The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 741

The vortex continued to expand, and a flash of lightning flashed from time to time. Soon, these soldiers were so shocked that they couldn't even ask questions. The winner forgot to chase and the loser to escape. They tortured their necks, lifted their heads to the maximum, and looked at the sky. , On the battlefield of nearly 10,000 people, there is only the sound of lightning passing by in the dark clouds.

Chapter 1351 The Power of Belief

The power of magic gathered at the top of Sabina's staff.

When Serchik was defeated, she, like everyone else, knew that Aden’s defeat would never be reversed. The Kodwin people did not lose much in this war, and Van der Graft will inevitably increase his position in the Kodwin court because of his military exploits, and even completely wipe out the influence of the Sorceress. And Kodwin will seize more land and population in the next victory. Even if the Sorceress Assembly uses its influence to get other countries to impose sanctions on Kodwin, I am afraid it will only slow down Kodwin. The pace of progress.

She must not allow this to happen.

Under the light of the sapphire at the top of the staff, the figures of the five witches appeared next to Sabina. They formed a circle, in which Philippa's vision nodded to Sabina.

"The assembly hall received your report. What can I do for you, Sabina?"

"My position in Hensett's court is threatened, and once Van der Graft wins the war, there will be no power to stop Kodwin from occupying Upper Aden."

Several female warlocks glanced at each other, and no one disputed it. Philippa's vision gestured to Sabina to please.

"Please go ahead, Sabina, I think you have found a solution."

"I will summon the Melga Fire on the battlefield. It will destroy Van der Graft and weaken the strength of both parties. But I can't do this alone in a short time, so I need you to use your strength. Give it to me. Perform a joint cast and I can ignite this battlefield." Sabina stretched out her hand and made a smoothing gesture. "All creatures on the battlefield will disappear."

This time, several female warlocks showed hesitation.

"The use of any non-traditional mass destruction magic will be severely condemned." Philippa said calmly. "If your affairs are revealed, the assembly hall will not be able to come forward to help you, and your behavior has nothing to do with the assembly hall."

Sabina nodded to indicate that she understood the risks. "I will be careful."

When the six witches chanted the jerky spell at the same time, their echoes seemed to be the whispers of demons in hell. Chaos magic power became active and irritable under the agitation of this spell.

The sudden gust of wind, the clouds in the sky, the vortex and the lightning, many people can see that this is an ominous omen, but only a few people understand what it means to happen.

"Magic! Damn, someone is casting a spell! What is this!?"

"Rene, you are waiting here. No, you take a boat to the other bank first." Zelin pointed to the river bank and said to Ren. "Hurry up!"

"But you..."

"Listen to me, hurry up!"

It was also a demon hunter, but this kind of thing was too dangerous for Renne. This kind of magic should not appear on the battlefield. It will only multiply the number of casualties in the war. What the winner wants is a population that can pay taxes, not a wasteland that has been razed to the ground. But in any case, this kind of thing has already happened.

"You! Where are you going?! Are you crazy!"

Ren yelled at Zelin, who was running down the hill on horseback. Maybe the wind is too strong, maybe the attention has been placed elsewhere, Zelin didn't answer. But soon, the vision in the sky made it difficult to ask what happened.

Death fell from the sky.

A burning meteorite pierced through the dark clouds and smashed towards the ground, which was like a signal. The flames fell like a torrential rain. The dark clouds covering the sky became riddled under the impact of the meteor, and gradually shattered and dissipated, exposing the back. The burning sky.

The two knights under the hills who were confronting temptation lowered their weapons. When the flame fell, the war was over. To be precise, their war was over.

This is not a war of ordinary people.

"It's Sabina!" the cavalry of the brown flag camp looked at the sky and shouted. "It must be that **** witch! She wants to kill us all!"

The sound of the falling flames shook the sky and the earth. It was the defeated who was running for their lives before, but now everyone is running for their lives.

"Come here, Zevik!" A shout came into Nathaniel's ears, but it was obviously not calling him, but the Kodwin in front of him. The knight's gaze crossed the shoulders of the Kodwin man, and saw a priest-like figure not far behind him was running away along the trail with several soldiers. The priest saw Zewek standing there looking at the sky, and stopped to call him.

But Zevik's ear was injured during the previous fight, and he didn't hear it.

"Your friend is calling you." Nathaniel reminded.

"What are you from Adenian talking about?"

"Your friend is calling you!"

Zevik turned around and saw a priest waving at him.

"This must be Pastor Crest! You have good luck, Adenian." Zevik waved his hand to Nathaniel. "Come with me, Pastor Crest will surely take us out of this **** safely!"

This person looked very embarrassed and still had an unburned candle in his hand, which was obviously interrupted by a flame falling from the sky while praying for the dead.

"Pastor, what should we do?"

"Trust me, I know what to do." If anyone pays close attention, you will see that the priest's teeth are still trembling, but Crest pretends to be confident. "As the prophecy said, when the sorcerer turns into a man, disaster will come, fireballs fall from the sky, and destruction will come. Goddess Meritelli has given me a talisman that can avoid the flames, follow me, I can take you Leave. Call everyone who is still alive and follow me!"

"Why should we bring an Adenian?" a ten captain questioned.

"Shut up, Cony, in front of the gods, all human beings are compatriots. They should help each other before magical disasters to avoid destruction. The gods said, in the face of disasters, you should unite as one."

All the soldiers believed in the priest's words. They believed that Crest was a good man who was favored by the gods, and believed that he must have a talisman that could avoid the flames. They began to flee the battlefield. Many fireballs landed near them, but none of them hit the escaped team. If it were not for the dangerous environment, someone would kneel down and thank the Goddess Meritelli for blessing them from bad luck.

In the end, this group of fugitives composed of enemies who had been fighting with each other not long ago escaped from the battlefield.

"Pastor Crest! What are you going to do, you are going in the wrong direction, there is hell!" Seeing the figure of the priest running back to the battlefield again after everyone had escaped, Zevik reminded him loudly.

"There must be someone on the battlefield. My amulet will protect me. Find a safe place to hide." The priest trot and returned to the battlefield devoured by the fire. Soon, his figure disappeared into the scarlet battlefield.

Time and time again, Pastor Crest entered and exited the battlefield three times in a row. Soldiers who were frightened by the horror magic believed that they met a priest who could lead them to avoid the flames, a priest who kept showing miracles. They were no longer afraid of flames, as if someone about to sink into the water suddenly grabbed a floating plank. They followed the priest closely. There were the Kodwin and the Adenites, led by Crest. Fleeing to be born.

He kept inspiring the soldiers who were frightened by the disaster, telling them that he had a magical amulet bestowed by God that could lead them out of the disaster. Every time, he walked at the forefront of the team, holding his hands tightly on his chest, looking for anyone in his sight who was still alive, whether it was an Adenian or a Kodwin. If anyone who knows magic is there, they will find that the talisman in the priest's hand does not have any magical power at all, and a few Oren can get the same one in the temple.

Does the priest really know that this amulet is powerless?

It is estimated that he is the only one who knows.

In the end, when entering the battlefield for the fourth time, a fireball just hit the priest. The priest staggered out of the flames of the explosion. Most of his body was ignited, and he knelt down without taking a few steps. On the ground, before he fell, another flame exploded in front of him, and the flame instantly swallowed him completely.

Chapter 1352 is really hell

Flame, flames everywhere.

People wailed in the fire and fled like headless flies. This is the real hell. The hissing of flames is everywhere. Poplars burst in the flames. Some people want to jump into a nearby stream, but the stream has already begun to bubbling. The horses neighed and resisted entering this sea of ​​flames, and Zelin had to use Akshayfayin to appease it. Charred corpses can be seen everywhere on the ground, maintaining the last action before being burned to death, stiff arms stretched out to the sky, as if praying for a miracle, but this did not appear in the end.

The air became distorted under the influence of the high temperature. Zelin covered the lower half of his face with a wet scarf. Some smoke was poisonous, and the overheated air would burn people's trachea. The demon hunter knew what to do. The Griffon badge kept shaking, as if to break free of the necklace and jump out. Zelin quickly judged the source of magic based on the frequency of the vibration.

He would never break into this sea of ​​fire just because of impulse, he knew magic, at least some basic common things. The convergence of chaos magic power is fast, which means that the caster is nearby, and such a large-scale spell needs continuous guidance. If you are lucky, he can end the disaster before the caster kills more people.

The scale of the flame rain is spreading, from the very center of the battlefield at the beginning, gradually moving towards the direction of the Yadian army camp. The Kodwin had been chased and killed before. There is no doubt that the magic that appeared to be used to deal with Aden on the surface was actually meant to kill everyone.

He can stop the magic ritual before that!

A huge fire blocked the path of the demon hunter. There were piles of corpses and spears everywhere. Broken armor and flesh and blood were mixed together. The oncoming stench made Zelin feel unspeakable. Suffocation. The Kodwin soldiers carried out a massacre here. They piled the corpses together to form a small mound. Under the flames, the corpse mound looked like a huge volcano. All areas are blackened.

Zelin looked around, looking for a way around. Suddenly, he heard a rumbling sound in his ear. The next moment, a huge giant roared through the flames and rushed straight towards him.

"Damn it! Rape, run!"