The King of Knights in a Different World

Chapter 129

Lucifer also learned about the situation of the sea monster from the queen for the first time.

These...The sea monster is not a human being, nor is it a naturally born creature, but a creation of a certain god.

There are no men in their family, only women.

The method of giving birth to offspring is also completely different from that of other creatures.They do not need to combine the sexes, but through rituals and sacrifices to gods to give birth to offspring.

The sacrificial offerings are human souls, which is why they attack humans.

In the past, they lived in the sea, and as long as they attacked a human being, they could get a descendant.These... descendants held different positions according to different aptitudes.

For nearly two hundred years, there seems to be something wrong with the ceremony.

The original one-to-one: ratio began to expand, and until now, it has become thirty-to-one::.

Originally, the sea population was smaller than that on land, and coupled with such an exaggerated proportion, their number has decreased rapidly over the past 100 years, until now there are only more than 500 left.

Queen Yurshika didn't know what had happened, and was always anxious about it.

Until recently, a human came.

He told her that he had a solution to the current problem, and for this reason, Yurshika chose to follow his arrangements.

Although she knew that the chances were slim, she still wanted to give it a try.

Otherwise, if this continues, they will become extinct sooner or later.

After listening to the queen's account, Lucifer fell into deep thought.

Yurshika, isn't this the name of my cute half-dragon head sister before?

Leaving aside the name, the way this clan produces offspring is really in a way: the inexplicable sense of sight.

Sacrificing souls and getting offspring of different qualities, it sounds like a gambling boat, but their creators are really ruthless enough to use this method to control them tightly.

There are no men, only women.

This means that the inheritance of the race can only rely on sacrifice.

Once they are disobedient, as long as they interrupt the sacrifice ceremony, or do not respond, they will immediately experience the disaster of genocide.

It's just that...what exactly the creator wanted them to sacrifice and what was wrong with the current ceremony. Many questions surfaced in Lucifer's mind.

Lucifer accidentally saw the queen's expectant eyes, he understood that this... queen probably regarded himself as a savior to solve their problems.

no.199 return

Lucifer ordered the two priests to return, and then applied the same technique to them.At this point, this sea monster has basically fallen into his own hands.

In the lead of the queen, Lucifer came to the holy land of their clan, which was the central waterhole of an island.

This pool of water is surrounded by layers of rocks, and the bottom is connected to the ocean, except for...the high cave above a hundred meters, you can only enter through the cave in the sea.

Lucifer came to the surface of the water, and even slowly lifted off to the outside of the cave, looking around.

The pool below is like a hollowed out mountain, with only two exits:.

Lucifer returned to the only shore beside the pool and looked around again.Here, you can vaguely see some ruins in the same style as the seabed.

After a while, under the queen's spell, a small altar gradually emerged in the middle of the pool.

Lucifer came to the altar and carefully observed the circular altar.

Suddenly, Lucifer found some of the words engraved on the altar, which was familiar.

This is the original Luen! What is the situation, the birth of the sea monster is related to the master, no, the master said that she is the only survivor who survived the disaster at dusk.

In other words, besides...the master craftsman, there should be other gods who can use it: the original Luen.

Thinking about it carefully, there are really traces of the master's palace in this ruin.

That said! These............Sirren and Northern Europe, no, now it should be said that the Asgardian **** system is related to "Yurshika, how many compatriots in your clan know these words? ."

Lucifer looked at the queen in the water and motioned.

"Master, follow your will. Only the queen in the clan has the right to contact them, and it is forbidden to disclose it to any subordinates."

The queen told a secret about their family.

These...The original Luen was only qualified to contact the queen, and he didn't even know if it was a systematic study.

In fact, the Luen combination here is very shallow, even Lucifer can see through it at a glance, this thing is just a receiver.

It can only send the sacrifices of the sacrifice and return the gifts, but it cannot decide what to send, or even whether to send it or not.

This means that there is still a host server in a place where it is unknown.

"Do you know what they mean"

It's a pity that my level is not enough...Ah! When the book is used, I hate less, and I have known that I should rely more on the master's side to learn half of her skills.

"I...Master, please forgive my incompetence.

The previous generation queen died in an accident, and she will not have time to pass on this knowledge to me in the future."

Yurshika's expression was very ashamed.


Lucifer felt her luck ran out.

The queen who had been in contact with this thing for generations might know something.

But now it seems that their knowledge has been broken down.

It's no wonder they went to the doctor in a hurry.

"Yes! I heard the past generation of priests who have passed away said that after the queen discovered the problem of the family, she took the initiative to go to the forbidden place, trying to find a solution.

Since then, he has never returned.

Until I was born, it proved that the queen was dead."

"There are definitely not many kings in your clan at the same time?"

"Yes it is.

If the previous queen is not dead, she will never be born in possession of the queen."

This is how Lucifer feels that this clan is alien.

All their ranks have been prepared.There may be multiple priests depending on the number, but there is only one queen.

The previous generation of queens will not die, and this generation of queens will not be born.

Now Lucifer feels that they are creatures, rather than something similar to robots.When a unit is broken, it will be replaced by another similar individual.

And now, there seems to be something wrong with this system.

No, it may be that the gods behind them have achieved their goals and no longer need them.

The abandoned son?Yorshika's words interrupted Lucifer's thoughts.

"the host!"

Yurshika's expression was a little weak and fearful.

Lucifer also understood the meaning in her expression.

"Since you have belonged to me, I will solve the plight of your family.

But before that, Yurshika, I need to ask you again.

Can you dedicate all of yourself and even your family to me now"

"We were originally yours, master."


Lucifer told her about the plan to act afterwards.

For now, she still pretends to cooperate with the pirates on the surface, taking the opportunity to find a way to find the pirate's hiding place.

He will provide false information to the opponent in the subsequent decoy plan, and still use real information to confuse them before that.

After talking about many things, Lucifer also taught her a few simple usages of Luen, she can use them to disguise and maintain communication with herself.

As Lucifer thought, the individual named Queen was born to adapt to Luen, but at the same time he was restricted to a specific range.

In other words, they learned the original Luen very quickly, but they would never understand some of the advanced parts.

This is the rule set by the gods when they designed them.

After doing this..., Lucifer accelerated back to the island where Leah was.

Although I didn't find anything suspected of being a treasure, the harvest of this trip is also rich.

Back to the place where the fleet was, it was almost night, and Lucifer found a heartwarming scene as soon as he could see the island.

On the high shore of the distant island, Leah was standing on the turf, her eyes looked at the sea from time to time, and at the same time she looked at the necklace in her hand from time to time, her expression remained serious, but she could also see some anxiety.

That is the similar expression that will appear on the face of the person who is waiting.

I don't know how long she has stood there, but she is undoubtedly waiting for her return.

Don't Wang understand people's hearts? Remember that a certain knight in a previous life novel seemed to say that Leah as the king was too holy, and that kind of you would give people a sense of distance.

However, Knight Ji, who does not exist as a king, still understands people's hearts.

Seeing this scene, Lucifer smiled knowingly.

He deliberately hid his breath, and quietly came behind the knight Ji under the cover of night.

At this time, Leah was still looking into the distance, and she did not notice Lucifer's arrival.

Lucifer quietly approached her with the bag in his hand, and hugged Leah tightly from behind.

"As my right hand, it doesn't work to be so careless, Leah! What if a bad guy comes over?"

With that, Lucifer rubbed Leah's ear.

Leah's body didn't move, and she didn't even react subconsciously.

She put away the necklace, put her hand on Lucifer's arm, closed her eyes and said softly.

"Because it is Lucille, that's why I'm so careless.

You are so familiar with me, it is impossible for other people to sneak close to me until such a distance without being discovered.

So when you hugged me, I knew it was you. This familiar feeling is impossible for others to imitate."

As of today, Leah already has considerable self-confidence.

Even the top assassin can't be undetected by her at a distance, even if it is distracted.

If there is another person in the world who can sneak close to her, it can only be Lucifer.

"I miscalculated! I didn't expect this.

I wanted to give you a surprise."

"There is no need for surprises, you can come back safely...with my best response."

"Really don't want this"

With that, Lucifer raised his hand and gestured for the bag in her hand in front of Leah's eyes.

There are prepared sashimi and sauce.


"Special products from the sea! They have all come to this kind of place. It's hard to justify not making some special products."

no.200 New Ministry of Magic

After returning to the port, Lucifer took care of everything and immediately wrote a letter to the master.

The content of the letter is also very simple, that is... invite the master to come to Edinburgh.

In fact, if Luen can communicate over long distances, there is no need to write a letter.

But the problem is that it is too far away from the royal city.

After doing this, Lucifer summoned Drake and the others, and after simply saying to them that the siren would not be a problem for the time being, they reworked the original plan to lure the enemy together.