The King of Knights in a Different World

Chapter 222

In this way, Rome also had to stand with Tristan.

Of course, they didn't rest all night, and now they have some mental problems, but they still can hold it.

In this way, a little bit of time passed, and it came to noon.

The two sides have been facing each other like this, as if there is no idea of ​​doing it.

When the time came in the afternoon, the eyelids of many soldiers on the side of Rome were already fighting, but they still reluctantly stood by themselves.

After waiting for a long time, while Lucius was still: angry at Tristan's despicableness, the army led by Lucifer appeared in the sight of everyone from another direction.

After seeing Lucifer, this time, Tristan did not hesitate and directly launched the first wave of offensive.

Countless knights began to charge towards the stronghold in Rome on their horses.

The Roman side suddenly had some spirit, and they were ready to take advantage of the cavalry in front of the enchantment.

Lucius temporarily handed Tristan's offense to Duff's command, and he himself led his guards to face the attack on the east side by Sifil.

The knight in Tristan's tie got closer and closer, and when he was about to approach the Roman barrier, Tristan shot a loud arrow into the sky.

Rome has not yet understood what is going on, and has already felt the magical fluctuations of the earth veins, these...the magical power began to turbulence, and it became: very abnormal.

The entire process takes a very short time, and the result is...The great barrier of Rome shattered like glass.


Lucius also discovered this anomaly, but he didn't have time to think about it.

Because the holy sword in Lucifer's hand is already shining with a huge magical light.

A sword swung down, and a golden torrent spurted out.

Faced with this situation, the magic sword in Lucius's hands was also liberated at the same time.

A stream of red magic power collided with a stream of golden magic power, and for a while, the war was covered by a storm formed by magic power.

However, after the storm, there was another torrent of golden magic.

"Damn! You don't worry that your holy sword Lucius has no time to complain.

He clasped his hands tightly, and the holy sword in his hand began to liberate again.

Generally speaking, a strategic weapon like the Holy Sword will make the sword body ``heat up'' after being liberated once. If there is no special design, the consequence of always liberating the Holy Sword may be the collapse of the Holy Sword itself.

So even if the magic power is enough, people will not continuously liberate the holy sword.

But now Lucifer is too short again, making Lucius feel this is unscientific'.

Once more magical impact, even greater dust flew in the sky.

Lucius looked at the holy sword in his hand, and he felt that his sword might be shut down in a short time if he tried it again.

Fortunately, Lucifer's third liberation did not come.

But what followed was the army led by Lucifer. At the moment when the barrier was broken, Rome had to face the two sides of Britain and attack it.

For a time, the entire battlefield became: Purgatory, and soldiers wearing different armors were carrying out the most primitive killing.

While Lucius kept cutting down the British soldiers, he also found a problem, that is, these people's fighting skills were obviously not good.

These are all recruits! Thinking of this crucial moment, Lucius feels that he still has the possibility of a comeback.

However, the price of his distraction was... an extra wound on his face.

If he hadn't opened the sword quickly, his head might have been cut in half.

When they confronted again, their swords collided.

At the same time, they felt the tremendous strength coming from their arms.

"Damn it! You are not the king of knights, anyhow you give me a kind of demeanor of knights.

Attacking while I am distracted, your knight king’s name may be weeping."

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lucius saw Lucifer for the first time.

But he is very upset now.

"I don't know if my knight's name will not cry, but if I dare to be distracted on the battlefield, should I say that your mentality has exploded, or should I say that you are simply stupid and dull."

With that, Lucifer's sword suddenly let go.


Feeling the strength in his hands emptied, Lucius' reaction suddenly took a while.

Just when he thought it was a good opportunity, when he was ready to proceed, the holy sword was held by Lucifer backhand after a full rotation, Lucifer staggered and confronted Lucius, and the sword slashed towards Lucius. Neck.

Lucius instinctively used his left arm guard to block the blow, while the magic sword in his right hand slashed forcefully.

The sword slashed to the ground, causing a sudden sinking.

Lucifer's figure had already stepped back a few steps, pulling away.

In the following encounters, Lucifer continued to use similar swordsmanship.


The whole process seemed to be playing Lucius.

Swordsmanship is not a face-to-face battle.

, But the sword goes slant forward.

"With swordsmanship.

It's all so insidious, are you really a knight king?

There is a kind of: fight me head-on!"

After a few times, Lucius's already very hot heart became even more angry.

Zhan Kong once again, he roared out.

Lucifer was very happy about this.

"I almost understand now, you are just pure stupidity.

Yes, it's like an orangutan.

Fighting with orangutans naturally has the way to fight against orangutans, and fighting with dragons has tactics against dragons.

What humans rely on to defeat foreign enemies.Here, this is something humans can do, but animals cannot.

Sorry, your mind probably can't understand what I just said."

With that, Lucifer pointed to his brain.

Then he continued to speak.

"Oh! I was wrong again. You may not have a brain."

"Asshole! Just right, you don't need Anthony to play, just watch me do you directly!"

In the rage, the magic sword in Lucius's hand glowed red.

He is ready to kill the enemy and mine.

However, before that, Lucifer hit his sword with another sword, and at the same time made his hand feel a shock.

Following that, the entire concentrated magic power disappeared invisible.

"Are you really the captain of the Roman legionnaire? You actually want to make trouble regardless of the enemy and me."

Lucifer's words detonated Lucius's last reason, his eyes flushed, and he began to transform into a berserker.

He just wants to be Lucifer now.

no.318 Despicable outsider (please ask for votes, ask for customization)

The battle was coming to an end, and the support of the enchantment was lost, and there was no suspense about the victory or defeat from the beginning.

"Despicable Knight King!"

In such a sigh, Lucius knelt before Lucifer.

After waking up from the madness, he finally understood the significance of Lucifer's previous series of operations.

Lucifer was deliberately provoking him, yes, as they did before.

If he fights steadily, he will lose, but at least he won't lose as he is now. It just smashed Lucifer's armor without hurting him.

He can even fight and run away.

"Frenzy will enter a period of weakness, um, this information is indeed correct.

The strength is good, but... almost brainy."

As Lucifer said, the two identical selves around him turned into phantoms and disappeared into the air.

In fact, the opponent has been there just now: one-to-three, of course two of them are just phantoms with insufficient strength.Originally, based on his combat experience, he shouldn't be defeated so fast, but he lost his intelligence after going crazy and did a lot of useless work.

"You guy, just like Anthony, you hate me.


After that, Lucius no longer...can't help but fall.

The wound on his body was not deep, nor was it a fatal wound.In fact, it was the sequelae of excessive force that caused him to fall.

At the last second before falling, he somewhat regretted it.After all, if he didn't entangle with Lucifer, but chose to escape, he might be able to break through with some troops.

After all, Lucifer is all recruits.

The battlefield becomes like this, and the knight is not easy to pursue.

It was precisely because of this that Lucifer chose a simple and direct tactic.

"Unfortunately, I thought you could support it for a while."

With that said, Lucifer put away his sword.

At the end of the war, Lucius fell, many Roman soldiers put down their weapons, and they chose to surrender.

Lucifer has no time to count how many prisoners there are.According to the time, Anthony may have followed him.

He called Tristan directly.

"Tristan, find a soldier with a Roman accent, let him change into the clothes of a Roman soldier, and take this to the east to ask for help from the upcoming Anthony, forcing the other party to start a rush.

Remember to find a ten chief of the public face to ask for the identity information, especially to be careful not to keep up with the upper-level acquaintances."


"Percival, you lead three thousand knights around the hillside of Hongye, and wait until we go to war to give them a fatal blow."


After dealing with these two things, Lucifer ordered Budika's subordinate Lawrence to take four thousand people and 400 to guard the prisoners on the spot, and completely disarm them, and he led the people to prepare to fight back directly.

The battle here didn't last too long, so I had to go back and hit him by surprise while Anthony hadn't noticed the situation here.

Otherwise, let him know the result of the war here, and he is likely to run away directly.

On the east side of the battlefield, Anthony led the elite of Rome carefully forward.

While Lucifer was worried about being discovered, Anthony was actually worried about him being discovered by Lucifer.

In his opinion, if Lucifer made it very likely to attack him first, and at the same time send someone to let Lungominiad in the fortress flanking him, so that he turned into luck instead, Lucius was in Attention was drawn earlier.

From the sentry all the way, Lucifer didn't seem to have a lot of sentry thoughts behind, and occasionally saw a few of them, and they handled it well.

The plan looked very smooth, originally he thought so.

But I don't know why, there is always a feeling of restlessness in his heart at the moment.

"Is there an accident? No, it's impossible. Even if there is an accident, Lucius's strength can solve it, and at the worst, he can retreat to the ground line and wait for me to arrive.

But what is the feeling in my heart"

Anthony murmured, feeling something was wrong.

However, at this moment, the leader in front hurried over on horseback, and he reported the news that he had just received to Anthony.

"Report to General, we just got an important piece of information."