The King of Knights in a Different World

Chapter 116

Gareth fisted and said loudly.


"Wang, please look forward to it. The Knight of the Round Table Gareth will definitely complete this task."

"Qing Gareth, I don't doubt your ability.



"But the Kraken prefers to target men.

Seeing such a lovely girl as Gareth, they are likely to be unmoved."

Lucifer smiled and said the reason.

It's not that Gareth's ability is insufficient, it's just that gender is the key to the bait issue.

"Hey! How come I thought I finally had a chance to surpass my brother."

Gareth's vigorous face turned into frustration.

"You will have a chance.

However, what you said...remind me.

I can choose a knight among my guards to act as a decoy."

The Knights of the Guards are not a round table.

Asking them to temporarily put on civilian clothes and disguise themselves as adventurers should be able to fool the sea monster's eyes.

"But we don't know those...Where is the sea monster. This coastline is very long. If you try it here overnight, you may not get results after a month."

Drake continued at this time.

She is not opposed to this plan.

But the problem is that they have to put the bait in the right place.

It is impossible for them to have so many bait covering the entire coastline, and it is impossible for them to spread their forces across the coastline to catch them, otherwise they will definitely alarm the Kraken.

However, Lucifer had already thought of the question she thought of at this time.

Since you are choosing fishing, of course you must first make sure that the place may catch fish.

"About this, General Drake.

I already have a plan. If I'm lucky, I can get the result we want tonight.

At night, I will send someone to inform you where you are going.

This time the bait must not fail, understand, everyone"


Everyone responded to Lucifer at the same time.

Then they discussed some details.

Question, Lucifer left this hall at the reception of everyone.

After leaving the hall, Lucifer did not go back immediately, but walked towards the town hall.

After briefly explaining the situation to the administrative officer here, Lucifer asked him to organize a file.

Starting from four days before the pirate attack, the information on the dead and missing people at the seaside of this city was sent to Lucifer in a short while. Since the siren will attack people, they may have been Made a case by the sea.

Through the investigation of the matter, four of the 44 suspicious places were quickly discovered, and Lucifer took out the map and marked them one by one on the map.

"Qing Gareth, the next step is up to you."

Lucifer looked at the cute Knights of the Round Table beside him.

Being watched by Lucifer, Gareth immediately stood in the most standard military posture in the fastest way.

"Knight Gareth must complete the task."

"I will personally pick out the four knights later, let them pretend to be ordinary people, and find a way to lead out the sea monster. All you have to do is... While protecting the knight, catch the siren, understand?"

Lucifer handed the map to Gareth himself.

He has already noted the location on the map.

Gareth took the map with both hands, happy but also a little confused.

"Yes! I'll go and set up immediately, but must I wait until night to see the legendary sea monster"

"It is said that the sea monster's skin does not have hairs and cannot dissipate heat. It is only used to cool down with water. Therefore, they hate the strong sun, but they have to rely on the sun for a period of time to live.

Thinking of the sea monster's information, Lucifer said with a sigh.

"Gareth understands, I'll go and start decorating immediately."

"Go! Remember, you must find a way to get alive."

"Gareth promised to complete the task."

After the salute, Gareth turned to leave, ready to select the knight of his choice to complete the trap layout.

After that, Lucifer prepared three more maps.He put away two of them, and gave the last one to the knight beside him, asking him to take it to Drake and convey his orders.

Lucifer bought the vegetables and returned to his residence with the last two shares.At this time, Leah had also completed her training.

"I have controlled the skill of walking on water.

Next, just go to the sea to fight, Lucille, let's go to the sea now.

I can’t wait to go for a walk on the sea."

"Your smile is like that, Leah.

Every time you learn a new skill, you smile like this."

Lucifer's words made Leah look at herself.

" it weird"

She asked hesitantly.

"How could it be, it's better to say that I want to see you smile like this more now."

Well, think about it carefully, when I used to learn new abilities, it was almost the way you are now.

I can’t wait to use it right away so that I can feel that my hard work has not been in vain."

"Will Lucille do the same?"

"Leah, I should have told you that, in essence, I am just a very ordinary person.

I will smile because I am happy, I cry because I am sad, I cannot be myself because I am happy, and finally I want to hug you because I like it."

"No matter how ordinary, I obviously have a calm look on everything, no matter...

Learning everything is surprisingly fast, and I can create strange abilities by myself, and cook...If you say Lucille, you are ordinary, don't I become even better than ordinary people."

Leah lowered her head, a rare unwillingness appeared on her face.

"Leah, forgive me, I'm a man, and men will always have to move faster than women."

"So men will not stay for women when they move forward."

"Leah, you made a mistake.

The reason why I just said that men will always be faster than women is that only in this way can I catch up with you on the distant horizon."

"This kind of cunning words again."

Having said that, Leah's little unwillingness in her heart has completely disappeared.

Yes, they are originally one, there is no need to deliberately compare.

no.181 Catch fish (please ask for votes, ask for custom)

It was night, and the moon was reflected on the surface of the sea, and the earth and the ocean fell into the abyss of silence at the same time.

At this time, the sailors and fishermen have already left the beach. After finishing their day's work, most of them will go to the bar to drink and chat about the gains and losses of the day.

Under the moonlight, a tanned fisherman is walking on the beach.He is very tall and his clothes are patched.

Although he was picking up shells with a fishing basket at this time, the muscles in his body were already tense.

This...fake fisherman's name is Kate, and his real identity is a member of Lucifer's Guards.

Although he didn't understand why Wang liked him who was not top-notch in personal ability, he would not ask too much.He only understood that he only needed to follow the will of the king.

As for other things, that's not something he should think about.

In his heart, the wise king had already thought about everything.

He just has to go like this.

Interestingly, there are three 3.

It's just now elsewhere.

In the wreck of a large ship on the coast, Lucifer led a dozen knights to watch the fake fishermen in the distance through the hollow in the wreck.

Lucifer originally thought about using Luen to hide himself, but after thinking about it, he was rejected.

His own Luen writing was not as perfect as a master craftsman, and it had been discovered by Nero before.

Without knowing the real situation of the sea monster, rashly using it is likely to make them discover the problem and dare not come over.

Compared to my own side, the other three places are Leah, Gareth and Drake.

They all have the magic fishing net prepared by Leonardo in their hands, and as long as they use to catch the siren, they will be able to catch them smoothly.

After waiting for a long time, the sea breeze gradually became cold.

Lucifer looked up at the sky subconsciously, and the position of the moon had changed a lot.

After waiting in the middle of the night, Lucifer began to wonder if there would be any gains on his side today.

This time hasn't come, it seems that today I can only see Leah and the others.Just when Lucifer felt like this, a noise suddenly appeared in the sea breeze.

Or the use of noise is not very correct, it should be said that it is a beautiful and sweet singing.

It doesn't sound like a mainland language, but it makes people feel ethereal.

This sound seems to have magical power.When you hear the sound, the whole body and even the soul will be attracted by it.

Here comes! Lucifer suddenly felt that his luck seemed to be pretty good, and he stared into the distance again.

The sea tide slapped on the beach, and under the thick moonlight, the figure of a beautiful woman gradually appeared on the surface of the sea, first with the head, and then with the clothes of the shells.

Her upper body surfaced, and her singing was beautiful and pleasant, as if she was telling an ancient and desolate story.

It was still there: when the knight who picked up the shell heard the song, he suddenly seemed to lose his soul.He looked at the beautiful woman on the distant sea.

At this time, Kate's long-trained magic power played a role, and the flow of magic power in the body immediately formed a self-defense, making the impact of singing lesser.

However, the consequence of this is that Kate feels very painful in her head.

While resisting the singing, he felt as if his head was being pierced by a needle.

He covered his head and did not call out.

In the distance, the sea monster's singing continued, but she seemed to be outside, because she rarely saw such a person who could resist her singing.

However, she also has her own way of coping, taking advantage of Kate's powerlessness to slowly swim closer to Kate, and from the deep waters in the distance to the shallow sea.

The singing began to change in tone, proceeding with a very sweet rhythm, and she seemed to be singing the love between men and women.

In the shallow area at this time, under the moonlight, she can see her lower body, which is not a human, but a fish half.

With the increasing volume of the sea monster's singing, Kate felt a touch from the soul.His eyes were lost, and he gradually walked towards the place where the sea monster was.

The water spread over his knees a little bit until he reached his lower body, but he didn't seem to notice it.

Every time he took a step, the sea monster's smile increased by 1%.

When the sea came to Kate's elbow, he regained a moment of sobriety again.He hugged his head and slowly wanted to back away step by step.

But how could the Kraken let him escape at this time, she slowly approached Kate, put her hands on Kate's arms, and was about to pull it into the sea completely.