The King of Knights in a Different World

Chapter 199

``Using large-scale magic to connect the dreams of all people in this area, and then project the nightmare into reality, covering the original world.

In terms of magic level, you did it perfectly.

I am not curious about the magic itself, but what you want to use it for.

Using Salem as a node, forcibly twisting and connecting the two worlds.

What do you want to come to this world"

Lucifer quietly told what happened in Salem.

Although it is still inside the world, it is also outside the world at the same time.

This contradiction makes it a node connecting the two worlds.

If something from the outside world wants to invade, it is more appropriate to use this as a base.

"As long as you can guess this step based on your own observations, as my servant said, you really are a tricky opponent."

After hearing a word, Lucifer subconsciously felt that the fact became: interesting.

[Follower], no wonder I felt a little strange in the previous two.

It was really not a living person.

However, if this is the case, then the other world he wants to contact now "you haven't answered my question."

Thinking of this, Lucifer continued to ask sensibly.

"I call them outer gods."

"Outer God"

Okay! Strange things seem to have increased again.

When I heard this place name before, it felt like a coincidence, but now it seems to be the arrangement of fate, or the maliciousness of fate.

"Those... twisted monsters are... masterpieces under their influence.

Originally, my ritual was only to **** blood from the people in this city, and then absorb their blood in an instant.

But their arrival changed my mind."

Zbia continued to speak calmly.

"You want to use the power of these things"

Lucifer almost understood what this guy wanted to do at this time.

I have to say, he really dared to think about it.

Use the power of the outside god.

This practice is not something that everyone dares to play, not to say that they dare to really do it.

Even if I think about it, I feel crazy.

After all, those things are not like gods in this world, and it is not clear what they are.

"For the future of the world, I need their power."

"Ah! The future of the world"

For some reason, Lucifer felt that this sounded familiar.

When did the ancestor of the dead also keen to save the world? "Knight King, you shouldn't stop me.

This world is destined to be destroyed, and the age of your existence is ultimately destined to end.

I have repeatedly calculated countless times, and the matter in this world is the base, no matter how perfect the formula is, I cannot avoid this future."

"It turns out that the calculation parameters within the world can't get the desired result, so you want to introduce variables outside the world.

As far as the alchemist is concerned, your thoughts are very easy to speculate."

Hearing Lucifer's words, Zbia subconsciously thought that Lucifer understood his thoughts.

There was a touch of movement on his cold expression.

"It's better if you can understand.

Now, we only need to sacrifice 5000 people here, and we will win the future for the world.

It's a bargain! There is no reason to fight between us.

Now as long as you go back, describe the things here as the plague and seal them up, no one will know what happened here."

In his opinion, 5,000 people were sacrificed to save the world.

This deal is very cost-effective.

Compared with the people of the whole world, not even compared to the whole of Britain, five thousand people 5,000 is nothing.

However, Lucifer's answer to this was yes.

"It's a pity, I refuse!"


"Let's not say whether the world is going to extinction that you said in your mouth is a fact.

Even if the end of the world is really coming, it is my business to stop it or not.

I have no plans to pin my hopes on others.

Especially the unreliable things like the dead."

This is Lucifer's answer.

Even if the world is really going to be destroyed, he has his own way of coping.

Even if you do everything you can do in the end, you still can't stop it, and you won't regret what you have done when the time comes.

If you listen to what he says like this, you will let go in the face of unavoidable despair and entrust your hope to others.

Then even if you fail, you can protect your self-esteem, and it's not me, it's the person who said the wrong thing.

If you really did this, it would be different from the believers that I thought was ridiculous before.


"Besides, did you make a mistake?

I am the King of Britain, and I have already shouldered the future of this country.

Sending one's own people to the hands of the dead to sacrifice something, that is not what the king did."

At this point, a smile appeared on the corner of Lucifer's mouth.

Joan is below, still: fighting.

If she is still here, I can already imagine her expression at this time.

no.289 Killing is not a problem

Faced with Lucifer's statement that he seems to cherish the lives of his subjects, Zbia sneered.

"Stop kidding, okay, Knight King.

You really care about the life and death of ordinary people.Before you suppressed several rebellions, before the war with France, the number of people who died at any time has far exceeded the current number.

Now you say... tell me that you have sympathy for them."

Zbia's expression turned into disgust, as if disgusted with Lucifer's hypocrisy.

Judging from a series of operations after Lucifer came to power, he may be called the knight king in most people's eyes.

But this does not mean that he does not have blood in his hands.On the contrary, the price of building this new country is the blueprint drawn by Lucifer with blood.

If you are unwilling to act on them because you sympathize with the lives of people here, in Zbia's view, it is just a big joke.

"That's why I said, you don't understand anything at all!"

Lucifer seemed to see through the other person's thoughts at this time, and a helpless smile appeared on his face.

"I don't understand what you mean"

"Yes! As you said, thousands of people have died in my hands, and I don't know how to count them myself.

Among them are French and also Britons.

To say that I care about their life and death is just a joke.

Before I came here, I had already made plans to bloodbath the entire Salem in the worst case scenario."

"In that case..."

As soon as Zbia wanted to say something, Lucifer interrupted him.

He shook his head, helplessly turned into sympathy.

"But! Those were all decisions I made based on my own judgment, and were not affected by anything else.

I am the one who makes the decision, and I am the one who gives the order.

Instead of you.

I act on my own will.

Do you understand what the end of the world is said..., then I will tell you now.

Even if it's... the end of the world, I won't be threatened by someone who is not even a dead person.

I will change the ending in my own way, instead of being influenced by others to make decisions like you."

Lucifer said his decision firmly.


Even if you are really facing the end of the world, how to deal with it or not is your own business.

As he pinned everything on unknown possibilities, he couldn't make such a decision.

I believe in the future, but it is the future created by my hands and the future witnessed by my eyes.

"Affected by others..."

"Is not it.

What I just said is that in the case of alchemists, when the calculation parameters in the world cannot calculate the result, variables outside the world are introduced.

There seems to be no problem with this idea."

"My formula is perfect, and there is no possibility of this seeming ambiguity."

"But...the problem is that this idea of ​​yours was born, or how can you conclude that the parameters outside the world can correct the results that you can't calculate."

Lucifer asked the dead disciple in front of her.

Through the conversation just now, Lucifer has a doubt.

The other party firmly believes that he can rewrite the future.

But the problem is that this guy was an alchemist before, and he couldn't get firm conclusions without a definite test.

I have already seen this in the fellow alchemist Hohenheim.

So the question is, why did he believe so firmly without testing.

There is only one answer..."..."

"There are two things that give all of our lives to us now, experience and instinct.

Alchemy is the accumulation of knowledge, belongs to the experience of reason, and it is itself annoying.

Instinctively interfere.

Even if there is a flash of light occasionally, it is due to the accumulation of knowledge itself, rather than instinct.

Not to mention, you, as a dead disciple incarnation of a magician, you can't have the instinct of an outside **** from the beginning.

"what do you want to say in the end"

"Then the problem is coming.

Why did you come up with the idea of ​​introducing external variables and firmly believe that you can use them to solve the world's crisis? There is only one answer.Your idea does not belong to yourself, but you discovered it from somewhere else.