The King of Knights in a Different World

Chapter 115

If he hadn't taken him in as a teacher himself, he would have starved to death on the street.

Time didn't take long, and five businessmen reappeared in front of Lucifer.

They also told the decision they discussed together.

"I am willing to listen to your majesty's dispatch and offer our respective strengths to destroy the pirates."

Carl stood up as a thought man and said.

Others also saluted Lucifer to show their will.

"Very well, I appreciate your wiseness at the moment, you go down first! Later, if you cooperate, I will let Drake tell you that it is good to live a normal life in normal times.

Remember, don’t leak the news. Within seven days, I will inform you of the first step."

"I will retire."

After Five People 5 left, Lucifer immediately said to Drake beside him.

"General Drake, Chart!"

"I've been ready for a long time, I've long wanted to see the legend of the undefeated king I am waiting for."

Drake motioned to the other two young generals with his eyes, and asked them to go to a place nearby to get a map.

In a short while, a huge chart appeared in front of Lucifer.

It is four meters long and up to three meters high, and the entire support is suspended vertically.

This chart shows not only the surrounding terrain, but also many small islands.

"If we hide our warships in advance, and can encircle the pirate ships that raid merchant ships in time.

That area is the most suitable"

Facing the huge chart, Lucifer asked this question.

no.179 Siren

Lucifer doesn't know this sea area as well as Drake and the others, so he only needs to explain the direction and give them the plan.

In fact, Drake did not live up to Lucifer's expectations, she immediately named a possible location.

"Gatura Island.

If the king wants to use the small island as a cover to hide the fleet in advance, the island group centered on Gatura Island can do it, but I heard that there are sea monsters here.

If the other party really cooperates with the siren, this place is not a good ambush location."

Before that, Drake had also thought about ambush plans.

But the direction is somewhat different from Lucifer, so she can find the news Lucifer needs as soon as possible.

"In other places, we can now let those businessmen take long roads, and they will cooperate obediently."

Lucifer thought for a moment and continued.

"Other places are not suitable. If you go too far, people may see the problem.

They will not be fooled.

It’s like I wanted to bring them in, but they weren’t fooled.”

Drake had failed once before, and she was quite sure that this pirate was different from before.

It's not that they become: smarter, but that smart people join them.

Lucifer also began to think about the possibility of this plan.The question now is how to get the pirates to come out for a decisive battle. It's the same as before when fighting with Drake.

Now Lucifer wants to see all the pirates attacking the alleys, rather than watching them fight guerrillas at sea.

The problem is that the pirates feel that they will never fight decisively if they have no advantage.

Lucifer looked at the sea chart, and accidentally saw a nice island near the alley, "Bring them in..., what is the name of this island."

Lucifer asked the island on the chart.

"Runkwell Island."

Drake responded immediately.

"Are there traces of pirates or pirate lives on it?"

"Without large-scale traces, pirates should not dare to approach us so close.

At best, there may be a sentinel or something.

We went to catch it once before and found some traces of life, but those...the pirates ran faster than fish when they saw the ship coming."

After Drake's words were finished, a middle-aged man next to him also said timely.

"Wang, there is a critical issue that you need to consider in advance."

Lucifer took a look, and he remembered the man's name.

"Go ahead, General Nelson!"

``We played against pirates several times before, and they made us feel not only smart, but also cunning.

Several times, before our superior forces pursued them, they fled, as if they knew we were coming.

Before going to sea, so did sailing."

It is different from the technique that Drake mentioned before, the problem of strategy.

Na is more concerned about intelligence matters.

If you can't know the location of the pirate, it's like you can't defeat the enemy no matter how strong it is.

"The intelligence aspect seems to be very problematic and completely loses the opportunity.

The sea is broader than land, and theoretically, it is more difficult to detect.

Most of the time you look for each other by looking for a stone monument in a cloud of mist, and the other party is the same.

is it"

In the words, Lucifer was a little strange.

The other party's actions were too fast, which has to make people suspect that their intelligence configuration is very good.

However, this is the most problematic one.

The pirates' intelligence configuration cannot surpass the regular army.

Thinking of this, Lucifer suddenly flashed a possibility in his mind.

"Yes it is."

"So that's it, I almost understand it.

Where can I find the Kraken nearby"

Facing Lucifer's sudden question, the generals were a little at a loss.They didn't know why the topic of the king suddenly jumped here.

"Sea Monster"

Drake also looked confused.

``I have seen the war report you gave before. From the comparison of the intelligence of the two sides, it does not seem to be that there is an internal problem.

Adding Nelson's words just now, the only conclusion is...their sentries are very good and there are many in number, but you also said that there are only a few traces on the island, and it is impossible to undertake such a major task.

The only possibility is..., their real sentry may be the Kraken.

Since they are in contact with the Sea-Monster, you can find out if you catch one for interrogation."

Lucifer calmly analyzed the current situation.

Since the other party did not have the so-called qualitative change, the only possibility is... borrowed the power of something.

Familiar with this sea, plus the previous rumors, Lucifer thought of this possibility.

Others glanced at each other, only to realize that they had overlooked this key.

They thought that the sea monster was a rumor before, and they had never thought about it from this aspect.

But think about it, if it's not a rumor, it's really very possible.

"It is a little difficult for us to catch things like the Kraken.

The siren can live in the sea like a fish, but we humans can only live on the shore."

"Since they are fish, is there a way to go fishing ashore"

"Fishing is unlikely.

And I'm not sure if they are approaching.

Finding a siren in this sea is as difficult as finding a salmon in the sea."

"I remember that siren likes to attack humans."

"Yes, they look like humans.

But it's actually more like a beast, very cruel.

They often use their own beauty to lure humans into the water, and then drown them.

Some people say it's for food, but they don't actually eat people.

Until now, no one knows why they attacked humans."

"In that case, let us be the bait ourselves."

"Own! Wang, are you serious?"

"Of course, since they haven't appeared in your eyes once, it proves that they already know what you look like and are deliberately avoiding you.

In that case, let me be a fresh face."

Lucifer told her decision.

Using yourself to fish, Lucifer has done this kind of thing many times, and he is very skilled.

When hunters think they have caught their prey and put their guard down, they don't know that they are the real prey.

Lucifer's lead made the surrounding generals respect at the same time, but after reacting, they also felt a little embarrassed.

In the end, Nelson came out to persuade him.

"Wang, please forgive me for failing.

Your thoughts make me look forward to respect, but your safety is the first in this country, and we don't let you take risks.

Besides, those.........the Sea Monster feels the powerful power in you, and may not dare to approach it at all."

Lucifer felt reasonable after hearing what he said.

Too powerful is sometimes a problem.

no.180 Arresting arrangement (please ask for votes, ask for customized)

Before, I subconsciously thought of these...The sea monster was like an assassin, but after thinking about it, these things are not assassins at all, there is no assassin...'There is only one opponent, I go. , The self-confidence of my trip.

Maybe they might just slip away when they see their strong sense of presence.

"Um..., too.

They are not assassins, and they don't have the attachment to think of my goal.

In that case..."

Lucifer began to think about who the bait would be.

Since a strong person can't do it, then a weaker one is definitely needed.

But don't let the subject have the ability to protect themselves, otherwise the bait may be taken away by the fish.

As Lucifer was thinking, the lovely round table next to her was trying to cheer herself up.

She felt that her chance had finally come, and she could prove herself to Lucifer.

"Please let me come, Wang!"