The King of Gundam Comes

Chapter 78: You win

"This shelling is really troublesome!" Ravda Franklando always kept a certain distance.

At the same time, they are also avoiding Gundam Barbatos' shooting by changing speed and different directions, and exhaust the enemy's ammunition as much as possible.

Judging by the experience of Ravda Franklando, if it is a close-range battle, he is definitely not an opponent. After all, "Bai Li" is not a melee mobile suit, but compared to Gundam Barbatos, it has an overwhelming speed advantage.


The "Baili" shell once again hit Gundam Barbatos's shoulder.

Unlike the live ammunition used by Gundam Barbatos, the shells used by "Bai Li" are mainly used for explosions. After all, the purpose of the development of this machine is to "raid".

"It's almost over!" Ravda Franklando said with a smirk.

Boom! Boom!

Gundam Barbatos received continuous shelling on the head and chest, and the shocks produced made Mikazuki Augs somewhat unbearable. If it weren't for Sanriyue Augs's body to be stronger, I'm afraid he would be fainted.


When "Bai Li" approached Gundam Barbatos, Mikazuki Augus actually did not shoot with a rifle in his hand, but ejected from the hook on his arm, directly grabbing "Bai Li".

"Finally caught you now!"

"What?" Ravda Franklando didn't expect Gundam Barbatos to move so quickly that she couldn't even react to avoidance.

"You want to catch me with this kind of thing?" Ravda Franklando was angry and stepped on the pedal violently to maximize the power of the thruster.

Mikazuki Augs, who thought he had already caught the opponent, discovered that he was dragged away by the opponent's body.

Mikazuki Augs had never thought that the power between the two units was so different. If you just compare the power of the propellers, "Baili" is indeed several times stronger than Gundam Barbatos. After all, Gundam Barbatos' thrusters are only used by ordinary bodies, but are still outdated products.

"The enemy warship has a missile!"

"Don't get hit!" Naze Tabin still said calmly.


Boom! Boom!

Two shells accurately hit the shells fired by the "Yuhuo" battleship, but the results did surprise the people of the "Tubbins"!

"It's actually smoke?"

Everyone, including Naze Tabin, did not expect that the shells fired by the enemy were smoke bombs?

Wasn't it fired just to hit them from the beginning?

"Is it blindfolded? Is it..." Naze Tabin suddenly looked serious. With a powerful soul, he seemed to feel danger.

Although this feeling is still looming, the "Tiehua Group" has indeed brought pressure on him at this time. If at the beginning, he only regarded the "Tiehua Group" as a group of children with terrifying combat effectiveness, but now he knows that he still underestimated this group of children.

Because the "Tiehua Group" is not only good at fighting, but also very good in strategy.

drop! drop! drop! drop!

"Ahab particle response is increasing?"

"Is the opponent's warship approaching?"

"Evade urgently!" Naze Tabin seemed to predict that the danger was approaching, and hurriedly shouted.

It can't be wrong, this feeling is definitely a reaction to danger, and I have already experienced a lot when fighting.

In the smoke, a huge black shadow was approaching quickly. Apart from being a "fishing fire" battleship, this black shadow could not be anything else. .

Just when it was about to hit the "Warhammer", the "Yuhuo" battleship turned ninety degrees, cleverly passing by the "Warhammer" battleship.

It is impossible for a normal warship to make this kind of movement, but this is because Eugene Severnstark used his own "Alaya Recognition System" to control the "fishing fire" warship.

Before Olga Izka joined CGS, Eugene Severnstark had always been the boss of the teenagers, and he still has a high prestige until now, seeing that his strength is second only to Olga. · It’s just that.

"This is..." After being surprised, Naze Tabin suddenly smiled with satisfaction.

"How did they do it just now?"

"Can humans drive warships like that?"

"These little ghosts are doing very beautifully. I didn't expect the warship to be able to drive like this. It seems that I lost!" Naze Tabin smiled and has begun to declare his defeat.

"My dear, we haven't lost yet!" Although Ai Ge Tabin was a little surprised, she didn't think she and others had lost.

After all, not everyone has the perverted soul perception ability of Naze Tabin.

"Everyone of the Tiehua Group, your courage really admires me, I gave up!" Naze Tabin announced his surrender to the people of the "Tiehua Group" through correspondence.

(To be continued...)