The King of Knights in a Different World

Chapter 141

As for her ending after that, she has already thought about it.

And she can accept it calmly.Yes, she has been very happy during the two years with Lucifer. She can live and grow like an ordinary girl. This is something she has never thought of.

Up to now, she is still loyal to Wang as a knight, and she also feels extremely lucky.

"I should say this sentence.

But no, Leah."

Lucifer said lightly on purpose.

"Wang! Please recognize your identity, you have the future of Britain in your body."

Leah turned her head and stared at Lucifer very seriously.

She is driving her own right of advice.

"I know very well, Leah.

For you, Britain cannot live without me.

But to me, Britain does not make sense without you."

Lucifer's hand was slowly placed on Leah's cheek, and his voice was calm but firm.

Before Leah could react, Lucifer pulled her head closer, and then pressed her mouth.


For a moment, Leah closed her eyes quietly.

Feeling the flow of body magic, Leah understood that her heart was beating.

After a while, Lucifer let go... Leah.

The demon filling just now used the scabbard in her body, and Lucifer's hands had been restored.

"Leah, your king, will you lose to this?"


"Betting on the final blow, don't keep your hands.

There is only a one-half chance, Leah let me see your growth in the past two years."


This time, they stood together.Although they understood that they wanted to contend with the giant in front of them with their respective strengths, their will never wavered and was unprecedented.

In the sea of ​​flames, two golden magical powers scattered the surrounding flames and rushed to the sky.

They let go, ready to go in for the last fight.

Perhaps their magic power is far compared to the giant in front of them, but their will truly surpasses the gods at this moment.

In the face of the last resistance of the two in front of him, Sulute only laughed.


Before Lucifer and their magical powers converged to the extreme, Surut had already started the attack first.

This time the scale is not as large as before, but it is faster than before.

The moment when the sea of ​​fire and the comet collided with the golden magic power at the same time, the whole world seemed to have entered a slow lapse of time.Suddenly, two rays of light, one black and one white, burst out of the ground at the same time.

They acted as shields to block the blow.


Surut was a little surprised, not only he but Lucifer himself was also a little surprised.

He had just prepared to block the blow with Lu En with crystallization magic, even if he couldn't completely block it, it didn't matter if he was injured.

As long as they immediately counterattack after that, they may still destroy them during the interval of the opponent's magical power.

But what happened to the two rays of light in front of them?Just before they could react, the two rays of light continued to expand, and gradually, two different weapons rose from the ground.

On the left is a mysterious and luxurious knight sword, and on the other side is a heavy knight gun with red thorns all over the body:

"Impossible! The Holy Sword of Star, how could the Holy Spear of Ending appear here"

Surut could hardly believe the look in his eyes.

Here is his sealed land.He has stayed here for thousands of years but never thought that the weapons that once shot down the stars and divided the realm will also exist here.

Because it was too familiar, he ignored his eyes and turned it into a blind spot in his sight.This is Surut.

In the light, Odin's phantom gradually emerged.

This...Odin is exactly the same as the huge Odin opposite, but the difference is that his expression has emotions, unlike the one that looks just mechanical.

The phantom continued to expand, and the surrounding flames suddenly extinguished.

``Surut, the sword of disaster that brought the twilight to the gods.Although I am defeated, I believe that someday in the future, humans with the ability to defeat you will appear, and they will exist for this.

Young brave, I entrust the future of the world to you."

After speaking, Odin's Phantom exhausted its last power and turned into magic power and disappeared into the air.

The holy sword and holy sword turned into streamers at the same time and came to the hands of their new owners.

Lucifer looked at the Star Sacred Sword in his hand, and there was an inexplicable sense of familiarity in his hand.

Obviously this is the first time I have seen it, but it seems that I have had it for a long time.

This feeling, do you want me to defeat it to save this world that is about to be destroyed, Lucifer seems to feel the will of the holy sword at this time, not for the individual, but the holy sword that exists to protect the world.

At the same time, Leah also picked up the holy spear.Her body at this moment could not withstand the blessing of the holy spear, which caused a drastic change.

With the blessings of Ending, her hair gradually turned gray, and the body that had stopped growing because of the scabbard gradually began to grow, and finally turned into a look similar to her aunt.

The armor on his body also changed accordingly, no longer the blue and white before, but turned into a red and black color.

"Odin, you count me!"

At this time, Surut had an unprecedented gaffe, his voice roared.

"Don't think that if you hand over the holy sword and holy spear to them, they will be able to defeat me.

It's impossible for human beings in a mere trivial area to exert their power."

The surprise in front of him made Surut a little flustered.He immediately gathered his powerful magic power again and prepared to use the Eternal Spear: Heyan Sword to completely eliminate the two humans in front of him.

Now he no longer wants to occupy Lucifer's body, he feels a threat.

He is going to do his best to solve Lucifer and Leah together.

Otherwise it may die.

This is his most true thought at the moment.

"A mere human?

Then tremble in front of the humans you despise, and then disappear.

The thirteen restraint dimensions are sealed and liberated, and the matter is scheduled to start, and its name is [The beginning of the falling of the stars].

I use this sword to guard the destruction of the world!"

"The thirteen binding dimension is sealed and liberated, and the end is selected and confirmed, and its name is [End of the Modified Realm].

My name is Altria Pendragon, and I will use this to correct the distortion of the world."

This time, the power of the holy sword and the holy spear collided with the power of Surut.

no.216 Wang Hun (please ask for votes, ask for custom)

The demon sword of flame that can burn the world to the end, the eternal spear of the gods armed with the gods to start the war against the giants:.

The opponents of the two at this time are the holy sword that shoots down the stars and the holy spear that corrects the end.

The storm formed by magic swept the entire world, and the earth and the sky were completely split for a while, and the torrents of the two magic powers were at the same time.

Lucifer and Leah are completely supporting the power of the holy sword and holy spear with will, while Surut has the ring of glory at this time.

Keep going, Suter believes that he will win.

However, suddenly, Surut found that he had lost control of his body, albeit only for a second.

But one second at this critical time became the final deadly backstab.

The magic power of the holy sword and the holy spear suddenly lost its obstacles, and the two huge figures penetrated at the same time in an instant.

After a while, the figures of the two giants gradually turned into a little bit of magic disappearing in the air.

Until the last moment before disappearing, Surut couldn't believe what had just happened.

"Impossible! I would actually lose to humans! Impossible, impossible, no..."

The figure of the giant turned into magic and disappeared into the air, and the heroes Siegrud and the Valkyrie as the core fell to the ground.

"Yes! You lost to humans, but you didn't lose to us completely, but to that... the hero you always looked down on."

Lucifer supported his body with a sword, panting, and said with difficulty.

At this time, Lucifer and Leah were in very poor condition, and they didn't even want to move.

But at least they won.

"Young brave man, did I do it?"

Siegrud was lying on the ground, his body was also a little bit sandy.

His eyes have returned to clearness from red.

At the last moment before his death, he recovered from the giant's control.

"Yes, you did it.Although it was only one second, your will actually surpassed the gods in that second.

Your one second let me destroy it."

Lucifer responded to the hero in front of him.

In the decisive victory just now, if he hadn't forcibly cut the connection between Surut and his body, the result might be hard to imagine.

Hearing Lucifer's response, Siegrud finally smiled and closed his eyes.

"Oh, thank you, brave! In this way, the many pains I have endured for thousands of years are not in vain. Even at the last moment of my life, I can still help you and still die as a human being. For me, this is enough."

Having said that, Zigerud struggled to raise his hand and put it on the palm of his wife's corpse next to him.

"I really want to hear it again, Brunhild's singing..."

With their last wishes, Siegrud and Brunhild completely disappeared before Lucifer's eyes.

At the same time, the entire world began to burn and disappear into the sky in a burst of intense light.

When the light dissipated, Lucifer and Leah appeared in an empty white hall.

There are many crystal coffins in the hall. They are located on the top of the throne in front. Three rings of different sizes are moving in the trajectory of satellites. They have a radius of two meters and are just slightly smaller than it. Ring, the same is true for the other one.

The powerful magic power they exude makes the air in the hall seem like sea water.

The ring is covered with Luen text, and its magical power is out of it and it is also a means of protection.

"This thing is... [Ring of Radiance] This kind of magical power, I feel that it has endless magical power."

"I am!"

At this time, Leah's hair seemed to grow a lot taller.

Looking through the floor, which looked like a mirror, she found that she was a little like her aunt.

It's just that the color of the hair is different.

"It should be the influence of the holy spear. If the influence disappears, you will be able to return to the original state."

With that, Lucifer slowly walked towards the place where the ring of glory was.

The moment Lucifer touched the ring, a familiar soul wave came.

This power is so familiar that his arm ignited flames unconsciously.

This is! What a joke, King Soul! Why does the King Soul appear here in this form? The king weapon was given a triple seal as the former salary king, Lucifer is too familiar with this power.

Try to spread the fire as much as possible in Losric thousands of years later, but once returned to a thousand years ago, he personally handed the king's soul to an undead who passed the test.