The King of Knights in a Different World

Chapter 353

But Atta is... a simple hero, she must be very good in fighting in a small team.If you are a commander, then forget it.

This can be seen in the previous actions she led, and she would not command at all.

"The situation is almost the same, let's go back.

Let’s take a look at how Alexander makes moves.”

"it is good!"

With that, Lucifer and the others mounted their war horses and called the nearby guarded knights to return directly to the Mist Moon Fortress.

Just after Lucifer had completed the basic reconnaissance and returned, the Macedonian army came to a stop on the border of his papal state.

In fact, it is said that it is a border, but the Papal State is very small, and it only takes a day's rush to pass.

So it's not wrong to say that this is the battlefield.

There are still four days away from the Wuyue Fortress, but Alexander did not move further.

Because he got the news, Lucifer has come to the front.

Macedonia dispatched 180,000 troops this time.The army that fought Helen before did not come here, but used another part of the army.

In addition, the 20,000 people that the Pope Kingdom has barely put together, add up to a total of 200,000, and the 150,000 people facing Lucifer have a strength of 150.

In the head coach tent of the Macedonian camp, Alexander gathered the seven generals he had brought, along with his teacher and chief counselor.

In the first head-on war with Lucifer, he didn't care about it in the slightest.

You must know that with his personality, he rarely fights with one person when his strength is dominant.

"The Knight King came really fast, faster than us."

Alexander picked up the wine glass, but was not in the mood to put it on the water.

"King Knight, if you don't run fast, how can you be called King Knight."

Antico smiled and said indifferently.

"Yes! I hope he can run so fast when he escapes later, otherwise it won't be fun for me to catch him."

Niakas agreed.

"You are too careless, this kind of mentality is not good before the war."

Ptolemy solemnly reminded his comrades in arms.

"Ptolemy, we have an advantage in this war, do you know what this means?"

Attalos looked at his comrades and reminded.

"It means we have won."

Antipater next to him then said the...the answer they wanted.

Judging from their past experience, this is all true.

In previous wars, they usually had an 80% chance of winning with equal strength, let alone now.

"Not to mention, Rome also acted this time.

Let’s join hands with us. Now it’s better to say that when we break into Britain, we should grab something back."

Cassander said indifferently.

Almost everyone in front of them thought they had a great advantage, so naturally they were very relaxed.

However, there is also a general who feels a little subtle.

"Don't be careless, everyone.

The other party only took a few months to destroy the Knight King of France, and even the previous...Charlemagne died in his hands."

Seleucid reminded at this time.

When Charlemagne was there, they had been stopped in front of the Mist Moon Fortress.

Now that the banner of the fortress has changed, a new enemy who is more intriguing has arrived, and they shouldn't be so relaxed.

"That's because Charlemagne didn't expect him to have a huge fleet."

Antico said without paying any attention.

"This is what I worry about. Since the King of Knights can take out the fleet, no one knows if he can take out other things."

Seleucus continued.

"General Seleucus is right. There are some things that are best left unattended.

Let's not talk about other things for the time being, just talk about the assembly of the army.

The distance on the opposite side was obviously farther, and in the end it ran ahead of us."

Aristotle said with some worry.

no.472 Roman tradition

This time, the happy voice in the tent gradually subsided.

However, it is only small.

"Compared to ours, the more important thing now is how is the situation in Rome"

At this time, Weber looked at Aristotle and asked.

"The three Roman regiments have gone to the west, and three more regiments have gone to the southwest."

"Looking at it this way, is Rome's main attacking direction to the southwest? The three 3rd Army Corps plus Caesar and Ganilon's original troops left behind, totaling close to 200,000.

Who is the Lyon Guardian"

Weber began to analyze the current situation.

From the perspective of military strength, the main attack direction should be southwest, but this is only from the perspective of military strength.

It may be a disguise, but in any case, Lyon's defender will have to bear immense pressure.

"The king's right hand, Altria.

Under the jurisdiction of Gareth, Astorfo, and Dion.

The total force is only about 130,000, but Lyon’s terrain is very good. As long as you give up the forward position, you can defend with less force in a short time, regardless of the long-term."

When Aristotle finished speaking, Antipater on one side couldn't help but say.

"The two former French generals, the King of Knights really dare to use them."

"This is exactly one of the knight king's interests.

Regardless of....

What kind of mood these two knights are heading towards the war, if the opponent they meet is a betrayer, they will do their best.


"And what"

"And maybe the two of them might make the original French Legion in Rome mutiny.

The reason why Rome sent three 3rd Corps to the south, I think it also has this consideration."

Aristotle was not as optimistic as Weber.

You must know that before surrendering to Ganilon, there are still 70,000 original French Legions.He surrendered, plus the previous war and internal problems, Nero has not had time to completely separate him.

The 70,000 people at war may now become a hidden danger.

In the unlikely event that Ganilon, the twenty-five son, was bought by Lucifer again, and a second betrayal occurred, he might confess his strength there.

After all, he has betrayed once because of money, and Lucifer may betray another time if he pays a high price.

"Suppress the rebellion?"

Weber took a mouthful of cigarettes and said a certain possibility.

"Ganilon is a betrayer after all, and no one knows if he will betray again.

Even if he didn't, if his knight betrayed, the situation would take a turn for the worse.

You know, the former princess of France is still there: in the palace of the king of knights, they have become princesses.Although the two former twelve knights had no real power before, the titles are still there:.

Compared to surrendering to Rome, surrendering to Britain is more acceptable to France.

Not to mention, many of these soldiers' family members are still in: British territory."

Aristotle never felt that the southwest was the main direction of attack, not to mention the geographical advantage, and said that the 70,000 French old army was a big problem.

In contrast, although Lungominiad is stationed in the west, there are the great hero Arash, the cunning Anthony, the sword emperor Lucius, and the exile Moro on the Roman side, and they are not impossible to fight.

After all, the reason why they lost so badly the last time was because Lucifer was there.

This time the Knight King is not to the west.

"Listening to you, Rome can't help it."

"If there is a gap that can be opened, the British company will collapse, but if it is defeated by the Knight King before that, our offense will also collapse."

"In that case, let us open this gap.

March on, aim for Paris!"

Hearing this, Alexander also had a plan in his heart.

He yelled, holding his glass aloft.

Following that, the others held up the wine and signaled their own king.

"Enter Paris!"

Just after Macedonia had decided on the battle target, in the main fortress southwest of Rome, Caesar had just sent Ganilon away.

After a while, he came to a room again, where three legion commanders were sitting.

The white knight Brad, as soon as he heard certain two people appear, the guy rushed over with a faceless plea for Nero.

The other two are Camilla and Octavian.

Camilla was demoted because of her previous defeat, and she is now asking her to redeem her merits, so her status is lower than that of Caesar and others on the surface, but although she is a female, these three dare not look down on her.

"how is he"

Brad asked with a smile.

What they care about is naturally a certain betrayal knight.

"So far, there is no idea of ​​betrayal.

But according to my judgment, don't expect too much.

This guy is a trash that is greedy for life and fear of death. Although your Majesty is kind, no one earns his subordinates."

Caesar couldn't help complaining at this point.

During this time, he has gradually understood the personality of this guy.

Simply put, it is... timid and fearful, but also greedy and lustful.

He once suspected that making this kind of people the twelve knights was...the reason for the destruction of France.

Although they are all very personal and can cause trouble, they also have principles.

They know what they can and cannot do.

But that... guy obviously doesn't understand.

"You are questioning your majesty's decision"

Octavian said calmly.

"Don't dare!"

"He is not an official legion commander yet, which in itself shows that your majesty does not expect him to do anything.

Camilla also spoke at this time.

"So why did you accept this kind of person at the time?"