The King of Knights in a Different World

Chapter 327

Just after coming down, they can't wait to open the snacks they just bought for them.

Lucifer took Leah's hand and sat down together.

They have always liked dating here, not only because of the scenery, but also because of the atmosphere.

This is not the kind of place where couples gather, but an atmosphere full of art.

Some painters, musicians, and even singers will practice here.

"I haven't seen it for a while, it seems that there are more foreigners here.

Is it because of France?"

Leah looked around and found some interesting questions.

Before they came here, most of the people they saw were British natives, but this time, it doesn't matter...

You can see people from other countries in terms of accent, body shape, and appearance.

For example, a certain bearded man sitting under a tree and writing looks like a Rose.


After France disappears, some people should come to the city to make a living.

After all, this is the political and cultural center of Britain."

"That's right, but occasionally I wonder if things will consume the knights' will.

It's not that I can't understand the need for entertainment, but in recent times, I always feel that there is a trend of over entertainment..."

Seeing this, Leah frowned and said.

She doesn't hate it.

For entertainment and art, I just think that the knight should focus on fighting.


Lucifer looked at Leah with satisfaction.

From the initial Knight Ji to the present, Leah finally learned to think about the future from the perspective of the country.

"Did I say something wrong?"

"No, how come.

It's better to say that Leah is very interested and has learned to prevent micro-duplication.

What you said is correct. The area of ​​this city is only this big, and it is fine now. If this continues, maybe one day it will really become what you said."

In fact, I was already thinking about this issue when I came back.

It's just that I was busy with Joan before and never took time to see the actual situation.

It seems that there may be no problem in the present, but it may cause big problems in the future.

"No, as long as you are there, it won't be like that."

In this regard, Leah is very confident.

"In order to see your smile, I will try my best to find a way.


"I thought of it so soon!"

"Of course, who do you think your man is?

Do you need to think about such small things for too long, but, Leah.

I also want rewards, your reward belongs to Leah."

"Lucille is true, you can't help it."

Facing the request that Lucifer took the opportunity to make, Leah smiled with helplessness.

She tidyed up her skirt, then gestured to Lucifer.

Compared with the initial shyness, she is now able to cope with Lucifer's various requirements calmly.

Just like the beach before, the swimsuit she has always rejected is also habitually worn.

no.443 unqualified

Lucifer smiled and enjoyed Leah's knee-to-back service.

Although looking up from here, there is no such beautiful scenery as Lungominiad or Joan of Arc, but it is very comfortable to lean in this way.

Not only physically, but also in the heart.

"It makes you more comfortable.

I have been thinking about how to use the royal city on the other side of France, and now I just have a way.

I want to make it a center of art and culture."

Lucifer said his solution.

The royal city of France has lost its significance as a political center, but its foundation is still there: As it loses its significance as a political center, the situation there is getting worse, and now it needs something to infuse it with vitality.

And art is just right.

Think about the past life of Paris, known as the capital of fashion and art, and the same thing can be made here.

"But, what about defense issues"

Leah thought for a while and asked.

She is more elongated because of military considerations.

"Isn't there a fortress around the border? Just leave it to them."

Lucifer said.

In fact, with the original border fortresses of France, the defense of the Royal City of France is not so important.

Even if the opponent broke through the border and took down the Royal City of France, the political significance would not be so great.

After all, the Royal City of Britain is here, and the current Royal City of France is just the city council of one of its own counties.

Thinking of this, Lucifer couldn't help feeling that the next step should be a way to deal with Rome.

Judging from the current strategic arrangement, if you can take down the southwest of Rome, you can save your troops to defend one place, and then you can use the southwest of Rome as a decoy, and the extra troops can join forces to attack Macedonia.

Thinking of this, Lucifer temporarily turned away the idea.

In any case, today is the time to go out for a date, it is not good to think so military.

"oh, I understand now.

By the way, who are you going to take with Rose this time?"


"Of course I am going, I'm talking about people other than me."


Lucifer said the answer without even thinking about it.

"she was"

Leah was very surprised by this.

"What's wrong, very unexpected"

"Quite unexpectedly, she doesn't look like someone who would be involved in this kind of thing.

In normal times, I always use reading to cover up, and only Joan of Arc can talk to the master."

Leah thinks that the most unlikely of these people to go should be Yu Ji.

Although she has stayed here for two years, she is still not very gregarious.

Although she has no previous guard against the small team in the harem, it does not mean that she gets along well.

"She said she didn't want to owe me favors."

Phil calmly explained the reason.

"A personality as awkward as Al.

No, Al is honest about her.

But except for her...look between us, she is wary of other people, even the maid's eyes."

"You may be wrong, Leah.

She simply doesn't like humans.


The evil that exists in human beings, because they can't bear these...maliciousness, so I chose not to look at it.

In fact, her nature is a very simple and gentle person."

Lucifer quietly talked about the price, but Leah didn't think so.

"Simple and gentle, no matter...

From any direction, neither of these two words have anything to do with her.

She only feels grumpy for me."

"It is because of gentleness that I can't forgive this world. It is because of its simplicity that I don't know how to get along with the world.

These...After showing up, it becomes more like irritability and alertness."

Because she is the true ancestor of elves, higher than the boundaries of humans, she looks at humans more in a way of observation.

Because of this, she is very annoying.

Human evil.

But on the contrary, if she can meet pure humans, she can get along well, which has been proven in Jeanne.

"Thank you, Lucille. While paying attention to the situation in the country, I also need to care about everyone's situation.

I obviously do something, but I don't know what I should do."

"Like now, just keep yourself.

It is precisely because I can see the smiles on your faces that I can focus on the future of my country.

I have said so.

Leah, all you have to do is smile.

Regardless of....

I will take care of whether it is a country or a family.

It’s just that occasionally I feel a little unqualified."

Having said this, Lucifer sighed.

In the eyes of other people, as a king, he is very good at handling state affairs or leading troops on expeditions.

It might even be too perfect...especially after the French war.

After all, it only took more than two months to completely beat France to the ground, which is unmatched.

But occasionally thinking of her family, Lucifer felt a little delicate in her mood.

"How could it be unqualified? No."

``Even though Joan and Anna didn't show it every time before I set out, they must be worried for me in their hearts.

Let them live with the mentality that I might die in battle one day, plus the fact that they have not come back for a few months, so occasionally I wonder if I am somewhat qualified as your husband."

Leah was silent for a long time when she heard Lucifer's words.

She thought about a lot of things, the most of which was getting along with Lucifer.

"If Lucille was asking me, my answer is, no.