The King of Knights in a Different World

Chapter 174


It's rare that someone wants to visit the interrogation method of Age Guiwen. I allow you to participate in this interrogation as an observer."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, Knight King."

At this time, Dion didn't know what he would see next.

It didn't take long for Mary to return to the post house in France, and this time there were more British knights beside the post.

Lucifer increased the protection of Mary.

And Lucifer himself was in the room of the chief prisoner in the palace, quietly waiting for the results to appear.

This time, the round table Gawain next to him disappeared, replaced by Leah.

Gao Wen needs to stabilize the situation in the city and at the same time calm people's hearts, so he is now on the move.

Leah blamed herself a little and felt very negligent.

Although the object of the assassin was not Lucifer, but Mary, after all, Lucifer was not present when she met the assassin.

Lucifer did not directly comfort her on this occasion, but quietly flipped through the books.

Until... the door of the room was opened, and a serious Agruwen walked in.

There was also Dion who came in with him, but Dion's face was a bit ugly, as if he had suffered some mental shock.

In this regard, Lucifer felt: no surprise.

After all, not everyone can adapt to Aggi's cruel torture methods.

I have watched it once, but after seeing the beginning, the process is straightforward.

"Wang, there is a result."

Age Zhiwen came to the desk and saluted Lucifer.


Lucifer closed the page and put down the book.

``The opponent is the zeroth legion subordinate to Rome, but it is not the commander of the legion, but a figure at the vanguard level.

Their purpose of this trip is also to kill the princess of France in the Royal City of Britain.

The title of phantom knight actually does not refer to the two of them, but the name of the team.

The second-class Earl of Lucar in the city is their supporter, and Mozart of France is now in Lucar's house."

In a short period of time, Age Guiwen has sorted out what happened.

He handed a report to Lucifer.

Lucifer carefully read the text on the document, and for a while he also had an evaluation of this matter in his heart.

Judging from the report, this force is not only about a dozen of them, but there are others who have not appeared.They have prepared a two-handed operation.If the King City fails, they will kill Mary on the road.

Although the effect is not the best, it is easier to be realistic.

"Good job, Age Guiwenqing."

Lucifer put down the report and praised his knight.

"It's my pleasure."

"Qing Lancelot, you immediately bring my warrant to notify Gao Wenqing.

Grab people directly, but don't make too much movement, just like the previous few times.

Take this... knight Dion and let him rescue their own people."

While talking, Lucifer picked up the pen and quickly wrote the warrant on the desk.

Finally, he printed his badge and gave it to Lancelot.

"Understand, I will go over immediately."

"Cui Stanqing, immediately take people out of the city, seize and arrest all the people involved in Lucar Manor, don't let go of a fish that slipped through the net."

"Your will."

"Age Guiwenqing, you are waiting here, and then wait until the arrested person comes back, and you have to develop more of your talents."

"Yes, I will definitely give Wang a satisfactory answer."

After arranging these..., Lucifer left here temporarily with Leah.

How can no.258 fail

After two days of interrogation and investigation, Lucifer basically sorted out the entire plan for the assassination of Mary, and most of the remaining fantasy knights have also been arrested.

Only one or two escaped.

Before Mary left, Lucifer deliberately handed over an investigation report to Dion by way of sharing.

As for why it wasn't Mary herself, Lucifer never expected what she could do.

In contrast, Dion can be used more by himself.

Maybe he didn't realize it himself.

When Mary left, Lucifer sent Tristan to **** her to the border between the two countries.

As for Dieng's concerns about the southern side, Lucifer said that when the performance is completed a month after the exercise, he will naturally be transferred back to Lungominiad.

At the same time, he also expressed the hope that France would withdraw its troops first.

Only in this way will I withdraw my troops.

After all, while France is worried about herself, she is also worried about France.

This reason seemed very reasonable on the surface, at least Dion couldn't find a reason to refute it.

But this issue obviously exceeded his authority, and he could only say that he would report the matter after returning to China.

After sending away the French messenger, Lucifer and Semiramis are thinking about the future changes in the situation.

"You really just untie the shackles of the south so easily"

Semiramis spoke first.

"What did I say before.

They withdraw first, and I will let Lungominiad come back.

Given the current situation in France, do you think they can withdraw their troops in a short time?"

In response, Lucifer smiled slightly.


For this kind of major event, if they don't quarrel for more than ten days, will there be results?"

Mira said with a sneer.

The situation in the two countries is not the same.

For Britain, whether to withdraw its troops or not is a word of its own, while the network of relations on the French side is a bit much.


It is now more than half of the time I agreed with Nero.

When they really complete their withdrawal, I will be free.

The war in the south of Rome has been fought for so long, and they will be somewhat...weary. If Piping really withdraws from the north, that is what I don't want to see.



"Have you read the report from Macedonia"

Having said that, Lucifer changed direction.

"seen it already.

Rome's Second Army Commander Dracula and the Fourteenth Army Commander Camilla, their combination is very advantageous.

This... Legion commander took advantage of the geographical advantage to make the Macedonian phalanx completely impossible to expand. Alexander encountered a good opponent this time."

In fact, compared to France.

The Macedonian side just played with Helen, they did not send a luxurious lineup like France's side to attack.

Alexander's four famous generals only took two, and their troops were much less.

In other words, Alexander's determination to seize the land is actually not strong.

"Yes! But, have the latest battle report."

It is said that Alexander was hit by Dracula's (Blood Dinner) during the charge and suffered a lot of injuries.

Macedonia has also contracted its offensive during this period and entered the defensive period."

Thinking of this, Lucifer continued.

Mira immediately understood the meaning.

"You are worried that Macedonia will withdraw troops"

"Well! Winter is coming soon, people and even their phalanx are not suitable for unfolding in this kind of weather.

If he can't attack for a long time, Alexander may temporarily withdraw his troops and prepare to come and find a way.

If things really turn out to be that way, even if I no longer control it, France will not be able to defeat Rome.

Speaking of it, their best chance is actually at the beginning. If they miss the chance at the beginning, it will be difficult to fight later."

Macedonia is not Ross, and Ross's animalized army is very good at fighting in winter, but Macedonia is not good at it.

Once they put on heavy protective clothing, their phalanx will lose its power.

Therefore, Macedonia has rarely carried out large-scale offensives in winter.

"Doesn't this suit your liking?"

"As far as the current situation is concerned, there is no problem with Tuning Lungominiad coming back.

The key is to see which time is right."

"For example, before Macedonia withdrew"


Lucifer has already decided on the next course of action, but Horace, who is far away in France at this moment, has an ugly expression.

In the secret room in the Count of Marla, Horace was looking at the two phantom knights in front of him, with an ugly expression.

"What the **** is going on, my plan clearly has no loopholes, why did the other party know it in advance?"

"My lord, we encountered a rather big accident."

Di Miya knelt before Horace's eyes, with a bitter expression on her face.

"What an accident"

"Until we changed that musician, our plan went very well.

But the problem was that after that, we didn't expect that there was a Knight King among the targets of the assassination, but he disguised his identity at the time, and we didn't find it.

and so......"

"So you hit the tip of the sword"

Horace was also very surprised.

Originally, he wanted to use the name of the Knight King to play the black hand, but now it seems that it is bad luck no matter what.

In the name of the Knight King, he met the Lord.


"Parus, why didn't he give you news in advance"

Suddenly, Horace thought of his dark son.