The King of Knights in a Different World

Chapter 417

And the biggest problem with this choice is that even if it defeats Britain, Macedonia will not get the slightest benefit.

It might even attract me to abandon Rome and attack Macedonia."

If you choose this method, Alexander is equivalent to doing nothing.

Even if he could defeat himself, he couldn't continue eastward because of Helen's Seven Kings.

In the end, he helped Rome win the war, but he didn't benefit.

So it is impossible for him to choose this one.

"To put it simply...the first choice, even if Macedonia wins, in the end it will only help Rome, and they will not benefit.

Alexander would not do such a thing."

Mira is also aware of this choice.

If it is to prevent Britain from becoming bigger, this is a purpose.

But if you want to do this, it is obviously not worthwhile to attack.

Just like before, Lucifer was only Chen Bing in order to hinder France, and did not use force.

"Yes, so he will choose the second method.

Attacking Helen, while we can't take care of him in our full attack on Rome, Macedonia also fully annexes Helen.

You must know the situation in front of Britain.If he obtains part of Rome's territory, Macedonia is still in front of him, and he has no chance of winning.

For this, he must and had to attack Helen.

Only by getting Helen can he have the strength to compete with me."

Lucifer calmly said the only way in front of Macedonia.

Among the four countries around Macedonia, the Sun King does not consider it first.

Roma's defense may be weak at the time, but Macedonia now wants to have a happy life and can't delay Roma, otherwise the two of them will finish playing together.

As for Britain, with the previous example, Macedonia will subconsciously have a guilty conscience.

After being eliminated one by one, the last Helen in the civil war was...the best.

"Aren't we stopping?"

Mira thought for a while and continued to ask.

If Alexander is really allowed to get Helen, then the war with Macedonia will lose the previous advantage.

Other than that, the fleet offensive at sea is... a question.

"Block, of course you must block.

This is the fourth step I didn't finish just now.

Conquering Venice, dividing the Roman territory from this stronghold, and forcing the army of Rome and Ross to retreat to Bologna, this is the gateway to the Roman city.

When the Ross army arrived and confronted Rome, we left some of our troops in Venice, and then went south in a big way and suddenly turned the front of our troops to Macedonia.

While Alexander's army was trapped in Helen, once Macedonia was occupied, Wenquan Pass and Trimir were blocked."

If he captured Venice and annihilated the Roman army in this area, Nero would be meaningless if he continued to stay in the northwest.

In order to prevent Lucifer from attacking the royal city or being cut off, she can only retreat.

At this time, almost everyone would think that they would continue to attack Rome.

I never thought I would turn to Macedonia.

"Looking at it this way, is Wang's original intention still in Macedonia?

I very much agree with this idea.

Taking advantage of this good opportunity, no one probably would have thought that we would suddenly attack Macedonia. If the Alexander Department can be annihilated, Rome and Helen will be within easy reach."

Mira agrees with this idea.

Judging from the current situation, Macedonia is obviously weaker than Rome.

It is a normal choice to destroy the weaker countries first, and then defeat the strong ones.

In addition, Rome has Rose against it, and Britain has also attacked, which is not a violation of the covenant.

"There is still a little bit of Rome.

Since Rose has mobilized enough troops this time, we will let them be the vanguard to consume Rome's strength.

As long as we can annihilate Macedonia, no, not to mention annihilation, as long as we can penetrate the west and north of Macedonia, we can suddenly appear behind Rome where there is almost no defense."

During the words, Lucifer opened his hand, and a large area of ​​Rome and Macedonia on the map behind him gradually stained the color of Britain.

The whole process seems to be a simulation of war.

The marshal and the generals were in deep thought at the same time, and they were still: carefully comprehending Lucifer's plan.

If all the steps can reach the most perfect state, then Macedonia will disappear after this battle, and Helen will disappear with it.

It appears to be an attack on Rome, but in fact it was only to obtain Venice and thus liberate Britain's troops.

Now they need to guard two points, but after getting Venice, they only need to guard one point.

With Ross, it is almost impossible for Rome to counterattack.

They can calmly annihilate Macedonia.

"Quite bold plan."

Thinking of this, Mia said seriously.

"If the offense is presumed with the best results, nearly half of the continent will fall into the king's hands.

In the worst case, Macedonia and Rome can be hit hard."

Boudicka also spoke.

"I understand.

I will make arrangements according to the plan, and at the same time prepare the siege equipment, and wait for the king's army to turn around and start the offensive immediately."

Saint George also expressed his stance.

At this point, this plan can be considered as drafted, and they will continue to discuss the possible accidents in the plan, as well as the corresponding evasion methods and the duties of each person in this war.

From day to night, they worked out three 3 plans.

A master plan, a supplement, and a risk backup plan.

The latter two are based on the first one.

With Rose's announcement, this new year is destined not to pass safely.

Now that the strategic direction has been decided, Lucifer has handed over the layout of the tactics to his marshals and generals.

I stayed beside Joan and the others, enjoying the last time with them.

no.549 waiting

With Lucifer's strategy as the center, Britain has started its own layout.

However, most of the people below don't know what happened, they just followed the above commands.

Before Ross started, Victory Fortress and Lyon had increased their troops, and the number of troops had returned to when Lucifer sniped Macedonia.

Seeing this situation, Rome suddenly became nervous.

Most of them thought that Rose would move first, but they never thought that Lucifer would move his troops first.

In the face of this situation, Rome only sent corresponding troops to defend.

The plan they made before will retreat to Venice when necessary, but when it is not necessary now, it will naturally focus on defense.

Facing Britain's actions, Rome was taken aback, but Macedonia was temporarily relieved.

Because from the current actions, Britain is obviously ready to cooperate with Rose's offensive, so their pressure will be much less.

Of course, if I want to return, Aristotle has no intention of suggesting that Alexander withdraw part of the western forces.

In March, the snow in the north had just melted, and there was still the cold of winter in the air.At this moment, a huge army was marching southward on the plain.

As a queen, Ekaterina has not participated in large-scale wars before.The reason why she could win the civil war before was because of the proper use of people.

Therefore, this time she did not think she was self-righteous and felt that she was possessed by the **** of war, but listened to the opinions of various generals.

After arriving at the Flame Fortress, she integrated the two armies together, and after only three days of rest, she began a fierce attack on Rome.

At this time, in the Roman fortress, Nero also brought most of his family.

Just judging from the comparison of military strength, it is 500,000 to 700,000.

In fact, if it were not for Ross's consumption in the civil war, the comparison of numbers might be even more exaggerated.

While Ross still has a reserve army that can be organized at any time, Nero doesn't have much reserve force.

If the only thing that can give Nero some comfort, it is probably that the organization of the Roman legion is much better than that of Ross.

And half a million vs. 700,000, such a huge number may be thrown on the battlefield in one go, so when facing a confrontation, the ratio of the strength of the two sides is similar.

Her legion commander and tactician agreed that if Britain had a problem, it would only be a matter of time before they defeated the opposing legion.

At this moment, Lucifer did not go to the front line, but stayed in the king city to receive the information from the front.

The Victory Fortress has Boudicca as the marshal, and Leon's coach this time has been replaced by Mia.

The two of them respectively brought 140,000 and 150,000 legions of 150, and they have confronted the Roman army on the front line since February.

According to Lucifer's previous arrangement, they are all conducting tentative offensives, which is to allow Rome to defend on both sides, but also to test the weaknesses of the other side.

In Lucifer's office, Lucifer is playing chess with Milla.

Leah stood behind Lucifer as a guard.

Despite the situation in front of her, she didn't have much protection, so she paid more attention to being attracted by the chess game.

"You don't seem to be in a hurry at all. You missed the opportunity before you. You may not know how long you have to wait.

Mira moved her soldiers and chuckled softly.

That's right.

This opportunity is hard to come by right now. If I missed it, I might have this opportunity in a few years.

Just like before, Lei Di and Caligula were killed at the same time to give Lucifer what he deserved, and it was delayed.

Missing this opportunity may take a few more years, and Rose may have changed a lot in the past few years.

Macedonia may have swallowed Helen.

"The more you are at this time, the more calm you are.

Judging from the intelligence coming from the front line, the defenses on both sides of Rome are similar.

It seems that we need to wait for Rose’s pressure to increase before changes will occur on both sides."

Lucifer thought for a while and moved his knight.

"So you just wait like this"

"The only thing we need to do when we can't find any flaws in the enemy for the time being...wait.

It is impossible for people to be perfect all the time.With the passage of time, various accidents will appear, and so will weaknesses.

Even during this time, we can create opportunities ourselves."

At this point, a smile appeared on Lucifer's face.

"Oh! For example"

"Like the remaining old French Legion across from Lyon."

Lucifer named an object that could be used.

"They only have less than 30,000 people left. If they can think of countermeasures, it must be better before than now."

Mira didn't expect those people.

In her opinion, those guys are useless at all.