The King of Knights in a Different World

Chapter 278

Thinking of this, Lucifer was ready to use the holy sword.

Ironically, the former owner of this sword had fought with the gods and eventually defeated Yuxing, but now he wants to aim it at the gods.

"Your last forgiveness is also satisfied, take it to the underworld.

After you die, I will let all humans disappear until I live as the only human."

When the words fell, hundreds of bears rushed towards Lucifer.

Their huge figures overwhelmed the sky and almost blocked Lucifer's avoidance directions.

Not surprisingly, this is just the data at work.

All the bears surrounded Lucifer in this way, forming a group.

The victory or defeat seemed to have been divided, and just when Archimedes thought that Lucifer was already in the bear's attack, he heard Lucifer's voice from among the bears.

"Did you make a mistake?"


In consternation, the flame ignited, and all the bears were reduced to ashes in the flame.

Lucifer holds a sword in one hand and is in a sea of ​​flames.

"Just now I didn't want to waste magic power, but now, since I already know the point, there is no need to keep my hands."

In the words, the restraint of the holy sword in Lucifer's hand has been liberated layer by layer.

It stopped when it was liberated to the fifth floor.

Originally Lucifer wanted to attack with Leah, but Leah is now entangled in the armor Ata and can't get out.

The light of the holy sword continued to gather, and the Eros body controlled by Archimedes also began to gather power.

Archimedes is not sure if the sword in Lucifer's hand is the legendary holy sword, but no matter what, he understands that he must take Lucifer down with all his strength.

The storm that began with the magical impact caused the clouds to disperse, and the sky seemed to have a second sun for a while.

Gradually, the power of Eros seemed to overwhelm Lucifer, and Archimedes' smile became more...confident.

Just when he thought he would win soon, a golden light suddenly flashed out of a storm formed by magical power, and this ten-meter-long thunder light instantly penetrated the body of Eros.

A sudden blow reversed the situation, and the power of the holy sword had all the opportunities to hit Eros.

Under the baptism of the power of the holy sword, the body of the **** gradually damaged, and then began to fall.

"Thunder and lightning!"

At this time, Archimedes noticed that Phil had let go...Europa, his left hand was still beating with thunder that did not dissipate.

Then, before he waited for too much thunder gun: Why is there such a power, Lucifer had already jumped on the body.

Lucifer was about to come to him in front of him, and Archimedes immediately started his art, intending to mention the core first before escaping.

However, at this moment, his heart suddenly appeared before his eyes.

Another one appeared at the same time.The arm penetrated his body from behind him, and at the same time, it grabbed his heart.


Archimedes looked at the rear with difficulty.

That... the person who stabbed him back was Koyanskaya.

"Ah! I was expecting you to show him a little bit of color, but now it seems that you are just a monster, even if you get the power of the gods, it is a waste.

By the way, I forgot to tell you, that person has the power of thunder and lightning that can defeat the gods.

In terms of the power of thunder and lightning alone, he may even be above Zeus."

The fox said with a cruel smile.


"Since you have failed, then this treasure, I will leave."

With that, the fox directly crushed his heart.

At the same time, Archimedes' right hand was torn off.

Originally, the fox wanted to defeat Lucifer through this...mathematician, and waited until they were both injured to come out and take the head.

But now it seems that this one... is not very reliable.

She can only plan and grab the treasure directly before Lucifer arrives.

Thinking of the humiliation he suffered before, just when the fox was ready to laugh at Lucifer's failure, a huge black crescent appeared in front of the fox instantly.

She had been paying attention to Lucifer just now, but she didn't see Lucifer swinging the sword.

Seeing that he was about to be cut off, the fox subconsciously blocked it with the staff in his hand.

Then, the crescent moon twisted into a snake, it directly bit the front of the staff and returned to Lucifer's hand with the front part.

At this moment, Lucifer came right in front of the fox.

The two of them met again on the falling body.

"How could you!"

The fox looked at his only half of the treasure, with a sullen expression.

She also didn't expect Lucifer to cut the treasure.

"Your surprise shows that you don't know me well enough.

We meet again, my lovely Chihuahua."

Lucifer took the other half of the treasure and said with a smile.

After knowing that the essence of the treasure is...the king's weapon, Lucifer felt that he still knew this thing very well.

"You really are a nasty man, so serious about meeting women, be careful not to find a girlfriend!"

"It's a pity, I'm already married."


"Are you going home with me, Chihuahua"

With that, Lucifer took out the collar again.

"Although the fox is a canine, it is completely different from a dog.

It's also different from cats.

They don’t show kindness to humans just because of the food in one go."

The fox didn't want to join the group at all.

She is now preparing to find the flaw and escape.

"It's a pity, it seems I still have to wear a collar for you."

Just as Lucifer attacked the fox, a light arrow flew in the distance.

It was supposed to be Atta shooting Leah's arrow, but Leah evaded him and went to Lucifer.

Lucifer directly grabbed the arrow of light and smashed it.It was this moment that gave the fox a chance to escape.

The figure of the fox directly disappeared into the air and left his last words.

"The disgusting man, although I didn't move back to the game this time, at least it was a tie.

I forgot to tell you that the guy who just died...he gave himself an insurance when he was alive. As long as he dies, the insurance will be activated.

You better go back and have a look now."

Lucifer watched the fox disappear, and instead of chasing him, he looked at Leah's side.

In fact, if she only defeated her opponent, Leah would not be so restrained.

It is precisely because Atta is standing opposite, she will consider not to kill the opponent directly.

In addition, after Ata has armor, he can fly in the sky.

As a result, Leah's battle has become more troublesome.

However, it's just trouble.

Thinking of what the fox said just now, Lucifer did not wait, and the long bow in his hand was aimed at Atta himself.

After one arrow, Seven Arrows quickly shot down the armor on her body.

Losing the shackles of the armor, Atta recovered from his dementia.

She quickly jumped and landed almost at the same time as the divine body.

Clouds of dust rose on the ground, and Lucifer took Europa out of the ruins.

no.388 I want to drive Gundam

Just after Lucifer basically solved what happened on the holy mountain, Athens on the other side also had a big problem at the same time.

In the distant sky, the stars that symbolize disasters are shining, and I don't know when they will fall.

This is not the only problem.The heroes also need to face the Gods soldiers led by Attila and Icarus.

Together, these things are dangerous enough, but at this time, there are betrayers among them.

The man named Odysseus put on the armor and then killed his companion.

In the first step, Achilles' unfading flower was destroyed by him.

If it weren't for this...hero who ran fast, he would be almost killed.

After all, he did not expect an attack from his comrades.

"Odysseus, what are you doing!"

Achilles' feet were stained with blood, and his expression was extremely angry.

"Run away, Achilles! I can't control myself."

Odysseus' voice revealed a struggle.

The attack in his hand did not stop half a point.

"I can't control what happened to you"

"I don't know, but my armor moved on its own."

With that, Odysseus quickly flew a crowd to one of his lakes.

Achilles chased Odysseus's figure and then came to the lake, and then he realized that he seemed to have made a wrong decision.

Because... "What is this!"

On the surface of the lake, a giant white Gundam: just rising from the water, Odysseus flew to Gundam: Middle, and for an instant, Gundam:'s eyes glowed red.

The strong magic power makes the lake rough.

On Olympus, Lucifer had awakened Europa, and Leah and Atta had also walked over.

After a simple opening, Europa used farsighted magic to see what was happening in Athens, and the final picture was fixed on the white Gundam: body.

"Wow, Gundam:!"

Seeing the radish from childhood memories appeared, Lucifer subconsciously exclaimed.

This place really isn't magic.

Lucifer was convinced again.

"Gundam: Your Majesty, in fact, the name of that machine should be [Riding God]."

In response, a gentle smile appeared on Europa's face.

"Riding God"

``In the past, the gods used the power of thought between the two pieces of the Seven Treasures to create seven units based on gods in order to fight against the stars.They can be manipulated by humans to exert tremendous power.

And these seven mechas are... [riding god]."

Europa tells the origin of the riding god.