The King of Knights in a Different World

Chapter 336

But the more this happened, the more terrifying he felt Lucifer.

Now Britain has concentrated the power of France and Britain, and its national strength is already comparable to that of Rome.

If it's completely digested, it's even still on it.

In this case, if there is no alliance, Macedonia will find it difficult to confront Britain.

This is also one of the reasons why he is not opposed to a war against Helen.If Helen can be won, Macedonia will have the strength to compete with Britain.

Of course, if you don't win, it doesn't mean that Macedonia will definitely lose, but the probability of losing will be much greater.

After all, the opponent not only has national strength, but also an excellent king and knight.

If it is not strategically advantageous, it will consume. Macedonia certainly does not have the current British energy consumption.

"The teacher meant that after the Knight King rested, he would do it again.

How much time is left"

Alexander thought for a while and asked.

"One year, maybe less.

Because of France's harsh policy before, the French have very good acceptance of the tolerant policy of the Knight King.

Especially the first method of the Knight King.

This trick is quite profitable."

Aristotle tells the time they have.

Before the French army had nearly 300,000 surrendered, although only 100,000 of these people were left behind, the others were returned to their hometowns for production.

But it can be called whenever necessary.

Coupled with Britain's original military strength, this is a pretty terrifying number.

"The teacher concluded that it will take about a year for the Knight King to re-emerge"

"I'm talking about large-scale actions, if it's a local war.

With the military strength that Britain has not suffered much before, it can act at any time."

"Macedonia cannot be defeated in a local war.

Then there is no need to worry about it for now."

"But, my king.

If we can't take Helen within a year, then we must retreat quickly to prepare for the British attack."

"I see.

It's a pity that the little girl in Rome doesn't have the ability of her uncle, otherwise she can be used to suppress Britain."

Having said this, Alexander sighed.

Two years ago, everyone thought Caligula was a good move, and brought Lucifer, who was about to fish.

It now seems that his actions at the time may have been miscalculated.

However, this is not the time to think about this.

"She! The internal problems of the country of Rome have gradually been exposed in her hands, if she does not want a solution.

The next target to be defeated may be Rome."

"Rome also has internal problems"

"The eight countries of the mainland have been passed down to this day, and all countries have internal problems.

France fell so quickly because it couldn't solve its internal problems, and Rome's internal problems began to appear gradually.

Ross' contradiction was temporarily concealed by Lei Di's death, and there will be no problems for a while.

Macedonia’s internal problems have temporarily disappeared due to the expansion of the king. As long as there is a king, there will be no internal problems."

Aristotle talked about the current problem calmly.

"How about other countries?"

Speaking of this, Ptolemy also asked with great interest.

"No need to say more about Jidong.

Far away from the war on the mainland, their internal problems have evolved into a civil war.

There is no future for this small country.No matter who will unify the mainland in the future, the Far East will have only one way to surrender.

The Far East, a country waiting to die, can be ruled out.

Let me say that the strength of the Babylon country lies in their king, but on the other hand, as long as the actions of the hero king are contained, the remaining part is vulnerable."

"Listening to the teacher, the situation on the Sun King's side is similar.

Although his divine beast army is troublesome, it is only troublesome.

The only thing left is Britain."

The hero king and the sun king seem to be very strong, but the strongest is the king himself.

At present, there is no existence in complete confrontation with the two kings.

But on the other hand, once such people appear to contain them.

Their subordinates may be wiped out during this time.

"Britain...I still don't understand this country.

Originally, there was no appearance of the Knight King, and this country had already been divided by the Three Kingdoms.

Even if the Knight King managed to save the situation, the domestic problems were equally serious.

But he chose the most direct method, using reforms to rejuvenate the entire country.

On the surface it seems to be encouraging chivalry, but this spirit is based on the knight king himself...that is to say, as long as the knight king issues an order, the whole country will become a war machine under the slogan of'for the glory of the knight king ."

Aristotle is not... the one being fooled underneath.

He clearly saw the meaning of the words for the Knight King.

In particular, Lucifer's policy allows others to see that they can have a bright future only as a knight king, but they have never thought that this sentence can also be used in reverse and become a propaganda for war.

Of course, even if he talks to the Britons now, others will only regard him as crazy.

Wouldn't listen to him at all.

"Is the current trouble really the Knight King?"

Seleucus felt his chin and thought.

Although from the current point of view, the only places they have to guard against are the west and the south, it seems that it is not easy for Britain to enter.

But France should have thought the same way before.

Then, there is no after.

"No, the current trouble is how to take Helen.

Britain is a trouble for the future.From the fact that the Knight King previously allowed the establishment of the church state, he will not act on a large scale at least in a short time.

And this will be our only opportunity.

If you miss this time, the next one to be destroyed is...Macedonia."

Aristotle continued at this time.

The disappearance of France changed the situation on the mainland.

If you don't want to break the situation, the next thing you can expect is that the number of countries will decrease.

Until one person completed the territory of the old empire a thousand years ago.

"It doesn't look like he looks like such an aggressive king."

"I saw him once, I can tell you all.

He is very similar to Wang in one point, that is, both have the ambition to target the mainland."

"Listening to the teacher, I feel a little sorry that the person who visited him last time was not me, otherwise we should be able to talk very well.

It would be better if there was a good wine."

Having said that, Alexander has some regrets.

As kings, they have very few opportunities to meet.

It used to be okay, but now in this situation, they have no chance at all.

"You will definitely see each other on the battlefield in the future.

My king, I still want to ask you to think more about the strategy I proposed before."

"Don't think about it.

If we can't even win Helen with our strength, how can we face Britain even if we have Helen."

Alexander directly rejected his teacher's suggestion.

In response to this, Aristotle sighed and said nothing more.

no.452 Undead

Paris, the city that was renamed because of Lucifer's order and held art conventions, is very dynamic at this moment.

But with the entry of a large number of people, some illegal people also entered.

One is located in the underground hall of the church.It was originally a retreat for the bishop, and few people know it.

But now, some new guests are welcome here.

"Have all the people gathered?"

A young man took off his black mask and said to his colleagues.

"Everything is here, Master Murike.

Thanks to Lord Kangel’s help this time, we were able to enter here and get so many weapons."

Another young man with green hair spoke.

"What does it mean to come, Kelsey"

"The seventh team, the fifteenth team, and the sixteenth team, they...their captain has disbanded Black Ash himself, and doesn't want to ask about these things."

"Traitors! They are all traitors! Where is the Prime Minister"

Murray loudly rebuked those people for their ruthlessness.

His words darkened the faces of several people around him.

They are no longer the black ash of France, and now they have lost their country but are just a group of undead.

"The Prime Minister said that he is just an old man living in seclusion.

He also said that he had dedicated everything to the French royal family all his life, and now the French royal family no longer exists.

He just wants to live quietly with his family."

Kelsey said frustratedly.

He had already met Bismarck before coming here.

The former prime minister concealed his name and lived a secluded life in a mountain.

Although he was not in his home country because of the negotiation when France was breached, he thought that was his duty, especially after hearing that the royal family was killed by his dragon, he blamed himself even more.

For this reason, he refused the solicitation of the King of Conqueror and Nero.After returning to his own territory, he also rejected the people sent by Lucifer, but disappeared with his family after changing his name.

"Damn it! Even the Prime Minister! Traitors, they are all traitors! How about the church?"

Murray continued to shout.

Originally, they expected Bismarck to lead them to restore the country, but now Bismarck is disheartened.

"The church refuses to help a group of people who are trying to subvert the country.