahmed, but Piri Reis stayed with a group of Sudanese soldiers nearby to observe the battlefield. I found him and asked him to take me to intercept Ai. Hamed. I analyzed it. Ahmed can no longer run to Topkapi Palace or hide in a corner of the city waiting to die, so he will definitely find a way out of the city."

Zelin sighed lightly and flicked the gray on his shoulders.

"What about Sophia?" Ezio asked.

"Aziz put her in a safe place, but I think Aziz must be very upset, because when she comes back, the battle is over."

The battle has not really ended completely. This is a victory for the Brotherhood, but the strongholds in the city that were taken by the Templars need to be recovered. However, with the practice of the Byzantine mercenaries, it is estimated that the news of the defeat will spread. Later, they will disappear without a trace like a mouse that sees the light. What the Brotherhood has to do is to walk over, take down the banner of the Templars, and re-hang their logo.

This is the battle plan formulated by the Brotherhood. The stronghold is used as a bait. When the Templars and Byzantine mercenaries are exhausted in the streets and lanes, they use their knowledge of the terrain to eliminate them as much as possible, and gradually turn to gold. Jiaowan Ferry is closer. Ahmed thought he ordered the guards to block the ferry and block the assassins on the shore, but in fact, these guards were already under Suleiman's control. Once the Brotherhood was at a disadvantage in the battle, the guards posing as civilians would secretly help the assassins. We fought to resist the attack of the Templars. Finally, it was to send people out of the city wearing Tariq’s usual uniform to make Ahmed relax his vigilance, and wait for the former crown prince and Templar’s ​​agent to leave the palace with the guards to prepare to harvest the fruits of victory. In the barracks, Tariq would lead the Sudanese army to launch a final blow against the Templars and Byzantine soldiers, completely surrounding them.

They lost their stronghold and looked like a complete failure, but in fact they didn't have much damage. There are not many assassins. If you compare the loss of a stronghold with the sacrifice of three soldiers, the Brotherhood will definitely choose the former, and the large number of Templars will choose the latter.

The night was getting dark, and only a bright crescent moon remained in the sky. After the carriage disappeared from sight, Zelin patted Ezio on the shoulder. "Let's go, enough has happened tonight."

"And it's not over yet."

"Yes, it's not over yet."

Cardopacia, this is the final goal.

Chapter 1302 Goal Byzantium

This is a big victory, a victory that the Brotherhood of Constantinople has never had in the so many years that the Brotherhood of Constantinople has fought with the Knights Templar. They almost wiped out most of the Templars' power in Asia Minor and the Balkans. They were not just mercenaries. The Templars' agent here, Prince Ahmed, was also defeated by them. Although I don't know how the Ottoman Empire will deal with him, after he did such a thing, the position of the sultan may eventually fall into the hands of Suleiman's father, Prince Selim. No one thought that the prince, known for his killing and decisiveness, would let a potential contender for the throne.

"We have lost some brave brothers. This is a loss that cannot be compensated for by any victory. Let us remember the sacrifices of these brothers and sisters and this hard-won victory."

Yousef and the other assassins cherish the memory of their lost comrades. People are whispering about the night's battles, looking in the direction of Topkapi Palace from time to time. It is reported that Prince Ahmed appeared on the battlefield last night. People are waiting for what kind of results will come out in the palace, but not everyone has time to think about these things. No matter how fierce the factional fighting in the palace is, this has nothing to do with some people.

"I put the key of the Masyaf library in Sofia's bookstore, and when Cappadocia got the key, I will come back and go to Masyaf with Sofia." The pier trestle followed their steps. Boom. "I think Yusuf can handle the rest."

"Is it safe to put in a bookstore?"

"Sophia gave the bookstore to the Brotherhood as a stronghold, and the Assassin brothers will protect it. Now it is safe."

"Sophia gave her family bookstore to the Brotherhood? Where is she going?" After the words blurted out, Zelin immediately realized that he had asked a meaningless **** question. Ezio gave a light cough and looked up at the mast that was shadowed by the sun. A Caravel sailing boat docked on the water beside the trestle bridge, swaying slightly with the cool sea breeze. This is Sulaiman. Promise that Ezio will send him to the sailing boat in Cardopacia.