The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 744

The cold voice made Sabina's smile froze on her face. She suddenly raised her head and looked in the direction from which the voice came. She saw Zelin still standing on the hillside that hit her just now.

In an instant, the female warlock thought of what was going on.

The demon hunter did not get into the smoke at all!

The smoke is just misleading!

The female warlock thought that the demon hunter made so much smoke to attack her close by the cover of smoke, but in fact it was only to attract her attention!


An arrow hit the female warlock's abdomen, and the arrow made by Dimokin's arrow penetrated her protective magic like a paper, interrupting the teleportation spell she hadn't chanted, and Sabina was like a The kite fell like a broken string and fell heavily on the river beach.

Coughing twice, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and the severe pain in her abdomen caused the female warlock to shrink her body and almost fainted. For many years, she has almost forgotten the feeling of pain. She tightly covered the wound with her hand and tried to recite the healing magic, but the spell did not take effect, and the blood still kept flowing out, leaving a long blood trail behind her crawling body. She could feel something flowing from the wound, not just blood, but her life.

She raised her head and looked at the stream ahead.

A boat.

To be precise, a floating wooden board.

The staff was thrown aside, and she grabbed the warm pebbles with one hand and crawled towards the plank. The severe pain in her body made it difficult for her to concentrate, and there was only one thought left in her mind.

Climb up to the plank and float along the stream before the **** demon hunter chases over, so that she has time to adjust the teleportation spell to get herself out of this nasty ghost place. She cursed the **** demon hunter in her heart, a bunch of idiots who didn't think about the big picture! Short-sighted bastard! The north fell under the leadership of these idiots, but turned a blind eye to the stern south!

She must survive, otherwise it will be a serious loss for the North.

She was breathing heavily, the blood flowing out more and more, the scene in front of her eyes gradually became dim, and a group of black shadows gradually covered her sight, but she still stared at the wooden board firmly. Climb up and she will survive. Teleporting herself to a village near, as for the rest, simple charm spells can solve the problem. She has the confidence to charm the local villagers, and when she recovers, she can go back and meet other people again.

Thinking about this, she gradually crawled into the stream, and the blood quickly spread in the stream, but the hot river water could not prevent her body from becoming colder.

A boot stepped on the board she was about to touch, and with a light push, the board floated away.

"How does Casas Red Knife feel." It was Zelin's voice, but it made her feel as if she was standing naked in a blizzard. "It's just a trick of the demon hunter. It will definitely not let a powerful and noble female warlock dying of blood, right? A trick, how can it bother you?"

Sabina raised her head with difficulty, and she saw the silver sword in the hands of the demon hunter.

"You, are holding a silver sword. The silver sword kills monsters..."

"I know."

"The Demon Hunter... won't kill, you won't kill with a silver sword..."


" won't kill me?"

The corners of Zelin's mouth moved slightly, he did not speak, maybe he said something, Sabina's buzzing ears did not hear.

"I don't kill."

The demon hunter swung his silver sword, and then Sabina screamed.

"I kill monsters!"

The scream stopped abruptly.

The first thousand and fifty-six chapters are fortunate in misfortune

A gray-white war horse was staggering around the outer circle of the battlefield. It dodges the charred corpse and spears all over the place. The burned fur appears to be scorched black, and it sounds like a long, sorrowful neigh. It's so sad. In addition to the war horses that are not as good as dead, there are also many soldiers who have been severely burned on the battlefield. They are unlikely to survive, but the death is so slow and painful.

There is no winner in this war.

The demon hunter didn't know how many people could escape, he hoped there would be many, but the tragedy in front of him always reminded him that it was just his wishful thinking. Nearly 10,000 people participated in this battle. He doesn't know how many people will survive, how many people will die in the subsequent trauma, and their death will cause how many people will not survive this winter because they lose support.

Demon hunters kill monsters, humans kill humans.

The law has never changed.

Zelin found rapeseed by a stream on the edge of the battlefield. Except for the burn marks near the horseshoe, everything else was fine. The stream flows into a pond here, and the bodies of people who have been scalded to death are floating on the pond. The high temperature has turned this pool of water into boiling water, even now, this pool of water still emits steam. After losing the leader to continuously pour the magic power into the spell, the violent element gradually dissipates after exuding anger, but the damage caused will not end.

Zelin looked at the corpse on the water and sighed lightly. He took out a dust of dust from the package, stretched out his hand and tilted his palm slightly, letting the silver powder in the palm of his hand drift with the wind. The powder falls into the pond and quickly melts in the pool water.

The strong magic power will not dissipate so quickly. Sooner or later, this battlefield will turn into a land of demon spirits. He can't stop such a large area, but at least it can prevent this pond from becoming a gathering place for demon spirits at night, otherwise the demon spirits You can follow the stream to other villages built along the river.

After doing all this, Zelin turned his head and looked into the distance. The camp on the horizon had disappeared, leaving only a barren.

The twilight of the evening spread on a desolate wasteland, reflecting the whole world into a bleak dark yellow.

The camp in Aden has become scorched earth. The wooden fence of the camp was turned into coke by the flames, and the camps were razed, and he could not find any complete place. There are corpses everywhere, and groups of crows linger in the sky. The tragedy of the battlefield seems to make these scavengers who will never miss a big meal hesitate, but there are already creatures who have taken the first step, and two have been corpses. The ghouls attracted by magic are chewing a scorched corpse. They noticed the demon hunter appearing, and then they grinned and protested towards Zelin, revealing the flesh and blood remaining between their teeth.

Finally, two more non-human corpses appeared on the ground.


Zelin retracted the silver sword into the scabbard, and while shouting the name of the bard, he wandered among the ruins of the camp. He cautiously avoided the burnt ruins. Whenever the wind blew by, the burnt ruins always glowed with red light.


Only the whistling wind in his ears responded to Zelin.

"Zelin! You are here!"

There was a rush of hoofs, and Renne ran over on his horse. The young hunter held a sword in his hand, and there was still lavender blood on the blade. He also encountered other scavengers. "I have been looking for you for a while, what happened here?"

Ryan rolled over and got off his horse, holding the reins, cautiously stepping into the ruins of the camp. There are many corpses here, if they want, they can walk across the camp without touching the ground.

"This is really... this is not a battlefield, this is a slaughter. First, the crows, and two days later, all kinds of scavengers, ghouls, strong ghouls, evil spirits, and Angelid insects will appear in this land. , Bull demon." Renn looked at the tragic sight in front of him, muttering something that was bound to happen.

"Then there are demon spirits. They die at noon and die of flames. They will become day demon spirits. They will be haunted here, and even cemeteries in other nearby towns will become like this. We best hope that there will be no search on the battlefield. The idiot caused the restlessness of these souls." Zelin continued with Ren's words. "Come and help me, Ren, help me find someone."

Most of the corpses here couldn't tell what they looked like, and the flames destroyed most of the traces, leaving Zelin no clue to look for Aisi's trace.

"Looking for someone... Ah, yes, I want to tell you, I met Knight Nathaniel, he is still alive, and many of the Adianites who are still alive are with the Kodwin people. Who do you want to find? ?"

The news gave Zelin a sigh of relief. It was undoubtedly a good thing to know that a friend he knew had survived the war.

"Ess Davan, the bard."


Two demon hunters searched near the camp, where the flames ended. Zelin noticed a short corpse. He knelt down beside the corpse and pushed it to turn it around, but the scorched appearance could not distinguish any information. Zelin slowly stretched out his hand and wiped the corpse's chest, then he breathed a sigh of relief. There was a strong metallic touch on the gloves, and under the erased black ash revealed a unicorn logo that was no longer clean-a Kodwin soldier.

As time passed, they searched in the ruins of the camp, or in the wasteland near the camp. The sun gradually slanted, and the dimming daylight reminded them how long they had been searching. After a while, Zelin could see Ren, and the latter shook his head helplessly to prove that he had found nothing. Sometimes, Zelin really didn't know whether he wanted to find it or if he didn't. It is really difficult for him to convince himself that he can find a living person here.

Zelin squatted silently next to the corpse. I don't know when, Ren came over. As before, he shook his head again, then squatted down likewise and patted Zelin on the shoulder.

"Maybe Miss Ess has already escaped."