The King of Knights in a Different World

Chapter 364

He seems to be honest and honest, he understands people's hearts better than others.

Because of his understanding, he knew better that Lucifer's ideal world would not come.

As long as people still exist, they can't come.

People are fragile, and people need kings. Because of their needs, even if the country named Britain disappears, the people named Knight King will become legends and continue to pass on.

There is only one world that really doesn't need a king. People can move forward with their own hands and no longer need a world guided by heroes.

However, that is an impossible world.

"At least I am willing to try and change."

Lucifer said with a smile.

"Your changes have no meaning and are doomed to fail."

"Change requires role models.

If no one takes the first step, just one sentence: For the sake of ideals, everyone in the world is a monster."

"You can correct this world legally and lead this fragmented world to a complete right track, but you can never change the desires deep in people's hearts.

Because desire is the driving force of our human existence. Want to live better, want more, want to become stronger, this is the root of our human existence, and you want to limit them with legal principles, this is not What the real king should do."

Alexander sighed, it was for Lucifer himself.

"Oh, is that right"

"of course.

The real king should make people look forward to, enviable, jealous, and make people rise up from their hearts to become that kind of person.

Those who are more kind and evil than good people, who walk between good and evil and bear the ideals of all the people, are the real kings.

It is the ideal of the king, the ideal of a country.

But you are actually making your compatriots your slaves."

The King of Conquer held up his hands and shouted, reaching the army formation behind him.


The sounds overlap each other, and they roll more and more loudly like a tide.

The soldiers behind Alexander were holding spears and shields, and at this moment they were responding to their king.

It is precisely because Wang's ideal is their common pursuit that they will come together.

This bond may spread beyond time and space to the other side of time.

Faced with such a huge momentum, Lucifer was not shocked, nor was he too surprised, let alone a trace of movement.

He smiled faintly, and the whole person was terribly calm.

Tristan next to Lucifer still closed his eyes, and his expression did not fluctuate at all, and he was not even infected by Alexander.

Starting from this, the entire British army was also terribly quiet.They did not move at all, as if they had not heard the momentum in front of them.

Unlike the Macedonians, they have experienced that... chaotic era, an era when nobility is supreme, blood is supreme, and ordinary people have no chance of getting ahead.

In an era where birth is everything, people can't see hope.

But Lucifer's appearance broke everything.

So they voluntarily become Lucifer's power, not only for themselves, but also for their descendants, and even for the future.

The Macedonian voice is still there: shouting, Alexander also enjoys this kind of cheering, but at this moment, the cheering has produced a different laugh.


This smile is not big, but it reaches everyone's ears.

This laughter is completely different from cheers, and it sounds harsh to others.

At this time, everyone in his Macedonian stopped cheering, because they found that no matter how they raised the volume, the sound would still appear.

Just one person suppressed the cheers of hundreds of thousands of people here.

In the silence, only Lucifer's voice was extremely clear.

"Haha! It's so interesting.

The ideal of the country is the ideal of the king, and the king bears the hope of all his compatriots.

Haha! I didn't expect you to say such a thing, Conquer King.

This is not like you."

Lucifer rarely laughed.

It's a kind of laughter that sees strange and interesting things.

"Not like me"

"You just said that I am making my people my slaves.

But what about you now, taking the initiative to shoulder the ideals of the country, gathering the unconscious ideals of all your compatriots, are you a slave to the people like this, maybe you can say that after you are defeated by me, you are a slave to the people , The people did not give you strength, so you failed.

What a perfect excuse, isn't it."


"Looking alone, listening alone, arbitrarily, arbitrarily, this is the king's way.

Those who have concentrated the ideals of all the people are qualified to be called kings.

Did you make a mistake? Because my people agreed with my ideals, they gathered to me little by little.

Because of identification, they want to see the prosperous scene I bring to them.

Since the time I drew my sword, countless knights have shed blood for this, and before I stop in the future, perhaps more people will definitely die.

I have already prepared for this.

For this reason, even if the hands are covered with blood.

This is the essential difference between Lucifer and Alexander.

If Alexander saw the will of the people, he took the initiative to shoulder everything, and made himself a role model and the king who created prosperity.

Then it's just the opposite.

I show the world I want to see, and then I attract people who identify with me to move forward.

It seems the same, but the process and the result are reversed.

no.484 You just love yourself

If you use an artistic metaphor, Alexander is the kind of person who...will create for his audience and gain great prestige and benefits, and he is the kind...created for the purpose of his own interest, attracting many people, but People who gain prestige.

Goals and means, they are diametrically opposed.

He thinks more about the audience, and he thinks more about his wishes.


"you got it.

It is I who show the ideal prosperity before their eyes, so they are willing to follow me with their own will.If I am light, they are part of the light, and if I am dark, they are part of the shadow.

And you, now you say that a person who has concentrated everyone's ideals is the real king, hello, so you don't want to be Alaya.

The deepest part of the unintentional collection of human beings, that is the home of your kingly way, but after seeing that...the truth, you might go crazy because of it."

Lucifer smiled and gave Alexander a way.

The unconscious collection of human beings has always only one desire hidden in the deepest part, and it is also the mark that human beings have hidden in the deepest part of human blood and soul since birth.

Don't want to die! This is the ultimate desire of mankind, for this unconscious desire, mankind will give everything.

But this kind of crazy obsession at the same time led mankind to destruction, contradictory and distorted.

"Draw your own ideal picture and attract others to come.

What if they don’t think of your ideals"

Alexander did not respond directly to Lucifer's laugh, but said another problem.

"You can disagree with me, choose to leave, or even you can oppose me, choose to swing your sword at me.

There is no absolute requirement."

"You are... quite tolerant."

While speaking, Alexander began to feel that Lucifer was terrible.

If it were him, he would not believe in a person who disagreed with his ideals or even opposed him.

Naturally, he would not be allowed to be a courtier, but Lucifer was different.

This means that Lucifer's courtiers may even oppose him.

He knew it, but he was still using them.

Whether it is a courtier or an enemy, it can easily play between the palms, which is a very terrifying ability.

"I have always been tolerant, as long as you learn to think clearly before swinging the sword, the result after a sword.

I don't think there is any problem."

"I still can't agree with your overly correct kingly way."

Thinking of this, Alexander shook his head.

"I don't need your approval.

Don't you understand, Conquer King.

What you are pursuing is not at all about unifying the world, nor is it the ideal of your subjects, you are just simply falling in love with that...the ideal self.

That’s why you can keep moving forward like you are now."

During the words, Lucifer changed his tone and directly revealed the deepest desire to conquer the king.

Lucifer continued his current tone and continued to talk about the King of Conquest in his eyes.

"Because you will never be satisfied. After the unification of the continent, you will put your target on the stars in the sky, and after the sky disappears, you will put your target far away.

Life is just vain, because you are dreaming a dream that will never end.

The moment of waking up from a dream is...the end of the dream.

You are destined to dream on the road, because that is where you belong."

The moment of awakening from the dream is also the moment of death of the conquering king.Only death can make the boy wake up from the dream.

However, the moment is only a moment, if there is a world after death, it will continue to have this dream that will never end.

I have been chasing the other side that I can never reach in my whole life.It may not be a mirror image, but it will not be satisfied.

Such him, the last return.

That is the moment when he can be peaceful for a moment.

"My home..."

"A road that never ends.

Because there is no end, you can go on forever without worry.

But it's also because there is no end, you don't know how to stop your footsteps when you have already set off, and you never thought of stopping your footsteps."

This is the life of the King of Conquer.

The never-ending ambition, that was the reason for his initial departure, has now become the only direction in his heart.

Such a king will never be satisfied and will always continue to run.

Because once stopped, the person named Alexander ceased to exist.

"Haha! Maybe you are right.

But this is my dream, this is the path I choose.

It is up to me to decide when the dream ends, whether there is a...the end at the end of the road, I only know when it comes.