The King of Knights in a Different World

Chapter 36

The blood of the dragon in your body has a huge resistance to potions, and it has not been successful in history to use potions to suppress the magic eyes of the dragon king.

Mine is willing to try, but it may take time."

Hornheim on one side seriously considered the possibility in front of him.

His eyes seemed to have discovered a new subject.

"how long"

"About ten years, if the principal can cooperate with me, this time can be reduced by half."

"Forget it.

Maybe I should listen to Dacci and find a palace mage or something."

Upon hearing this, Lucifer had no intention of listening.

In five years to fix these eyes, Lucifer didn't think Lu would give himself so much time.

I can only think of another way.

Seeing Lucifer with a thoughtful look on his face, Da Vinci couldn't help but feel a little strange.

She suddenly discovered that this...the young king didn't seem to see anyone from the palace mage.

"Does your former palace mage run away because you can't stand your oppressive character"

She asked curiously.

In her opinion, with Lucifer's personality, it is very likely that the previous magician could not stand his squeeze and leave.

She even maliciously speculated that the previous one might have been overworked.

"That guy wanted to play the girl-cultivation game from the beginning, and saw that my...the new king is not a beautiful girl, and he drove off by himself.

Speaking of which, if it were not for you to remind me, I would not have found myself without a court mage for two years."

During the words, Lucifer thought of the last time two years ago.

Since then, I have never seen Merlin again, even heard about him.

This...the crown-ranked mage really seems to have ran back to his tower, eliminating the traces in this world.

"Who is so unqualified"


The moment Lucifer said this name, the two people next to him were very surprised.


Da Vinci's expression became a little manic.

"The Magician of Flowers"

Hohenheim gave Merlin another title.

"Yes, that's... he, a man who comes with special effects as soon as he comes out.

You know"

Lucifer was a little curious at this time.Looking at the appearance of the two in front of him, they seemed to know Merlin.

But thinking about it, it's not too strange.

The circle of magicians is actually not big, they...It's not surprising that well-known magicians know each other.

The only problem now is...Da Vinci's expression is a bit strange. Could it be that Merlin did something to her? I can't see it, um...The Petal Man has a wide range of interests.

I don't know if Leonardo in this world has changed a male body to a female body, if so...Lucifer can't help but guess the story that Merlin and Leonardo have to tell.

"If it were him, you should feel lucky."

Da Vinci's unbearable look on his face made Lucifer even more curious.

"Oh! There is an inside story"

"That... a magician who likes to pretend to be pure when he is old, and deceives the feelings of ignorant boys everywhere is simply a scum among our magicians.

As far as the true magic level is concerned, that guy is only third-rate.

Of course, no... denying that he does know a lot of secret spells.

But he will never do things well for people."

Da Vinci was desperately blacking Merlin.

But in fact, what she said was right.

In the orthodox world of magicians, in addition to...knowledge, there are two criteria for judging whether a magician is...the first-class standard, even if it constitutes the speed of a wide range of magic, and the widespread use of magic Stability.

Regrettably, Merlin was not up to the standard on these two points.

Merlin's tactics are more to confuse opponents with illusions, and then take the opportunity to use his crappy spells to attack horizontally.

Or directly drew swords and slashed people.

Because of this way of fighting, this guy has been teased by other magicians as the Avalon Swordmaster.

Despite his swordsmanship.

It's really good.

"I seem to have heard something incredible.

To deceive an ignorant boy, you are sure that you are not an ignorant girl"

Lucifer was a little stunned at this time, he felt whether he had heard something wrong.

"That's right! It's...boy, a doctor I used to be fooled by the magical girl Meili's name for a long time.

As a result, when he was ready to confess, he actually said that he was a man.

Under such a blow, my doctor friend no longer believes in love."

"...No wonder he was still asking me questions about his illusion weaknesses when he left."

Okay! I underestimated Merlin's morals before.

Thinking of what he said before that he might be beaten to death when he went out, it doesn't seem to be a lie now.

no.82 Swindling money and sex? (please ask for tickets, ask for custom)

Think about it carefully, instead of... saying that Merlin doesn't want to assume the role of a mage, it's better to say that this guy is probably avoiding the limelight.

"The scumbag would have been beaten to death if he wasn't proficient in illusion.

Now that you know him, the next time you see him."

"Don't worry, I will beat him up for you.

By the way, although the possibility is very small, Da Vinci Qing, you...not also..."

Having said this, Lucifer couldn't help looking at Leonardo with some curiosity.

Could it be that Merlin had also tricked Da Vinci into deceiving money and deceiving sex, "During the last magic exchange, he blew up my magic workshop, which made my efforts in vain and made me almost homeless.

I will let him pay back this account sooner or later, yes, I will pay him back personally, using his body."

Da Vinci squeezed her mechanical arm, and the bursts of fire on the mechanical arm seemed to be telling her mood at the moment.

"Come on! Be strong! I'll find a reliable magician first."

After speaking, Lucifer left here first.

He worried that if he continued, something regrettable might happen.

At the same time, on an island country to the east of the mainland, this is the land of the extreme east and one of the territories of the original old empire.

Now known as the country of the extreme east, just as the countries on the mainland are actively preparing for war to map the world, this island country is also preparing for war, but it is falling into a civil war.

Because the countries in the mainland don't pay much attention to this remote and small place, the external environment here is relatively comfortable, so naturally there are problems inside.

On the streets of a city, Merlin was selling the toys in his hands like an ordinary wandering magician.

He suddenly sneezed.

"Damn it, who is cursing me again.

Is it Lucifer right, it must be... him, there has been nothing good since meeting him.

Now I can't even go back to my own home, it's unreasonable!"

Merlin's life is a bit miserable now, he originally planned to go home after bidding farewell to Lucifer.

As a result, he suddenly discovered that after losing his clairvoyance, the tower refused him entry.

He tried many times and has been: failed, and the room leaked even night rain. At this time, he was discovered by the old enemy.

So..., just to be safe, he was going to run to a place where no one knew him to avoid the wind, and by the way, he figured out a way to open the door.

"Hey! Third-rate magician, how do you sell this thing?"

A woman with animal ears picked up a long sword and spoke.

"Oh! The guests have good eyes. This sword comes from Britain, a powerful country in the west of the mainland. It was once blessed by the current King of Britain. It is very effective whether it is slashed frontally or hit hard.

It is said that the King of Britain used it to kill a hundred knights with a single sword."

Merlin borrowed Lucifer's reputation very smoothly.

Even though he was there a second ago: Tucao Lucifer himself.

"Ah, one hundred knights say that the king is very strong."

The woman named Suzuka Gozen was a little eager to try.

"Well, very strong! It is one of the strongest knights I have seen so far. There may be no more than five people on the mainland who can defeat him one by one.55.

Of course, not in gang fights."

In order to promote the weapon, Merlin began to blow desperately.

"What does that have to do with this sword"

"Guest, you see, such a strong person has this sword. Doesn't this prove that it is extraordinary in itself"

"It sounds reasonable.

what price"

"Say it!"

Thinking that he met a fat sheep, Lin's profiteer value began to skyrocket.

Forget it....

As Merlin tried to sell things for a living in the Far East, Lucifer met an acquaintance on the way back to the palace.

"Oh! Rarely, Sir Robin Hood, you will come to the King City to find me.

Is there something wrong with the forest?"

Closing his eyes, Lucifer said to Robin Hood in front of him.

During the previous civil turmoil, it was also thanks to this...the appearanceless king who gave him a very clear understanding of the intelligence of the rebels.

After the war, Lucifer gave Robin Hood the title of 1st Viscount.Considering his life, Lucifer just asked him to make a name and did not earn him the title.

For now, they are more like friendships.

"Not this time.

Since your policy of prohibiting private deforestation, the environment on the forest side has been much better.

It has been a long time since I pretended to be ghosts to scare ordinary people. Coupled with your reforms, I seem to have been unemployed for a long time."

Robin Hood smiled and spread his hands.

Despite talking about unemployment, he would rather remain unemployed.

The country in front of him is exactly what he once wanted to fight for, and his unemployment also means that there is no big evil person who needs him to be a punishment knight.

Robin Hood has now become a troubadour as a righteous thief, well, even though he has just started to learn, his level is not very good.

"So, this time I'm here to thank me for even preparing the thank you gift."