The King of Knights in a Different World

Chapter 379

If you are well prepared, wait until they react.

I have landed in Selga Lane.

At that time, France's victory will be staged again."

Lucifer's words at this moment carried tremendous confidence.

"I must complete the task."

"Let's go! There are no sentinels in this area, so go to the next area immediately.

It's up to you next, Atta."

Having said that, Lucifer had no intention of continuing.

"give it to me.

My arrows will not let go of a Macedonian sentry."

"Knights, head north.

Keep going."

Speaking of which, Lucifer rode on his horse, and Atta also rode on his horse.


Under the leadership of Lucifer, a dozen knights here quickly disappeared on this hillside.

They didn't even want to clean up the spoils, but judging from the equipment of the knights just now, they also look down on the poor and tattered side of Macedonia'.

It wasn't until Lucifer left for a long time and the body piled up that the sentry who was pierced by Lucifer himself slowly got up.

He covered the wound around his heart, sweat and blood filled his whole body.At this time, he was injured very badly.It can be said that he is supported by will.

He had been in the pile of corpses just now, and he didn't dare to move.

He could only reveal that he glanced at it, and found that there were the Knight King and his princess, he didn't dare to...look again.

For fear that Lucifer found out that he was not dead.

Throughout the process, he has been: passing through despair and fear.

no.502 opportunity here?

Originally, he was doing this only because of his instinct to survive, he didn't want to die.

But I overheard a huge secret.

The moment he heard this secret, his heart was beating, but he was immediately forcibly suppressed, for fear that he would be discovered.

He was then pulled out of the pile of corpses to make a knife.

Finally, after Lucifer had left for a long time and confirmed that the opponent had completely disappeared, he dared to stand up slowly.

He took a mud-like medicine from his captain and pressed it on his wound.

After a simple treatment, he even completely lost the armor on his body and replaced it with a dress like a beggar.

Under this circumstance, he took a piece of wood and walked into the distance swayingly.

If he didn't want to die before, now he just...want to bring this amazing news back.

Even if he died, he wanted to take the news back and die again.

At this time, he didn't realize that he was under Lucifer's supervision from leaving to disappearing.

"Notify Tristan, the plan is beginning, and get him ready to plan and start the action."

In the distance, Lucifer retracted his gaze and said to the knight beside him.


The knight quickly left and ran towards where Tristan was.

Time passed by, and it wasn't until the evening that this...Macedonian sentry finally ran to the line.

Before that, he had also encountered a team of 1 British guerrilla knights, but the opponent was attracted by another team of Macedonian sentries and started fighting.In addition, he pretended to be dead on the ground, and the opponent did not find it far away.

Until here, just when he thought he was safe, the sound of a war horse came from the distance behind him.

He looked back and saw that Tristan was leading a team to kill a group of 1 Macedonian sentries.

Seeing this, he immediately ran forward.

After coming to a stone, he hid it.

The sound of the battle soon ended, the whole team was killed, only one rider ran across the line, and then he kept running.

"My lord, there is still a knight! Do you want to chase?"

A knight next to Tristan asked Tristan, "The king ordered us to kill the Macedonian sentry online.

He has fled outside the line.

The king's order must not be violated, there is no need to chase it, and retreat!"


After speaking, Tristan left with the Cavaliers.

At this time, the other party finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, with the help of the horse of the sentry who had just escaped, the soldier finally ran back to the camp in Macedonia until late at night.

At this moment, Alexander, who had already fallen asleep, immediately summoned all the ministers.

They once again gathered together to discuss the top-secret information they had just obtained.

"Is the information reliable, sage"

Seleucus asked for the first time.

"I used magic to search for that Shi Yi.

It was the information that the Knight King personally said, and the object was his princess.

The soldier was seriously injured, if it weren't for the sword of the heart, he would have died.

He escaped by hiding in the corpse.

Although there is no detailed plan, there should be no problem with the content."

Ya said her judgment.

After receiving this news, he first used magic to search the other party's memory.

Then it was judged that since the soldier had no trace of magic used, it meant that the memory was not a disguise.

And the injuries on his body are also enough for him to get information in a difficult situation.

"Despicable Knight King, he really wants to deal with us in the same way he dealt with France."

Antioch spoke loudly about Lucifer's viciousness.

"Fortunately, Wang has already thought of his plan in advance."

Attalos looked at Alexander at this time, his expression full of respect.

"Thinking of this is one thing, now the key is how to do it.

When is the other party leaving, if we don't figure out these............, our plan cannot be carried out."

Alexander is not too happy, his expression is still very serious now.

Even if they heard the news, the news only confirmed their suspicions.

Lucifer didn't give a detailed plan, and he didn't know Lucifer's arrangement, so it was of little use.

However, on the other hand, such intelligence is more credible.

If Lucifer gave detailed information at the time, they would think there was a problem instead.

People believe in what they infer more than what other people tell directly.

"There are two things the king needs to pay attention to.

Judging from that memory, the King of Knights intends to leave on Mount God, and he intends to let Saint George come to the front.

With these two points, we can know when the Knight King left."

Aristotle noticed the clue left in Lucifer at this time.

With two points, they only need to see when the riding **** is leaving, and at the same time whether St. George is on the front line, they can understand whether Lucifer has left.

"If this is the case, then we have to change the previous reconnaissance method, so that the soldiers' blood can no longer flow in vain.

This is Mount Jessi. Teacher, I hope to place a clairvoyance on the top of the mountain, so that although you can't see the situation in the Knight King's camp, you can always see if the riding **** leaves."

Thinking of this, Alexander pointed to a hill on the sand table.

This mountain is very dangerous, and it is almost impossible to garrison a large number of troops.Of course, even if it is possible, he will not put the troops in such a place.

After all, there is no sufficient water source there, and it will not come down if it is surrounded.

But on the other hand, it can be used as an observation point.

With clairvoyance props, people can see the British camp from a distance.

The details may not be visible, but the riding **** is definitely not a small thing.

"no problem.

On St. George's side, I will also send elite members to scout. As long as he leaves the Mist Moon Fortress, I will know for the first time."

"Since the Knight King has thought of such a method, Saint George will not be alone when he leaves the fortress, he must be accompanied by a large army.

The reason is to make us think that St. George is here to support, so that we don't dare to do anything."

Alexander's words analyzed Lucifer's tactics.

Think about it carefully.Since Lucifer was allowed to leave, Britain definitely didn't want to take the initiative to fight.

In order to take advantage of Macedonia's previous defeat, Saint George will not only not steal it, but will show up.

Let Macedonia dare not move.

His words were approved by everyone.

"Since it is known that the Knight King will leave, Attalus, the number of sentries can be reduced next.

But it can't be completely absent."

Alexander thought for a while and gave the order again.

Before he sent the sentry to confirm whether Lucifer would leave, now that the goal has been achieved.

He didn't need to let his hands go down and die.


"If the Knight King leaves, we will choose to attack one day later."

"after one day."

Seleucid wondered why it was a day later.

Isn’t the attack faster, the better? "The king is worried that the knight king will use the riding **** to come back."

Aristotle gave the answer to everyone's doubts.

It can be imagined that if Lucifer really uses the riding **** to fly, in case they attack too early.

Lucifer might fly back.

In contrast, it is much safer after a day.


If it is a day later, even if the riding **** comes back, it will take one day. One day is enough for us to break through the British camp."

no.503 I think there is a problem, no, no problem

Britain and Macedonia started their own arrangements with their own thoughts.