The King of Knights in a Different World

Chapter 243

In the office, Lucifer sighed long when he saw the news.

"What's wrong, I rarely see you sighing like you do now."

The secretary Lungominiad asked strangely.

"Watch it for yourself."

Lucifer motioned for Lungominiad to sit down and handed her the information in his hand.

Lungominiad got the information and read it seriously, and then her expression was also surprised.

"this is!"

Lungominiad looked at Lucifer, as if to verify the authenticity of the information.

"This kind of major event shouldn't be wrong. Soon news of the death of the two kings will spread across the mainland.


"Is the king sighing for their death?"

Recovering from the initial surprise, Lungominiad was much calmer at this time.

After all, the person who died was not Lucifer, she just regarded it as news.

"Not at all.

I also regret that my strategic plan has to be rewritten."

In a sense, this can be regarded as a plan that cannot keep up with the changes.

"What do you mean?"

``Originally, the two-part plan made by Lei Di and I, in the final decisive battle, the one who won will get the whole world.

But now..., I didn't expect him to die before leaving the teacher, and my plan was ruined."

From the current point of view, it is completely immersed.

Rome is different from Rose. Rome has an heir, but Rose does not, which means that Rose will enter a period of chaos next.

The problem is that this chaotic era has entered a bit early, if it is two years later..."..."

"You know, the reason why Lei Di is eager to do it is not only because there is a good opportunity before him.

The more reason is that he doesn't want to give me a chance.

Because my overall strength is not as good as him, even if Rome is defeated, I won't get much...good.

But now it seems that Lei Di and I underestimated Caligula's determination."

Before that, neither he nor the Lei Di had ever thought that Caligula would completely pave the way for Nero with his own death.

But when you think about it, this seems to be a matter of course.

Caligula knew that there was not much time, and instead of...finally dying in the ward, it would be better to bloom the last brilliance of life.

I just ignored this.

"Go out with me, Mia."

Thinking of this, Lucifer looked at Lungominiad.

no.344 no one to prove

By the edge of a wood outside the fortress, Lucifer and Lungominiad stepped off their horses, quietly enjoying the feeling of the breeze blowing in their ears.

Lucifer walked to a tree and looked at the fortress of Rome in the distance.

"Please don't get lost."

Lungominiad came behind Lucifer and comforted softly.

"I'm not lost, I just feel like I underestimate those...Wang.

Lei Di saw the threat posed by mine, so he was ready to act first.

Caligula also saw preparing me to wait for the opportunity, so he came up with this quick solution.

Although the price was his death, his goal has been achieved.

It is impossible for Ross and Rome to continue fighting, and I have no chance."

It now appears that not only did the most ideal situation before not happen, but also the worst consolation prize.

On the surface, Caligula's self-destruction only exploded to himself and Lei Di, but he actually brought himself in.

In any case, Caligula is decisive and decisive as a king.

He blew himself up, changed the limit, and completely shattered his plan.

Although the price was his life, he was stunned by death.

"On Ross's side, although Lei Di has a prince, he does not have an official heir. After Lei Di's death, Rose will definitely have civil strife because of the throne.

It may be an opportunity then."

"Civil strife will definitely happen, unless there is a powerful prince who can coerce others to be crowned.

However, there should be no civil strife in a short time.

After all, Rose’s prime minister is sensible, he can suppress it for a while."

Lucifer thought for a while and said.

Most of those princes are straw bags.The advantage of this is that the prime minister can still control the power for a period of time.

Ross is not Britain, and the aristocracy destined him to be impossible to take the emperor to make the princes.

Civil strife will happen sooner or later.

"I don't think he can suppress it for long."

"It's not just him, the princes may temporarily put aside their prejudices and join forces when they see external threats.

However, this is only temporary.Once they feel that there is no threat from the outside, they will turn their eyes to the country.At that time, there will only be one result: civil war.

If I were the emperor of Rome, before I died, I would definitely leave an order to let people surrender the ownership of the Fire Fortress, let Ross, no, at least make those princes feel safe now."

Lucifer suggested a possible strategy.

On the surface, Rome seems to be at a disadvantage, but it is not.

As long as Ross is in conflict, the Flame Fortress will still return to Rome, and it may even make Nero famous in the first battle.

"Then there will be what you call civil unrest."

"Well, the technique of retreat as advancement, he had already used it once twenty years ago.

Last time he pitted the King of Heroes and Lei Di. If it works well this time, he might be able to take the entire Rose."

It can be imagined that by then Rome has stabilized, and Rose is still: civil strife.

In the face of this situation, as long as the ability is not too bad, it is not a problem to win Rose.

"Will you interfere?"

"It's not the time! Now Ross is like a frightened animal, whoever dares to do anything to him, they will chase that person and bite desperately.

In fact, instead of taking Ross now and then trying to integrate them, I hope Ross will have a king who inherits the will of the Lei Di."

Originally, Rose's fall should be good news for himself.

But it was not time for it to fall, especially now that France in the south still has a teasing superior.

If you don't get rid of this bomb first, you really won't be able to go north.

After all, no one knows that Yubi will make it.

The previous Piping was a normal king, so he knew what he was doing, but now the prince Piping has a very strange brain circuit, and suddenly he did nothing... It's normal.

"This request is too difficult."

"I know too! Forget it, I don't want to for the time being. Since Caligula breaks the game with death, I should give him some respect."

"Don't fight here in Rome?"

"Rome is similar to Ross now, and whoever dares to be beaten by Rome as a mortal enemy.

We must know that although the Roman emperor died, the overall strength of Rome has not declined."

Having said this, I feel that Nero is very lucky.

He looked at Lungominiad and said in a different tone.

"Stop talking.

Now I want to relax."

"Yes, I know."

Lengominard arranged her dresses and sat down on the lawn, her expression a little nervous, Lucifer smiled and put her head on top.

"Sure enough, there will be no headaches in this way, and you can still see the wonderful scenery."

"My body doesn't bother you.

If it's a pillow, Mira is more suitable than me."

"Mira is of course suitable, even if you just look at it, you can understand.

But the person I rely on now is Mia, you, and the person next to me is also.

Speaking of it, Mia, I have always been curious.

The blood between you and Leah is almost gone, but they still look like this."

"I do not know either.

In my memory, I was only a descendant of a baron, although I said that I had royal blood, but that...I don't know how many generations ago.

If it weren't for this generation, I would not be Leah's aunt at all.

Although Lungominiad and Leah are related, they just don't know how many generations ago they were in contact.

There are too many royal families like her, too many to be hardly remembered.

If it weren't for her sudden outbreak, other people might not know her as a person, let alone let the first king recognize her identity.

"It sounds like a hard time."

"My childhood was actually not too hard, I spent most of the time in training.

At that time I met Arian Hurd and went to many places together.

Because we saw the destruction of many villages, we decided to become knights and guard this country together."

"Speaking of which, Mia is so beautiful.

During the period, did anyone pursue you?"



"Well, I used to appear in front of everyone as a men's wear most of the time.

Because in war, men are more convincing than women.

By the time I realized that maybe I should be in a relationship, no one dared to approach me anymore.

you are the first."

Lungominiad's tone was very calm, as if he wasn't talking about himself.

But in fact, she should have given up. After all, the three 3 conditions that are very common in her view are beyond the limits of human beings.

"And the last one."

With that, Lucifer grabbed Lungominiad's arm.

Lungominiad also smiled at this, she had never thought that she would be like this before...

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but think of her friend.
