The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 764

Chapter 1384 Reinforcement

The Day of Sofny.

A day remembered by ghosts and ghosts.

Last year today, Zelin encountered wild hunting in the Baihu area in the southern province of Aibin. It was at the Swift Tower, when he had just defeated Berhart.

At that time he thought the matter was over, and Hiri found it, and the bounty hunters and imperial spies who hunted her down either died or fled. The mistakes of the Coup on Sunneid will be corrected, at least in a sense, even though the Squirrel Party attacked. At first, it was not Francesca’s instruction, but later she still considered the benefits of becoming an elf race and acquiesced in this matter. Now everyone in the north knows that Francesca and the Squirrel Party played an important role in the coup. Xili had already joined Yenaifah and Geralt, and was about to enroll in Eritusa College and accepted the asylum of the Warlock Order, but the coup destroyed everything and made Xili in the explosion of the Seagull Tower. The south to be teleported to.

He thought that the fairy in the lake told him that if he let him go to the south, he could find Xili and bring her back. Even when he was fighting Berhart on the ice of Baihu, he thought it was One of the things the fairy in the lake told him would be found in the south.

It wasn't until Wild Hunt appeared and Xili disappeared again that Zelin realized that this was not the situation in the omen given to him by the fairy.

Now, it’s the day of Sofny again, and the ghost’s figure traverses the moonlit night sky. Zelin doesn’t know if Wild Hunt has a real mage, but since the last battle on Apple Tree Island, the demon hunter will not underestimate it. If it hadn't been the last time that they were unprepared, Wild Hunt's combat strength would not have been caught off guard by a magical attack after leaving Avalon, and would not let Ye Naifa be looted.

But no matter what happened in the past, it will not affect Zelin's decision now. They rode horses and ran on forest trails. The woods around them were sometimes dense and sometimes sparse. Sometimes, the poplar forest would be replaced by low bushes. Sometimes, there was only a snow-covered grassland on the side of the road, with only a little melting. Only with the help of moonlight can we see the withered weeds below.

"We must go and meet them. They will come by boat. I think they should be almost there when we leave this afternoon. If we are lucky, we will be able to see them when we arrive at the ferry north of Willen."

Zelin leaned forward slightly, his legs clamped the saddle. The howling wind changed the tone of his voice, and the strong wind that blew sometimes even made him unable to open his eyes.

"If Reso is right, Wild Hunt will meet in Willen's Hanged Ghost Tree." Geralt's face was very bad, especially when he learned that his tracking was about to end. Excitement, and aversion to wild hunting. "Thank you for your help, Zelin, thank you all of you. When we meet those wild hunts, remember to leave me the king of wild hunting who kidnapped Ye Naifah. I have something to understand with him."

"It's not necessary, Geralt. We can solve it together, drive them out, and rescue Ye Naifah."

"No, there are some things that I have to solve by myself." Geralt shook his head. "The expulsion is not the end, Zelin, you know wild hunting better than me. You understand that expelling will only leave them temporarily, but they will still come back again and again. We need a solution that can completely solve wild hunting and make them never Will come to attack us and kidnap people around us."

"But you alone will not solve any problems with the King of Wild Hunt."

"I know, but I need to talk to it."

"What?" Zelin was surprised, his voice raised a few pitches. "Talk to the King of Wild Hunt? I don't think it will talk to a group of humans."

"No, you don’t know. Before the coup on the island of Sinide, when I was staying at the farm outside of Goss Willen, Hilly knew that I had arrived near the island of Sinide, so he rode a horse and deceived the gate of the city. Came to me in the dark. That night, I encountered wild hunting. I fought with them, and finally Ye Naifa, who chased them out, repelled them with magic. Now, they are here again, and I must figure out their purpose. These demon spirit knights have never been wiped out, even if we now know that they are elves in another world, we cannot go to another world to deal with them."

Zelin sighed lightly, the bumpy horseback made him almost unaware that he was sighing. "Are you sure, the King of Wild Hunt kidnapped Ye Naifa?"

"Yes, the knight at the forefront of the team, the red ghost knight, when crossing the portal, I accidentally saw it flying into the sky with Ye Naifah, and disappearing into the clouds with other wild hunts."

"No problem, we will all talk to it."

Zelin has his own plan. They will launch a sudden attack on the wild hunt that is still in the assembly. Before all the ghost riders can react, they will rescue the hostages, kill the demon spirits that are chasing them, and retreat. Zelin had told George through the telescope to let him bring enough magic items to ensure that this operation would be successful.

They rode horses, and some weeds on the river bank could reach their knees. At first glance, it was hard to tell whether this was grass or shrubs. This has always been the case here. The grassland is connected to the reeds by the water. In the past, robbers attacked the passengers who boarded and disembarked here. Later, the Squirrel Party killed the robbers and replaced them. Now, the Squirrel Party has disappeared. Eventually the monsters will Fill the vacancies here.

An electric light flashed, hitting the nearby reeds, and the electric snake wandered in the water pool. After a while, several electrically stiffened water ghosts floated up.

"Good job, Virginia."

When the ship docked, Gnaiya was the first to jump on the trestle bridge. She looked at the twitching water ghosts on the water, and pointed her **** to them. Although it is not difficult to solve these water ghosts with Gnaya's strength, fighting underwater has never been the specialty of the dragonborn. In fact, if possible, she will try to avoid this situation-she Cannot make a sound underwater. She can't do anything but open her mouth to drink water.

"Damn it, I stayed in the cabin along the way. The sound of these monsters scratching the bottom of the boat was louder than the sound of your chatting. I almost thought the boat was leaking."

"Yes, if it was a small canoe, it would have disintegrated under their attack." Water Rat stood on the deck and explained to Gnaiya. "So for experienced sailors, never clean the barnacles and shells on the bottom of the boat. They can provide protection for the bottom of the boat."

The mage girl stared at the ugly monsters still rolling in the water and fought a cold war "I hate them."

"No one likes these little guys jumping around, boy." Vesemir walked off the boat. "But if each of these creatures can bring you an income, allowing you to get a few coins, you may not hate them so much. If they are there, it is likely that someone in the nearby village will need it. For help, it may be caused by the river fishing being towed away, or being scratched by a water ghost and there is no way to heal it."

The old demon hunter breathed the fresh air outside the cabin, looking at the woodland of Willen in the distance. The woods were swaying under the blow of the cold wind, like a monster with teeth and claws, hiding in the shadow waiting for ignorant prey to step into the trap. The ghost is so much. "I haven't been to Willen for many years. The last time I came to Willen, I also met someone..."

"Okay, okay, no one is in the mood to listen to your old stories. You should wait to go back to the fireplace and sit on the chair to remember your past." Lambert squeezed out from the deck, his There is also a box in his hand. "Only people who are about to die will keep recalling old stories. We are all young people." He looked around. "So where are the people who are coming to greet us? Or is it that we are in the wrong place? Actually, the real purpose is. The land is not Willen but Goth Willen?"

George was the last to get off the boat. He handed the commission to the water rat and made a gesture of thanks to the captain. The water rat responded with the same gesture, and then waved to the sailor who was waiting for the order behind him, and the cargo ship gradually moved away from the shore amidst the oars and the sound of water.

"I think he will show up soon," George said to Lambert, and he cocked his feet and looked at the road disappearing into the dense forest. "He is never late unless something has delayed his journey."

"What you said is the same as if you didn't say it." Lambert waved his hand.

"The location can't be wrong." Cerret stretched out his hand, looked at the snowflakes falling on the palm of his hand, and clenched his fist. "Wellen's Tree of Hanged Ghosts, described on the scroll, where monsters are rampant and evil raging, is the gathering place for hunters."

Electric lights flashed again, and several water ghosts floated up, and Virginia complained about the ugliness and disgust of these monsters.

"Looking at the water ghosts in the reeds, we haven't stopped the water ghosts attacking ships since we entered the territory of Willen." Cerret is a southerner, and most of the snake school is southerners. "Take the density of monsters in the water as an example, we will encounter more monsters in the forest ahead."

"Ha, southerner, just these few water ghosts make you feel tricky?" Gerd laughed loudly, as if to hear the funniest joke. "You should go to Skelliger and see what the monsters rushing out in the real cold winter and wind and snow, I bet you haven't even seen the appearance of an ice giant."

"Yeah, I haven't seen a giant ice giant, just like I believe that a Skelligite can't have seen a dragon lizard and a phoenix, nor have I seen a huge worm that is hundreds of meters long in the desert."

There was another flash of lightning, and the water ghost floated up, and Virginia muttered about the monster's opinion.

Irene, wearing a crow mask, stood silently beside her, her bright eyes swept through the gaps over the demon hunters who were arguing about the horror and danger of the monsters, and she let out a cold snort of disdain under the mask.

The first thousand three hundred and eighty-five chapters of the dragon descendant's mind

This abandoned wharf is now a meeting place for demon hunters. The wooden house that is about to collapse once again lit up. After almost three years, you can once again see Geralt let several demon hunters of the wolf school. The hunter was very happy, but Zelin didn't expect Irene to come directly through the portal.

"Aren't there any problems with Yanan?"

Zelin knew that compared with the world of Demon Hunters, Yanan’s world had a large number of monsters. Although Yanan was a remote city, relatively speaking, there were still cases of external monsters breaking into this place. Just like the leader of the League and his party tracked the monster to Yanan. After the events of the dream, the healing church collapsed, and the hunters belonging to the church also remained few. It is precisely because of this that many residents who have lived in their dreams have also chosen to leave after living for a period of time. That city has little protection power.

"Alfred is in the clinic." Irene said, she slowly turned her neck mechanically, looked at Virginia, who was cleaning the water ghosts from the reeds near the dock, and turned little by little. Come back. "Only the street in the central city of Yanan is left in Yanan. We use explosives to help build defenses. If monsters approach, they will be treated well. Speaking of this, what do you plan to do? Come entertain the monster you want to deal with?"

Irene lowered her head and looked at the two new double knives in her hand, the silver-plated blades reflecting cold light in the moonlight. "Use silver-engraved weapons against them? Marking marks on the sword will cause the sword to break easily."

"This is not an ordinary pattern, Irene, this is a rune with magical power in it." Zelin looked at the blade in Irene's hand and pointed to the rune near the hilt. "This is the Zoria rune. If you want to deal with ghosts and undead creatures, this rune can give your silver sword the best effect. You know, this sword in your hand is placed in a weapon shop stall in the city, The money sold can allow an ordinary family to live for half a year."

"Magic?" Irene's eyes on the blade in her hand became dangerous. "I hate these supernatural things."

"These spells will be used in the right place. The mage here is not the group of researchers in the healing church." Zelin spread his hands. For a person who has been sober through the entire dream, it is difficult for Irene to deal with these. What kind of feelings are raised by the weird force. "Moreover, isn't the resonance bell exactly the work of those researchers? It must be admitted that this bell does bring us a lot of convenience, so just treat it as compensation for us."

"Yeah... Speaking of compensation." Irene suddenly turned around, and a touch of temptation appeared in her indifferent words. "When will you hand over the compensation to me, eh? I have been waiting for a long time."

"Uh, what?" This surprised Zelin. In his impression, he did not remember what compensation he promised Irene would give her. He only remembered that he had said that he would try to help her get rid of her blood addiction. Since the end of the dream, Irene has lived in the clinic most of the time. Zelin also asked Yusevka to keep an eye on Irene's condition and use white seagulls to remove the parasites in Irene's blood vessels as much as possible. These two years have passed. Except for occasional brief addiction episodes, Irene's situation seems to be no different from ordinary people.

Soon, Zelin knew why Irene said this.

"What's the compensation?" Zelin felt his shoulders sink, Gnaiya's head came over his shoulder, and the Dragonborn jumped onto Zelin's back from behind, rubbing Zelin's cheek. "You don’t owe money outside, huh? That’s terrible. In our Skyrim, creditors and thieves who owe money will be interrupted. How much do you owe this lady? It’s okay, don’t worry, tell me that I will help you pay the debt you owe. Don’t forget, Mara’s talisman is connected to us, no matter what trouble we encounter, we will face it together, right?"

"I haven't owed money for a long time." Zelin wiped his forehead. In fact, Zelin has never owed money to anyone. After dividing part of Smaug's treasure, he estimated that if he did not deliberately waste gold, the remaining money would ensure that he would no longer worry about gold coins. And before that, no one would risk not returning to lend money to a demon hunter.

The dragonborn's arms around Zelin's shoulders tightened. "Really? Sometimes, owing money is the easiest problem to solve. Compared with other things, I would rather owe money." She said, looking at Irene's mask. "Doesn't it feel uncomfortable to wear a mask? We will have a battle next. The mask will obstruct the line of sight. It is not good for you. It is better to take it off."

"Private reasons." Irene nodded slightly. "I think I still need to get familiar with the new weapon."

Before leaving, the crow hunter did not forget to raise his hand to Zelin, revealing the slender white fingers hidden under his hood, and slightly raised his fingertips. "I've been waiting, remember, the hero who brought us back to the sun."

Zelin felt the arm on his neck tighten. In response, he can only nod his head.