The King of Knights in a Different World

Chapter 363

"Um... why do we have to fight against Britain.

Even if you fail, just leave as before."

At this time a bishop named Martin stood up.

"Leave! Leaving, where can we go to Macedonia, we will completely become a vassal of the King of Conquer."

Rome doesn’t welcome us. As for Britain, if we could go, we wouldn’t be here now."

Richelieu calmly told a certain fact.

The church's life was not easy before, but at least it was not so miserable.

But the king of this era is too strong, leaving them almost nowhere to stay.

After the meeting, the pope left Richelieu.

"Archbishop, I hope you go to the courtyard of the saints to start that...forbidden thing."

"His Majesty, are you sure that after that thing is activated, even if we win, we cannot avoid the coveted hearts of Macedonia and Rome."

Richelieu looked at the Pope in surprise.

"As you said, we have no choice.

I will send my son Caesar Borgia to help you."

"If this is your order, I understand."

no.482 King vs. King

A few days later, the ground that had been turned into muddy water due to rain had dried up.At this time, Klitus and Klattus, who had been guarded by Macedonia in the south, finally came to the front line.

After getting ready, Alexander finally responded to Lucifer's challenge book.

In front of the Fogmoon Fortress, on the vast plains, Britain and Macedonia have already started their battles.

Due to previous defeats in the war, Macedonia's current military strength is equivalent to that of Britain, but they still have 20,000 troops of the Papal State.

So in general, it still has an advantage in military strength.

The military formations of the two sides were thousands of meters away.Before the official war began, Lucifer took Tristan out of the formation.At the same time, Alexander also took Seleucid to the front.

"Knight King, I have been looking forward to today's meeting a long time ago.

It's a pity that this meeting was on the battlefield, and I couldn't talk about each other's ideals while drinking.

What a disappointment."

Alexander the heroic on the chariot said to Lucifer.

"You really are the same as the rumors."

At this moment, Lucifer on the war horse was looking at Alexander seriously.

"You's a lot worse than the rumors, and it seems that you are not too good at drinking."

"Drink more while you can.

This is our first meeting, but it may also be the last."

The place in front of him is a battlefield, and if Alexander is defeated, the result may be...death.

This is the same for Lucifer.

"the last time."

"If you lose this time, I hope your bullock cart runs fast."

Invisible, Lucifer's words spoke of Alexander's escape before.

At that time, they only had a face-to-face encounter, and the result was Alexander's retreat, and in the end a general was lost.

Faced with Lucifer's angry words, Alexander said not to be outdone.

"For the same, I will return it to you intact.

Don’t think that you have won a small win before, that is... really beat me."

"I'm not that naive.

I accepted the request to meet me on the initiative, so let's talk about it now.

Although it is certainly not a word of surrender, I have said that everyone has a chance.

Take advantage of the opportunity now."

"It is indeed a rare opportunity.

If I shoot you and defeat you directly, does it mean that we have already decided the winner?"

Alexander touched his chin and laughed out a possibility.

King vs. King, if they decide the winner now, in a sense, it basically means the victory or defeat of Britain and Macedonia.

After all, this is a battlefield, and Rome and Rose had already staged it once before the sudden death of the king.

"This sentence may be true for you.

I am not established.

Although I don't think you will be so stupid, I will remind you for the time being.

If you just moved, you are already a dead person."

The calm words revealed Lucifer's confidence.

If it were one-on-one, Lucifer himself would lose to the king of conquest.

No, it should not be said that it will lose, it should be said that the winner is definitely oneself.

"Very good, that's...this is a question, Knight King, what is the ideal you are pursuing"

Alexander went directly to the topic.

His question is not so much an ideal as a question to the king, or even a question to Lucifer himself.

"An ideal country that can heal all hurts and alleviate all sorrows."

Lucifer answered Alexander calmly.

"Only in this way.

If this is the case, what you are doing now may run counter to your ideals."

"The way of turbulent times, strong will survive, weak will perish.

If it is just like you said, just blindly defending, as soon as possible, Britain will disappear into this troubled world.

The result of sitting and waiting is self-destruction."

"While swinging the sword of killing for the sake of protection, the heavy weight on the sword body, the precipitation accumulated by the undead, can you grasp the weight of the sword?"

Alexander's expression suddenly became serious.

"End war with war, kill with kill.

This is my way."

Lucifer raised his hand and said what he did.

Stop war with war, kill with kill.

The seemingly simple eight words reveal the heaviness of extraordinary people.

If it is for the pursuit of an ideal country, then there must be a pursuit for the good of human beings in this body and mind, but in order to pursue these..., they have to get their hands dirty.

For a knight who is pursuing an ideal, this process of leading to an ideal itself is a bit of pollution to the knight's heart.

"It's so sad, King Knight! In order to create a pure world where everyone can laugh and grow happily, your hands will inevitably be stained with sin and filth.

The more you fight and the closer you get to the end, the more darkness you will have.

If one day your ideal country really appears, everyone can laugh, everyone can grow up happily, and everyone lives in the light, then you will be the only sinner in that... ideal country."

Alexander keenly discovered a huge contradiction in what Lucifer wanted to do.

If Lucifer wanted to create an ideal kingdom of good people, then all the evils would inevitably gather on the king.

In the end, the king saved the country, but at the same time he also became a sinful person intolerant of the country.

"I know."

Lucifer's calm response surprised Alexander somewhat.

"you know"

"I have long been awakened.

My subjects dedicate everything they own to me, and I am crowned king to lead them to a brighter world.

This is the tacit understanding between us at the moment when we pulled out the sword of king election.

It was not a burden, but I took the initiative to choose the dark desire of the human heart.

So, you don't understand at all, Conquer King."

Having said this, Lucifer looked at Alexander, and his tone began to appear different.

Lucifer couldn't help but miss this scene.

It's not that I have had a similar experience, but that I have seen it on the screen, the Three Kings of Conquering King and Bullying King Mao.

Thinking of this moment, Lucifer was ready to counterattack as the Knight King.

"Oh! I don't understand what"

Alexander was not angry at this time, but asked very interestedly.

"Invincible, one day it will come to an end.

With [Conquer] as the goal, you who are watching the royal power in your eyes, the ultimate destination is... to die on the ideal path.

You won’t understand my kingly way at all."

"I may die on my way to chase my ideals, but Knight King, even if you really succeed in reaching your ideals, the world you created with your own hands will no longer have a place for you."

Alexander saw through the huge contradiction of Lucifer's ideals.

If he is the kind who may die because of a failed pursuit, then Lucifer's future is even more miserable.

no.483 Similar but completely different kingly way

Because Lucifer personally created a world in which oneself cannot be allowed.

Everyone in that world is a good person, so only Wang gathers the evil in this world.

"If there really is that day, it will prove that this country no longer needs the existence of a king.

When the Fa and principles are chaotic, people cannot see their essence, so they need a sign that can be seen, and that is the king.

When the law and principle become part of human habits, the existence of kings can be dispensed with.

For me, the best memorial is... to forget my own existence."

Lucifer's calm words revealed his understanding of the king.

If one day the world no longer prays for the appearance of itself, it does not need itself, and it can be forgotten.

That in itself shows that the world that I and Leah are looking forward to has arrived.

At that time, he will no longer be the Knight King, but an ordinary person named Lucifer.

It feels good that way.

However... "The world in your eyes is impossible to appear.

You may create brilliance, you may lead this chaotic world to the right track, but you cannot heal people's hearts.

Once you disappear, your descendants cannot reappear the same you, and when the world falls into chaos again, the light you once emitted will still be remembered by countless people.

This means that your ideal age will never come."

Alexander is the king who uses desire and gathers desire.