The King of Knights in a Different World

Chapter 391

In this way, the military mentality on the Macedonian side has stabilized a lot, but Helen is still determined that Alexander is about to die.

Because they didn't see that...The King of Conqueror went to war.

The morale of the Hailun army also increased.

In fact, this news is really related to Lucifer.

However, the increasingly exaggerated rumors are not Lucifer's driving force. Lucifer's Darkmoon Knights are hidden in the dark.Although they have power in Macedonia, they will not do such trivial things.

After Milan received Lucifer's news, he obeyed Lucifer's order and sold the news to the king of Helen at a high price in the name of a merchant.

Then, after discussing with the kings of Helen, who thought they had obtained the treasure, they thought of such a way of using the news.

And it was Odysseus who dedicated this strategy.

And this is just the beginning.Before the army of Alexander came, Odysseus and Pericles discussed another... Then came an ambush at a critical time.

On both sides, under the attack, Perdiccas lost most of his forces and had to abandon the fortress and continue to retreat.

After World War I, Helen successfully captured this fortress, and this was also the first time Helen invaded the hinterland of Macedonia in the past ten years.

Although Alexander was very impatient, Aristotle severely restricted him from playing.

He also had to continue to endure it.

In this way, the war on Macedonia's side began to enter a stand-off period.

And at this time, the road of Lucifer King City who got the news.

Although this battle was a defensive battle, it was not entirely without gain.

For example, the inheritance gained after the disappearance of the Papal State.

For example, Richelieu was thrown into his hands to do things.Of course, the most important thing for Rufiel was not the archbishop, but the secret book of the church.

After the Papal State disappeared, all the books of the teaching were sealed by myself. After a period of time for people to organize them, I also put my attention to the most important secret. The records are not the magic of the church, nor the secrets. , But the deepest secret of the church.

According to the records, the origin of the church is not in this world, but was born at the same time as the treasure.

And what surprised me the most was that the previous church also had the Dark Moon Knights, and even the Silver Knights, these...the weapons gradually changed or disappeared over time.

The Dark Moon Knight became a Moonless Knight, and the Silver Knight became a Paladin.

The church has been collecting human souls a long time ago, hoping to get something called the soul of darkness.

Even the original bishop possessed a spell called miracle, which was a completely different power from magic.

After seeing these things, I almost thought I was wrong.

In order to confirm the doubts in my heart, I compared the church doctrine with the canon, and then I discovered an amazing fact.

Yes, it is amazing.

Although these ancient scriptures seem to be somewhat different from what I have seen, the important points are completely the same.

What's the situation! Isn't this the doctrine of the Baijiao has been changed a little?

The predecessor of the church is actually Uncle Gewen of the White Church, the dark soul of the church founded by the main **** Lloyd...Humanity...the soul is the currency..., did I miss it? In the carriage, Lucifer put down the teachings, and his expression became serious.

I originally thought that this church was more like the church in the previous life, but now it doesn't seem to be the case.

Not only the Seven Treasures, but even the church is related to the former Rodland.

The deep meaning has to be contemplated.

"What's wrong, your face is a little ugly.

Isn't the war won? You are not a believer. You don't have to be so surprised when you see the truth of the church."

Demeter noticed the change on Lucifer's face.

The church is the place of the gods for the believers, but for them...the true gods are just a toy.

Until now, they still have a temple in Helen.

In Demeter's view, Lucifer, a person who can command a god, would not be interested in this kind of toy at all.

Naturally, I won't be surprised.

"Demeter, do you know the secrets of the church"

Lucifer officially spoke.

"Know some, but not much.

I remember that at the time of God's generation, this church was created by an external god.

But at the time he was very low-key, only a few gods had seen him, and our impression of him remained on the word timid.

After that, we fell asleep and didn't know what happened in the world."

Demeter said what he knew.

In that era when there were so many gods, there were so many gods that even the gods themselves would not remember all the names of the gods.

"What was the name of the church in the first place."

Lucifer thought of something and asked a crucial question.

"I think it should be called Baijiao.

Yes, it's the name, Baijiao."

"it is as expected......"

"Look at your expression, it won't come from the same world as you."

"Look at my face, you should know the answer."

Suddenly, Lucifer felt an inexplicable feeling in her heart.

Baijiao, this church founded by Lloyd will actually appear here now.

Adding the king's soul, adding the two together, this is not something that can be explained by coincidence.

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When I returned to Rodland and didn't see Lloyd, when the White Church was imprinted in my own eyes, it was an era when the fire was gradually extinguishing.

The White Sect has also long since declined, and the most senior member of the White Sect I have encountered is a saint.

But now there is a certain **** who has come to this world and founded Baijiao...Could it be Lloyd.

No, it is not necessarily, it may be a pretender.

I knew I should ask Berja more about the Ge Man family.

"No way."

"By the way, what does that guy look like and when did it come.

The most important thing is, was there such a thing as the Seven Treasures in the world before its appearance?"

"What do you mean"

"It's nothing.

I just think that the gods have fallen because of the Seven Treasures, is there any hidden secret in this?

The treasure that the masters and craftsmen are fighting for is the ring of glory, a treasure with infinite magic power.

What you are fighting for, the dark night of the end, finally attracted the stars."

God generation, there are many gods on this continent, but their disappearance is more or less related to the treasure.

If the king's soul is the target, even a **** can't help the temptation.

"You think there is an age when a **** is secretly manipulating the gods."

"I want to secretly control all the gods, even I am very reluctant.

It's impossible without long-term preparation, especially if you said that the guy is very low-key, it's even more impossible."

"But you just said... that he is related to the treasure, and our disappearance is also related to the treasure."

"Your disappearance is indeed related to the Supreme Treasure, but I think he only predicted the disappearance of the gods.

So I prepared in advance and accelerated the process."

"What do you mean?"

"You may not know, in my last world.

It was an era when the flames were about to extinguish, and there were undead people everywhere at the end of the era.

God completely disappeared from the world.

Even the gods are not immune from the torrent of the times."

"So, you think we have encountered the torrent of the times"


And the appearance of the Seven Treasures has also accelerated this process.In the age when gods are doomed to disappear, people will become the mainstream.

That guy saw this, so he acted low-key and founded the church.

If nothing else, that guy might still be alive somewhere on this continent.

Even secretly manipulate the situation."

Thinking of this, Lucifer's expression became cold.

Of course, this is just my own speculation.If that guy is really somewhere, he shouldn't see the church that he founded just like this.

After all, the church is a good tool.

Judging from the current situation in various countries, there is no possibility of behind-the-scenes.

The only people in the continent countries that I haven't seen are the Hero King and the Sun King.

But judging from the information collected, these two guys are not the type...that can be pawns at all.

Even if the gods want them to be pawns, they will probably fight the gods directly.

In this way, at least the possibility of the other party's influence on countries is eliminated.

But as far as the intelligence collected by Dark Moon is concerned, the mainland does not have any huge dark forces.

Behind the biggest dark forces are various countries, that is, the king himself.


While Lucifer was thinking, Demeter gave an answer.


"The fox that ran to your palace before may have contact with him.

A fox's personality, she will not be a tool for the other party, more likely to be a collaborator.

I suggest that you catch the fox when it's time.


Demeter calmly said a possibility.

That fox was also from God's generation, and she didn't think it was wrong before.

But now it seems that I have heard the rumors that the fox has come into contact with that... foreign god, it seems doubtful.

"It might be difficult."

"Didn't you leave a collar on her body"

"One of my three three-collars has been broken. Not surprisingly, the ring of white education should have been destroyed.

There are still two collars on her. Until the collars on her body are resolved, my cute Chihuahua dare not meet with me at all."

Until now, Lucifer finally understood why his seal was broken.

The fox sought the church not only for the treasure, but also to lift...the seal on her body.

The remaining two of the three paths are Rune and the Dark Circle.

Lu En may still have someone who can help her, but the Dark Ring...If she can really lift...all the seals, it is basically certain that this guy is connected to the Black Soul.