The King of Knights in a Different World

Chapter 11

"In this case, Gao Wenqing should also trust the people chosen by her novice and give them some tolerance, right? We should watch the game here before the last team is off the court."

Faced with Lucifer's words, Gawain did not continue to cling to, he stepped aside again.

"I..., I am too immature, please forgive me."

"It's okay! I have seen your loyalty, and I also agree that Gao Wenqing has the ability to pass the assessment. However, Gao Wen, this Thunder Spear Group is my trump card prepared specifically for the Flying Dragon Army. This is not your battlefield, I have more Important tasks need you to complete."

I've heard of the French Flying Dragon Legion before, but before seeing it with his own eyes, Lucifer was not sure whether those things had the defense of the ancient dragon. It seems that although those things can barely be called dragons, they are still far from the ancient dragon. *

no.31 Outstanding spy

That being the case, there is no need to spend your own energy to create a large number of extreme lightning guns, as long as the power of ordinary lightning guns is attached to a specific long gun to make a disposable service. This is why Lucifer needs this force.

Gawain may be suitable to be the commander of this unit, but before that, Lucifer has more important things for him to do.

"No matter when or what."

"It just so happened that our new friend should have returned."

Just as Lucifer had just finished speaking, the voice of the guard came from outside the door.

"Wang, Robin Hood, please."

"Let him in."

The guard opened the door and brought Robin Hood in, then retreated.

"Yeah! Congratulations! I have heard about the previous war, winning beautifully." Robin Hood's tone was very relaxed.

"So now, Robin Hood, I believe you should have no doubts that I can win this war."

"It's a doubling of confidence. I have completely inquired about what you asked me to inquire about. I even got some additional information."

"You guys step back first. Martial law is enforced thirty feet away from the door. Don't let anyone approach you."

Lucifer motioned the other ordinary soldiers in this room to retreat, leaving only Gawain and Altria. After a while, there were only four people left here.

"Okay! This is all people I trust, now I can say, the information you just got." At this time, Lucifer motioned to Robin Hood to continue.

"Before you asked me to inquire about the situation at the White Rock Fortress. I sneaked in and walked around during your battle. I found that the situation there was similar to your guess. Now the White Rock Fortress has only a thousand defenders, and The defense is slack." Robin Hood told the news he had gotten.

He was previously commissioned by Lucifer to investigate the lost fortress, under the blessing of the King of Facelessness. This matter is easy for him. He easily walked around the White Rock Fortress.

"Where is the road in the mountains to the west?" Lucifer continued to ask.

"There is only one small road in the mountains for people to march. It was originally a road opened by the hunters a long time ago, because the war has been deserted. Apart from the beasts, no French sentry was found on the road. I even suspect that they don’t even know this road. ."

"What about the path and the number of marches?"

"The trail is not on the edge of very dangerous terrain, but it is difficult to walk because of the terrain. I estimate that it can only provide a few hundred troops in a short period of time. It will take some time for troops with more than a thousand troops. ."

"Can the knight pass?"

"No! The road there is too harsh for the horses. People can walk without problems, so the horses don't think about it. By the way, this is a map." As if thinking of something, Robin Hood took out his own map. He gave it to Lucifer.

Lucifer took the map and found that the information marked on it was very detailed. There is a red line on the map connecting the White Rock Fortress from the vicinity of the Dragonscale Fortress. Not surprisingly, following the red line on the map, you can quietly walk to the White Rock Fortress from the mountains to the west.

The only problem now is that the horse can't walk through. If the knight doesn't have a horse, his fighting ability will be greatly reduced. But if you want to attack, there is no better way. The only thing to consider is the combat effectiveness of the defenders in the fortress.

"Can't the horse go. How is the situation in the fortress?"

"The French are still repairing. It seems that they had done a lot of damage before. By the way, my extra good news is that because of the destruction of the fortress, there is a path close to the cliff that can be climbed up by rope. They didn't want to go and repair it. Side. This fortress is not only their armory, but also a place to store food.” Robin Hood seemed to understand what Lucifer wanted to do, and he directly stated a reliable plan.

Although it is unlikely that many people can go up in this way, it is not difficult to attack the dilapidated Shiraishi Fortress by attacking from below to attract attention, and from the side with his help.

Yes, it is not difficult to conquer this dilapidated fortress, the difficulty lies after that. Once France finds that the fortress is lost, their army only needs to return to help, and those who went to sneak attacks may not be able to return.

Lucifer had thought of this a long time ago and thought of a good countermeasure. The sneak attack is only to affect the morale of the enemy, and the frontal battlefield is the key.

"Thank you for your help, Robin Hood." Lucifer said his thanks.

"Wang's thanks I can't bear it."

"You are not using the body of a courtier for human use, but temporarily joining our army for personal reasons. I don't think there is anything you can't afford. You may need you to do me a favor next."

If the other party is his own courtier, this kind of etiquette is naturally unnecessary, but the other party is not. He only offered help personally, Lucifer didn't think his help was taken for granted, it was natural, and gratitude was also necessary.

In fact, after hearing Lucifer's words, there was a slight smile on Robin Hood's face. Waved and left this room.

"No problem. Whenever you need me, just call me."

The remaining three fell silent at the same time, Lucifer was thinking about the future plan, while the other two were thinking about the meaning of Robin Hood's words. *

no.32 How to lose the flying dragon riding face? (Please ask for tickets, ask for flowers)

After Robin Hood left, Lucifer continued to wait for the following assessment results. When the time was approaching noon, all the qualified candidates had already appeared. There are only more than 500 people in number, which is slightly different from the 600 people previously estimated.

But for now, this amount is sufficient. Compared with the unqualified people who might waste their power, although the number of qualified people is a bit smaller, they are at least capable enough. Lucifer organized them into an additional force until he was directly under his command.

After encouraging them to continue their current practice together, Lucifer took Gawain and them out of here. He asked Joeljos to tell Joeljos to go to the military conference hall. According to Robin Hood's previous report, he had a plan to explain to Joeljos.

In the main hall, Ziegfei, who had been rescued by Lucifer, also came here, and there were several high-ranking generals in the fortress around, and they all showed expressions of thinking when they heard Lucifer's plan.

"After going around from the mountain forest in the west to the French army, use elite troops to launch a raid on the White Rock Fortress? King, I don’t want to question your ability. It’s just that with the current situation, even if we succeed in the raid, the French army can immediately respond to the raid. It doesn't make sense." Joel Joss didn't understand the significance of Lucifer's decision, he was a little confused.

The sand table in front of them was doing the war between the two sides, and Lucifer showed them his plan.

"In normal circumstances, it really doesn't make much sense suddenly, because even if we fight down, we can't defend it. But what if we can defeat the French army below? As long as they lose the frontal battlefield, they will subconsciously retreat to the White Rock Fortress, because That is now their important stronghold. At this time, if the other party sees the white lion flag raised in the fortress, what do you think they will think."

This is also the reason why Lucifer only sent a small number of elites. If there are too many, it may undoubtedly make the frontal battlefield defeat. If you can't beat it head-on, victory on the side will become meaningless.

Looking at the sand table in front of him, Siegfei said at this moment what Lucifer had not said.

"They would think that Grand Duke Lengominyade had secretly moved south and cut off their retreat. If it was a defeat in the war, this move would undoubtedly reduce their morale to the extreme, and the soldiers must have fled."

He was defeated head-on, and found his hometown stolen when he retreated. What may happen in this case is the collapse of the entire battle.

"Yes! This is our chance. A group of people who can only escape will only become prey. Before I set off, I will prepare a secret weapon for Gawain. As long as it is used properly, it can deter these deserters with one blow. "

If these people are allowed to retreat to the fortress, they may also rely on the fortress for defense and at the same time restore their military spirit. This is what Lucifer didn't want to see, to disrupt their rhythm, so that if they fail head-on, they will lose a thousand miles.

"This plan is still too risky. If France finds out, they may not come back." Joel Joss was still a little cautious. As the commander-in-chief, he did not want to waste his subordinates' lives in vain.

"Duke, I have done an investigation beforehand. Don't say that I found it. I can't see traces of their activities there. It should be said that they did not think about this strategy from the beginning, and this is our good opportunity."


"Duke George, we are running out of time. If France cannot be resolved quickly, we will not be able to grasp the next changes in the situation." Lucifer looked at the hesitant Joel Joss and said something only they could understand. .

Lucifer was unable to explain the situation in the east and north to the people on the scene, and could only hint at St. George in this way. They didn't have many choices from the beginning. If the enemy in front of you cannot be resolved quickly, the consequences will be difficult to predict.

In fact, from the standpoint of France, what they should do most now is not to attack, but to wait. As long as they wait until the north and the east and west are acting at the same time, they will launch a joint offensive, and then the country may really be hopeless.

such a pity! Although Lothar, the commander of France, was an excellent military commander, he was not a good enough strategist. No, or it should be said that the previous big victories made them feel that they were possessed by the God of War, so that they wanted to further build up their military exploits. But anyway, this is my chance.

St. George heard the profound meaning of Lucifer's words. Yes, they don't have much time. The war in front of them can no longer tolerate them to fight slowly, not to mention the north and east, even the central city also needs Lucifer to go back in and officially crown the people and stabilize the hearts of the people.

The previous stalemate does not apply at this time.

"I understand. But, Wang, do you already have a way to defeat France head-on in your heart?" Saint George did not object, but asked about the next plan.

In his opinion, since Lucifer had thought of the plan after France's defeat, naturally there was a way to defeat France head-on.

"I repelled a French offensive just now, but it was only a first battle. In the next few days, France will definitely make a head-on attack in order to restore the military's spirit. By then, the flying dragon legions that have not fully appeared before will also appear together. And this is it. Our opportunity, as long as these flying dragons are eliminated, not only will it further attack France's military spirit, but it will also allow us to win a front-to-back fighter." Lucifer said the next possibility.

In the first defeat, France did not lose much strength, they still have the advantage. And the next way to defeat them is to target their weaknesses. Fighting the trump card is the best way.

"Since you have decided in your heart, I will obey your orders." St. George did not continue. He also understood that they couldn't afford it.

"Everyone, no need to hesitate, no need to be confused, no need to hesitate, follow me, and I will bring you victory in the war."

After Lucifer had finished speaking, Gawain immediately stood up.

"Wang, please let me go. I swear in the name of a knight that I will complete this mission."

"Naturally, Gao Wenqing. I will let Lancelot and the others come with you. Among the people brought this time, except for the ones I have selected, you can choose your favorite objects from others at will, the number is 1,000. Two hundred people."

"Thanks you."

After Lucifer and the others decided on tactics, they immediately set out to arrange related things. After the others left temporarily, Lucifer brought Gawain to his room, and he handed a sword that was shining with golden light to Gawain.

"Gavin, the name of this sword is [Sacred Sun Sword]. It can have a liberation effect similar to the Sword of Kings, but it can be used once. You can use it when the French army retreats to the fortress. Remember, chance Only one time."

"Please rest assured, I will never disappoint the king's expectations." Gao Wen took the sword carefully, his expression extremely serious.

This sword represents Lucifer's trust in him, and as a knight it is also a noble glory.

Aside, Altria looked at the sword in Gawain's hand with some envy. She had just wanted to ask Lucifer to take the initiative, but when she thought of her responsibility, she gave up the temptation.

Just as Lucifer and the others were ready for the next thing, the French camp was raging. To be more precise, Lothar was furious because of what the prince had done before, but unfortunately, the prince who stood in front of Lothar had no regrets at all.

"Marshal Lothar, I know you want to shirk responsibility so that you can continue to maintain your image as a military god. Needless to say, there are so many." Facing Lothar's fragrant mouth, the prince opened his hands and leaned on the chair. , Didn't care at all.


"In the final analysis, the reason why the previous attack failed was entirely because of your tactics. Obviously it should be an opportunity to besiege the new king of Britain, but you attacked the fortress. The most ridiculous thing was that you were caught in the trap of the British. Let Ziegfei go."

"Besiege the new king! Do you think I haven't thought about it? That king is holding the holy sword—the sword of the king. How many lives do you plan to use to besiege? Before, he wiped out more than a thousand knights with just one sword? , That's because he cared about his fortress. The place where he was besieged was the plain." Lothar almost roared out.

Facing the marshal's roar, the prince also stood in. He came to Lothar and said maliciously.

"They have the holy sword, don't we have none, Marshal? The holy sword on your waist isn't something you can use to see it. Or are you too old to wield the holy sword?"

"His Royal Highness! The Marshal in front of you." Anseth couldn't stand it. He was about to say something, but was immediately interrupted by the prince.

"What about the Marshal? Failure is incompetence. Don’t let the Marshal’s failure be said. I’ve already said that there is no plan at all. Direct siege is the best way. The Flying Dragon Legion rode on their faces. Tell me, how do you lose in such a war?" The prince asked Lothar strongly.


"Two days later, I launched a frontal attack again. By that time, His Royal Highness, I hope that your Flying Dragon Legion will not be half of the situation." Lothar calmed down and said the next action.

This time, the prince did not continue to object.

"Absolutely not. I will let the British monkeys understand what a real war is."

After speaking, he left here. The two remaining people looked at each other and sighed.

"I can't understand our prince at all." Anses said, looking at the prince's disappearing figure.

"He wants to be a hero, Anses." Lothar directly explained the reason.

How could Lothar not understand what the prince was thinking, on the one hand, he didn't like this kind of tactics. In the heart of this prince, the war should go up like a berserker.

what? Tactics? How dirty playing tactics. roll! This is probably Piping's idea.

On the other side, if Lothar's plan were to be won, he, the prince, would naturally not be the number one hero. The previous White Rock Fortress had already been robbed of Lothar's credit once, and this time the prince wanted to be the protagonist.

However, he also agreed with the prince's ideas.

How does flying dragon riding face lose? *

no.33 Flying Dragon Riding Face? Naive!

On the plain in front of the Dragonscale Fortress, the horn blew again. This time, France did not design any traps as before, but chose to attack below.

Lucifer looked at the rows of troops below, roughly making an appointment. The number of the entire French army is at least 130,000, but it should be less than 160,000. This is only 150,000, and the opponent's force is at least nearly one-third more than his own.

The number of flying dragons in the sky has reached more than four hundred, but it looks like a tingling scalp from a distance. Lucifer also didn't want to investigate why the air force on his side had so little, he focused on dealing with the situation that might arise next.

"Duke George, are all the previous strong archers and magic crossbows concentrated in one place?" Lucifer looked at the huge siege, and the car was approaching.

"Assembled, they will complete their mission to the death. Until the last person."

"They are all brave warriors, and I will not let their lives be sacrificed in vain." Lucifer raised the holy sword in his hand and shouted to the surroundings.

"My fellow citizens, take your weapons and fight. This battle will be recorded in history, turned into an epic, and passed on to future generations. For Britain!"

With this as a starting point, all the soldiers on the wall began to shout the same slogan.

"For Britain!"

The national flag stood up side by side, and countless soldiers held up their weapons, demonstrating their determination to fight to the death.

In the distance, with the sound of a huge horn, French troops began to line up along the plain. The huge war machinery is already in place, and countless huge flying rocks burning flames fly out of the trebuchet and fly into the fortress.

The vanguard troops rushed to within the range of the fortress's bows and arrows, and countless feather arrows fell like rain. Rows of people fell down, but there were still rows of people who set up a ladder and climbed up to the city wall. At the same time, the flying dragon legions in the sky are also invading the air at this time, and they are madly pouring down dragon flames.