The King of Gundam Comes

Chapter 39: Goddess of victory

"The distance is 150! Stop releasing the Ahab particles!" It was confirmed by Li Alpha that the "Warhammer" battleship is still 200 kilometers away from the destination coordinates, and the release of the "Ahab particles" of the "Warhammer" has been stopped.

At this time, the "Warhammer" just relied on inertia to move on. This was also to prevent being detected by the "Sea Lion" detector.

Relying on inertia to advance, but greatly affected the speed of the "Warhammer", but as long as there is a little heat source reaction, the "Sea Lion" detector will immediately sound an alarm.

"The distance is 120!" Yu Li Tabin reported again.

"Yona, the task of sniping is left to you!" Naze Tabin said to Yuna Tabin while sitting in the control room.

"Understood!" At this time Yuna Tabin was already sitting on the cockpit of the "Goddess of Victory".

The "Goddess of Victory" is a mobile suit modified from the "Goddess-like skeleton" and equipped with the "Ahab Reactor". The army green paint, and the heavy sniper gun that was previously captured is hung behind it.

The "Goddess of Victory" has not many weapons and equipment, and his shoulders are fixed with shields of almost the same height. Even if it is attacked by enemy guns, it has sufficient defensive capabilities.

Behind the shield, a rifle is hidden, which can also play a good support ability when fighting the enemy head-on.

The buttocks are the same as the improved "Guardian Goddess" equipped with two dagger short blades to make up for the shortcomings of close combat. However, if the "Goddess of Victory" can be forced to use the short blade of the dagger, it is already a very critical moment.

But after all, "Goddess of Victory" is a sniper mobile suit, so the main weapon is still heavy sniper guns.

In addition to the 12 rounds of 600mm caliber sniper shells built into the heavy sniper gun itself, the shields on both shoulders also hang 12 spare sniper shells.

Also, even if the "Goddess of Victory" performed the mission alone, she still had at least 36 sniper shells.

Even in the information of Stark Heavy Industries, the configuration of "Victory Goddess" does not have this weapon. Even if Henry Stark guessed that "Goddess of Victory" is a sniper mobile suit, he does not know what type of sniper guns "Goddess of Victory" uses.

In the five-day training, Amida Miluka was mainly trained for Yuna Tabin’s sniper skills. After all, it is impossible to improve in all aspects within five days. matter. Without a year and a half of training, it is impossible to have any outstanding results.

"The distance is 80!" Li Alpha said after confirming the distance.

At this time, she was carefully watching the monitors, and once they were discovered, Yuli Elfa would immediately notify others.

"Without propellers, this speed is a bit slow!" Naze Tabin stopped the "Warhammer" propellers in order to bring out the effect of surprise attacks.

At this distance, "Sea Lion" may not be able to find "Warhammer". After all, there is a lot of space junk in this area, not only suitable for "sea lions" to hide, but also for the enemy to hide.

"Yona, after the target is in range, we will sniper!" Naze Tabin reminded Yuna Tabin through the communicator, and said.

"Understood!" Although Yuna Tabin has very rich experience in driving MS, her feelings are different this time.

Sure enough, she refused to drive MS because it was forced.

And this time, she volunteered. She wanted to protect her sister and repay Nase Tabin.

"Amida, you will command this time!" Naze Tabin stood up from his seat, preparing to hand over command to Amida Miluka.

"Sure enough..." Amida Miluka seemed to have expected it, but he didn't stop it.

"My dear, let's help too!" Ravda Franklando said.

"It's fine if you are on standby, I mainly want to test the performance of a few MSs." Naze Tabin said with a smile.

According to the information provided by Luna, "Sea Lion" also has a heavy mobile suit, which seems to also be equipped with "Ahab Reactor". This is Naze Tabin's target!

However, before performing this mission, Luna Tabin also made a request, that is, if she can, she hopes to rescue her sisters.

Why does Luna only mention her sisters?

Is it true that Naze Tabin is regarded as a stallion?

"The distance is 78! Ten seconds later, activate the thruster of the warhammer!" Li Alpha reported while controlling the "warhammer".

As long as the "Warhammer" thrusters are activated, the people of the "Sea Lion" will also find out their whereabouts. But before the enemy made a counterattack, the enemy had already entered the sniper range of the "Victory Goddess".

"3······2······1! The thrusters are activated!" After Yuli Elfa activated the thrusters of the "Warhammer", the "Warhammer" had already accelerated.

The "Goddess of Victory" is already standing outside the "Warhammer" on standby.

(To be continued...)