The King of Knights in a Different World

Chapter 183

After speaking, Lucifer noticed Percival's expression as if he wanted to say something.

But I don't know that I should do one thing first.

"What's the matter?"

Lucifer took the initiative to speak.

"Yes, Wang.

Lomad, the administrative officer in Welster, sent a document.

He feels unable to handle it and needs Wang's decision."

With that, Percival took out a document.

"Send it up."

Percival put the file in front of Lucifer's desk and stepped back to its original position.

Lucifer said while opening the file at this time.

"You go down first, take what I just delivered as the first thing, and complete it with all your strength."


When Percival disappeared completely, Lucifer also read the report.

"These people will really look for things to tell you that the impression I gave you is too kind, making you think I can't kill people?"

At this time, Lucifer's expression became cold.

"what's happenin"

Joan asked concerned.

"It's nothing but a group of clowns who are there for their beliefs, and that believers can have eternal life.

Don't worry about getting infected, you can even go to heaven."

Lucifer initiated the document and stated its contents.

Welster is not far away from here, and Lomad has carried out such a move to block the main passage.Some people find that the situation here is not surprising.

The problem is that some church members in the city are now taking advantage of this opportunity to engage in trouble.

Originally, after they took control of the country, people had no interest in religion because their lives became better.

After all, if you can't live, you will believe in religion and live a normal life.Who thinks so much all day.

Not to mention, people admire heroes more than gods under their own consciously or unconsciously hints.

In this environment, although I did not prohibit the normal mission of the church, the church's life in Britain was not easy.

Now they seem to be ready to take the opportunity to expand their influence.

In this regard, it can only be described in two words, to die.


In the words, Joan's expression was a little subtle.

After being with Lucifer for so long, she knows how to think.

Obviously, if the church really has such a stake, it's not Nightingale that stays here now, but those...priests.

"Of course it's fake.

If it is true, they have already gone to Salem to preach, how could they go to Welster.

It seems that the matter here needs to be put aside temporarily, and it just so happens that I also need to go back to Welster to see if the person whom Lomad was looking for has been found."

Lucifer thought for a while, and decided to go back to Welster first.

If this kind of thing is not handled well, it may cause big problems.

It's okay if it's normal, but at this critical time, being dragged once by someone can also be fatal.

I don't want to be on the front line when the backyard is on fire.

"I want to go together too."

"Jan of Arc, have you forgotten who you are now?

You are my deputy, of course you can go wherever I go."

Lucifer touched Joan's head helplessly and said.

"Yes, king!"

Joan's voice at this time revealed happiness.

Before leaving, Lucifer confessed some aftermaths, and then rode away with Joan.

At the same time, he also sent people to rush to send Tristan, and asked him to immediately take a team of thousands to Welster.

Be prepared to suppress any accidents that may occur at any time.

Along the way, they rode two horses.

Although Lucifer wanted to hold Joan in her arms and ride together, she wanted to get used to the ability of riding, in her words..., this is also learning.

After a long time, Lucifer and Joan finally came to the town hall in Welster.

After a simple opening remark, Lucifer also learned from Lockhard what he was more difficult for.

In fact, if only a small group of civilians played this way, he would have arrested the leading missionary, but now there are a lot of people around him, and his side is seriously short of manpower due to the plague.

Then, now let these people develop scale.

There are even some local nobles who have listened to the rumors and joined them, and the problem has become a little serious.

Now if a strong capture is not available, it may directly cause a backlash.

Can't think of a better way, he can only report.

He is very lucky now that his king is here.

Lucifer was still at this moment: while thinking about the next steps, while waiting for Tristan's arrival.

It doesn't take much effort to kill everyone here, but if you want to stabilize the suppression, you need manpower.

This is not a fine work that can be done by one person.

Soon Tristan also came here.

"Wang, Tristan is here at your disposal."

"Are you all set up?"

"All the arrangements have been completed. In order to prevent accidents, we will first use sleep magic to make the civilians fall, and then send the top soldiers to quickly take down the leader."

Tristan said his arrangement.

After receiving the order, he thought of a corresponding plan to wipe out the insurgents in one fell swoop while ensuring that the civilians were as safe as possible without becoming interference.

"Very well, let's go. Before that, let us see if the so-called God in their mouth is really as magical as they say."

no.269 Selling dog meat with sheep's head

A large square in Welster is now full of people. Located in the middle of the crowd, a male priest of about forty is speaking to everyone passionately.

Next to him stood three men and one woman clergy, and the four of them were looking at the priest in the center with worshiping eyes.

In the face of this sudden outbreak of the plague, people need hope, and this...the priest saw exactly this and started preaching.

As more and more people joined the ranks of listening, the priest named Medici felt that his condition was better than ever.

"People of God! This land is being ravaged by demons, and people are suffering from disasters and despair.

These...These are all due to your lack of faith. It is precisely because you do not believe in the gods in your hearts that the gods will bring punishment to the world."

The priest held his hands high, like a mad believer.He looked around the eyes of the people below and continued to speak loudly.

"But now, God has delivered the gospel.

As long as you can regain your faith under the teachings of God, God will lead everyone through this disaster together.

God is forgiving, and now everyone only needs..."

After that, he began to speak a series of words such as obeying God's arrangements.

This includes obeying the words of the envoy of the gods, who is also him, and at the same time vigorously building a church, and then... donating money.

What kind of atonement rolls, even a lot of money-demanding operations such as the eleventh tax.

"Pray, salvation is here."

Finally, he raised his arm high and ended with this sentence.

His body exudes a strong light, and this gentle light seems to be the reappearance of a miracle.

For a while, it caused a huge cheer from the audience.

Lucifer, who was far away from the crowd, fully saw the process before and after.

In this regard, Lucifer felt a little speechless.

What kind of thing is this? The level of incitement of this kind of liar still dare to run in front of me to spread rumors. Do you feel that your life has been alive for too long? Before, I thought that the church sent an extraordinary figure to come here. Found that it was just a small character.

There is a pity in my heart.

When the knights around Lucifer heard this...the priest's words, they didn't fluctuate in their hearts and even wanted to laugh.

Their current thinking is that without faith in God, there will be disasters.

Then these gods are just like the bandits who charge tolls.

This thing can be regarded as a god. Compared to them, Joan's expression is more complicated.

She had believed in God before, so now that she saw this scene, her heart was particularly speechless.

"Wang, this... isn't it magic?"

She looked at Lucifer, trying to make sure that she was right.

Yes, the special effects on the priest just now are...the product of magic.

Although it looks like a miracle, the essence is...magic, but it is unique in the magic system, and people who don't have a deep understanding of magic can't tell it.

But anyway, the magic of those things.

It is not the divine power she once heard.

Joan realized in an instant that she seemed to have been deceived before.

Although only a few of them have been deceived.

But it was still cheated.

"Yes, Joan, you are right.

Magic is also a miracle passed by their mouths."

Lucifer smiled and responded to Joan.

"They are too..."

After Lucifer was convinced, Joan finally dared to conclude that she was right.

"It's ridiculous, right.

I think so.

This is one of the reasons why I don't like churches.

On the one hand, they used the convenience of magic and declared that it was a miracle of God.

But on the one hand, they persecuted other people who used magic and despised them as heretics.

Regardless of....

It's ridiculous to see it many times."

After learning about some inside stories about the churches in this world, Lucifer's not-so-so-favorite affection for them is about to disappear from nothing.

These guys use the power of magic to promote miracles, and some time in the past they have forcibly said that other people who use magic are heretics.