The King of Gundam Comes

Chapter 24: Tiaohulishan

"Why?" Meryl Bieder Stapleton is completely ignorant of strategic matters. The main purpose of her coming here is that after arriving on the moon, she has to deal with some commercial matters when handing over missions.

There are also only four MSs on the transport ship behind, which are still the "Bai Lian" general-purpose mass production machines of "Divaz".

Of course, although the performance of the airframe is similar, the skill of the driver is far different.

"Show the surrounding environment!" Naze Tabin suddenly calmly analyzed the surrounding battle.

Although he didn't know how to arrange troops, nor did he understand strategic matters, it didn't mean that he couldn't recognize the danger. Especially the fusion of the soul, let him have a stronger soul than ordinary people.

In the area centered on the "Warhammer" battleship, within two kilometers, there are a total of dozens of asteroids of various sizes. The small ones are only tens of meters and the large ones are hundreds of meters. And there is a lot of space junk, and I don’t know how many years ago it was the wreckage left over from the battle.

If there is MS hidden behind the asteroid, it is really hard to find!

At this time, two asteroids about 60 meters above the ground were slowly approaching the "Warhammer" and the transport ship.


I saw the two asteroids suddenly split, and three mobile suits were hidden inside each "asteroid".

Didi! Didi!

"There is an unknown energy reaction, it is a mobile suit! The distance is only 600 meters!"

"Attack with the main gun of the warhammer!" Naze Tabin didn't care whether the main gun could hit the opponent, but he knew that the enemy MS could never get close to the "warhammer".

This is obviously a way to adjust the tiger away from the mountain!


"One of Divac's Bailian was destroyed!"

Naze Tabin didn't expect that the "Divaz" security guards behind him were so bad. Before they had contact with the enemy, he was killed by an MS.

"Is it a sniper?"

"One kilometer away, another Ahab particle reaction was detected!"

Naze Tabin stared at the sniper mobile suit displayed on the screen. The opponent didn't choose to sniper the "Warhammer". Obviously, he also had a certain understanding of "Warhammer".

"Warhammer" warships are not just because of the huge head, which makes people think of a hammer as a tool for the first time.

While in battle, the "Warhammer" can choose to hit the enemy's warship by breaking the ship. It has more powerful armor than ordinary warships, and can completely destroy the enemy's warship with minimal damage.

In other words, ordinary shelling would not damage the armor of the "warhammer" at all, and the transport ship behind it must be the opponent's target, so it would not thanklessly damage the transport ship's propeller.

In other words, the best way is to kill all MS and then capture the transport ship. As for the "Warhammer", you can choose to sink it. Of course, this requires large artillery or MS to demolish.

Less than 3 minutes after the start of the battle, the four Amidas were still constrained, and they were already more than eight kilometers away from the "Warhammer". Even Baili, who is good at high-speed movement, could not rush back to the rescue immediately. Moreover, the opponent seemed to know the performance of Baili, and it even dragged down Ravda Franklando.

"Ravda, leave it to us, you go back first!"

"I think too, but..." Ravda Franklando knew that he was caught, but he was targeted by the enemy's machine equipped with the "Ahab Reactor" NS.

Originally, with the ability of Ravda Franklando, it was not difficult to get rid of the opponent at all, but the problem is that there are two other "Spinna Roddy" sneak attacks from time to time.

"These guys seem to have studied the battle of Ravda?" Amida Miluka has discovered the problem. For this kind of targeted battle, Amida Miluka believes that it is more than just information leakage.

This is someone targeting "Tubbins"!

Although the four girls are very capable, they have already killed two enemy mobile suits, but the purpose of the opponent is not to fight at all, but to procrastinate.

"Is the purpose of these guys dear?" Amida Miluka had already guessed in her heart.

Because this time, regardless of whether the "Tabbins" can survive or not, as long as the goods suffer damage, it also marks the end of the "Tabbins".

"Divaz's four mobile suits were wiped out!"

"The enemy MS boarded the transport ship!"

"There is an MS approaching us!"

The crisis is coming step by step.

Nazeta Tabin had guessed that this was a conspiracy.

Because in this attack, as long as the goods suffer losses, "Tabins" will be discredited and even lose the asylum of "Divaz". If the enemy can get rid of himself in this attack, it will definitely be more happy.

Because the main reason behind the scenes targeting "Tabbins" is definitely related to him!

(To be continued...)